Years ago


Watched the game on Friday night. How did the Lightning lose? Looked like poor coaching. Even the commentators stated that Marino "was out of control" at times. NO defence and poor stats. When it came down to the crunch in the last quarter (and the game was still there to be won) Sam Woosnam and Jess Foley were on the bench (and this was also noted by the commentators). Did Vicki think that the 'princess' was going to win the game or is she under instructions from "daddy". These are the same circumstances (although they had only lost one game then) which saw Chris Lucas 'back stabbed' - will "daddy" now look for another coach or does the 'princess' like this one.

Topic #13495 | Report this topic

Joe M  
Years ago

School holidays started early I see. I say this because you have the intelligence and maturity of a 13 year old nug.

Move on and grow up.

Reply #157588 | Report this post

Years ago

The observations with regards to the game against Sydney were valid. The lightning should NOT have lost the game. Leaving experienced players on the bench when stability was needed is a recipe for disaster (and that's what happened). As I stated, even the commentator's were perlexed by the coaching.
The result against Dandenong was also a disaster. If you look at the box score on the WNBL wesbite questions have to be asked about how the coach used certain players. Comments about the owner and his daughter are also valid with regards to what has happened in the past. I am only stating the obvious.

Reply #157600 | Report this post

In the Know  
Years ago

Agree with you Joe. Perhaps you were listening to the voices in your head because I heard different from the commentators and thought Marino played OK. Thought the game was a high quality game with fantastic shooting percentage. The only thing that is obvious is that you do not have a clue!

Reply #157610 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought the post is accurate. Phillips sat too long in the last quarter also. The rotations were up the creek and it cost the Lightning the game. Influence still seems to be being exerted from the outside..

Reply #157613 | Report this post

Years ago

My feeling on the Sydney was that both Philips and Marino were towelled up by Muscles, Poto and (to a lesser extent) Veal in the 2nd half. Valk couldn't find a match up to slow the supply. Needs a defensive PG in the side. What happened to Jess Mahoney?

The commentator (Fletcher) made a call on King in preference to Woosnam in the 3rd. Can't remember them playing philips off Marino like some of the posters suggest here.

Adelaide couldn't match Sydney for aerobic fitness and fell away. They obviously need to find some more- the coaches responsibility. It would be difficult to fault the first half effort. This was praised by all commentators.

Reply #157616 | Report this post

Years ago

Please stop posting in here.
Move on. Go and have a cry in the corner.
This is becoming a pathetic witch hunt. Grow up, kindergarden days are over.

Reply #157617 | Report this post

Years ago

Realist you always seem to pop up when you want to defuse a very valid post, are you on the payroll ? If you can explain why was Marino is playing the 2 spot while Phillips is in the point, when Foley is on the bench and playing only 15mins.for the game. Marino is not a 2 man, and only a resonable back up point at best.She also defended A.Poto for a lot of the game for about 30 points. It is very clear Vicki is trying to keep Marino`s happy.

Reply #157633 | Report this post

Years ago

Realist, I don't think your comments suggest you're a Mensa candidate either but what is childish is to believe that criticism is going to stop.
What Marino did was petulant, unprofessional and plain wrong.
Ms Marino is just a bench player at this level but dad had every right to want her on his team and I guess to demand she start and get good minutes, however to demand this in the manner he did and sack the coach for having the balls to defy him, lose all the staff and loyal support, meant he set his daughter up for ridicule and isolation.
I have a huge amount of respect for the ex coach and his staff who chose honour over bucks and when the authors of this farce graduate from self-indulgence they may see the harm they have done to the ex coaching staff, womens basketball and in the longer term to miss Marino herself.

Reply #157671 | Report this post

Years ago

Dear anonymous bunch,
Firstly, I am not on Marino's payroll and I am not in anyway associated with the family. Secondly I do not even like Angela as she contributed couple of times to my team's defeat. I do not claim that what has happen to Chris was fair and just, however I am sick of all you wan***s repeating yourselves every five minutes when something or someone gives you opportunity to do so. You were awfully quiet over couple of weeks when the girls were kicking butt and only popped up when things turn bad. How many times can you say the same thing? We all know by now that you hate the whole Marino clan and whatever they did to your favorite coach. Well, your whining will not change anything. So grow up, move on and let things sort themselves out. I am sure that next year everyone (including players and myself) will have an opportunity to make up their mind and decide to support the team or not. As for now, I would love to see Lightning become premiers this year regardless of what has happened or happens and will support this team to the end because this was always my team and current bunch of players deserve nothing but support as the circumstances they are now in are incidental and beyond their control. Stop winging, sniping and derailing Lightning from their premiership effort.
This year I am a true supporter, as for the years ahead I will reserve my right to choose depending on the situation and all that stuff that was mentioned by all of you before.

Reply #157683 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey, I found some sniping! See if it's familiar...

Please stop posting in here.
Move on. Go and have a cry in the corner.

Reply #157685 | Report this post

Years ago

They have all the tools to win (inclusive the owner a big tool).
So when they lose people can ask why, fuckh**d!!!

Reply #157691 | Report this post

Fill Smythe  
Years ago

There's a theme starting here. Both Spinner & Anon12 have been walloped for expressing an OPINION re. their views on the Lightning.

At this stage, we still have freedom of speech in this country, so feel free to express your disagreement with their opinion without all the personal insults.

Thats MY opinion!

Reply #157695 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with 'realist' enough is enough. Now I can see why basketball (BB) is a rapidly dying sport in Australia. I thought it was just something to do with the administration but after reading many of the posts on this site it is plain to see that many (not all) of the fans are just plain tossers. Why would advertisers who troll the forums on the internet as a source of marketing information get involved with BB after reading all the negative crap here. Marion bought the lighting to keep it alive, yes other were bidding to but they lost. Sport is a business so the sooner you get use to that the better.

In our 'trolling' we came across some really amusing stuff. There were several people (I won't disclose alias) who placed posts early on in the season saying that Lucas was pathetic, couldn't coach creatively and should be removed; same people made posts later slamming Marion for sacking Lucas claiming he was a great coach. Now these same people are jumping all over Angela. Rather unintelligent people I think.

Either put your money where your mouth is and buy a season ticket or membership for the Lightning to suppoert the girls. Then you can really say you are a fan and have a valid gripe. Otherwise keep your junk to yourselves because you are just one of those annoying people who has opinion on everything with actually adding any value to anything.

Reply #157696 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, some homework for you: (1) read some Australian rules (AR!) forums; (2) take a look at the corporate support for AFL.

Suggesting that basketball is struggling because people whinge on the internet has to take a fat slice of the Idiot Cake.

I'll also pull you up on your central paragraph which claims that someone who didn't support Lucas as coach but later disagreed with Marino's sacking of Lucas is unintelligent. Surely someone could think that Lucas was the wrong coach for the team, but oppose the supposed method/reason for the sacking? Reminds me a bit of "I disagree with your opinion, but I support your right to express it."

Reply #157698 | Report this post

Years ago

whats shaun marion got to do with the lightning? ;)

Reply #157701 | Report this post

Years ago

Issac. Do you go to lightning games?

"Suggesting that basketball is struggling because people whinge on the internet has to take a fat slice of the Idiot Cake"

Maybe I like idiot cake, but my point wasn't internet exclusive. the internet is now the single greatest source of information available. Peceptions are easily influenced and moulded by what is read on inforamtive sites such as this.

I like the fact that we can all have agressive opinions and debate providing it doesn't get personal and I certainly respect peoples right to change their minds.

I have a simple question.. after reading all the posts here re the team and the Marinos, e.g hand back season tickets, boo angela tec. would you invest advertising dollars in the team. Consider also they are a prospect to win the flag, have some great players and recently have been getting some television coverage. If not, what sport would you put your $100k into?

Reply #157710 | Report this post

Years ago

People whinge everywhere and about everything. The internet is simply the most accessible record of that whinging.

Do you think a potential sponsor would come here to read this or would have followed the incident via Boti's articles at the time? They were more measured but weren't necessarily positive for Marino IMO.

Where I'd invest $100k in promotion would come back to what I was promoting and who I was promoting it to. In many cases, having worked near a PR company and seeing what they can achieve, my first port of call would be a publicity company rather than sports sponsorship by a long shot and in most cases - just my personal view.

Reply #157716 | Report this post

Years ago

a sport where the owner had enough faith in the coach to let him or her do the job might be a good place to start instilling faith in the sport and attracting dollars.
Do you think money will roll in for a team where the perception is, a major reason for its existence is to promote one player?
Some may have disagreed with the ex coach and his style but there is no doubt that almost all admire his integrity and I think his reputation is enhanced. The same cannot be said by the instigator of the sorry affair.
Of course you are sick of hearing and reading about it because its a reminder of a shamefull episode in women's basketball and it wont end, in my opinion until the team is sold and the sooner the better.

Reply #157719 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Marino bought Lighting for $113,000.

Reply #157723 | Report this post

Years ago

I have a simple question.. after reading all the posts here re the team and the Marinos, e.g hand back season tickets, boo angela tec. would you invest advertising dollars in the team.

No, I would not invest advertising dollars in the team. NOt because of season tickets, boo Angela, disgruntled internet fans etc, but because of the utter lack of class the "organisation" has demonstrated in this whole affair.

If the assistant coaches quit out of loyalty to the coach, I could understand that. But the team manager (who has been there since the teams inception)? The court announcer? The medical staff?
Something is very wrong in the place.

THAT'S why I wouldn't invest.

Reply #157742 | Report this post

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