Years ago

Agro Neighbours - "Stop Bouncing That Ball"

Recently my grumpy old neighbour has been yelling at me when I've been practicing basketball in the backyard  "stop bouncing that bloody ball!". Surely I have the right to bounce a basketball in my own backyard. I might point out that I haven't been practicing at night time or early in the morning. He's even got his 3 and 4 year old daughters yelling over the fence whenever they hear bouncing. I even went round to speak to them but they have locked their gate so I can't even get in so I wrote a letter saying is there anytime when you would prefer that I didn't play basketball and which times would it be OK if I did. I got no response except more shouting over the fence a few days later. What do people think, do I have the right to do what I'm doing or not? How should I go about this?

Topic #12751 | Report this topic

Years ago

You are well within your rights to play at reasonable times. i suggest you continue to play and try to ignore the foolish neighbours. if you have other family member swho can speak to these people on your behalf that might also help...if all else fails..start playing at 2am...give them something to actually complain about.

Reply #148536 | Report this post

Manute Bol  
Years ago

Tell him that you'll stop if he can beat you in a 1 on 1. Wait until he enters the court then use him as a step ladder and do a tomahawk dunk on his head then yell at the top of your voice BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA..........YOUR MUMMA!

Let me know if this works.

Reply #148537 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks Manute, I'll give it a try!

Reply #148540 | Report this post

Years ago

I used to have this problem when I about 13-15, the neighbour across the road would scream at me. He was all of 70yrs old but a cranky bastard. He eventually called the police one night at 7pm because I was playing. They came round after he told them we caused constant disturbance to the neighbourhood. When they arrived he was fairly well told to go back inside and get over it, they were pissed at having their time wasted.

Reply #148543 | Report this post

Neville Nobody  
Years ago

If a neighbour wants to he can seek an injunction against your bouncing. There is no such reasonable time of the day if he claims for are affecting his family's quality of life!

Reply #148547 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, you call your neighbour a grumpy old neighbour but he can't be too old if he has 3 and 4 year old daughters. Is he home all the time that no time is suitable for you to practice? If he is home that much, tell him to go get a job and stop pissing off the tax payers. If his gates are locked that you can't go and talk to him and he doesn't respond to a written letter, then ignore him and do what you want. He is obviously not trying to be co-operative so neither should you.

Reply #148552 | Report this post

me 3  
Years ago

just tell him that at lease you are not breaking into his house or molesting his daughters and to get over it.or shut ya windows doors could be worse things happening (drug labs, loud rap music power tools or the worst The port Power Club Song blaring out)

Reply #148557 | Report this post

me 3  
Years ago

least that is

Reply #148558 | Report this post

Dont worry, he'll die soon. you can bounce the ball as much as you want then

Reply #148567 | Report this post

Years ago

Report your neighbour to the Police Crime watch line for running a drug making lab behind his locked gates!! Maybe to Operation Avatar as well as you have seen bikies visit there late at night. Just use a public phone. Should keep him away from you for a while.

Reply #148571 | Report this post

Melvin Corpuscle  
Years ago

Just bring your stereo outside and whenever he yells, crank it up and drown him out .. if you can find it, just put the 6ers song on repeat ..

Reply #148576 | Report this post

Years ago

Buy a drum kit. At least he can't complain about the bouncy ball...

Reply #148578 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

I had this problem as a teenager. The neighbour used to keep the ball if it went over the fence so we would jump over the fence and pinch them back when he was out. The next step was to build a 12-foot high chicken-wire fence so the balls didn't go over.

My suggestion is this: tell us all your address and we'll all come over and play. That way he'll stop complaining about just you.

Reply #148581 | Report this post

Years ago

You have done all the right things. Ignore the prick as retaliation will only make it worse.

Reply #148585 | Report this post

Years ago

Moses top idea, I would be in that. Anon keep practising, and a really good way to help you not hear your neighbours complaining is to play music really loud while practising, it will stop him complaining about the basketball bouncing.

Reply #148591 | Report this post

Years ago

get an old basketball thats useless and throw it at his head next time he starts yelling

Reply #148605 | Report this post

Years ago

Tell him to f#$% off.... No noise complaint there.. A person bouncing a basketball durig reasonable hours doesn't qualify as someone disturbing the peace. If he reported that to me I'd be chatting to him to get a life.

Also tell him that if he beleives the noise is too loud then he needs to contact the EPA who will attend with their noise metres and take a recording and then they will get back to him.

Keep bouncing that ball, either he'll get sick and tired and leave you alone, or he'll do something stupid which he'd could possibly get in trouble for.

Reply #148615 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

OK anonymous, you've got two of us interested. I work pretty close to a 9-5 day, so will probably need to come around after work. Weekends could be alright but I'll need some notice and the kids might need to come around too (yes, all four of them). Skyhooked's interested so we could make this a super show.

Trust me - he'll stop complaining about the bouncing ball in no time at all.

Reply #148627 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with "me" the second post , 2am ball with loud music if necessary hope it wakes up his daughter and keeps him up all night lol

Reply #148630 | Report this post

Years ago

lets all head to his house after a big one on a saturday night

Reply #148632 | Report this post

Years ago

Next time he or his snotty nose daughters are on the other side of the fence yelling at you, ditch the ball at the fence as hard as you can; it will get their attention!


Try to tape what they are saying to you over the fence, then when they come out again, blast it back at them in a replay loop.

Reply #148643 | Report this post

Years ago

Find out what the Guinness Book of Records says about the most people bouncing a basketball in one place. Organise a hoopsSA-sponsored attempt to beat the record out the front of his house.

Will acheive two things:

1. Get huge publicity for

2. Annoy the living shit out of your neighbour.

Reply #148706 | Report this post

Dr Bullshit  
Years ago

After reading this yesterday i went to a mates house. About 4 hours after arriving the cops were round because we were "disturbing the peace" by chatting 'extremely' loudly at 8 oclock at night. What is the world coming to when people can complain about noise at 8pm. Not to mention the police just waltzed their way in down the side through a shut gate. I didnt even think that was legal without due cause.

Oh and the bright spark policeman told us we were breaking the environmental act...i dno what law hes been reading but seems like he should re-read!

Keep bouncing the ball and tell the old coot to eat faeces, and if the cops come round, tell them the same!

Reply #148766 | Report this post

Years ago

Do you live across the road from the Marion Basketball Stadium?

Reply #149044 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah Dr Bullshit, tell the cops to eat faeces.... I would love to see you do that!!!! Easy to type it here, but you wouldn't have the balls to tell one to ones face.....

Police have the power to enter a premise without warrant if they suspect an offence is being committed or they are concerned for the wellbeing of people inside the premise or they suspect the destruction of property is taking place. In this case, the backyard is hardly a premise and if the backgate is unsecured (I'm guess it is by the Police being able to waltz through) then it's free game. Obviously they heard you talking from the rear of the yard, probably after spending 5 minutes banging on the front door waiting for someone to answer it.

Reply #149060 | Report this post

Years ago

"Police have the power to enter a premise without warrant if they suspect an offence is being committed or they are concerned for the wellbeing of people inside the premise or they suspect the destruction of property is taking place."

TR - since when did talking constitute an offence, raise concern for well-being or destruct property.

I'd be telling the cops to get off my property if they entered my backyard to investigate talking. Whether anyone answered a door knocking is irrelevant. Private property is just that, it's not "free game" as you describe. Unless the police do have cause to suspect any of the above has occured, they have no more right than you or I. It's called prowling when you enter other people's property for no reason.

You sound like a cop on a power trip.

Dr Bullshit - if it happened as you describe, make a complaint to the Police Complaints Authority.

Reply #149066 | Report this post

Melvin Corpuscle  
Years ago

Rather than tape the neighbour, just tape the sound of you bouncing the ball, and put THAT on replay, especially when you leave the house .. really peeve him off.

Reply #149073 | Report this post

Years ago

"serious??", no i dont live across the road from Marion Basketball Stadium", why do you ask??

Reply #149147 | Report this post

Years ago

Ok doc, lets say that complaint was two voices coming from the rear yard of a house, it's dark and who knows HOW it was reported to Police. It could of been as simple as "I can hear voices coming from next door and it doesn't sound like the regular occupants" OR as serious as "I can hear yelling and screaming coming from the backyard".

How are Police suppose to respond to that, yes, it could be the occupants (on a good day) or it could be two criminals trying to break into a house or worse (on a bad day).

One of my recent experiences of voices in the rear yard at night involved a length of rope, a knife and a male person. Let's just say he wasn't practicing to be a boy scout.

Let's just say that it was a bad day, Police attended your house, could hear voices from your backyard but thought it's only the occupants and walked away, but in reality it was two people breaking into your house, would you expect Police to just walk away and not investigate. I don't think so... What would you do if you found out that Police attended whilst the offenders where on the property or inside your house but failed to investigate, you'd be pissed and rightly so.

I'm also guessing that you know the voice of everyone and can identify everyone by voice????

Police where there for a legitimate reason, someone call them to attend to an incident regardless of how minor the incident was. They heard voices coming from the rear yard and went to investigate, and on this day, yes it happened to be a good day.

Ever been called to a home in the middle of the night and have the neighbor tell you that they observed someone breaking into the house, and then going in that house without knowing what to expect and try and find the person???? It's not a nice experience....

Reply #149153 | Report this post

Years ago

My neighbours bounce a ball in their front yard!
Noise enters my home! And Its banging in my head.
I do not mind anybody bouncing a ball.
But why do I have to put up with the noise in my own house?
I can't do anything without listing to it. I've lost my privacy.
So I can also bounce a ball when it does not suit them!
I could make lots of noise too. At night when everybody is sleeping.
But two wrongs don't make anything right.
We all have a right to privacy.
So why can't people play ball in a sports centre?

Reply #308620 | Report this post

Years ago

What goes around, eventually will come around. One day it will be your peace and quiet that will be disturbed, then and only then will you understand how it feels. Everyone has a right to peace and quiet in their own home. Try sleeping or studying for an exam while someone is bouncing a ball in your ears. It's inconsiderate. Why not find a court at a local playground...and leave your neighbors in peace.

Reply #314896 | Report this post

I could come around and play my acoustic guitar at 9pm on a saturday night in your lounge room with the front door open - thats all it took for the police to come around to pickles house back in the day!

It may have been the Australia Day parties we used to have that may have led to the cops being called.

Reply #314953 | Report this post

Years ago

The number of selfish people on here is astonishing. One day they will be the ones having their peace being disturbed by some inconsiderate cretin and then they will see how it feels. You won' t be so funny with your comments then. The only pity is that I and all the other "moanie's" won't have the pleasure of seeing your ugly faces when it inevitably happens.

Reply #439965 | Report this post

Years ago

EPA laws allow cops to do this we don't have rights people this all changed a long time ago. noise pollution is an offence make the cops come back a few times they will busta cap lol.

This is the S.A link

We used to crank music on random nights while drunk EPA saw a few fines get issued by a particular council via cops.

Reply #440005 | Report this post

Going nuts  
Years ago

Right there with you. I work from home. The sound of the ball, bouncing, for hours, every blessed day, is enough to drive someone insane. It's 18 degrees outside and they're bouncing the gd ball. I blame the parents, to a degree, because their son is almost 18 and THAT is ALL he has to do ALL DAY EVERY day???? I'm waiting for that moron to get a gd job so I can get some peace. Of course, expecting some nitwit teenager to get work when the parents don't enforce it is a pipe dream. I loved my home, I pay my bills and my taxes, nobody hears me or is bothered by me and now, I just want to move away. There are parks just a few blocks away but this idiot acts like a 10 year old, bouncing a freakin' ball outside for HOURS.

Reply #461353 | Report this post

Melbourne Boy  
Years ago

Hey Going Nuts, you are an oxygen thief!

How dare that kid have dreams of becoming bigger and better than a run of the mill pleb like you, you're probably a meaningless human being that will leave no mark on this planet. Like most of us, the kid next door will probably end up the same, but at least he worked hard in an attempt to rise above.

Reply #461366 | Report this post

Years ago

I found this thread because I'm annoyed by a neighbour bouncing a basketball.

For some reason the sound of a bouncing basketball pierces through the walls, and is loud enough to wake me up when I'm asleep.

It's like if someone was tapping or hitting a wall of your house with a hammer. Sure, it's no big deal sometimes, but when it goes on and on and on every day, eventually you snap.

This thread is old now, so if anyone else finds this, follow the advice to just talk to your neighbour, an arrangement can pretty much always be made, there's no need for you to act like a 15 year old drama queen.

If you try to fight it, the neighbour will just start making noise when you don't like it, and it'll turn into a war which pisses you both off.

Reply #501289 | Report this post

ann hugill  
Years ago

Reply #513660 | Report this post

Years ago

Have just come across this thread.... honestly we must have the most annoying neighbours.... their kids and friends are bouncing basketballs right by our back fence for hour upon hours, we have lost the enjoyment we have had for the very expensive covered outdoor area we have just had installed... seriously first it was their yappy dog crying all day while they were all out then the V8 holden leaving at 5.30 in the morning making all our windows rattle, then the Harley Davidson bike roaring down the drive... balls conintually being bounced over here, to dropping heavy barbells on the concrete garage floor just outside our bedroom windows at 5 am.... WHAT SORT OF PEOPLE DO THIS???? Help what should we do??? we live in a very upmarket area.... these folk moved in well after us.

Reply #513661 | Report this post

Years ago

Build a bridge and get over it ?

Reply #513664 | Report this post

Years ago

kids need to be outside being active not inside playing video games!
The old codgers bed time is probably late afternoon, so what...

If you don't like the noise get some Bluetooth head phones/ear plugs or some sound cancelling windows or blinds.

Loud music/parties and hoons outside your house deep into the night is another story.

15-20 years ago, kids were out, active and social. Now, there the exact opposite, overweight bludgers... Something like 35-40 per cent of kids under 17.

People complain way too much. Let them play!

Reply #513669 | Report this post

Years ago

Not buying into the neighbour dispute, but you might be surprised just how annoying and how far the sound of a bouncing ball can carry. It must be at just the right frequency to echo off every solid surface.
We lived down the road from two schools, and mostly never heard a peep, but we could always tell when the basketball courts were in use. (That and Tennis.)

Reply #513717 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe you would prefer a group of outlaw motor cycle bikies to move in, they would be far less likely to bounce their balls :)

Reply #513833 | Report this post

Apple Martini  
Years ago

I found this post because I am a homeowner with a basketball hoop. I have three teenage boys and we live next to an older couple and I get can be loud when teenage boys are playing basketball, but while our house was being built, they bought the adjacent lot. Didn't they know they were moving next to a much younger, active family?

Anyway, me and the wife exchanged unkind words about it with me reminding her in the end that this is not a retirement community. Believe me, again, I do understand how this can be annoying, but why move to a community that has mostly young families if you are older and retired.

We are trying to work it out. I've instructed my boys to not respond to any hostility from our neighbors. I told them to just ignore them and finish their game. They do have the right to quiet time, but we have the right to have some fun....we just have to meet somewhere in the middle. We are trying.....

Reply #658862 | Report this post

Years ago

I gather that this ball bouncing only occurs during civilised daylight hours? should be no problem then. if it is interfering with them being able to sleep then different story.
otherwise go for it I say.

Reply #658876 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #658965 | Report this post

Years ago

Oldest reprised thread ever?

Is there some award for this title?

Reply #658967 | Report this post

Years ago

That's the problem with old people. They are at home all day bored out of their minds and every little things annoys them. Your kids have every right to play basketball in your yard.

Reply #658978 | Report this post

Years ago

Ball Sounds can be annoying & disruptive. So have some sympathy.
But ultimately its stiff cheddar, they just have to suck it up.
You could try being nice and asking if there is a specific time they would prefer your boys not play. (eg they always have a nap after lunch, etc.) But otherwise your boys have an absolute right to be playing ball and otherwise enjoying themselves.

Personally I don't like the new subdivisions with houses packed in on top of each other, but if you choose to live there you have to take the good with the bad.

Reply #659335 | Report this post

Years ago

I just tell my grumpy old neighbour who yells at me ( over my fence) to come say it to my face.
Silly old prick never does.
I am proud of my boys for telling him to fuck off.

Reply #771004 | Report this post

Years ago

This threads so old the neighbours dead by now

Reply #771009 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe he's got a right to peace and quiet
as much as you have a right to practice.
Keep the practice to 30min per day.
Let him know it’s only going to be 30 min sessions.
Then the bouncing sound will have a known end time
from his point of view.

Reply #782189 | Report this post

Years ago

This thread should appear every Christmas as a hoops tradition.

Like National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Reply #782209 | Report this post

Years ago

They certainly don't make films like they used to, or neighbours.

Reply #782210 | Report this post

Years ago

A pity the Steve Leven thread is locked that was a classic.

Reply #782243 | Report this post

Years ago

Buy ur neighbour nbl tix for Christmas then he'll love you, problem solved

Reply #782248 | Report this post

Years ago

South Australia I assume? It is like someone gathered up all the countries biggest whingers and put them in one common place.

Reply #782250 | Report this post

Years ago

That sounds like Perth judging on Hoops posters ;)

Reply #782260 | Report this post

Kathryn Allen  
Years ago

Some exceptionally stupid advice on here. My neighbour is also bouncing a basketball I don't mind in the daytime but due to medication I take I go to bed quite early and to be woken up by the incessant banging on concrete underneath my bedroom window is driving me insane. I have now got my local council involved as I am unprepared to have my health dwindle because some parent thinks it’s okay to allow their teenager to play in the dark. I would suggest daytime fine anything after 7pm NO!!!!

Reply #786218 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem with bouncing a basketball on concrete is that the low pitch makes the sound travel. Unlike my neighbour last night who got buckled on a concoction of drugs and alcohol and started talking with a dog near by at the top of his voice trying to get it to stop barking.

Reply #786223 | Report this post

It doesn't get dark until around 8pm though.

Reply #786230 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think that some of the people on this forum understand the annoying sound that goes with a continuous bouncing ball on concrete, day after day. It is the equivalent to a constant hammering sound. I cannot escape this sound anywhere in my house. Because of the nature of the street, the cul de sac acts like an amplifier. The neighbour's kid is about 15 and has a basketball ring. Why the hell he has to keep bouncing the ball - bounce, bounce, bounce - and not practise throwing it through the hoop, is beyond me! I am pretty close with those neighbours but don't know how to broach it. There is also a park not far from our street...a 3 minute walk, that has a basketball hoop. I don't know why he can't go down there every second day or something...sooooo annoying. It is like scraping fingernails down a blackboard...

Reply #800378 | Report this post

Years ago

"I don't know why he can't go down there every second day or something...sooooo annoying"

Why can't you go down there every second day?

Reply #800387 | Report this post

Years ago

Dribbling is a basketball fundamental, so the kid is doing the right thing. Good on him. Check on him and make sure he's using both hands. If he's not, tell him to stay out there doing it for twice as long so both get a go.

Reply #800397 | Report this post

Years ago

During the impending lockdown the kid won't be at school so will have even more time to practice his dribbling skills.

Don't deny the child this opportunity, for all we know he may be a future Boomer.

Reply #800402 | Report this post

Years ago

Kid should be inside playing those video games they all like. Poor parenting

Reply #800410 | Report this post

Years ago

Im in the Get of my lawn category too. We are in lockdown at the moment, Im doing the right thing and staying home and trying to work from home, but finding it impossible due to the noise of basketballs bouncing on a hard surface and hitting the backboard(where it sounds like the ball has collided with a collection of empty bins)

It just never stops, I have moved to the room furthest from the court in my house, but still the noise grinds and prevents me from thinking of the intricacies I need to be dealing with as part of my job.

The culprits are actually playing on a school court, which is closed/locked, but they have climbed the fence, police dont seem to be interested in following up the trespassing offence, for those not sure government property does not equal unrestricted access to the public, anymore than breaking into government house on the weekend and squatting is ok either.

Asking them to move on, well once they get the crap out of their ears so they can hear, well they think they are doing the world a favour by exercising, plenty of parks to run around.

Reply #802920 | Report this post

Years ago

"During the impending lockdown the kid won't be at school so will have even more time to practice his dribbling skills.

Don't deny the child this opportunity, for all we know he may be a future Boomer.“

How old is the thread? He might be a retired Boomer by now.

Kid might be looking at old Hoops threads for all we know.

Reply #802922 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #802926 | Report this post

Years ago

"It just never stops, I have moved to the room furthest from the court in my house, but still the noise grinds and prevents me from thinking of the intricacies I need to be dealing with as part of my job."

Simply get noise cancelling head phones. It's not like they are playing for 8 hours a day Monday - Friday either.

Reply #802943 | Report this post

Years ago

How old is the thread? He might be a retired Boomer by now.

Kid might be looking at old Hoops threads for all we know.

Haha UTH well played. Yet another time-themed post by you. ;)

Reply #802958 | Report this post

Years ago

Imagine someone taking a hammer to your fence for hours straight, day in day out, that's how bad the bouncing noise can be.

Agree with Brunson others who are frustrated. Everyone saying it doesn't matter hasn't been through it.

It's a lot worse than you can possibly imagine, bounce bounce bounce bounce every second for hours on end.

I can see where the frustration is coming from, it's hell.

Reply #804091 | Report this post

Years ago

Harden up people its a bouncing ball

Reply #804093 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #804116 | Report this post

Years ago

I cant believe you people. Get over yourselves. You dont get to disturb your neighbours with constant annoying noises. Nobody has any respect or cosideration. The constant bouncing of the basketball is like Chinese torture. Why are the quiet people always shoved out by selfish noisy people. Go to the fucking park and annoy the squirels. The cant speak up for themselves.

Reply #804700 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks grandpa

Reply #804702 | Report this post

Years ago

Used to drive my dad nuts in the backyard, I got banished to the street. Very quiet suburban street but improved my evasive skills extremely well.

Reply #804713 | Report this post

Years ago

Boy are my neighbours gonna be pissed of when my basketball COURT gets Installed next month.

Reply #806266 | Report this post

Years ago

I really can't believe the level of inconsideration and pettiness coming from the majority of posters on this topic. With the lack of general decorum and rudeness on display here, is it any wonder why politeness and kindness in society is at the all time low that we see today? And this is the example that you're setting for your kids? Wow!

Does anyone remember the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? Try applying it and see how fast all of these petty disagreements will go away. Now granted, some people can't be reasoned with and just have nastiness in their DNA, but most people are capable of being reasonable.

In my opinion, there is nothing more aggravating and annoying than listening to the sound of a bouncing basketball for prolonged periods of time. The sound of the ball against concrete produces a very low frequency sound that can travel far distances and echoes easily against house surfaces like siding and windows, and if you happen to have a bedroom or any room where you go for peace and quiet, the sound can be like a jackhammer beating against your skull. Couple that sound with the prolonged repetition of said frequency and it's enough to drive anyone over the edge. If you have to endure this late at night while tending to children or trying to fall asleep yourself, it can put a major dent in your quality of life.

With that being said, any neighbor has the right to enjoy their property, including playing basketball, as long as it's done within reason and does not greatly disturb the quality of life of those around you. What's so hard to understand about this? If your kids are playing basketball for hours on end, especially late night, it's most likely annoying your neighbors. It's not all about you and what you think you're entitled to. Think of those around you and how your actions affect them. Sadly, society seems to have forgetten some of these basic tenets and thus we have these silly situations that keep being exacerbated.

Home basketball courts should be the next major nationwide zoning issue that is addressed to give people relief. Did you ever wonder why parks shut down at dusk? A big part of it is so that the noise from basketball courts doesn't disturb the neighborhood. The 'no playing after dusk' rule should also apply to home courts as well as time limits for consecutive play. No one should have to listen to a basketball bouncing at 10:00 at night while they're trying to fall asleep. It's beyond me why parents think it's OK if their kids do it.
I ask those same parents: What if it was you that had to get a good night's rest for work the next day or had young children waking up and crying because the rude people across the street have no consideration for anyone but themselves? I'm sure you wouldn't like it so wise up and try to think of how your actions affect others.

Reply #806311 | Report this post

Years ago

Boy are my neighbours gonna be pissed of when my basketball COURT gets Installed next month.

Some will be pissed off. Others, like me, will just be envious.
Make sure you keep your ball well inflated so that the frequency of the bouncing sound isn't any lower than necessary.

Reply #806325 | Report this post

Double Clutch  
Years ago

LJ13 - The answer to this issue is governments actually spending on building basketball facilities that match the demand that's out there.

Perfect example is the local basketball courts in the park. There is two full sized netball courts that I've never seen used during this time, tennis which gets a little use, cricket nets which are constantly empty and a football oval that is also rarely used (and most commonly for soccer training, not AFL).

Meanwhile the two basketball rings are fought over constantly.

If facilities were actually adequete and even close to demand in this country people wouldn't be falling over themselves to install their own courts. Instead we have these issues where sports which do not have the participation numbers of basketball have incredible facilities and we have stuff all relative to demand.

Until governments step up to the plate you can whinge all you like but kids will keep putting shots up at home.

Reply #806332 | Report this post

Years ago

I can't believe majority people here are so disrespectful to their neighbors. You have your right to play basketball anywhere. However, do you realize how serious about the noice to your neighbors when you play basketball in your backyard! Please learn to respect each others. I’m sure there are several basketball playgrounds around your community. Much fun in professional playground!

Reply #809870 | Report this post

Double Clutch  
Years ago

"I'm sure there are several basketball playgrounds around your community. Much fun in professional playground!"

But there's often not, or it's inadequate.

Demand outstrips supply massively. Governments and councils need to step up and build facilities.

Reply #809871 | Report this post

Years ago

Gayle and Gillian Blakeney have connections to both Agro and Neighbours, so they're the obvious people to resolve this.

Reply #809875 | Report this post

Years ago

I do agree with Lj13. I have a neighbor that bounces / dribbles ball all day long. I have tried everything so as not hear that bouncing ball. Some people don't understand that it does bothers people and it has nothing to do to old age. Remember you too will get old One day too. I’m having someone to come in and see if I can have window inserts installed.

Reply #817085 | Report this post

Years ago

Saw something about the Town of Victoria Park local council removing rings off of new basketball backboards in Carlisle due to complaints from residents across the road. Future Boomers being denied. Won't somebody please think of the children?

Reply #821814 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow random thread bump.

Reply #821815 | Report this post

Years ago

It's Perthworld

Reply #821823 | Report this post

Years ago

Something in Carlisle getting taken away rather than stolen? Talk about defying the odds.

Reply #821824 | Report this post

Years ago

Stay classy Carlisle and Belmont

Reply #821827 | Report this post

Years ago

Surprisingly council took them away not meth heads.

Reply #821874 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry, but I side with the old grumpy guy on this one. We have neighbors who are constantly bouncing their basketball all day long. The vibrations pound into our house and we are unable to even watch television or relax. Surely our rights matter too?

Reply #832926 | Report this post

Years ago

* would you rather they bounce the ball at night time.
* who sits on their arse watching tv all day.

Reply #832936 | Report this post

Years ago

* you couldn't have come up with two dumber responses if you tried.

Reply #832937 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #832941 | Report this post

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