I hate to sound negative&&..but clutching at straws stating they have something to play for tonight (Phil's 700) is ridiculous. They have something to play for every night!!!!!!!!
The problem is that they are being let down by a coaching program intent on being nice and popular instead of making the hard calls and actually showing some interest at the game.
Look around this league, the WNBL, the NBA, etc etc, how many coaches do you see looking like they are watching the Simpsons on their home plasma, sitting with their legs out and arms crossed? If it was a bit quieter, I am sure Phil would get to sleep. How many coaches do you see spend 75% of a time out or quarter time break consulting with each other before addressing the team? The only time Phil actually looks involved in the game is when he gets up to complain to the refs and get the inevitable Tech.
The players have the skills and most of them bring to the floor every night. The problem is that they are being let down by their coach. Contrary to the tone of this post, I really do hope that the players can carry their coach through this and light it up tonight&...............but please fans, don't use the catch cry that they have something to play for tonight, they have something to play for every night.