i hate game delays
Years ago
Useless court-sweeper
I know he's just a kid but, jeez, did anyone notice the pisspoor effort last night of that peanut masquerading as a court-sweeper in the Adelaide-West Sydney game? What a tool he was. I hope that was his last NBL match.
OK, I don't expect absolute perfection from a 12-13-yo volunteer, but my beef is that his slowness to react and general apathy delayed the game on a number of occasions, and while it had no bearing on the result last night, it may do so in the future, in a sport where momentum is everything.
I counted at least 5-6 occasions where he was just slouching on his backside ogling the cheerleaders instead of being proactive or at least promptly responding to requests from the refs and the players.
I noticed him copping what appeared a stern dressing down from one of the club officials at one stage, but it didn't seem to work though.
The same official had to practically wake the kid up and point to a wet spot on the floor literally a minute later, which the kid finally responded to by ambling up slowly, holding up proceedings and sweeping with all the urgency of a concussed sloth.
I don't think I'm being overly harsh, I just expect a bit more from someone who is doing a job that I bet a lot of his schoolmates/teammates would be envious of, and would most likely to it justice.