Years ago

Girls basketball at Sturt

The winter season results would suggest that while the boys program at Sturt is still very strong, the girls program is no where near the same standard. I understand they are really struggling for depth in some age groups, and there is not a lot coming through. Not a great advert. for the City South comp.

I also understand there is limited coaching for the girls unless elite, and that recently the teams have been bolstered by transfers from other clubs - otherwise numbers are a bit thin. There is no expectation that the ABA girls assist with coaching, and no development squads.

Any thoughts?

Topic #12881 | Report this topic

Giraffe 68  
Years ago

here's a thought - worry about building your own club before trying to knock someone else's. Sturt are still the benchmark.

Reply #150014 | Report this post

Years ago

My children play at Sturt and I must say that if they are the benchmark, then heaven help the girls at the other clubs.

Reply #150018 | Report this post

Years ago

Heres another thought.....Squad lists came out today and my guess is that you wingers above little princesses did not get into the Division that you were expecting...

Reply #150025 | Report this post

mohegan casino  
Years ago

hardly think things have slipped at sturt - you may find a couple of other clubs have improved.

North did not win a div 1 GF - so are they doomed - hardly!

anon could be on the money.

Sturt is no different from any other club - getting coaches, keeping people happy etc etc

try to keep a positive focus on your kids sport and make the most of what is presented to you - karma

Reply #150028 | Report this post

mohegan casino  
Years ago

Club (Premiers, Runners Up)
Sturt 10 10
Forestville 10 5
North 6 9
West 5 2
Norwood 3 6
Woodville 2 3
Western 2 1
Eastern 1 1
South 1 1
Centrals 1 0
Northern 1 0
Torrens Valley 0 3
Southern 0 1

sturt had 2 premiers in girls
u 14 div 1
u 16 div 3

3 runners up

u 10 div 1
u 10 div 2
u 14 div 2

whilst not as successful as the whitewash in all grades they had a few years ago it is hardly the titanic.

Reply #150029 | Report this post

Years ago

Your observations are not backed up by the results. 14 out of 20 finallists. 2 fifths, 4 fourths, 3 thirds, 3 runners up and 2 wins. Under 10s and 14s both great age groups. Behind forestville this time but still pretty good.

Reply #150030 | Report this post

Years ago

Not a great advert. for the City South comp.

Didn't Forestville dominate the girls side? They are in City South aren't they? And Sturt had 5 girls teams in GFs? What about the boys - you said they were still strong, so are they not in City South too?

I also understand there is limited coaching for the girls unless elite

Welcome to every club's problem. And the people who do volunteer their time to coach the "non-elite" (as you call it) should be appreciated for their efforts, not have anonymous snipers bagging them for being "limited".

There is no expectation that the ABA girls assist with coaching

Why should they? If they play ABA - they'll already have their (I assume) 2 trainings a week, plus a game, plus reserves for some. And then study, work, or both. Do other clubs have this expectation?

Any thoughts?

Yup. That you are nothing other than a sook.
And if it's true the squad lists just came out - I'd say the anon above has nailed you.

Reply #150072 | Report this post

Buns of Steel  
Years ago

As much as I would love to see Sturt go down to the bottom of the heap, it just aint gonna happen. We could all selfishly hope and pray it will happen, but it wont. The club is full of some big personalities that you just love to hate; however they are damn good at what they do and you have to give them credit for it.

There are a few clubs out there that keep on doing the right things, the little things that you dont see first up and despite what happened in the winter season (some clubs would love to have Sturts record from the season just gone by)they will keep on doing what they do best and continue to provide some of the best juniors in the comp (unfortunatly!).

Sturt will continue to be the number 1 club that my kids teams love to beat above every other club.

Reply #150081 | Report this post

Years ago

my girl played div 3 at sturt

their coach is a level 2 and had won state reserve champs a couple of years back and has put together some pretty fruitful squads previously.

hardly rough times at div 3 level.

Reply #150087 | Report this post

wait and see  
Years ago

Lets just wait and see what happens this season in the girls. It might give a bettter indication of the future. A few girls leaving, squads not as strong, coaches having to really work.

Reply #150089 | Report this post

Years ago

New DOC at Norwood ,Southern and Forestville too.

Reply #150100 | Report this post

Years ago

That's great "parent", you were very fortunate. You clearly were not in our Div 3 group....we had token coaches...turned up on game day if you were lucky
but between them went to about 5 training sessions over the whole of summer/winter, collectively.
Do not get me started...oh yes and please none of the "but they are volunteers nonsense" If you put your hand up to coach then you know you take on responsibility. And just because they are volunteers does not mean they have the right to behave outside the code of conduct. I have never, in my circles, seen a coach been treated badly. But if you are not in Div1/2 then you do not rate, elite will get all the benefits of coaching and Div 3 and under usually pay for them to progress. " Parent" bottle that coach and take him/her with you.
And as for junior development particularly for girls, oh please.....
and what is even better, high level administrators at Sturt state that there is no "politics" in the Sturt Basketball club.!!!!.
My kids are are neither "princes" nor "princesses" just good kids who wanted to play basketball and feel part of a club..but boys are clearly more valued than girls.
And as far as "progressing players" forget it, but instead of looking at their own players who would give the world to be progressed and have decent coaches..guess what, Sturt poach from other clubs and committed kids just get pushed downwards and treated poorly and rewarded with no coaches again for the next season.
The bridge is widening between the haves and the have nots but the fees are the same.
Let us hope the new committee will be a breath of fresh air. Who does run Sturt, I am sure at some levels there are some powerful coaching families at the helm.... from Juniors to SASI!!!!
Our kids love Sturt and have made great friends but as parents naturally we are concerned. particularly for the girls.

Yes one could go to another club, but for all its' downfall, the kids would not to want to move. So we will put up with these issues, but that does not mean they do not exist, and should be looked into.

Reply #150107 | Report this post

Years ago

"And just because they are volunteers does not mean they have the right to behave outside the code of conduct. I have never, in my circles, seen a coach been treated badly."

Please explain - not sure what you are trying to say here, if you have an accusation/point to make then make it.

Reply #150110 | Report this post

Years ago

(Mod: Sniping.)

Reply #150111 | Report this post

problem solvered  
Years ago

pst - I can only hope if you had serious concerns you spoke with the age group co-ord re these problems.

"kids get pushed down" - it is a competition !
so on that should we play the mercy rule if you are up by 20.

last time I checked life in general was pretty well like this.

leave it on the forum and you will only get pissed.
My kid made way for a "boom" recruit from elsewhere - they stayed a while and left and my kid is back up there.

enjoyed bulk more minutes in a less competitive group and won a "title".

just encourage your child to play the lights out and they will be recognized - nobody can argue with that - play too much politics and you will torched !

Reply #150117 | Report this post

Years ago

You may be corect BUT the people on this thread making all the noise most probably came from other Clubs to start with

Reply #150118 | Report this post

Years ago

Our kids love Sturt and have made great friends

Then what is the problem? Isn't your kids being happy what it is all about? Or is it all about YOU??

we had token coaches

Without which, you wouldn't have had a team, and would not have played. Would that be better?

And just because they are volunteers does not mean they have the right to behave outside the code of conduct.

At which time no doubt you addressed the issues through the proper channels ... Oh wait, I bet you didn't - I bet you just whinged about it anonymously on a forum!

Reply #150120 | Report this post

Years ago

All other clubs must be perfect!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #150123 | Report this post

Years ago

Code of Conduct for coaches is in Basketball SA website. Issues covered include: ensuring the athlete's time spent with you is a positive experience ( all athletes are deserving of attention and opportunities); Help each athlete reach their full potential;be professional and accept responsibilities for your actions;respect the rights, dignity and wellbeing, treat athletes equally;make a committment in providing a quality service;be a positive role model; refrain from any form of personal abuse etc etc
Club says do not complain they are volunteers..and so it goes on. If you do not have a coach, tough... an inexperienced parent to the rescue..and the club takes no responsibility..because now you have a coach!!!

Keep issues separate. While the kids love their friends they are frustrated in not getting rightfully progressed. They may be pre-teen,but are certainly astute. When they miss out on the coaching their friends are getting, its completely understandable how de-valuing and, demoralising that is. And the further they fall behind. . Neither fair nor equitable.

As for speaking to the Age Co-ordinator, what a useless process. Another year of getting ignored, because we are not important..only interested in Div 1.

Reply #150136 | Report this post

Yes no interest shown in the below grades All Div 1 coaches should show an interest in the teams below. What is the harm sitting on the teams bench or going and helping out at training once a month or every couple of months. It shows an interest whether you are or not! Perhaps it starts from the top?

So who are the new JDO at Forestville, Southern and Norwood?

Reply #150138 | Report this post

Years ago

pst -

So are they loving it or frustrated? You seem to pick and choose how your daughter is feeling!!

You say speaking to the Age Group co-ordinator is useless, is anonymously whinging on this website any more constructive?

The "inexperienced parent" to the rescue is at least ensuring your child gets a game - otherwise they wouldn't get one. But I guess it's easier to slag off someone who IS contributing than do something yourself..

Reply #150139 | Report this post

Years ago

pst -

If it so bad there, leave. You have a club 5 minutes North, and another 5 minutes South-West.

Reply #150140 | Report this post

hey pst  
Years ago

The "club" is really a collection of people, like yourself. The "club" (any club for that matter) can sometimes provide coaches that are of a standard you are seeking, sometimes it can't, especially at lower divisions. It is the same at any "club". It's not that the players there are devalued, it's like referee-ing, less people want to coach lower divisions than the higher ones.

In this case the last person left standing when everybody else stepped back was left to do it. It's not a matter of the club taking responsibility, the person simply is not available. That's when people like yourself are asked to "volunteer", and somebody did.

Be thankful that a person "volunteered". I don't know if they ever will again after you spouting anonymously in a public forum which only hurts the person who "volunteered" and the collection of people that is the "club". Together we and every other person at every other "club" do the community a great service.

As one of those people at our "club", I wish you would LEAVE our "club" so we can get on with providing that service. Most of the time its great, some times it isn't, just like life.

Reply #150144 | Report this post

Years ago

Well said hey pst. But don't come to our club!

Reply #150148 | Report this post

Years ago

From the "To The Parents" part of the Sturt Handbook on the website:

If however you have issues that need to be resolved, please follow the appropriate process:

1. Wait a night and then talk to the coach. 95% of problems are resolved here. Coaches are instructed not to deal with negative feedback following a game.

2. If after talking to the coach, the issue has still have not been resolved talk to the Age Group Coordinator, who is normally the Division 1 Coach.

3. If the issue persists contact the Junior Coaching Director.

4. If there is still an issue contact the Club Ombudsman.

5. Finally, if there is still a problem contact the President who represents the Management Committee.

You have a go at volunteer coaches for not following their codes/processes, yet it seems you do not do it yourself! You've complained about #2 (even though I've no doubt you haven't done it), so go ahead to #3. Unless I missed 6. Sook anonymously on HoopsSA.

Of course, everyone knows you won't. It would actually take some real effort on your part.

Reply #150150 | Report this post

You're joking  
Years ago

I am another diappointed Sturt parent of a girl player - who is anything but a princess. I am also a qualified coach in another sport.

I have read the Sturt Handbook and tried to follow the process:

As to # 1 : Tried that and coach would not acknowledge me for the rest of the season

As to # 2: Waste of time despite several calls, as no interest in lower divisions

As to # 3: Dismissed concern.

Yes, I did not go on to the next 2 steps as was disillusioned and did want to prejudice my daughter further ( or my son who also played at the club).

As a sport, and having played elite level at another, I am shocked at how reluctant basketball club administartors are to change. In my view this forum shows this. One can't make a comment or suggestion without an attack.

There are better ways to encourage young players and develop skills. Girls develop much later than boys and should be coached and developed differently.

I am sure the attitude of many at basketball clubs push girls to netball. It certainly has done that for my daughter.

Reply #150151 | Report this post

Years ago

PST - your comment re "high level administrators at Sturt state that there is no "politics" in the Sturt Basketball club.!!!!." who said it and when, because no administrator at Sturt or any other sporting club in the nation would tell you that. There are politics in all sports. We all know it.

Angela 59 - look at the squad lists on the Sturt website and still tell us that the girls numbers are a bit thin. Perhaps you can also tell us how many transfers there are and how many left the Club - My guess is it is natural attrition. Eg approximately the same amount and left and the same amount joined

Both of you should check your facts before making comments on here that dont hold up

Reply #150156 | Report this post

Years ago

Your'e Joking

Posters Angela59 and PST and a few others make observations which arent' true and post them on here. They are emotionally based not factual and do not consider the parent who stood in as Coach to help out because no-one else would. Quite frankly, if this is they way that parent volunteers are treated, why would any single one of them want to coach the kids again.

It then makes it easier for the Clubs to just have their Division 1 and 2 elite - and palm the rest off to a social competition. Which would piss me
off as my son plays in Div 3/4 and enjoys the District competition we have tried social and it is a joke. PS - his team hardly saw a coach in the latter part of the season and parents stepped in to help out. But there was alway a Coach to run the trainings even though this was also a parent. This is better that nothing and we dont complain. My son just wants to play ball because he enjoys it not because he has aspirations or I have aspirations for him to play Div 1 and 2. Because the alternative is NO TEAM and having to play SOCIAL.

They should also be very aware that the Club committees are volunteers as well. Quite frankly after the rot that has been written on here why would anyone want to join the Committee's either.

The posters PST and Angela59 are the ones that sit back and let everyone else do the hard work, then complain when things dont go their way. They are being quite spiteful and it will come back to haunt them. It is very clear to all who read this thread that their kids have been "overlooked" for the higher divisions. As this thread came out the same days as Sturts Squad lists were posted on the website.

The above should answer your comment about them being attacked on here.

Your issue is another one entirely which really has nutter to do with the original post. It is about a complaint that you have that you dont think you were heard. I am assuming your daughter is moving on to play netball - perhaps you should have followed the last few steps you may have been heard.

Reply #150157 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt you are a great club and bigger than any individual, but clearly with so much angst, the communication in your club, at a higher level, seems to be lacking.. People are clearly grieved. Some very defensive posts from obvious Sturt followers. What has happened for this angst, it does not happen for no reason. Something has gone terribly wrong. Do not blame the customer , look at the service delivery.
Are people getting treated properly or are they getting shut out.
Changes clearly need to be made at a higher level.If you are treated well naturally you have no need to complain. If you feel badly treated and not getting a fair, impartial and reasonable hearing then why?
The communication is clearly inappropriater and people must be feeling badly treated. To come on a forum to vent is another indicator the door is shut at Pas.
To even suggest that someone should lump it or leave it is an indicator of a serious problem.
Something needs fixing. Something is not right. Someone is posibly not doing the right thing.

Reply #150159 | Report this post

Harrison Bergeron  
Years ago

That last post is one of the funniest things I have ever read. I can imagine a prehistoric Shamaan kneeling and praying to the great god in the sky .....

Wonderful stuff cheers; absolute, meaningless Gold!!!!!

Reply #150163 | Report this post

i have really, really been around - sturt are absoloutely 100% on track developing junior ball in SA.

ask not what the club can do for you - but what you can do for the club.

Reply #150165 | Report this post

Mel Gibson  
Years ago

who are the new JDO's?

Reply #150166 | Report this post

Years ago

Quite simple really. Whilst the coaches may have good technical skills in the game of basketball, their communication skills are non existent. This can be excused to a certain extent as some are young, the worrying aspect being the more 'senior' coaches also lack this equally important skill. No secret that the great coaches are also great communicators.

Reply #150167 | Report this post

Years ago

"same old, same old" whichever club you are associated with, seems like nothing has changed!!!!!!

Reply #150189 | Report this post

Years ago

New JDOs?

Reply #150204 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturt, yes a great club both on or off the court but things can always be a little better-
Improved communication at the "coal face":
Appoint a Member Protection Officer :
Send feedback forms out to all club members, and yes be brave enough to get both negative and positive comments. ( should be entirely upto members whether they wish to remain annonymous or happy to disclose.)
That is one way of improving business.

And on parent/coaches with little experience. (Bless them for trying) BUT If you would not appoint them for Div 1 and 2 , then should they really be good enough for Div 3's who probably need the development and skill imput. I know it is hard to get coaches, maybe an agreement with some suitable ABA players, workload allowing.

Reply #150253 | Report this post

Years ago

Name a junior club in Australia that doesnt have parents coaching and isnt crying out for coaches.

Reply #150257 | Report this post

Years ago

Get rid of Div 3. Problem solved.

Reply #150262 | Report this post

Years ago


you are missing one vital point - some of the mum and dad coaches have played high level basketball. I can name you 2 that filled in this year at Sturt who coached Div 3 and below - do you think that they have no training and knowledge in skills and development of basketball, both have played for this state as juniors (when only the elite played basketball!!) and there are many more parents in the club with these attributes. Before you and others start making "bless them for trying comments" perhaps you would be better served to actually speak to some of them and ask what their background is, and not dismiss them as having no knowledge. There are other parents who also coach div 3 and below and have done the courses, also not to be dismissed.

They have as much experience as your beloved ABA players that you think should come and coach you child.

Reply #150300 | Report this post

neil down  
Years ago

maybe we should get off the forum and get our kids down to the practice courts

Reply #150388 | Report this post

Buns of Steel  
Years ago

I guess one thing about mum & pop coaches is that at least they actually get off their butts and contribute in a positive way, despite the fact they may already have commitments that stops them from attending trainings as much as others would hope.

Surley you cant have a go at them for that?

Reply #150409 | Report this post

Years ago

JDO = Junior Development Officer.
I walk with a Sturt div 4 mum every morning. She is not impressed with how we accept the subs, even when we don't have a coach. (We told her not to take her son to Sturt!) But i think all clubs do this (accept registrations and worry about finding coaches later! She (probably accurately) summizes that her son's social team at Unley is better coached, and has better motivated players than his Sturt team. And at a fraction of the cost. Her little prince (no, he's not really!) plays club soccer too. His potential body shape (looking at genetics) is way better suited to basketball. But I feel he will slip away. I wonder if Sturt div 1 & 2 even GLANCE at the potential further dowm. Not all parents have any concept of the (sorry...BIZARRE) culture of the basketball world!

Reply #150488 | Report this post

never give up  
Years ago

everyone knocking - not knowing some facts.

a div 3 player has made sturts first squad for one age group - so much for your theory

Reply #150506 | Report this post

Harrison Bergeron  
Years ago

Two Div 3 Under 12 players went to 14 Nationals last Year - it happens all the time but the doomsayers can keep on peddling their crap. It probably makes it easier to lay blame at everything else, individual coaching occurs for Div 3 and Div 4 players and has over numerous years, but hey .... never let the truth get in the way of a good story and a hearty ol' bitch-along!

Reply #150613 | Report this post

If all the people who commented on this issue volunteered in any small capacity what a fantastic club Sturt would truly be. As always you should lead by example. Show your children that as parents you support your club. Your children will then be the true winners. Teach your children good life skills as well as basketball! All you are teaching your child is that they are the most important thing in the universe.

Reply #150870 | Report this post

Years ago

Angus...I see, if one comments on this thread then you automatically assume that they have not volunteered at this club.. I could name plenty of parents who have volunteered, as good parents and role models do, but that does not mean the club reciprocates or is even "more fantastic". But it certainly helps .
Quite frankly I am happy to volunteer, the children certainly know the amount of extra time is put into the club but please do not assume that just because one is even remotely critical of this club does not mean that one does not volunteer in whatever capacity.
Life skills are very important, and not only from playing, but from coaches and their peers.
I certainly would not consider basketball a haloed fact I have seen very poor role modelling come from quite a few in the sport and I am not talking about the parent who do volunteer!!

Reply #150901 | Report this post

Harrison Bergeron  
Years ago

look you holier-than-thou idiot! People have given you options for discussion to promote change and you continue to carp on and get antagonistic at every opportunity. Do everyone a favour and shutup, if you don't like the club - leave. If you can make a contribution then do so, but above all else shutup!!!

Reply #150909 | Report this post

Years ago

All things considered, if Sturt's U14s Div 1 girls team had played Geelong on Saturday instead of Port, they might just have narrowly lost by a point!

Reply #150933 | Report this post

Years ago

Who Port or Sturt? I'm thinking you mean Port would have lost by a point.


Reply #151046 | Report this post

Years ago

WOW - what a topic - seems quite heated - I am looking for a club where my daughter who has just turned 9 can play, and not just train. Was going to go to sturt, but after all these words of criticism, I am unsure where to send her - I just want her to have fun, learn the game, and progress in a competitive team sport.

Reply #214807 | Report this post

Years ago


I think you will find that this thread was started and continued mainly by a small minority of disgruntled parents - on the day the new squad lists came out (and obviously didn't have their daughters up in div 1/2). From memory I think that the above parents ended up leaving the club - and taking their daughters (despite them apparently "loving it" and making "heaps of friends") with them.

You'll find all clubs have disgruntled parents (either from that club or from another) airing grievances on here if you search for them.

The girls will generally have fun and learn the game at ANY club.

Reply #214815 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Goooorn is correct. Kids will learn at any club and despite what disgrunted parents think, all clubs are reasonable standard.

A number of things to consider:

* Proximity. If you live at Para Hills, then Centrals is who you should play for, not South Adelaide.
* Friendships. If your daughter's best schoolfriend play at Torrens Valley and you live at Firle then perhaps consider chosing TV over Norwood, but bear in mind they might not be on the same team and she'll meet new people at a different club.
* FUN. Despite what us adults think, kids are pretty resiliant and place more emphasis on fun, achieving skills growth, developing their skills, and being a part of something than winning. Pushy, competitive parents reliving their sporting triumphs is not a good look. You can never please those parents because they will always complain about something in their lives.

My philosphy is that you have a 50:50 chance of winning. If your team is winning more than 50%, then you're lucky, if less then you're unlucky.

The other thing is that if your team is down, you have the opportunity to contribute positively and build something for the future.

My advice? Start at the closest club to where you live or where her friends go, get a vibe, then go from there. Don't listen to negative comments. People who sit on the sidelines and throw stones have an inability to resolve issues positively and will never be happy wherever.

Reply #214830 | Report this post

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