Who is he??
Years ago

Anyone see Channel 10 news last night?

Anyone see some kid (Lennon??) having a training session with the Sixers last night??
Apparantly he scored 76 points in a social game and no one else on his team scored a bucket!!!
He went against Willie Farley and actually tried to put it through his legs but Farley was having none of it.
Anyone know who he is or if he plays district??

Topic #1368 | Report this topic

Years ago

I have never heard of him or seen him. I dont think he even plays ABA. Still, 16 3-pointers in a game is pretty impressive.

Reply #15701 | Report this post

Years ago

Chris Mellow once hit 16 3 pointers in an ABA game. He ended up scoring 71 which is still a record for the ABA Central Conference. I think he was 16 of 24 from the 3

Reply #15702 | Report this post

Years ago

Lennard.... plays alot of social ball.

Has played at m/v, leisure center, pasadena, marion - basically everywhere.

Reply #15711 | Report this post

Years ago

His name's Lennon Cooper, used to play social ball at Marion and Pasadena. Now I believe they said he plays at the Noarlunga Leisure Centre. He used to be able to dunk so much better till someone tunnelled him and broke both his arms.

He's a good bloke, though I wouldnt be surprised if any of the rest of his team could do the same and outscore the whole other team.

Reply #15717 | Report this post

Years ago

R u for real?

This guy is training with the 6ers. What is going on why doesnt he either play ABL or why dont they get out some ABL players. Surely the gap between social basketball at Noarlunga leisure centre and training in an NBL program is huge.

If this is legit tell us some more about the guy. Is he black or white, how tall etc...

Reply #15718 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think he's training with him, it would have had to be a publicity stunt wouldn't it? He's white, looks about 6ft and couldn't cross my Nanna over!

Reply #15721 | Report this post

Years ago

Yea like that 5foot9 japanese guy that suited up for a few NBA games and is now on the injury list.

Reply #15723 | Report this post

Years ago

Is that the one from Sacramento?

Reply #15725 | Report this post

Years ago

I think so. The NBA made it out to be such a big deal. Its just because they see the Chinese/Japanese market as a having good potential.

Reply #15726 | Report this post

Years ago

He wasn't that bad ??, he was actually the captain of the Chinese national team and the Captain of his local time which used to be with Yao Ming. He wasn't much of a shooter but could still play. Very much a pass first player.

Reply #15729 | Report this post

Years ago

Im not so sure. He is japanese and Yao is chinese. You wouldnt think he would be a chump but do you think he would have made the NBA if the same guy was from Iceland?

Reply #15734 | Report this post

Years ago

He used to play District back in the days of NCT. Not sure what grade but I understand he never played Div 1.
If he is such a gun then why isn't he playing ABL???

Reply #15739 | Report this post

Years ago

That Chinese dude was on Phoenix's roster.

Reply #15741 | Report this post

Years ago

No he's not training with the sixers, it was a once off... put it this way, he's a camera man for channel 10. I presume that's how he got air time.

He's got a good offencive game, but lacks a thing called defence. He's only about 5 foot 10. He can shoot and dunk and has handles, if only he was a little taller.

Reply #15749 | Report this post

Years ago

Yuta Tabuse was his name

Reply #15763 | Report this post

Years ago

The story also made the late episode of Sports Tonight.

Reply #15770 | Report this post

Years ago

Is this the same guy that broke both wrists at the Port Adelaide stadium about five years ago on a wednesday night social night?
If so I agree he had a great shot and could certainly jump through the roof - pity he also had possibly the worst attitude that I have ever encountered on a court (and I wasnt even playing against him just watching) It was amazing how many people were watching just to see how much of a wanker he could be! After his injury (yeah he got fouled going for a dunk but it wasnt anything untoward - he increased the problem by hanging on the ring) his team were actually not that fussed - they could see themselves actually getting to have a shot or 2!

Reply #15773 | Report this post

Years ago

Lennon Cooper played U18D3 for NCT, and younger age groups for the old South Coast Cobras. He gave up playing district after U18's and has only played social since. I didn't see the item on the news but as the name is unusual it would have to be him, he played a lot of basketball with my son, but never really had the dedication to make it high and as stated before had a big attitude problem on the court, nicr guy off the court though.

Reply #15784 | Report this post

Years ago

Since his accident with breaking both arms though, I have never seen him have a attitude problem on the court. Must've made him change his game, knocked some sense into him. Great guy off court though, big NBA memorabilia fan, he's got signed jerseys, balls, pictures, the lot. Just doesnt take the game much further than social. One of his old team mates plays for Forestville div 2 men I believe. I cant remember his name at the moment, but he had the name "lobz" I believe on the back of his social singlet. This forestville guy is a big guy, can dunk like crazy and recently (about 2-3 months) ago had a broken wrist.

Might give some people some ideas of who he is.

Reply #15785 | Report this post

Sir Spark  
Years ago

It was a random publicity thing, there was lame jokes and shit talking.

...Very entertaining...

(note: extreme sarcasm used in last sentence)

Reply #15788 | Report this post

Years ago

The game that he scored 76 points in was against a very average team. He's team decided to see just how many points Lennon could get in the game. Considering he was the only one trying to score I don't think its a great reflection on how good a player he is. He's a good social player but hardly ABA material.

Reply #15801 | Report this post

Years ago

I saw the game he that he scored and it took the opposition till the last qtr to try triple teaming him to stop him. Basically no one else on his team took a shot and for most of it just fend him the ball on the break and he pulled up and let rip. Rob Castanelli (I'm sure the spelling is wrong) is the Forestville guy that he used to play with.

Reply #15804 | Report this post

Years ago

I think this guy is getting way too much publicity for being a B-grade social player, move on.

Reply #15825 | Report this post

Years ago

Is this the guy that always puts it behind his back (I missed the TV) or am I wrong?

Reply #15828 | Report this post

Years ago

hahah. no liber its not that guy.

Reply #15829 | Report this post

Years ago

...anyone can be a gun in social ball

Reply #15862 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

I know two of the teammates who were on the team with this guy (Rob Castanelli and Daniel Sawade).

It was all a big joke that got out of hand. Another teammate actually works for Channel Ten, hence the source of the story .....

For the record, Castanelli was a NCT Tiger. Don't know if he ever played for the Eagles, but the dude can play basketball, and is a fair gridiron player to boot.

Reply #16076 | Report this post

Years ago

I used to play div 1 U20 with coopz till half way through his second year, he quit because of dodgy management at NCT. We hated to lose him, but could see where he was coming from. I remember he had heaps of offers to go to alot of other clubs, but him being loyal (even though they screwed him over) didn't want to be seen as a trader.

so he took up social and made a sweet social team that kains everyone and he still gets about 30pts and 7ass per game. sure its only social, but he could still be ABA if he put in the time. he just prefers to play for fun.

for the record i have known him for a long time, and that kid has never had a attitude problem in his life. sounds like there alot of jealous people out there, he desereves to have one day of fun with the sixers, don;t you think?

Reply #16087 | Report this post

Years ago

i agree with you. i didn't see the news, but simplylook at it this way:

if phil smyth asked you to train, what would you say?

can't blame him for the publicity, i'm sure he would've done it, whether it was going to be on the news or not.

stop being jealous ballas.

one day it might be you...

Reply #16088 | Report this post

Years ago

"I know two of the teammates who were on the team with this guy (Rob Castanelli and Daniel Sawade)."

Ahhh that's his name Rob, he's the one I mentioned in post #15785 that just recently had a broken wrist from gridiron. Rob now plays for Forestville.

And for the record, it's actually coopz that works at channel 10 as a camera man. Another of the players may work at ch10, but I defiantly know that coopz works there also.

Who cares who it was on. It bought publicity to the game. People in SA for 5 or so minutes got to watch some guy many had never heard about train with the sixers.

Reply #16092 | Report this post

Years ago

didn't brian gorgian find jason smith through social basketball? it sounds like this kid can definitely play but didn't want to be a trader, and now wants to play for fun, give him a break.

everyone sounds way too jealous about the subject, just like tommo said: would you have said "no"?

Reply #16101 | Report this post

Years ago

hey there

let me clear a few things up on this subject, as coopz was on my team back in the district days.

fistly, he NEVER had a bad attitude, EVER. in actual fact he was so sportsman-like that in one game, the ref made the wrong call on an out of bounds play, and he gave it up (when the scores were tied, with 10 secs left) it could've lost us the game, but he did what was right, thats what he is like.

anyway, he did break both arms after being tunneled on a dunk about 5 years ago, and hasn't dunked as good since, but for the record, that dunk was his 51st point in that game, and we still had 8 minutes left. i have seen him score over 50pts in close to 15-20 games, the guy can shoot the lights out, and is far from a hog, he seems to score quietly, without you realising it. it may be social, but i know he could tear it up in district still if he wanted to.

so respect to him, if anyone deserves one day of fun in the basketball scene, it's him. thats all it was, just a day of good fun for him, and i'm glad to see he is still playing for the love of the game. good on him , i say. keep up the good game champ.

you can come play for us anyday coopz.


Reply #16120 | Report this post

Years ago

and sorry, he broke both his arms at morphett vale stadium, not port adelaide, so all your comments on bad attitudes, is actually a different perosn entirely.

typical! players commenting on things which they only know half the story, to make themselves feel better.

if you don't know coopz, don't comment.



Reply #16121 | Report this post

Years ago

i have been reffing coopz's social team and district bball for a long time now, and have to agree with the majority of people in this thread.

just because he doesn't play ABL, doesn't take anything away from his game. He, and probably a couple of other guys on his team, could quite easily walk onto some of the ABL teams in SA. with no hassles, whatsoever.

i think it's been a great thing for SA Ball, it brought publiity all around the country to little old adelaide for a few minutes. it couldn't have happened to a nicer fella.

Reply #16239 | Report this post

Years ago

I would like to see Coopz team take on an ABL team. Now I think that would make good entertainment and be fun to watch. Haven't you ever wondered how you would go playing aganist an ABL team (for those of you that don't play ABL). Coopz team is crazy. I haven't seen a social team that plays like these guys. They have been playing together for so long now, that they each know what the other team mates are capable of. Vote yes to see this.

Reply #33961 | Report this post

Years ago

Also Brad, if you are who I think you are... the work is your a gun : )

Reply #33962 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah he has good offense but you need more than that to be a good ABL player. You need something called defence and another key phrase I like to call game sense. You need to be a smart player or you'll get nowhere at senior level. I don't think he possesses either of those two qualities.

I know the guy, he was a bit of a knob when he was younger but so were most people. He has really changed and has a far better attitude.

Reply #33966 | Report this post

Pickles Housemate  
Years ago

Used to play against Lennon and friends at M/V - they dint like it when us "old-schoolers" used to beat them. His team were good, but liked to trash talk and try and get physical... bad idea against older, and (back then...)smarter team.

Good to see he got his 15 minutes of fame - i'm still waiting for mine.

Reply #33968 | Report this post

Regular Poster  
Years ago

Where can i see footage of this ? Anyone ?

You guys are talking him up like Earl Mannigault ... !!

Interested .

Reply #33978 | Report this post

Years ago

Sup ballaz,
I Play for the tarheels with coops. He has a killa 3point shot. I also played in that game that we fed him the ball.Yeah the team we played was lucky to walk let alone bounce the ball at the same time. but Over 70 points is still big. You shouldv'e seen our assists, steals and rebound stats.
Oh well its all a bit of fun dudes you don't like it, get over it.

Reply #44864 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Send these guys down to Pasadena to take on the Palace. Would be good to see social champs go up against each other in a knockout tournament or something similar.

Reply #44869 | Report this post

Quiet one  
Years ago

From being a witness- Palace has been knocked by a few other teams at Pasadena, by fair amounts.

Reply #44871 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Oh no, tell me it isn't true! They'll be right at finals time.

Reply #44874 | Report this post

Years ago

How come you slackers hardly tell us about any soccer news?
It's the biggest game in the world for frucks sake. Get with it!!

Reply #140746 | Report this post

BIG baller  
Years ago

the Tarheelz are a top bunch of guys really enjoy playing them up at barossa every year they play hard but fair never any dirty stuff and gotta give em props for thier one point win up thier this season well done guys even tho you knocked us out the semi haha peace guys

Reply #140749 | Report this post

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