No Way!
Years ago

What's going on with North

North U/18 Div 1 girls went down to Mavs - wonder if that has anything to do with North not training for the past few weeks?

Can't believe it - Div 1 not training!

Topic #12256 | Report this topic

Years ago

What's going on with a single North team losing? Or is this a broader panic, as in what's going on with the entire club, suburbs north of the CBD, the Northern Territory, Golden North, Northern Exposure, etc??

Reply #142920 | Report this post

Years ago

You play how you train.....what do you think???

Reply #142928 | Report this post

Groteum 69  
Years ago

Whats going on with a former north player (not ABA but juniors)living at Salisbury and being told by the club to take his child out to Centrals because they live to far away!!!! Kid wants to play for the same team as Dad did.

Reply #142931 | Report this post

Big Kahuna  
Years ago

Yeah but no but, centrals needs all the help they can get when it cames to number of players they have!

Reply #142963 | Report this post

Groteum 69  
Years ago

Yeah but no but, will they be able to provide teams for this child from u-10's - u20's like most other clubs can?

I would have thought that unless there are enforcable laws in place to make you play at your nearest district club, then you can play where you like.

I can think of quite a few examples of people playing at district clubs that live no where near the club they are playing for.

My child plays for a southern based club, yet I live in the inner eastern suburbs.

The wash up is that my mate is not taking his child to the centrals trials but is trying another club around the corner from the launching pad!

Reply #142972 | Report this post

Years ago

...will they be able to provide teams for this child from u-10's - u20's like most other clubs can?
Hello chicken, hello egg.

Reply #142975 | Report this post

Groteum 69  
Years ago

Yeah, fair comment; however the club involved does not have a great track record in providing continuality for the players in their area.

Show people that they are here to stay and they may attract more juniors.

Reply #142986 | Report this post

Years ago

Time to re-introduce rabbit with head gear.

Reply #142989 | Report this post

Years ago

I understand, they just paid off a debt in excess of $100 K so if they were not here to say I would suggest the backers, sponsors, administrators would not have bothered paying off such a massive debt in such a short space of time!

Trials info.

Reply #142990 | Report this post

Years ago

North are going down hill there time is coming and they are in major trouble. Players it is time to move. Under 18 Girls to many egos

Reply #143068 | Report this post

Moose 70  
Years ago

Love the fact that a couple of players moved clubs to be coached by a "better" coach at North.

And now they don't even seem to train.

Reply #143078 | Report this post

Years ago


Do you to elaborate why you think they are in major trouble?

Reply #143082 | Report this post

Years ago

and No Way, I understand the all conquering Sturt Boyrs 16 1s lost to the mavs as well. Is it perhaps mavs are getting their act together or is Sturt having troubles as well

Reply #143083 | Report this post

No Way!  
Years ago

Can't comment on Sturt, but the point I was making is the fact that an U/18 Div 1 team at North, with an ex 36er / Olympian as a coach, did not train for several weeks. I can't believe that NABC finds that expectable!

Reply #143087 | Report this post

Hairybut 12  
Years ago

anon #143083,

I think that you will find that North have hardly trained all year. That some players have been able to train with the ABA team. Especially the coaches daughter, but other players have not had any trainings.

This is perhaps why they have underachieved, considering tat they have 9 players that have had State or SASI experience. And that players moved to North just to be coached by an ex Olympian/NBL player who is an ABA coach.

IMHO losing a game is acceptable. Losing a game becasue you are not training, due to the coach being too lazy is not.

Reply #143090 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately North is in decline - lack of good coaching, nepotism, erratic team selection process, lack of future directions. Few years ago The Dome was white and red after the State Champs finals and in the last couple of years this colour combination was nearly extinct.

Reply #143099 | Report this post

Years ago

They get better coaching than where they came from.

Reply #143101 | Report this post

Years ago

The girls who moved went for who WAS NOT involved with coaching -bonus was who WAS coaching ('better coach' wasn't mentioned): neither has regrets. All 10 girls have SASI experience and train with ABA team. Don't quote nepotism as reason current STATE player is receiving good court time. Why do facts not get a mention?

Reply #143104 | Report this post

Grow up  
Years ago

Some people ned to grow up. If you don't like the club move! If your from another club mind your own business and worry about your own backyard.

Reply #143105 | Report this post

Years ago

B-Friend what club were they from?

Reply #143106 | Report this post

The under 18 Div 1 coach is excellent and commands respect. The girls love him unfortunately some parents are not happy as some of the darlings do not get the court time with a rotating bench of 10. They expect more. He tries to please all but the fact is some parents think there daughter should get more court time than others when really they are not that good and should play in the 2's.
Also this age group is difficult what with critical school exams and homework, SASI requirements to name a couple. Education is very important....North and Mike are doing the right thing by the girls to help them get thru with all the demaands they have which will help them in later years. They need a job as female basketball doesn't pay unless they are champions...
Oh to be a coach....Mike you are a good coach keep the girls going and hopefully next year please run with 8 I think that will fix it. Although i have a boy I hear that is the problem when talking around the groups. North is a great club for this and as a consequence will remain a force in the ABA becasue they care about the kids.....

Reply #143189 | Report this post

No Way!  
Years ago

"He Demands Respect" - Absolutely, there is no questioning the respect Mike deserves for his knowledge of the game and experience at the highest level.

That isn't being questioned. What is the concern, is that a team at that level, with the experience and quality of players has underachieved here and at Classics. The lack of training, motivation and team dynamics would have to be contributing factors. There is no emphasis no pre or post game briefings, there is no discipline and there is no consistency in treatment of players who have essentialy been Div 1 for most their junior careers.

Yes, some "darlings" and their parents do get a bit precious, but the issues mentioned above are in addition to the perception of poor court time.

Look back to the first post in this thread  the question being posed is whether the lack of training has contributed to the loss to 2nd bottom team. Well...derrr, ofcourse it has, but why is that acceptable to NABC?

Reply #143192 | Report this post

Years ago

i find it funny how out of all the teams that have had random wins or losses this year/season, you pick this particular team and write about it on the net. seriously...get a life

Reply #143217 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe because out of all the random teams that DO loose games, most if not nearly all of them actually train regularly?

What is it that you are not understanding?

Reply #143334 | Report this post

Years ago

He should have more time now.

Reply #143349 | Report this post

Years ago

look a the way the boys are going u/12 3wins,u/14 2 wins,u/16 2 wins.

Reply #143420 | Report this post

Years ago

North are going down hill heard few girls are moving to other club so they can play aba

Reply #143449 | Report this post

Years ago

There is but one fact in basketball and one alone, ' all clubs, all clubs have issues.'

Reply #143462 | Report this post

North Baller  
Years ago

I play for north and kno this 18's team quite well they are a good team, year 12 is killing me as a player cause there is so much on our minds besides basketball and maybe people should just give them a break. 18's is the age majority of girls quit and mike is doing well to keep them 2gether. All the team needs is to try and fix things as a group annd work towards finals. The biggest problem at north is the coaching is players not being able to trust coachs and what they say. Like empty promises and stuff like that. Watch out come finals this year the girls will be ready.

Reply #143531 | Report this post

Groteum 69  
Years ago

(#143531) It is a difficult year, no doubt; however what are the other clubs doing I wonder? Everyone is in the same boat.

I wouldnt have thought any club can afford to turn away a 10 year old kid that wants to play for the same team that her Dad did.

Result, North 0 - Norwood 1

Reply #143563 | Report this post

Groteum 69  
Years ago

Just an update on my mates girl. He did end up deciding to take his duaghter to centrals trial; however the $85 up front fee they asked for put him off!!!!! WTF?

Thanks North for your lack of interest; thanks Centrals (I now understand how you paid that debt off so quickly). He ended up taking his girl out to the Harlequins netball club.

Basketball 0 - Netball 1

I didnt know our comp's were in such a great shape that they could afford to turn kids away.

Seems I was wrong.

Reply #144044 | Report this post

Years ago

the trial fee for centrals is only $25 stupid...i would know..i play for them. the $85 trial fee was because we had a lot of players leaving and with the players we had we needed the money to pay BASA. the money that paid off our debts came from sponsors and VOLUNTARY donations from club members. if u'd looked past your nose you would have seen that that $85 is deducted from the summer subs. centrals doesn't have the players because people keep leaving us to go to clubs like north so they can play div 1 or because they dont like the coaching. they go to north and then they still dont get div 1 and they still dont like the coaching. we have the players screwin the club around and then everyone blames the club. get your facts right before you bag another club

Reply #144048 | Report this post

Years ago

netballs a gay sport anyway. its a parody of basketball designed solely so that girls could play. that was its entire purpose for coming into existance

Reply #144054 | Report this post

Groteum 69  
Years ago

Oh, sorry; so the up front fee was not $75, it was $85!!!!! Or was it $25??? You are not really making much sense!

Great way to encourage more kids to your club; new kids turn up to trials and are hit with an up front fee that will come off your subs because the club is scared kids will walk out. Any parent turning up to trials for the 1st time that was not totally sure this was the sport for their kids probably turned around and walked when asked for $75, $85, or $25 to "trial".

There comes a time whan you have to ask why so many kids are leaving your club. My mates experience with his kid is an example of what is going wrong with the sport in SA.

You can name call all you want. I personally have no time for netball; however there does appear to be at least 1 sporting club in the north (Harlequins) that has half an idea how to attract new kids to their sport.


Reply #144142 | Report this post

Hangin Round  
Years ago

Feel free to bring your child out to the West Adelaide trials this Sunday-- FREE!
Check club website for timers etc or ring stadium

Reply #144179 | Report this post

Years ago

its $25...where did $75 come from ...i didn't say it and neither did u. its for the court hire for the dayi beleive...if u cant pay $25 up front then u shouldn't b playin district nyway...its not that much. and i spoke to xome people at the club...that $85 fee never existed to any parents knowledge...and they're the ones who got told it all.

Reply #144226 | Report this post

Years ago

and anyway...starplex has the best overall facilities than any of the other stadiums

Reply #144227 | Report this post

Years ago

Groetum, do your research son. Most clubs charge a fee to trial. No such thing as a free ride. If you play for the club it comes off summer fees. Clubs are not there to make a profit they need to cover costs son. Therefore someone has to pay for trials sooner or later.

Reply #144240 | Report this post

Groteum 69  
Years ago

Yep, yep, yep; keep on charging your fee; in fact charge what ever you like. Kids are obviously going else where.

Starplex is the best facility in Adelaide, no problems there..... its just so far away from the majority of clubs that no one likes to travel out that way; as a matter of fact, centrals has trouble encouaging kids from its own back yard to travel there as well.

By the way "me" prehaps you might want to just wait a few more mins before pressing "post", just so you can get your writing in the 1 post instead of 2!

Oh and moonshadow, you do your research sonny; my kids have played for 2 clubs in a 5 year period and have N E V E R (thats pronounced never) had to pay a fee for trialing, not even when we moved clubs.

You may want to try another club son!

Reply #144285 | Report this post

Years ago

Groteum 69,

I agree. Years ago, we ended up not joining South because they charged an up-front fee for trialing.

Trial should be a 2-way street.

Reply #144316 | Report this post

Years ago

Most clubs do not chage a fee anymore to attract more kids.

Reply #144325 | Report this post

Years ago

i know a girl that plays under mike she has just had a knee recon. i was talking to her recently and she said that he didnt even bother to call to see how she was getting along. mike may demand respect but he wont get it unless he gives his players respect, and shows that he cares. not even the team manager has bothered to call. i think that this is dispiccable, she was very upset, they havent given her any support at all. i was recently talking to her and she said that Mark Wallis and Brenton JOhnson called her more then what mike mckay does, they were more concerned then her own coach.. and because of this North may just loose one of the most talented players they have. maybe they should pull their heads in and respect players that have potential.

Reply #148580 | Report this post

Years ago

Surely Mike would see her when she goes out to trainings and games to support her teammates and talk to her then?

Reply #148710 | Report this post

Years ago

One suggestion Mike. If you want to be respected, first you have to learn to respect others.
Arrogance does not pay dividends.

Reply #148826 | Report this post

Years ago

mike doesnt care about anthing other them himself, that girls parents were very upset. mike needs to learn how to respect his players if he wants them to respect him otherwise its just not going to happen and north will never go anywhere. Jess hasnt wanted to go out to training's or to the games, her love for basketball is so strong that she cant bare to watch her team mates play with out. the least that mike could do is call her when she got out of hospital, he didnt even bother doing that which just goes to show how much he cares and respects other people. oh by the way mike doesnt accociate with her even when she was playing, i can say now that the north girls can barley dribble the ball with out their point gaurd they look like ammatures.

Reply #149821 | Report this post

Years ago

"She cant bear to watch her team mates play without her?" As an unbiased parent from another club... I thought the Club is bigger than the player. I also thought basketball is a team sport and not about the individual....If you truly love the game you would be supporting your team every week and give encouragement to help them win without your presence on the court.

Reply #149868 | Report this post

frog 51  
Years ago

yeah thats maybe true but she loves the game too much to sit on the sidelines there is a motto of her life. 'they said playing would kill me, not playing killed me even more'it just hurts her so much to see people doing something she loves. yer she is getting there by coaching and helping younger kids but that is also her passion helping people. maybe if you knew her then you would know how she felt..

Reply #150466 | Report this post

Years ago

grow up and move on.

Reply #150467 | Report this post

Years ago

well you should still be out there supporting your team. that girl from forestvilles 18 1's had the exact same situation. she has gone out with her knee and a few weeks later was hospitalised with her foot, yet she still managed to go to all eagles games and trainings as well as the sasi trainings. so it has nothing to do with how much you love the sport, it is how you go about it when you are injured and in this girls case, she stuck by her team until the end.

Reply #153533 | Report this post

Years ago

In regard to anonymous who has so much to say about Jess an her injury... I personally called her mother the day after her operation on the team,s and Mike's behalf... i have also spoken to Jess at many S A S I, trainings, and organised to give her a gift from the team but she has not been at s a s i lately when i have...........So you may want to get you fact,s straight before you sprout off....

In regard's to north u/18,s an Mike/player,s etc: wouldnt it be better to try an encourage all teams/players instead of always bagging.....

Reply #153535 | Report this post

Years ago

well i think you should all get a life and get your facts straight before you start this junk!!
i think you will find that mike did ask all his girls to train with the ABA but girl didnt come out due to other things!!!!!
and i think if players are injured get over it you will play soon and you should support them instead of bagging them on the net!
and if jess loves the game that much she should be out there at trainings/games!
and ive heard jess didnt come to north trainings but went to sasi wat is up with that?
most players get injured but attend games! so get over it mike did the best he could and it would of helped if SOME GIRLS HINT HINT rocked up to trainings!!
so we are with mike 100% and all of you others get a LIFE seriously!!!

Reply #153661 | Report this post

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