Years ago
Agro Neighbours - "Stop Bouncing That Ball"
Recently my grumpy old neighbour has been yelling at me when I've been practicing basketball in the backyard "stop bouncing that bloody ball!". Surely I have the right to bounce a basketball in my own backyard. I might point out that I haven't been practicing at night time or early in the morning. He's even got his 3 and 4 year old daughters yelling over the fence whenever they hear bouncing. I even went round to speak to them but they have locked their gate so I can't even get in so I wrote a letter saying is there anytime when you would prefer that I didn't play basketball and which times would it be OK if I did. I got no response except more shouting over the fence a few days later. What do people think, do I have the right to do what I'm doing or not? How should I go about this?