Cat 15
Years ago
Sixers first home game - thoughts?
With the first home game of the season on Friday night, I thought i would give my run-down of the evening:
Pre-Game: Good to see the 36ers finally get some of the juniors involved and at the game. Tonights game featured St. Peters and PAC (Saints won easily). There are a few other school games coming over the next few weeks which is a good way to encourage people to come to the games.
Game: 36ers are a much better team than last year (couldn't be worse). Great to see a 36ers team with an inside presence (ie someone - actually several, who can score in the post). Going to be enjoyable to watch this season. Davidson my fave.
Halftime entertainment: Da Klinic was a good way to start. Gave us something to watch, was interesting and got the crowd involved.
Crowd: I thought it was a great crowd for the first game, given the limited promotion, the football prelim on telly and junior finals. The lowering of ticket prices was a great move and I get the feeling we are going to see some close to full houses later in the season if the 36ers are still winning.
Dome: Where exactly are the renovations? Apart from the plasmas in the corporate boxes and new court paint job I couldn't see much. How about a replay screen you can actually see? Could we replace the really old screen that lists all of the players and point totals with a big tv screen? The projector/screen combo that is used at the moment is a JOKE.
Others: Can we bring back the 36ers song? Should be played after the national anthem i.e. in the last 2 minutes before tip-off. A great way to get the crowd involved.
Cheer squad - do we have one? We need one to get the crowd involved more. It still felt like watching a chess match at times.
Well that's my thoughts. Anyone else?