rumor monger
Years ago

NO Home court advantage

For those that thought there was a home court advantage at Morphettvale you were WRONG.Bill instructs his refs to not favor the tigers teams which results in them not calling what they should.Other clubs should look forward to coming to MV stadium to play as they will get a great deal of calls in their favor MOST of the time.Bill should also give it up as his refs are right even when blatently wrong remember he is also grading these refs and their grading is valid at all stadiums.I as a parent look forward to my son and daughter playing at any stadium but our home venue.I have read on this fourm before that we get an advantage at home this is clearly not so now.I know that it is hard to get refs but no ref would be better than what we have to put up with.

Topic #12019 | Report this topic

Years ago

toughen up pincess

Reply #140331 | Report this post

Years ago

haha that is the biggest load of crap i have EVER heard. Bill may 'instructs his refs to not favor the tigers' but at the end of the day the refs are the people on court not Bill and everytime i have played there we have had no 'favours'.

Reply #140343 | Report this post

Years ago

Referees do not favour teams. They make an unbiased assessment of the game, no matter where it is.

Reply #140357 | Report this post

The Blue Wiggle  
Years ago

LMAO, I think that this has to be one of the funniest post's all year. Why should u expect favour's just because u play at home.

Heaven forbid visiting teams get a fair go anywhere. Now we have home team complaining that they are not getting favourable treatment. LMAO.

I am wetting myself with laughter here....

Keep doing a good job William.

Reply #140369 | Report this post

Ref 23  
Years ago

rumor monger you are an idiot. Why should home teams get favours from the refs, if anything they should know how the refs are gunna call the game because we call it the same every week. My bet is that ur a tigers team that lost by 30 on friday or saturday and cant think of anyone to blame except the refs.

(issac i think this thread should get locked because if it was about a team of any sort and things like that were said, it would be so can you please lock the thread.?

Reply #140373 | Report this post

Years ago

Rumor Monger I can only guess who you are- I know there are a few out there with the same view. There have been many issues in the last few weeks but Im sorry, the refs ref and Bill is just the UIC. Maybe some parents like you should grab a rule book and have a decent read thru it. And no there should be NO advantage playing at your home venue as all refs are supposed to be IMPARTIAL. However if you think its bad at MV try the trip to Hillcrest, always a fun trip NOT or Mars where the bias is over the top. There are some very competant refs at MV and some who have been influenced badly by outside sources. Give them their due cos without them there would be no game. I understand the anguish to a certain extent but if you are one of the constant wailers from the sidelines who DONT know the rules -learn them. I certainly was always quick to comment when my child was in 10s and 12s but as they moved up and I learn the rules I know we parents dont know enough and we should let the refs do their job'. Sure they make mistakes too but as I said no ref no game. Which way do you want it? And if you are so good and know all the rules maybe pick up a whistle and show us what uve got?

Reply #140378 | Report this post

Years ago

rumour monger are u crying over the 40 point thrashing by norwood u coped or is more about a coached who got knifed by your club having success!!

Reply #140379 | Report this post

Years ago

Booger - this is an English speaking forum

can someone translate please?

Reply #140381 | Report this post

Years ago

Rumour Monger - Bill is trying to do his job and it is not that he has instrcuted his refs to favour other teams it is more about him educating his refs to provide a better standard and quality of refereeing. So you perhaps are just upset because in your mind you thought you were getting favoured and now you are not. It's just that the refs have been getting some education and you now notice the difference!

But either way perhaps you should give away the game because your kids are playing b/ball for themselves and not for you which seems to be the case.

Reply #140390 | Report this post

Years ago

amazing refs getting hammered for making the calls they see and this from somebody at MV who wants refs to give home court calls because they are at home - makes a lot of sense i dont think so - so now Bill simply lifting the ref standard is getting hammereed because the refs are making the right calls - not been to MV for a while but if all refs were to lift there standard and make right calls - wont it be lovely - GOOD ON YOU BILL simply doing what you should be doing -

Reply #140404 | Report this post

Ref 23  
Years ago

Anon #104378 u cant say anything as i know who u are and u used to critisize me for cheating, i know who u are cos u always post under that name but type it in so its not as common.

Reply #140412 | Report this post

rumor monger  
Years ago

For Bill to tell Parents to "SHUT UP IM RIGHT AND YOUR WRONG" is ok on your opinion.Would you like to be spoken to his way.To tell refs "YOU OWN THIS COURT AND THEY (the players)ONLY USE IT BECAUSE WE LET THEM" these statements in the front of junior players are not on.Think about it before you comment.We are not asking for favoritisim but for them to call what is there when it is there.Other stadiums refs are bad but consistant you can live with that.In my time at district level (30 years) the most ejections I have seen are at MV both tigers parents and ther teams every one has had Bill's involvement dont tell me he has not lost it

Reply #140413 | Report this post

Years ago

The refs at MV giving the visiting team a break?

Ha, Ha, you VERY funny man!

Reply #140421 | Report this post

Years ago

Rumour Monger - "quit while you are behind"

Reply #140430 | Report this post

Years ago

Shouting out at a ref from the sidlines because you think your team has been hard done by shows no class at all!

Go to the AFL, NBL, SANFL, NSL game where the umps are getting paid quite a good wage to make the right call and shout your lungs out at them. There is nothing worse than a 30-40 y.o parent shouting abuse at a junior or senior ump that is really getting paid squat just because they had been sitting on their ass and may have a better angle every now and then on 1 or 2 calls that dont go their way!

It does not generally matter what team you are from everyone normally thinks they are hard done by. There are also some refs who over call the home team at their home stadiums for fear of looking biased if they dont.

Just let them get on with their job, and worry about the things that you can actually change.

Reply #140433 | Report this post

Years ago

I have sat at games at M/V and watched the "Home Crowd" and the way they intimidate their own ref's by sitting at one end under the basket and yelling out all the calls for the ref's. This is done in unison and with a pack mentality. Puts the refs off, who call TRAVELS just to appease the mob and intimidates the opposition players - funny how they dont yell out the fouls/travels/carrys etc for their own teams. This is KIDS SPORT GUYS - start treating it as such and basketball would perhaps thrive instead of parents pulling out their kids in droves because of the parents playing the game through their kids.

Reply #140436 | Report this post

Years ago

Ref 23 dont think you know who I am because I have no idea who you are. I

Reply #140521 | Report this post

Years ago

Ref 23 dont think you know who I am because I have no idea who you are. I

Reply #140522 | Report this post

Years ago

rumour monger - i dont know who you are, but if you are like 98.2% of the other parents I have come across in basketball - bill was quite right when he told you he was right and you were wrong.

and the fact that he told his refs they own the court and they are just letting the players use it is quite a orrect way to motivate refs to use their authority. its called getting a mind set.

if the refs feel they are in control on a court, they will act that way..making informed and learned decisions, and not being afraid to make the calls when they need to.

not like some anonymous fat arsed whining parent like yourself. of course you could ask bill when the next level 0 refs course is, and be part of the solution, not just bitching about "the problem".

to quote the good man chopper "get a case of shut the f**k up into ya

Reply #140524 | Report this post

Years ago

From what I have observed at M/Vale Bill is doing a reasonable Job and the only thing that is not helping him is the workload heaped on him by BSA and no extra help from Senior aged referees.

He is bringing through a lot of kids that are being pushed through to quickly and if you took the time to sit down and have a decent conversation with Bill I think he would admit that there is a lack of good quality qualified Senior Refs in general but definatly at M/Vale to help him out.
End result is young kids get pushed through quicker that what they would have in the past and do not quite have all the skills they need.
Mind you some refs have left or given up or reduced there commitments due to work others lost interest and some just got plain sick and tired of Tigers players, parents and coaches poor behaviuor.
I am not just talking about Junior sides as there Div 4 Mens side would have to be the worst for this in the club.
There are so lovely people involved in the club as well but you will always hear about the bad ones and never the good ones.

Reply #140570 | Report this post

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