The fact that the UIC could not fill spots by late on friday, and had to call teams to inform them of a cancellation, such as Centrals Under 18 Boys 2, then for two referees to help out at late notice.... 4.30pm, that leaves it slightly late to turn around and call Centrals and go, "oh by the way the game is back on". In the end there were sufficient referees but at the time that the games were cancelled spots could not be filled.
I usually do not get annoyed by certain critcisms, but for people to jump the gun and claim there were enough referees without asking questions, and without facts kind of annoys me. The UIC busts his butt every week to find referees, so for those who 'claim' that they could find 2 referees that were available i ask them this, why werent those referees making themselves available in this shortage.
The fact is the referees on the night did as many games as time allowed them to do, either four straight or three, and none, NONE of them complained that they had too many. So next time you see a shortage of referees and get annoyed at games getting cancelled, as we all do, maybe enrol yourself in a course!
I know that this friday i will again ref 3 or 4 games, due to the shortage, and im sure most others will aswell.
Maybe a soloution to this problem would be to actually allocate senior referees to stadiums to help out, but then again many believe they are 'above' that.
This problem will only continue to get worse, unless a collective effort is undertaken to help the problem across the state and all clubs.