Years ago

What's better; Tape or ankle braces?

What experiences have players had in the past with preventing ankle injuries? Do ankle braces or tape actualy work? What are the positive and negitives to ankle using supports?

Topic #12186 | Report this topic

Years ago

Tape is better for Hamsters, braces are better for teeth.....

Reply #142208 | Report this post

Years ago

braces are way better. I have taped an ankle with top quality tape and tore threw the tape.

Reply #142211 | Report this post

E3 LJ  
Years ago

Braces are better

but tapping and wearing braces is wat does the job

Reply #142213 | Report this post

Moose 80  
Years ago

Short Term - Tape is best
Long Term - Braces are fine, and less costly

Reply #142214 | Report this post

Years ago

do people beleive that ankle braces weaken the ankle in the long term? if so why?

Reply #142217 | Report this post

Years ago

(#142217, that is an argument i often hear and it is ridiculous. Here is why... Serious players will be doing plenty of running, plyos, propioceptive and physical development without the braces anyway.

There is an argument to say that if you wear braces your ankle will get weaker - Im not sure tehre is any research to prove this, maybe ITA can comment. If you dont wear ankle braces and you do your ankle then it is far weaker than it would have been anyway. Do your ankle seriously once and it is never the same!

Reply #142221 | Report this post

Years ago

Rigid strapping tape offers much better support than most braces.

Which is one reason at league footy/AFL level ankle strapping in a "styrup" is compulsory at just about every club.

Reply #142222 | Report this post

Years ago

Tape after 15 minutes of exercise with sweat is not as effective as it was at the start of exercise.
To get the same support at as at the commencement of exercise you would have to restrap at half time.
Ankle braces are able to be retighten easier at each break then restrapping...hence the common belief for the most effective ankle support is to tape and use ankle braces at the same time.
However both by themselves if done properly offer similar support so it then comes down to personal choice....usually influenced by finance

Reply #142225 | Report this post

Years ago

Also I think you have to make your judgment based on comfort.. I could never play in tape as I found it too restrictive and uncomfortable, and have found that the lace up ankle brace is far more comfortable and I feel safer with it.

However, my gf who plays netball hates ankle braces and does not find them comfortable at all, so she tapes, which she finds best for her.

Because tape acts as a second rigid skin almost, I have heard an argument that your ankle becomes reliant, to a certain extent, on this tape and hence uses the muscles less and accordingly weakens the muscles. I buy into this theory somewhat..

Reply #142229 | Report this post

Years ago

Approx length of a basketball game is 2 hours at higher levels.
Tape for those 2 hrs.
That leaves 22 hours of untaped time in a day.
To weaken muscles you would have to have the support on longer than off.
It is the pychological state which is weaken or strengthen.

Reply #142232 | Report this post

Years ago

They can be both used as effectively as each other. There are pros and cons for each argument.

However, you get what you pay for. If you buy a $5 ankle brace, you get $5 worth of support. Same goes with rigid tape, there are many types and thicknesses.

It comes down to the athelete as well. Some don't like tape, some don't like braces.

I am still to see a AFL/NRL club that makes it compulsory to have ankles taped in a 'Styrup'. The 'stirrup' is the basic technique for taping ankles. These should be used in conjunction with Figure of 8s, Figure of 6s, Reverse 6s, heel locks and many other methods that sports professionals have devised over the years.

Reply #142234 | Report this post

Years ago

Interesting, well seeing as I have been asked for an opinion, here goes.

I personally have only ever taped once, and that was after I landed on someone's foot. I believe in strengthening the body rather than strapping parts to hold it together. I regularly exercise weaknesses, and for that period of time I spent the bulk of my training on the peroneals etc to help regain some subtalar stability. I have never had problems or the need to brace/strap since. I consider myself somewhat lucky, but also consider partly due to a solid rehab program rather than just taping and playing, probably only spending a month strapping total.

The argument that tape/bracing weakens the ankle is often used, and I somewhat subscribe to this argument. This misleads some people, as simply putting tape on does not instantly weaken the ankle. The body has the capacity to adapt to stresses placed on it, and does not like to be wasteful. Muscles use energy, and if they are chronically not being used, they will break down (atrophy). Think about any time you have been bed ridden for an extended period of time, you lose weight (muscle mass), as it is not needed to just lie there, so the body adjusts. It is a similar concept for site-specific muscles, if you do not exercise them, they will atrophy. Thus in the ankle if you strap all the time, you get some support from the tape, so the body does not need as much stability from the muscles themselves so they adjust, and the athlete becomes reliant on tape. It is for this reason I will choose never to tape myself (unless injured), but rather strengthen and condition the appropriate muscles to maintain a solid ankle. "But what if you land on a foot?" yes that is the risk I take, but with better ankle proprioception through training I would suggest you would be better off anyway.

142232 it is not the total time your ankle is taped that is important, I think your 22 hours a day argument is not valid, as when you are sleeping your ankle is under no load anyway (unless you sleep standing up). However the load you place your ankle under, if you tape during all exercise, then the total load is less. Consider going to the gym and only ever bench-pressing the bar, as opposed to bench-pressing more, the more load the greater the gain (obviously under injury threshold load in the case of the ankle). I liken walking around all day untapped, in this example, to the bar with no weight, and training untapped like the bar with weight, I hope that makes sense to you.

142221 is right though after a serious ankle injury it may never be the same. I would suggest there are many variables as to why you may tape. But as said my preference is against strapping or bracing, and one for conditioning. If there is someone who has chronic ankle instability, or has a lax ankle, there may be a case for strapping/bracing, however for the majority of people it is unnecessary in my view.

A few things to consider may be that when strapping, who is strapping your ankle? If you/they are not confident that they can strap, then maybe look at a brace. However braces come in a few sizes and may not necessarily be correct for the individual. Also I believe most of the time ankle injury occurs to the anterior talofibular ligament when the foot is in plantar flexion and inversion, do braces limit this, or do they only limit inversion/eversion? As well as other valid points previously put forward by others above; I do not feel the need to repeat.

In summary I feel subtalar stability can be maintained without the need to brace or tape, but if there is a special case where it is needed, then either method can be used if joint mortise is able to be maintained, there may be different reasons why you choose either, considering the injury mechanism, and what structures are involved will play an important part in your decision. I choose neither.

Reply #142248 | Report this post

Years ago

ITA great post as always.

The fact that you say that its a risk and there is a chance that you could get injured and the fact that you say if you do you could never be the same is the reason Juniors should brace/tape. The risk is that no matter how strong your ankle is, how much you work on it there is always a risk you might very badly lad on someones foot and your ankle will never be the same!

Kids its not worth risking it at a junior age. Do the strengthening, conditioning off, propioceptive stuff the court IMO and protect yourself as much as possible against the the most common serious bball injury - ankle sprain!

Reply #142257 | Report this post

Years ago

that doesnt deserve a ball, that deserve a stethoscope

Reply #142258 | Report this post

Years ago

ITA - can you help me with a problem with my ankle - just some general 5 minute advice over the phone?

I have provided my details to Hoops SA via the query form - can you get them and let me know?


Reply #142262 | Report this post

Years ago


How do I get your details there?

Before I give any advice I, would suggest "over the phone" advice may not be what you need. If you seriously have a problematic ankle, maybe it is best to see someone in person.

The ankle is a very complex joint, and although I would be happy to answer general questions such as my opinion on taping on here, can I suggest it would be foolish to diagnose a case over the phone. I am happy for Isaac to give me your email or you mine, but again, go see someone if you are serious, what is the ability to walk worth to you?

:) good luck, still happy for you to call, just thought I'd try put it in perspective.

Reply #142266 | Report this post

Years ago

Details emailed to you, ITA.

Reply #142273 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah I hear what you're syaing mate.

I've had physio on it for months but still quite sore and am snowboarding in 3 weeks - just wanted to see if you have a different perspective/treatment option that may work because my current physio is not.

Cheers bud

Reply #142274 | Report this post

Years ago

As I believe the main benefits of taping/bracing is an increased sense of proprioception and thus you are less likely to land in an awkward position and injure yourself. Tape if applied correctly under tension is better at increasing proprioceptive sensation as it places the skin under tension and so on, but as mentioned before after approx 20 minutes this tension has decreased. Both braces and tape increase external pressure on the ankle which too helps to increase proprioception/awareness of the ankle position, which with tape will decrease as exercise continues.

I feel that the best method is to tape the ankle with two to three stirrups with the ankle slightly dorsiflexed and from the inside of the ankle to the outside, placing the sub-talar joint into a slightly everted position (the theory being that >95% of ankle sprains are inversion sprains with plantar flexion and the first ligament injured is the anterior talo-fibluar ligament which isnt truly a sub-talar joint ligament rather a true ankle or talo-cural ligament and by placing the ankle in slight eversion you are effectively further away from an inversion injury). then a figure 6 in both directions crossing directly over the front of the ankle joint, with a final figure 6 from the inside to the outside of the ankle helping to maintain that slighty everted position. Heel locks (figure 8's) can be used for a very unstable ankle but usually is not necessary.
(Remembering to apply the anchor strap loosely if taped cold as once you start the blood pumping the calf can swell considerable in diameter)

Overall the benefits of taping/bracing are basically an increased awareness of joint/s position and a limiting of the extent of injury sustained when you do go over.

Reply #142296 | Report this post

Years ago


It may be worth getting x-ray as it is common for accessory bones (very common extra small bones most often found in the feet) of the ankle to become problematic once injured

Reply #142297 | Report this post

Years ago

Ita, (#142248)

I wholly endorse what you are saying. Prevention (exercises to strengthen and to build proprioception) are better than the cure post trauma.

ImHo, there is too much media credence and hoo haa placed on players (especially footballers) always being strapped for trainings and games. If you have never been injured, never "rolled an ankle", do not strap or brace. Find a competent therapist/physio for a sound exercise programme. Once an inversion or eversion has occurred, then a whole set of new paramters come into play and yes sound, proper and good rehab is paramount. Unfortunately, many players I encounter are too lazy, erratic and inconsistent in their rehab work. They also rush back too soon and once playing, cease all of their theraband, weight bearing & proprioception and wobble board regimens, amongst others.

Players, don't look for the easy way out!! Do the work regularly, consistently and properly and that will in the future, likely negate the need for any strapping or bracing.

Ultimatley, unfortunate accidents occur, and that is just because shxx happens.Deal with it and move on.

Reply #142311 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks Isaac,

*cringe* Snowboarding with a bad ankle *cringe*

Reply #142324 | Report this post

Years ago

Using ankle braces can have a bad effect on the linings of the basketball boots. Has anyone worked out a way of countering this effect?

Reply #142355 | Report this post

Years ago

haha. My physio recommended maybe a cordozone (no idea how to spell it!) injection before I go.. and I'll take some painkillers - nothing is going to keep me off the slopes this year!

Reply #142362 | Report this post

Years ago

except a broken ankle........

Reply #142364 | Report this post

Years ago

Lockstock I have done the cortizone before. Its good for persistent swelling.

Had an ankle swelling that wouldnt go away, they were talking ops, the cortizone worked wonders. Get it done a few weeks before you go though because there is some evidence that cortizone can weaken tendons (I think????)

Reply #142370 | Report this post

Years ago

my first post and i get a basketball, yay :-)

Reply #142374 | Report this post

Years ago

thanks jnx - my physio thinks that it is only inflammation that is causing my pain now - my ankle is actually quite strong.

Medial ligament tears suck though - did it over 3 months ago and still sore. Hopefully the cortizone does the trick like you say

Reply #142375 | Report this post

Years ago

iv found that strapping tape acts as more of an alerting system aswel as preventing serious damage. You are able to feel the tape pull if your ankle begins to roll or whatever and so you know not to put more weight on it and..simply fall over or something;)

Reply #142407 | Report this post

Years ago

If perhaps one of the best Ortho Surgeons in SA, who specialises in ankles does NOT like or recommend cortisone, why even use it? Don't be trigger happy wanting cortisone, ligaments do tend to deteriorate.

Reply #142414 | Report this post

Years ago

not really much dif i dont think ive seen ppl roll ankles in both
so not much of a dif

Reply #142416 | Report this post

Years ago

i found alot of difference between the two. i have torn ligaments in my left ankle 4 times twice with it strapped. i found it didn't give any support after about 30mins of an activity. i haven't had any problems with ankle braces and i find they give more support for a longer duration of time.

Reply #142418 | Report this post

Years ago

The best thing you can do for a bad ankle is to rehab it by building strength and flexibility in and around the ankle. Also, if you haven't had an ankle injury you should do these exercises to make sure you don't hurt your ankle...

Check out this video on youtube

Reply #310072 | Report this post

Years ago

I have recently twisted my ankle at netball training, the next day i strapped it (with tape) for a day of Athletics.

I have tried running and training without tape or brace but it hurts for 4-5days after.
So i'm thinking of taping it again.

Would it be better for me to get an ankle brace or keep using tape, it doesnt bother me which i useI just need the better option.

Reply #358915 | Report this post

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