Years ago

How Can Chappell Have Changed So Much?

I fail to understand how a consistent 20ppg excitement machine can turn into a slow, inconsistent, 8ppg player 3 years later? He seems to have completely lost his explosiveness as well.

Topic #13697 | Report this topic

Years ago

Don't we have enough threads about him? Use the one below...

Reply #159772 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe he needs to be pushed. Not going to get that playing for Adelaide.

Reply #159774 | Report this post

Years ago

...umm the coach?? Phil is known as lazy,chappell has had coaches such as Joyce who are known to be 'intense' .. and he produced numbers, its pretty clear Chappellneeds someone on his back and to motivate him, and we know Phil aint like that!

Reply #159775 | Report this post

Years ago

no way can you blame the coach, chappell is just not up to it anymore, lost all confidence, his back injury has taken a huge toll on his game, bad luck

Reply #159780 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

I don't really buy that Phil is to blame. I think he just got worse. Maybe it was due to his back taking away his athleticism, maybe not, but I don't think we can blame anyone but Mike for his performance. And before anyone thinks I am standing up for Phil here, I'm not and agree that he isn't the man for the job anymore, but there's only so much a coach can do. Players either want it or not. If he can't step up in this situation, then he never will.

Reply #159783 | Report this post

Years ago

Has simply lost his mobility. Means he's slow to defend and picks up fouls and not quick enough on offense. Whether it's age or injury, who knows, but I think this will be his last NBL stint.

Worth remembering that while his opening season(s) in the NBL were very good, I remember his final season with NZ copping some criticism.

Reply #159786 | Report this post

Years ago

Stil injured maybe. you can clearly see it in him.

Reply #159788 | Report this post

The Minx  
Years ago

He was already slowing down in his last season with the Breakers where his numbers where:

PPG: 17.97
Fg%: 42%
3p%: 36%

And those the numbers were on one of the bottom teams in the league. They are nothing spectacular, especially considering he provides very little in other areas. I don't see how he was going to be any better this season considering he only got older. It was idiotic of the club to sign him before Newley decided what he was doing but the fact is, he would have not been a suitable import with or without Newley. It was clear after the first few games he wasn't going to cut it and the inability of the club to have the guts to make the correct decision has probably thrown away the season.

Reply #159791 | Report this post

Years ago

It's amazing how much impact an injury can have on your overall game, especially if you've had it for a while. Where once you were playing on instinct and reflex now there's an extra (almost subconcious) step in the thought process where you think twice about putting your body on the line, and during that extra split second you're suddenly too late to take the charge, or have missed the chance to drive to the hoop for an easy 2, and once the easy baskets dry up the other baskets seem so much tougher. I think that's what's happened to Chappell, I actually feel bad for the guy.

Reply #159804 | Report this post

Years ago

billo, you can't play basketball at this level and expect to be wrapped in cotton wool. Its the nature of the business that injuries will occur. If Chappell is too busy taking care of his own body to risk injury, then he is adding an unfair burden on the rest of the team and adding to its lack of success, not to mention disgruntled fans and supporters. Sorry, this is not Phil's fault. In this day and age of cut throat competition, its about time the clubs adopted a pay for performance type contract. If you are paid a salary to put up 20 points per game, then you either achieve that or have your salary cut. Or worse still have yourself cut.

Reply #159810 | Report this post

Years ago

here's a nice hypothecical... what would the sixers' record be right now if we had got our hands on Rod Grizzard or even Juaquin Hawkins? I'd say there were a few games where a guy like that couldve got us over the line so 8-5 for me.

Reply #159812 | Report this post

Years ago

I think this is a ploy to put Chappell on a injury waiver so Phil can bring in his secret weapon.

Reply #159820 | Report this post

Years ago

Xztatik, they could've won at least two of the close games I think, so I would've said 7-6 perhaps?

EC, if you introduce performance-based contracts, you have people playing for themselves and the team concept goes out the window. See Carlos Powell for an example of what happens when someone's playing for themself - great stats, poor team chemistry.

Some players especially would rely on a team structure to get their points - what happens if you put a player on that sort of contract and then the coach wants to change their setup so said player is more complementary than a focus?

Many players already have play-off bonuses and so on.

Realistically, they should just be prepared to replace players (imports especially, as harsh as that may be) if it can improve the team.

I don't think Billo is suggesting that Chappell is worrying about himself more than his game, just that he might subconsciously be taking fewer risks to avoid another injury. In the end, it doesn't matter - they're wouldn't cut him out of spite because he's a good guy, just not putting up what they need.

Reply #159823 | Report this post

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

right now i would take Carlos Powell as you know what you would get night in night out.

you would get hustle and heart and someone the fans could respond to.

Reply #159850 | Report this post

rotate on this  
Years ago

He could not kill a chemistry that barely raises a sweat .

The sixers as a whole stink this year , zero passion with many an excuse .

I get a negative vibe from the whole outfit and that is not to say the players are not close or dislike eachother .

I feel a little sorry for Chappell but more upset that we signed a player who was not conditioned for a season and then ask him to play through a back injury with no plan in place in case he is not performing .

"PHIL" Hey balls , went to the states for awhile geez theres some good players over there .

"BALLINGER" For sure coach , so how did you like my home country ?

"PHIL" Home country ? are you serious mate i thought you were from rockhampton .

"BALLINGER" Bluffton Indiana , what you could not tell from the accent ?

"PHIL" sorry mate , probably wasn't listening . Phew , that is great you're american ( NOTE TO SELF : one less import to find , SUPER ) , maybe you can help me out mate . See , while away i forgot to take a pen and paper ,( insert cheesed up smile ) i did write some notes on Steves chest when we were playing strip poker but the big oaf took a shower in the morning and washed the whole trips work away . Anyway , so Balls do you know where we can get a guy to score a few who is low maintainence .

"BALLINGER" sure phil , there is a guy from Mich State who has played down here and done real well in the past . Mike Chappell is the man you need , had six months off and just got married so he should be primed and ready to go .

"PHIL" great work balls , the only guy i knew of was this Matt Corby or Mike Corby chap who used to torch us every game but i heard his game was slipping faster than my grip on the playbook .

"BALLINGR" No worries coach , catch ya training wednesday .

"PHIL" Yep , see ya friday .

(Mod: Not endorsing this perspective because it's pretty unfair, but it made me laugh anyway - "one less import to find".)

Reply #159876 | Report this post

Years ago

That is GOLD!!!

Reply #159878 | Report this post

Years ago

If you recall Phil was us that he was better than advertised. Probably doing well in their half baked training sessions where everyone is better than advertised

Reply #159999 | Report this post

Years ago

Back Injuries do play on your mind, if you say that it wont..well then youve never had a serious one. I had two years away from the activity that was affecting my back, to return to it and within weeks have my back hurting again. While I dont let it stop me from doing my job, on bad days it slows me down alot. It also affects me playing sports, throws of my shot in Bball(and when you see me shooting, I dont need help missin)

Im not saying this is what is happening to Chappell but it is a possibility, and if so his career will be over if he cannot adjust his game to suit it.

Reply #160114 | Report this post

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