Years ago

If I Was Mal - What Are My Thoughts On Phil?

If I was Mal - I am guessing this is what he is thinking about Phil

Is Phil a Legend Of the Game that deserves respect? - Yes

Does Phil Represent The Club Well In Regards To Media, Sponsors and Fans? - Yes

Could Phil bring the NBL or Club into Disrepute? - No Way

Did Phil have little oppurtunity in the past couple of seasons to prove himself in regards to facilities, funding and player choices etc.. under previous management? - Yes

Has Phil been now been given complete backing to choose players, state of the art training facilites and more funding this season? - Well mostly yes

Would the wider NBL\Basketball community be upset about Phil been sacked mid season? - Hell Yes

Would the Adelaide Fans and or Sponsors be upset if Phil was sacked mid-season? 50-50

Do we want to help the illusion that Adelaide is a professional, secure, honest and consistant club that doesn't make rash decision or cheap ploys and silly publicity stunts (ie Read Dragons) - Yes

And hence why Phil's job is currently safe for the remainer of the season - I personally disagree, but I reckon that is what is ticking over slowly in Mal's mind

Topic #13448 | Report this topic

Years ago

Thanks for the comments Mrs Smyth

Reply #156839 | Report this post

Years ago

Was this posted by Kevin Rudd? Yes.

Reply #156842 | Report this post

Years ago

Did the Dragons go on to make the playoffs after making those decisions?

Reply #156843 | Report this post

twenty four  
Years ago

Classic example of a Phil 'homer'. Brings up the obvious without actually looking under the surface.

Is Phil a Legend Of the Game that deserves respect? - Yes, but that doesn't mean that he gets a free ride all the time and does not get held accountable when things are going wrong.

Does Phil Represent The Club Well In Regards To Media, Sponsors and Fans? - Yes. He is good with the media and the like, but most are more inclined to call him a bulls#!t artist now days.

Could Phil bring the NBL or Club into Disrepute? - No, but yet again, that doesn't mean he should get off lightly when things are going bad.

Did Phil have little oppurtunity in the past couple of seasons to prove himself in regards to facilities, funding and player choices etc.. under previous management? - So what? He is incapable of bringing the best out of players, so it wouldn't make a difference either way.

Has Phil been now been given complete backing to choose players, state of the art training facilites and more funding this season? - Yes and we are still losing, which just proves my point above.

Would the wider NBL\Basketball community be upset about Phil been sacked mid season? - How can anyone answer that? If a coach is not performing, then I wouldn't care that he is gone mid season, as long as it best for that particular club.

Would the Adelaide Fans and or Sponsors be upset if Phil was sacked mid-season? - Not if things turned around and the 36ers become a better team.

Do we want to help the illusion that Adelaide is a professional, secure, honest and consistant club that doesn't make rash decision or cheap ploys and silly publicity stunts (ie Read Dragons) - This wouldn't be a rash decision, cheap ploy or silly publicity stunt. This would be a decision that has been coming for a while now.


Reply #156851 | Report this post

Me too  
Years ago

Mal would be looking at the W's....and to a lesser extent the supporters perception of how the team is playing

Legends do get called out mid season
i.e Malcolm Blight, Daniher etc etc

You must WIN games....or show enough potential to see WINs coming soon.

Reply #156861 | Report this post

Years ago

If I was Mal, quite simply I'd be taking a financial hit and sacking Phil and Chappell right now, and trying to bring in Frank Arsego. Make do with an import (2/3 type player) already here in Australia for the rest of the year.

In the off-season I be holding some 'open' trials for one position. Never know who or what is going to walk into the gym. Also give me a free look at some young talent.

I'd also be having another go with Simon Conn to see if he's pulled his head in. Would also like to bring in Toby Zaremba (ex AIS, now playing in QABL) and Pierre Jallow (currently in the Big V) for a look.

Not sure of contracts, but I'd let Ng, Copeland, Dench and Cooper walk after the season.

Out of the current crop I'd really only like to lock in Ballinger and Brett whilst serious consideration to Davidson. Keep Sutton and Mottram around.

Currently unsure of the 2008/09 Free Agent list, but I'd be chasing the top 3 Australian players pretty hard. Also making a visit to Canberra to spend some time with some AIS graduates.

I'd also be chasing Luke Schensher (spelling) to see if he's interested in coming home, and it would be more than a stupid phone call...

As mention, I've resigned to the fact that we are going to be watching Phil's shitball for the rest of this season...

Just hope fans don't turn away and become disinterested with the lads after watching poor performance after poor performance.

Reply #156867 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Copeland is retiring and Ng is studying next season.
Davidson,Ballinger,Maher,Mottram. I would keep.
That's easy.
The rest I'd have to think on.

Reply #156870 | Report this post

Years ago

Frank Arsego - now that is a name that I haven't heard in a while that is more than capable at coaching NBL - and we could have Ninnis and Stacker available - so we do have at least three decent options right now if we dump Phil.

I think Phil should go now before too much more damage is done, and by starting this thread I am trying to work out how management are justifying keeping Phil on.

IMO - it felt like last season management wanted the Sixers to fail, then spectactualy rise again from the ashes like a Phoenix, instead of a proper gradual rebuild over several years - and what a failure that plan has been!

I am still laughing a Phil's master stroke of bringing in Timmons last season - FFS, Mark Davis is currently in better shape than Timmons and would kicked more ass, and attracted more fans back to the game!

Phil - I respect what you have done previously for the Sixers and Australian BBall - but it is time to move on!

Reply #156871 | Report this post

Years ago

Camel 31, I agree - those four are keepers.

Crudeboy, another name that sometimes comes up is Marty Clarke, head coach at the AIS.

Reply #156872 | Report this post

Years ago

Good Point Isaac - so looks like we have plently of options

- No One Has Said Lucas For Coach Have They?

Keep Sutton as well I think Camel - I think he is going to be a good long term project for the Sixers in the same mould as Maher - maybe not the same shooting ability, but certainly a future potenital captain.

Reply #156875 | Report this post

Years ago

Your not Mal, so dont compare your thoughts with those of a man who has ran some of Australias most succesful sporting events and companies, its just stupid, you can never know what he is thinking so just add YOUR thoughts to another Phil thread instead of creating another waste of space.

Reply #156879 | Report this post

Years ago

Skud, you're such a killjoy. I thought Crude's post actually broke some ground which hadn't been covered recently in this debate. The "you're not Mal, so you're not allowed to guess at what he's thinking" goes hand in hand with the thoroughly retarded "you've never played NBL, so you can't criticise an NBL player" deal.

Reply #156884 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

I'm not famous, I'll never own or coach the 36ers.
It's good to have this forum.
It would be boring if only an nbl owner or coach,player could post on here.

Reply #156885 | Report this post

Years ago

Didn't get your quota for boiled puppies today Skud????

Reply #156889 | Report this post

Years ago

You guys continue to show a total lack of knowledge with the statements you just continue to make.Why dont you just come out honestly and state your names and your personnel dislike for Smyth instead of stating inaccurate statements like cowards behind bogus names.I was on the board for several years and can assure you Smyth gave up a lot to keep the Club going and was unable to recruit the players he wanted or wanted to come due to money and outside employment deals.Fine if you dont like him but dont make stuff up to suit your purpose.

Reply #156893 | Report this post

Nick H  
Years ago

OK then. My name is Nick H i have been going to games when I can make it for years. I agree with everyone who thinks that enough is enough. Dont need to rewrite it all. This year I went to individual game tickets and mostly go to watch Brett. A few new players but the same results.

What are you going to say next/? "Leave Britney alone!!!!!!"

Reply #156897 | Report this post

Years ago

I dislike Smyth as a coach.... I have for the past two seasons.

Instead of getting stuck into the board, how about telling us WHY we should keep Phil on board. Please point out on this thread where people have made stuff up.

Two keys words in the thread title "My Thoughts", which is this case "my" would refer to the individuals thoughts on the topic if they were in the position to make changes.

As an 'ex board member' are you happy with the performance of the 36ers this season, and last season for that matter, remembering it was the 36ers worst record in history. If you were still on the board, would you be proposing any changes to the current system??? This mediocre performance will continue without changes.

Things stink in Adelaide at the moment and things need to change for the better of the Club and the only two common factors I've seen over the years are the coaching staff and Brett and as sure as hell it isn't Brett that's letting things slip.

Reply #156909 | Report this post

Years ago

Whatever - I always love people that ask people to post under there real names, but post under a nickname themselves ... isn't that Hypocritical?

Anyways - I agree that Phil did exceptional well under the circumstances under previous management, but Phil has now been given pretty much anything he wants, and has quality players - and is failing to deliver.

Now Skud - why can't I explore the idea of what Mal is thinking, why is he off limits compared to Phil?

Is it just because he is a nice guy with a good resume?

Reply #156964 | Report this post

Years ago

From the original post:

"Would the wider NBL\Basketball community be upset about Phil been sacked mid season? - Hell Yes"

Why the hell would anyone outside some of the Sixers fanbase care if Phil Smyth were sacked?

Reply #156994 | Report this post

Homey the Clown  
Years ago old board member comes on and has a go at anonymous of posters.

Well 'whatever' why dont you 'under anoni mity' explain how you guys wasted/spent an extraordinary amount of money over the years.
Being funded by a public association I would love for you to come forward and explain the rort....

Reply #157008 | Report this post

Years ago

The same board that could not find money to replace\repair Murray Magpie - hehe , still laughing when I heard that form a board member several years ago.

Reply #157010 | Report this post

what the?  
Years ago

So whatever,

Are you the blame for the 36ers crippling basketball in this State, or was that the other board members?

Are you one of the people who allowed coaches to spend more than the team could possibly make?

Or are you one of the board members that help players sign 2 contracts and build houses without declaring them?

Becasue in my opinion you are more of a problems than Phil and should be held accountable for basketball in this State being massively underdeveloped.

So please feel free to put your name up on this website for all.

Reply #157012 | Report this post

Years ago

crickets....... I hear those crickets chirping...


Shit, there goes a tumble weed rolling by....


Nice call whatever, just like a typical board member. Stick it into someone and then scurry away to let someone else deal with it.

Homey and what the?, exactly what I wanted to ask, but didn't quite have the gonads to post it...

Maybe we could turn this topic into something like the old chicken man from 36ers past (are those two or three words still banned) and now get 'on the board' banned....

Reply #157024 | Report this post

Years ago

Colonel Sanders, Phil Sanders and CEO

just a test to see if those words are banned...

Reply #157027 | Report this post

Years ago

hehe, they are still banned...

Reply #157030 | Report this post

Years ago

"Didn't get your quota for boiled puppies today Skud????

For several years while I was overseas i read this forum as my main source for the league info, now the last 2 years it has become a place for whinging fools that cant put valid points forward. Yet you accuse me of being aggressive with your statement.

Perhaps if the posters here went back to not continously whining about EVERYTHING and actually put forward valid points I wouldnt disagree with posts like this.

To assume what someone else is thinking is to implye you have all of their knowledge on to the situation. No one here has the information about the club that Mal has, hence noone here can imply what he would be thinking.

I could say that people here are thinking they like cats, when they like dogs...or worse. Peoples thoughts are not a matter for discussion

Reply #157171 | Report this post

Years ago

"To assume what someone else is thinking is to implye you have all of their knowledge on to the situation. No one here has the information about the club that Mal has, hence noone here can imply what he would be thinking."


You are missing the point.

The title is IF I WAS MAL - What are MY THOUGHTS on Phil.

No one is implying they have anyone elses knowledge - hence the words my thoughts. And it is possible for people to have information about the club that Mal does't. He can't know eveything no matter how well informed an owner he is!

"Peoples thoughts are not a matter for discussion"

That's what I THOUGHT forums were for?

Reply #157174 | Report this post

Years ago

Skud, crudeboy said he was "guessing" not assuming. You read a lot of negativity for two reasons: people are more likely to complain than congratulate, and the team isn't doing as well as it has in the past.

IMO, there are many quality opinions on here for and against nearly every issue. Writing off those with which you disagree does you no favours. Like you probably do, I cringe every time there is yet another "what's wrong with the 36ers" or "Smyth's time is up" or "Chappell must go" thread, and then I notice that it's nearly always someone who hasn't started or commented on one before, and often a username, email address or IP address that hasn't appeared previously - the natives are restless.

Reply #157202 | Report this post

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