If you consider this for a moment.
Sure BASA is currently financially haemmoraging. However, how much of this is due to the repayments - which they have to currently meet until the Government makes up it's mind what it is going to do.
What happens if the Government agrees to wipe the debt (either entirely, or a very significant amount). This would free up a lot of money currently "being thrown down the drain".
This money could then be used to invest in the junior programmes, in referee education and development, in building maintenance / upgrading.
I still think the proposal they were thinking about selling the 6ers should have been considered even more....I would love to see the 36ers and Lightning become totally separate and independent of BASA, and allow 6ers management to concentrate on 6ers and Lightning stuff (why cant they be called the 7's....6er's & 7er's....HA!! I kill me!), and BASA management for BASA stuff.
I am sure there is some business man or corporation out there who could see the huge potential in owning the 6ers, with obviously some sort of deal with the Dome (or... maybe move into the City to the Exhibition Centre???), making the Dome a showcase "local" stadium, allowing BASA to run things like The Blitz even, and competitively bid for more National titles.
Just some thoughts off the top of my head, feel free to shoot them down in flames (as per usual) :)