Who me I think the argument was between "senior" and "junior' which sometimes is a perception anyway. No one can honestly say a ref at 20 is necessary better than an outstanding 15/16yo, it all depends on coaching, development, opportunity etc. Dont know that I agree that BSA is using green shirts as a money saver- a lot of more experienced refs havent been seen in the 1st few weeks but as prelims and grand finals come up they surely will be putting up their hands.
As for the coaches having a response to the refs, thats why the UIC is there at the stadium and I think some of the coaches Ive seen recently should have a long look at themselves and how they come across in their behaviour- some shouldnt be let near young children! Lots of sour grapes from parents who dont know the rules and remember if you get rid of the refs you dont have a game. Everyone gets more wired up this time of the year but behaviour needs to be looked at on all sides- players,coaches, parents, officials.
Anyway good luck to all teams left in the finals.