Years ago
junior finals upsets ?
any upsets or interesting stories / comebacks etc - results wise ! not upset coaches / parents / players i mean LOL
Years ago
any upsets or interesting stories / comebacks etc - results wise ! not upset coaches / parents / players i mean LOL
Years ago
South u/14 parents forking out money to go to Canberra.
Only played 5 players ...One very irrate parent at Pasadena today!!!
Maybe upset parent today but that coach is not going to Canberra.
Years ago
good experience for the kiddies - they will struggle big time - there is a big gap between 2nd and 3rd in our comp
Years ago
(#147832 | Grrr!)
Maybe you should talk to the parents of the Sturt girl who transferred to South Div 1, went to Melbourne with the team and then was dumped a week before the finals only to see someone's sister go up and sit on the bench and who is going to Nationals as well. I guess you could say they would be pretty irate as well. Don't blame the really!
Years ago
It must be the age group because one of the Forestville parents yelled out in their semi to the coach 'how about you say something positive' !!
Ahhhh Forestville......convinced of their own greatness and see no reason to back it up.
Years ago
Anon, I find it pretty weak of you to make such a flippent comment and not back it up with any substance. Most people that are proud of their own life or in this case team don't need to have a go at others. I think Forestville are a great club, who have had and will have their far share of success. and my suggestion to you would be to either talk up your own club more, or get one.
just goes to show jumping clubs for higher spots doesnt always work
Years ago
Typical Sturt comment, Are not Forestville the number one Girls Club and is not your two starting 5 players leaving for Eastern next year including the best player in the comp?
Seems you have a complex about Sturt there ::::
Big Kahuna
Years ago
Kids jumping clubs because they think should be playing higher. It doesn't work, in the end the kid will be found out that they belong in div 2 or 3 (whatever) and that is where they should play. If the div 1 coach has made a promise, thats a different matter.
Barry Bonds
Years ago
Funny...I thought this thread might have had something interesting in it from all the games over the weekend..
Just the same crap and dead end statements we have come to expect from people..
Years ago
I think you would be hard pressed to break into the Sabres u/14 girls.
They are of a high std.
No shame in changing if the std is high.
Years ago
Yeah real hard to break into the bench. 5 girls continually play all the game and 3 sit on the bench to make up the numbers. What will happen when two starters are at Eastern next year?
Big Kahuna
Years ago
arnotsbiscuits I was making a general statement not one specific about this situation. You are correct in what you are saying. If I have read correctly from above the coach isn't going to Canberra with the team perhaps you should talk to the coach who is and tell them the your story and let them make up there mind.
Years ago
Who is the coach for the south u/14 at nationals?
I also believe at least one of the bench players for Sturt U14 girls is considering giving the game away, due to having a gutfull of sitting on the bench and losing all confidence. You would think after 12 months of being a bench player the coach would of improved their game so he would have confidence in using these girls during crucial games. Unfortunately the 5 starting players will probabley get them in the last 8 at nationals, but if the coach want use his bench players i cant see them going much further.
Years ago
#147931 Couldn't agree with you more that is why the other Sturt girl moved only to be shafted yet again!!Now she is thinking of giving it away as she feels it is only those that are either in the circle or who you know gets you anywhere in basketball. Yes I am aware that this be a target of those who say "get a life" etc etc etc heard it all before guys.
Big Kahuna
Years ago
I don't know. I'm only going by what was written above. It would be easy enough to find though.
Years ago
Seen it all before. Our daughter was in a similar situation and decided to move clubs for more opportunity. She now plays at a higher level than most of her 'starting 5' contemporarys at the original club.
Big Kahuna
Years ago
On Sporting Pulse if you want that. Here for days of our life's. haha
Years ago
An U14 Girls Div 3 team, started the year in Div 4, outclassed the opposition in Summer, was elevated to Div 3 and made the finals. What made it even more satisfying (and a tad unfortunate) was that they beat their more fancied teammates in the elimination final. The next game they were beaten by a better team on the day but finished the season in 4th place. A Dad,(thankyou) stepped into coach with only a few games left to the end of the season, so overall the girls did very well to finish where they did. Congratulations
all round.
Pasadena 96
Years ago
Norwood u/14 got a sturt girl, who seems to have done alright.
Time will tell
Big Kahuna
Years ago
arnotsbiscuits don't know if you have found out who is taking South to the U14 Nationals or not. If you haven't it's Noel Robertson. He's been around for years some will say he is a good coach, some will say he is crap. It depends if he's upset them or not. However he does have the runs on the board so to speak. So maybe a good move by South time will tell. Ryan can not go due to his pending marriage. That is a shame as Ryan has put in the hard yards to get the team to where there are now. I've got this information from a committee member at South so I assume it's correct.
Years ago
No I didnt know that.
He must of been the other guy on the bench.
could the last team be a composite team?
hoopla wrong
Years ago
I find it amazing how we jug our own children. Hoopla had Div 3 Grandfinalist players in u12 2 years ago. Now 2 years later, they did well in Div 4 (hell wonder why) Go up to div 3 and make finals. Why wer they in Div 4......... win the summer trophy and "outclass the opposition" that were true div 4 palyers. Well short of a grand final. The so call parent coaching what an embarrasment for Sturt.
Any standard this is under achieving. But as long as your the double blue, your just better than the rest I guess.
Your own words proved stacking to achieve a summer trophy.... your a joke..... and loser
Big Kahuna
Years ago
No it can't be a composite team. BA rules doesn't allow this to happen. This is a club base championship not a state championship.
Years ago
"Hoopla wrong"..what on earth are you talking about?...6 out of the seven girls never played in an under 12 Div 3 Grandfinal 2 years ago. Three of them were not even in the club 2 years ago. One may have played in a Div 4 GF, but I'd have to check that one out. The club, for what ever reason did not nominate the team in the beginning of the summer season for Div 3 ( already having one team in the Div 3 comp) hence we were placed, much to our disappointmentin Div 4. They should never have been placed in Div 4 and did dominate many of their games, hence their inclusion in Div 3 BEFORE the end of the Summer season. To imply that we stacked the Summer season is so far from the truth......( in summer we only had 5 players total)
With only a game day coach for both summer and winter, and having to tag along with other teams at training these girls did very well to finish where they did. Why so vitriolic?. This post was exactly what was asked for in the thread. No club was mentioned and we do not consider finishing fourth under achieving given what the girls went through, although naturally we would have liked to have played in the final.. And we certainly do not consider ouselves" better than the rest". We would have liked certain things to have been smoother for our girls all season, but no point in complaining. Yes, a Dad did coach in the final few games, once again no choice. It was either a parent step up or probably no coach at all. We are grateful for the training we did have. Your nastiness was uncalled for.
Years ago
my daughter played against this sturt team in the finals i thought they played quite well as a team. even to the end they kept trying and never gave up.
it was an enjoyable game to watch even if the refs let alot go (both ways) those sturt girls should hold their heads up proud of the way they played and i wish them all well in the future.
cheep shot
Years ago
Booga ....... they allowed you to breed?????????
Years ago
yeh your mumma wanted to go halves but i told her she has done enough damage to the world!!
J Packer
Years ago
thats why booga is so fat cause your mumma kept feeding him cake all the time.....
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