seen the light
Years ago

pro / rel - THE model

Key points 

All member clubs want equal rights to nominate teams in any grade of the district competition.

Some larger clubs have enough talent to run more than 1 or 2 teams in a higher grade.

Smaller clubs hope that players from larger clubs will come to them in frustration from lack of promotion at a larger club.

Basketball SA have the right to promote / relegate teams as required.

A equal draw should be maintained  ie play each other 2 or 3 times each over the main season and once over summer.

talent can be wasted playing in too lower grades.

Over Summer season 

All member clubs that wish can nominate single teams to div 1 or double to div 2,3,4 etc

Div 1 would run a max of 10 teams
Div 2,3,4 etc would run max of 12 teams

A club would need to 'core" players  particularly div 1 players  this would be lodged with basket SA and can be dynamic but no more than 10 per team.
(this will come to light later in this suggestion)

Summer season finals 

Div 1 straight forward.

Div 2  the 2 grandfinalists would be offered 2 spots in div 1 over winter (if they wish)  should one team decline the 3rd placed team would be offered. If they decline no further offers would be made.

The same would be made from div 3 to 2 or even div 4 to 3.

So for the winter season 

It would be (as per normal) around 22 rounds (all play each other twice).

Div 1 would be 

Member clubs + 2 promoted div 2 teams = 12 per div 1

Div 2,3,4 etc

Remaining 10 (may vary) teams + 2 from lower grade.

The next summer it would revert to the original format  to ensure "form" teams are promoted  not just the original club have a mortgage on the 2nd team spot.

So it could vary year to year.


For a club to get a second higher graded team  their existing higher graded team must finish 7th or higher.

This is where "coring" comes in to avoid clubs stacking their second team to just get in over winter.

Nominated div 1 players would have to stay in their div 1 team  unless dropped for various reasons  this would be administered by basket SA heirachy / committee

If a team delivers a scoring % lower than 33 (ie can only average one third of their opponents score all season) or a winning % less than 5% (ie only wins 1 game in 20) they will be up for adjudication by basket SA for winter relegation.

EVERYONE GETS A GO WITH THIS SYSTEM  it all resets the next summer season etc

Topic #13049 | Report this topic

Pasadena 50  
Years ago

What happens though if there is no div 2 teams with less than 33% scoring or 5% winning, but the two GF div 3 teams want to come up? The whole thing falls apart! You are banking on team's sucking, but as soon as the comp get's even there is no way forward!

Reply #151953 | Report this post

seen the light  
Years ago

the relegation is not compolsory - just to keep an eye on teams that are performing badly - in any grade.

that is why I said "subject to basket SA"

it is based on only 10 teams over summer in div 1 and then expanding to 12 over winter - this creates the upward only movement.

the relegation bit is just an add on if req for teams out of there depth.

so if they are all doing well - no need for rel - in fact teams move up

summer winter
div 1 div 1
10 12 (10+ 2 promotions)
div 2 div 2
12 12 (10 left + 2 promotions)
div 3 div 3
12 12 (10 left + 2 promotions)

Reply #151954 | Report this post

seen the light  
Years ago

pas 51 -

"but the two GF div 3 teams want to come up"

they CAN come up - based on 2 moving up - leaving room

Reply #151955 | Report this post

seen the light  
Years ago

this system is really good due to the fact it is cyclic - the form teams from summer are the ones always promoted for the main season and then it heads back to the summer format where teams have to prove their worth by finishing high in their grade.

it rewards FORM - not the club with the most teams

Reply #151956 | Report this post

Pasadena 50  
Years ago

okay - what about after the first season, when div 2 has 12 teams - and there is still no team scoring less than 33% or winning 5%, but two div 3 GF teams want to come up.

One season in, it falls apart.

Reply #151957 | Report this post

Melvin Corpuscle  
Years ago

Ok. What happens if (for example) none of the top three div 2 teams want to be promoted, but the two top div 3s want to be promoted, now you have 10 div 1 teams, 14 div 2 teams and 12 in div 3 etc .. Are you happy with this in your model?
do you have to have some forced promotion/relegation to accommodate this ? I think you have to, as if it is voluntary promotion, you can still end up with a power imbalance ...

Reply #151958 | Report this post

seen teh light  
Years ago

the teams would have to understand that they would be promoted if in summer GF - with the 3rd team sitting on the option if one declines.

if the top teams decline - maybe the relegation issue may come into play - but it would only be for div 2 down - so the clubs can all keep their div 1 status

remember the div 1 comp would expand by 2 over the main season.

if the div 3s wanted to come up and no div 2s went up - leaving 12 in div 2, and no team had a less than 5% winning ration - a 'challenge" game would be played between top div 3 team and bottom div 2 - winner through.
second div 3 team would play 2nd to bottom div 2 team in a challenge as well

if they win = through - if not they are where they should be!!!

Reply #151960 | Report this post

seen the light  
Years ago

and yes it may mean that some clubs could have as many as 3 teams per grade.

Reply #151964 | Report this post

Dr Damage  
Years ago

Sounds fair to me.
Providing Div 3 exists in 6 months.

Reply #151965 | Report this post

Years ago

damage was that div 3 exits or exists ???

Reply #151967 | Report this post

Years ago

So, if it is a voluntary promotion is it also voluntary relegation?
If not, you start with 10 member clubs two get relegated after the end of season and if no Division 2 teams want to be promoted then you are left with 8 teams.
What happens if only one team wants to be promoted? If you have an odd number of teams a Bye-Round has to be incorporated.

Reply #151971 | Report this post

Pasadena 50  
Years ago

a challenge game?
Good to see you've put some thought into this, and arn't just making it up as people expose flaws.

Reply #151975 | Report this post

Years ago

THE model seems to change as flaws get exposed!

the relegation is not compolsory
maybe the relegation issue may come into play
a 'challenge" game would be played between top div 3 team and bottom div 2 - winner through.

In three posts you've gone from non-compulsory relegation to compulsory relegation.

In other words, your model is rubbish.

Reply #151977 | Report this post

Years ago

He's giving it a go .. sounds ok, just some possible minor adjusments needed .. lets see anyone else come up with a better model

Reply #151978 | Report this post

Years ago

same critics , same closed minds

Reply #151981 | Report this post


Here is the original proposal. It still stacks up very well some years on from its genesis.

Summer Season (Grading Season)
" 15 weeks + 1 week finals (currently 13 weeks)
" Groups of 6
o Qualifying Group A (1,2,3,4,5,6)
o Qualifying Group B (7,8,9,10,11,12)
o Qualifying Group C (13,14,15,16,17,18) etc.
o Lowest/ Lowest 2 groups can be:
§ 6, 7 teams (1 grade)
§ 8 (4+4), 9 (5+4), 10 (5+5), 11 (6+5)
" Seeding determination
o Results from previous age group 2 years ago
o Member clubs guaranteed Group A or Group B if requested
o First teams from non-member clubs who were not represented 2 years ago, automatically start in Group D.
" Weeks 1-5
o 6 teams (1 round, 90% of competitions will be this format)
o 4 teams (1 round, 1st v 4th /2nd v 3rd , W v W, L v L)
o 5 teams (1 round with bye game)
o 7 teams (1 round with bye game, extra round needed)
o If team pulls out, re-draw only if format changes (i.e. no re-draws for 6 teams dropping to 5 teams which would be 90% of cases)
o At end, top 2 placings are promoted to higher group, lower 2 placings are relegated to lower group, others (generally middle 2 placings) stay in the same group
o If withdrawals then every team below moves up a place for next 5 weeks
" Weeks 6-10
o Same as above
o Promotion, relegation at end
" Weeks 11-15 (new calendar year)
o Same as above
o Promotion, relegation at end
" Week 16
o 1v2, 3v4, 5v6 in each group. 1v2 games are counted as grand finals.
o Winner of Week 16 games gets the higher seeding for main season

Winter Season (Championship Season)
" 21 weeks + 3 weeks finals (currently 26 weeks)
" Groups of 8
o A Grade (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
o A Reserve Grade (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16)
o B Grade (17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24) etc
o Lowest/Lowest 2 grades can be:
§ 8, 9, 10, 11 teams (1 grade)
§ 12 (6+6), 13 (7+6), 14 (7+7), 15 (8+7)
" Week 1-21
o 6 teams (4 rounds, 1 week off)
o 7 teams (3 rounds with a bye game)
o 8 teams (3 rounds. 80% of grades will be this format)
o 9 teams (2 rounds + 3 games, uneven competition with a bye game)
o 10 teams (2 rounds + 3 games, uneven competition)
o 11 teams (2 rounds with a bye game, extra Sunday game to make 22 rounds)
" Weeks 22-24
o 4 team finals system (1vs2,3vs4;L(1v2)vsW(3v4);W(1v2)vsW(Prelim Final)
o Week 23 5vs6 and 7vs8 to determine seedings for 2 years time

" Each team will soon find its level of play. Closer games, less "blow outs" leads to better competition. Better competition leads to better retention rates (i.e. less players quitting half way through season/year)
" The best play the best. This leads to better results at National Championship level.
" The strong get stronger but the weak also get stronger through more appropriate competition levels
" The strong will not feed off the weak, because of the following by-law
o In any 12 month period, no club may accept more than # players who have transferred from other member clubs
o This may or may not be extended to include non-member clubs if so desired
" Re-draws happen only 3 times per year, and there are definite rules regarding them. This looks and is more professional administratively.
" There is no gray area with seeding at the start of the year. If teams are in wrong grade they will soon end up in the right grade through their level of play
" Teams who start as low as 24th seed may end up in A Grade if they are good enough.
" More games, more revenue may lead to lower costs?
" Able to be modified in the future to include North and South lower divisions if so decided.
" Easy determination of State Championship qualifications
" 85% or competitions will be groups of 6 and 8 which are inherently easier to program than groups of 9, 10, 11, 12. There will be far less uneven competitions than at present.

" Tight timeline for re-draw at the end of week 5 and 16. However this is no different to the break between current summer and winter season.
" 1 extra week of games.
" I'm sure there are some. Write them down, and modify this proposal to solve them.

Reply #151988 | Report this post

Years ago

The biggest problem people have with Pro/Rel IMO is that the lesser clubs will not get a crack at better competition. Players develop as a result of the level of their environment etc.

On these points:

o Results from previous age group 2 years ago
o Member clubs guaranteed Group A or Group B if requested

These points are key IMO. IE every yr you get games, over summer, against the better kids but in Winter you play in a group most appropriate to your level.

Wouldn't this model almost be a "no brainer" in terms of doing???

Reply #151993 | Report this post

Years ago

its not a bad idea, is this your on idea or is an actuall thought in BSA?

this could work well although you have to look at the regular season games aswell because the top team in the reg. season may not make the final so therefor hasnt got a good chance of being moved up.

if it is bsa good to see there doing something other than sitting on there ass like basa did.

Reply #152227 | Report this post


reading the plan - the member clubs (small or large) always keep a place in div 1 if they want it.
So the "lesser" clubs will always have a crack at the top comp.

any possible relegation or 'challenge' games play in div 2,3,4 etc - so if a team is good enough they will make the grade.

it was proposed every -

summer 10 member

winter 10 member + 2 promoted

then cycles


after many years of involvement - once one humbles their ego I can assure you - one has a more enjoyable season playing in a grade where you get equal opposition - no flogging or being flogged week in week out.

with that system proposed you can move up - legitimately

Reply #152238 | Report this post

there was no relegation from div 1

Reply #152239 | Report this post

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