Johnny Sack
Years ago
Worst NBA/NBL Uniforms - EVER!!!
I came across this article on ESPN and it got me thinking...
One - I actually like the old Denver strip (the one that looks like tetris on an super widescreen TV) and think the Sixers strip mentioned had some retro charm to it, but yeah the Rox and Pistons jersey's mentioned were rank... Also (in hindsight - cause WE ALL thought they were cool at the time) the Charlotte Hornets teal monstrosity was a shocker, as well as the original Magic Uniform with the massive star on the shorts (cue Sideshow Bob cringing noise)...
And Two...
What about NBL uniforms??? I'd have to say the the Giants/Titans scoop the pool both the pre-1994 season gold/yellow/brown uniform and the subsequent Hornets ripoff... I mean - in the 1994 Finals Series the Sixers were no the worst Uni (in spite of the fact that we still rocked those indecently "short-shorts")... Honorable mentions: Yes - the Sixers (only when they refused to get with the times in 1994), Brisbane Bullets up to mid-late 90's Fosters Uniform, and Illawarra (similar gripe to the Sixers - they stayed short longer than any other team in the league and their design was just rubbish)...