Years ago
NBA Jerseys
Just wanted to know what people think of current NBA jerseys. Here is my Top 5 and Bottom 5.
Bottom 5:
Charlotte (Away) Orange!? Yuck! Enough said.
New Orleans (Away) Turquoise is a nice colour, but not on a basketball uniform.
LA Clippers (Away) Don't think blue goes with red and I'm not a fan of the cursive font "Clippers" is written in.
Phoenix (Alternate) I've already expressed my feelings towards orange on basketball uniforms, and the accompanying grey makes it even worse. Don't like the "PHX" thing either.
New Jersey (Alternate) I'm really not a fan of the new jersey in New Jersey. The Nets just don't look right in red. Maybe a bit of red, but not all red.
Top 5:
Toronto (Away) - The red and black of the uniform looks heaps better than the purple and black of the Raptors of old.
Orlando (Away) - Nice blue, attractive font.
Boston (Alternate) Huge improvement on the traditional away jersey with modern font and black down the side, giving it a very stylish look.
Indiana (Home) - Much better than the old pacers, striped jerseys basically because the old one looked OLD and the new ones very modern.
Chicago (Away) Gotta love the traditional red Bulls jersey.
What do you think? What's your top 5 and bottom 5.