Blue Collar
Years ago
Tigers vs Eagles drew 69 all. Great game with both sides fielding strong teams.

Streets Disciple
Years ago
Woodville beat north by 2 points. In a great game!

Camel Toe
Years ago
All the results are on sportingpulse.com.au already.
Your are unusually quiet this week baron. hmmm wonder why?

Years ago
Lomman pulled a dick head foul out of his useless game bag Chris Clausen going for a dunk which resulted in Chris breaking his wrist as he hit the ground hard. Nice one knob jockey!

Years ago
So North get beaten away from home while Woodville were the team that beat them at home...No I don't see any home court advantages this year!

Uh huh
Years ago
That doesn't sound like Lomman does it? I bet if you asked him he would say he didn't touch the guy and he had nothing to do with it.

you still going on about that Panther....you won away from home too, Warriors are the top team atm so most have been beaten by them. Maybe contact basa so you can fix the problem and stop beating your chest

Scooby Doo
Years ago
West beat Eastern by about 25 Bell and Holmes the only missing

any details on the southern game vs fville? sounds like it woulda been good.

Years ago
You must have waited all week for a stat to fire back at me. Given this home court advantage what is the point of playing the winter season as the GF is always at the Dome which makes it a shoe-in for Woodville. A good example is last year when they beat Eastern Mav....what they lost. Can't be so, they played at home!!!

Years ago
Panther, I would agree with you if they played on the main court, but all summer games are played on either court 1 or 3. In addition to this, I'm sure Woodville train at St. Michaels, so they don't have any advantage, apart from reduced travel time, but, if you wanted to, your whole team could live around the Richmond area, which is roughly between the Dome and Marion, and then you would be set for both seasons! You wouldn't have to worry about travel at all for the majority of the games you play for the whole year.

Years ago
I hope the reference to travel time was a joke. We live in Adelaide people. Everything is so close, you can fart at the Dome and hear it at Wayville.

Years ago
Just going to defend myself here....
Chris got the ball on the break and I wasn't going to give him an easy layup, as is general practice for most teams (I dont think he was going to dunk the ball). I reached across his arms (not his head) to deliberately commit a foul and prevent the basket. We were both sprinting down the court and that created a lot of momentum which made it look worse than it actually was. It was a hard foul and maybe a little clumsy but it wasnt a dirty foul. There was no intent to hurt the player. Why would there be when we were up by 30??
Anyway I apologise for causing the injury and I wish Chris a speedy recovery.
As for "Dickhead foul", "Useless game bag" and "Knob Jockey" that is your opinion and your entitled to it but maybe you shouldnt hide behind an alias when you make such accusations.
Reveal yourself and let people talk about your "game bag"!!
For the record Centrals pegged back a 30 point lead to lose by just 20. However they were undermanned.

jumpin baron brown
Years ago
Fair enough. For the record:
Centrals got by as many 22-26 down. Pegged it back to 14 pts in the last quarter and lost by 20. Chris was on the court when the score was getting pegged back.
Camel Tow, yes, a Loss is a loss and the better team won on the night.
At the end of the day whenever a promising, young player and good bloke like Chris gets injured (still to be confirmed) badly its not good for anyone (the player accidently (as claimed above) causing it or the player getting injured) regardless of the result.

well said lommax, but you said "both sprinting down the court" - I didn't realise Chris was that slow ;-)

Years ago
"???" If you seriously think my post was aimed at you, your mistaken. I was just noting the fact that North lost to Woodville after being the best team in the league. On paper and by the way the North have been playing you would've put your money on North to win. Not taking anything away at all from Woodville as in the last quarter they played exceptionally well and beat North at their own game.
It is only the short season and not a lot of teams feild their full sides but to say teams who play at home don't have an advantage is naive.
I brought this point up simply as a discussion topic to see what people thought. The last thing i'm going to do is waste my time complaining to BASA about it. Even if I did or the club did i'm sure it would fall on deaf ears...

Years ago
And another thing ???, I think if each club had a stadium the size of Wayville or Pasadena we should bring back home Grand finals. Imagine the atmosphere...These days we have no chance of filling the Dome so there is no feeling in the stadium for the players to feed off.
Bring back Apollo!!!!

Years ago
Lommax, great bloke off the court, on the court... weeellll...
These days he will still tell you he didn't punch Reesy!!!!

Years ago
Just kidding Lommax, I'm sure you didn't mean it. I know you still need to wear sunnies when we play one-on-one :)

Years ago
Like I said before I agree with you but couldn't resist making my comment when you suggested Woodville won due to where it was played.
And I agree with you on the venue of the GF. I have been to the last couple of GF's and to be honest the atmosphere is rather subdued when compared to ABA games at other venues. It's a bit like playing the SANFL GF at AAMI stadium.

Years ago
By what you said you were up by 30 and you were not going to give him an easy layup, you "reached across his arms (not his head) to deliberately commit a foul and prevent the basket" and you were up by 30. What would you have done to him if you were down by a couple??????
I got to ask another question what was the Ref doing when Lommax DELIBERATELY commited a "hard foul" at 30 points up and by all reports broke the kids arm. ASLEEP

Years ago
Northerner I hit Reesy with an open hand.
I didnt think we would hear from you on this forum anymore after the casper photos.
What is our 1-on-1 score??? about 7-5 sounds right. It should be a good battle next time as you can now match me pound for pound!!!

Years ago
I believe the ref called an unsportsmanlike foul.
I would have done exactly the same thing if we were losing.
Unfortunately Chris fell awkwardly after the foul and that is how he broke his arm.
Hard fouls happen all the time. It was just unfortunate that this one ended up in an injury.

Years ago
C'mon mate, try 11-2 my way, on your home court too. It doesn't mean nothing Panther :)

jumpin baron brown
Years ago
I dont want to get into any debates on the past but I saw some of the ugliest incidents in "sport" on that court.

Take Luck
Years ago
Did ya ever think that woodville played better than north?? and 1 its summer season, and 2 half of the woodville team wont be there next season anyway (which is crap), so stop worrying about trivial things. woodville train at st micks anyway like someone said before. so there is no real advantage.
Give it a rest

Years ago
The call against Ben in the game last night where the injury occurred was unsportsmanlike. It is definately unfortunate that an injury came from the contact, but that situation had no malice - it wasn't Ben's intent to cause that injury.
And if that game had some of the ugliest incidents in "sport" - you haven't played in any ABL games.

jumpin baron brown
Years ago
Hillcrest, you need to read more carefully champ. Sorry for any misunderstandings.
I was referring to Northerners post (15150) which was talking about Lommans "home court".

K-Time Bars
Years ago
To jump in on Lommax's side. Did not see the foul but that Chris Clausen hits the floor even when he is not fouled. I dont think I have ever seen a kid play basketball more on the floor than him. This is not to say the kid cant play because he has very good game. As for the no easy lay-up rule, our team also incorperates this whether you are up or down by a margin. If Lommax was to give him an easy lay-up lets just then say that because Norwood were up by thirty they should stop playing and allow centrals to catch up.

Years ago
K-Time Bars - and others defending Lomman's actions - take a step away and think about what occurred. If you did not see the incident, do not comment. Chris was in the air, on his way to dunk the basketball, when at the time a player is most vunerable, Lomman employs his 'no easy lay-up' rule, and with a very clumsy, reckless and crude foul, Chris loses all balance and breaks his wrist on impact with the floor.
All teams need to be physical at this level, and to some extent in the heat of battle hard fouls will occur. If Chris had gotten up, knocked down 2 free throws, and played on, we would not have this thread as it stands. But if you want to give up hard fouls and no-layups, you must be willing to accept the responsibilities when something goes wrong. In this case, not only was a player badly injured, but it was Chris, who at just 18 years old, is considered the future of the franchise, and had been making major steps in his development since being a part of the Academy.
Lomman will say that no malice was involved - I believe him. But its the result of his actions that we are discussing, and the implications an injury could have to the development of Chris's promising career.

Years ago
I nominate Scott Byrt as someone who was always a fan of making contact with the floor.

Years ago
I knew it wouldn't take long before some Woodville dope would reply to my post! "Take luck", how about you re-read my post again if you can, and take note the comment,..."Not taking anything away at all from Woodville as in the last quarter they played exceptionally well and beat North at their own game."
And as it sounds your making comments on a league you don't seem to play in so how about you post on something you actually know about!

Years ago

Years ago
so just interested to know who played for both centrals and norwood? were they evenly matched and who was missing from each team?
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