Years ago

Selecting a coach?????

You have 2 coach's applying for the same position. The position is as Head Coach of an ABA Men's team.
One applicant has been coaching basketball at various levels for over 10 years including junior development, as well as serving as an Assistant Coach at ABA level.
The second applicant used to play at ABA level over 10 years ago and has since not been involved in any coaching, so does not have any coaching experience except for under 12 development.
Which coach should be the one given the job? My feeling is that you cannot step into a position such as this with no coaching experience what-so-ever.
What do people think?

Topic #12901 | Report this topic

Years ago

Depends on the personality, the coaches they have played under and the respect they have within the program. Lots of people are capable of going straight from playing to coaching or for that matter being playing coaches.

Reply #150160 | Report this post

depends on chemistry.

proven experience that finishes on a good note is hard to go past.

it is like the gameday - match ups

perhaps an assistant for one

Reply #150168 | Report this post

Years ago

one coach hasnt been involved in this level of basketball for 10 years. its a very different game.

Reply #150173 | Report this post

Ostrich 51  
Years ago

It's a no brainer. Go with the person who has coaching experience.

Reply #150175 | Report this post

Dog 93  
Years ago

C.O.A.C.H. It ain't going to happen.
You're right about who you would select in a perfect world. But in a carefully and deliberately corrupted process, truth and fair dealing go out the window.

I feel sorry for the chairman, he can see it happening I bet, but he's now a lone voice.

Reply #150177 | Report this post

Years ago

How about when you are fortunate enough to have a nationally recognised and respected coach living in your town, who is being prevented from being involved at Board or Coaching level.

The Pioneers desperately need to start recruiting a team, and yet they are leaning towards the candidate who has no profile, no experience, and more importantly at this time of year... no contacts.

Reply #150184 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont believe the nationally recognised coach is the right one for the job. Does that coach have the total respect of the players with what she has done in the past.
Yes that coach is a very good coach, and they know basketball but the problems that they have caused at board level and with the team i dont believe to be totally beneficial to the future of the club.
Give the coach with the experience, who knows the local contingent better than anyone. He has coached all the local talent for the last 3 years and if anyone is going to give these guys an opportunity than surely he can not be overlooked?

Reply #150198 | Report this post

Years ago

You look at their CVs and see who has the collective playing/coaching/qualifications etc. for the position.

Playing on its own is not the be all and end all and neither is coaching.

Reply #150209 | Report this post

Years ago

Nope sorry, female coaches can not and will never fully appreciate the game at an elite mens level as they have never played there. Never experieneced the emotions a player at level goes through, the physical stress a player at that level experiences, the skills needed, presures faced and nuances of the game obtained by being there.
Their decisions are based on 'research' and quite simply - educated guessing as to what is needed. Nothing, nothing, replaces having been there and done that.
The ego/mindset of an elite male player is far different to players from lower levels. Whilst a female coach might get away with coaching them, they won't at the elite level.
When Jan Stirling coaches an NBL team I'll eat my words.......I'm still waiting.

Reply #150213 | Report this post

Years ago

That's got to be the stupidest thing I have ever read!!! Are you simply trying to stir shit??? Yes it may help if a coach has played at an elite level but it's not the most important thing. As long as you have played the game, then you have an understanding of the game.
I would actually question whether or not you have even played at an "elite" level and whether or not you would even have a frickin clue as to what your on about???!!!
I know of a female coach who coached in our competition and was very successful. I know of another coach who coached in another conference at ABL level and not only won their conference grand final but went on to win the National final!
So little fella, go back to playing with your dolls in the cupboard and leave this forum to the big people...

Reply #150215 | Report this post

Years ago

Is the ABL/SEABL classed as an elite competition?

Reply #150225 | Report this post

Dog 93  
Years ago

Well done Panther, someone with brains finally emerges!

Reply #150229 | Report this post

Years ago

well said panther. Anon, I guess you better have a word with Chris Lucas and Scott Ninnis. What would they know about womens basketball, They've never had a period in their life. Get rid of them now. Yes you're right on the money....NOT. Coaching at an emotional level, is predominantly about respect. Cut the crap about people who have been there and done it that's a cop out every time. Also, there's been many a fine player in many sports that don't know how to communicate and expect others to be as good as they were, and failed big time.

Reply #150231 | Report this post

Years ago

What about Dean Kinsman, don't remember his name in the Opals hall of fame, yet he seems to battle on with the Gems fairly well.

Reply #150254 | Report this post

Years ago

Both are decent people but IMO neither are suited to the role. The experienced coach is an outstanding person but is just too quiet and doesn't have the voice to make decisions and guide players and ultimately may struggle to have the respect of players, particularly imports.

Proves that seven days advertising time really just isn't enough to expect serious outside interest.

No coaching experience but played some ten years ago might not be the qualifications needed as head coach but for year one could just be the body for an asst role to get back into the game at this level.

Ultimately Pioneers needed a coach who could bring one or two NBL standard players with credentials to the team. Living in the mount, connections would be limited.
So IMO the board now needs to get on the phone, get on a plane and start some serious headhunting because they have not received the right applications.

Reply #150256 | Report this post

Years ago

#213 ""Never experieneced the emotions a player at level goes through, the physical stress a player at that level experiences, the skills needed, presures faced and nuances of the game obtained by being there.""

Well you are a tosser.

The above is exactly what humans (male and female) experience playing competitive sport, so male or female coach is irrelevant. It is the connections to other people that they make, their ability to build open honest relationships with the team that they lead which makes them successful - ask Tom Maher.

Reply #150258 | Report this post

Years ago

I have to agree with you "Penguins?" and in my opinion it would be great to be able to re advertise and get someone with experience and good connections. But the main problem is going to be dollars and location. If someone with experience applied they would obviously have to pack up and move down to the Mount. Unfortunately with the dollars on offer this is highly unlikely.
We are not talking NBL here, this is not a full time gig, and most coaches in the league only coach because the team is local or they played there previously.
If there was a decent job that was attached to the role then you may be able to attract a younger experienced coach but no one who is settled in a larger town is going to pack up and head to the Mount for small dollars.

Reply #150261 | Report this post

Years ago

Panther unlike c.o.a.c.h? who seems uncomfortably close to one of the applicants and the board as well, you seem to have the benefit of an unclouded view of the situation.
There is another option that I guarantee you the board won't look at.
That is to go and get the unutilised national coach and use them as a senior coach for a set period to bring a local coaching panel up to that level in a set timeframe with a clear succession plan in mind.
You don't always have to call for applications for positions, businesses head hunt the right people for the job all of the time.
c.o.a.c.h? talks about the damage this person caused at board level and with the team, what a load of garbage.
If you look at the state the club was in when that person joined the board tough decisions had to be made and hard messages had to be given. If that upsets a few, well you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

Reply #150279 | Report this post

Years ago

To be honest, I think that the thrid who you mentioned would definitely be the best option, but I don't think the board would go for it as they are out of favour.
I do know what you mean by going head hunting and to be honest they could and probably should but I think it would be a waste of time, as like I said before there just isn't the money to attract a quality coach.
I think the club are in a tight situation and really should at least swallow their pride and ask if that "person" is interested in coaching the team...again.

Reply #150288 | Report this post

Years ago

And you know what Panther after all is said and done that person with the right checks and balances would probably swallow their pride and do the job.

But the board is so conflicted by those scavenging for the job however unsuitable, that this option will not be canvassed.
Maybe the council and respected ex players like yourself moose and others could step in and provide some timely advice to those intent on their own self interest to rise above that and think about the interests of the club and sponsors

Reply #150290 | Report this post

Years ago

"DJ21 says, "well you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs"

What a great statement and how true and it now stands to be seen whether personal self interest and stubbornness(sp) stand in the way of making a few tough calls here, which will cause some unrest initally, for the betterment of the players, supporters and sponsors.
Sure Panther they don't have a whole lot of dollars to throw around but if they don't start making the phone calls now and go out headhunting, the situation is only going to get worst until they have no club and a lot of good people have been burned and left. Maybe if they can attract the right person, it might be easier to convince a few sponsors and maybe a job to boot.

Reply #150298 | Report this post

Years ago

If she wanted the job im sure she would have applied for it. Or is it a case of too stubborn by both parties.

Reply #150304 | Report this post

must be an idiot  
Years ago

Sure that's it of course!
Can't believe it was that simple all along!

Reply #150329 | Report this post

Years ago

it is that simple, idiot. she didnt apply, she didnt want the job. Simple

Reply #150393 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #150427 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #150428 | Report this post

Years ago

wheww cause my feet weren't happy...

Reply #150465 | Report this post

Years ago

I think we will just have to sit back and wait and watch what comes of the process put in place and hope that the chairman can prevail on the board to act responsibly in the interests of the club as a whole.

If he cannot and the worst case scenario eventuates I fear there is the potential for a St Kilda type situation to occur which would be disastrous for all.

Reply #150468 | Report this post

Years ago

ummm. i have no clue of the personalities involved, no idea of the histories, and no great basketball mind.

However, my experience has taught me, that when employing someone, you look at their experience, training, how they will fit with the exisiting staff, attitude and....their plans for the future. thats the big one, the person with the best plan and the one who can get the team working to a single goal is the one to employ...so..look at the applicants...and give the best person the job, simple :)

Reply #150473 | Report this post

Years ago

From the outside, looking like a rabble.......

Reply #150474 | Report this post

Years ago

me - sure but the issue seems to be that they don't have the calibre or number of applicants that a SEABL gig should demand.

The Board members are at a place they probably would rather not be but they put their hands up for the roles so now they need to act responsibly to secure the long-term future of the club, the players, the sponsors and the town per se.

It has been stated but again, they should not employ someone just because they are the only person who applied, make a few phone calls.

Reply #150513 | Report this post

Dog 93  
Years ago

After all the lip service to a process, they actually had the balls to do it!

They should hang their heads in shame, all of them.

Rod Butters did the right thing, I wonder if this bunch will!

Reply #151240 | Report this post

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