Years ago
standards dropping each year
Tell im if im wrong but i think each year the satndard is getting worse and worse.
Years ago
Tell im if im wrong but i think each year the satndard is getting worse and worse.
Hackam Hacker
Years ago
If u r talking the standard of juniors on a saturday you're right, it may be the start of the season but there are so many teams I've watched that just can't play.
Simple things like playing D
Years ago
Stop being smart and just answer the question please. Im talking about the stadard over all like in 18s this year its just not the same like 2 years ago.
Years ago
5 responses and
3 d#ckheads
FLY, EC, avanti
esp. you avanti
correct spelling is for ckicks and f@gs.
When u were doing English and Drama at school, I was doing Science and Tech.
The standard of some of these posts.
EC, 15/11/04
Or just posters in general. 'spelchek' PRIME Example!!
Years ago
Look its the INTERNET
Not an assignment
We don't need nerds like yourself correcting others
Does it make you feel big?
Correct me on my content only, I have no problem with that.
Almost every one that posts on this forum can take the time to construct proper sentences, and take the time to actually spell correctly, or use only commonly accepted abbreviations.
Maybe it's you that needs to get a life spelchek
Have a nice day :-)
Years ago
You just don't seem to be understanding.
This is a BASKETBALL forum
NOT grammar school
We don't all have your superior interlect
Have a nice day?
Its 11 at night
Years ago
I never did English or Drama, you pinhead.
I guess I must have done "Science and Tech" too considering Im an engineer....
Nice try though.....
(I can't believe I am posting on this discussion but...) I agree with spelling on forums like this, not overly important. However, a piece of advice for you. Don't kid yourself; there still is a need to be able to contruct a sentence and spell reasonably well. I employ many people including engineers. Many resumes are received and these are the documents first selling yourself to a business. In my opinion, as an employer and not a career guidance officer, poor spelling and grammar does not put a person in the best light to stand out from other applicants.
Now back to basketball!
Years ago
I think the gap between the top and the bottom is getting bigger and bigger.
I said it was ok in forums. Actually I typed it wrong, not spelt it wrong. Where is that secretary when you need her!
Years ago
why does a secretary have to be female?
and I totally agree not only does spelling and good grammar make it easier to read, it does help get your message across. we can all make the mistake of form instead of from in our haste to post before bosses catch us:)
it is an important life skill communication - all the best people have it
She doesn't have to be female but in this case she is....and she can spell!
Don't delete this because it looks weird. Believe it or not you can read it.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?
yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt .
Another example of life skills developed through sport!
Years ago
sorry to continue this fruitless thread.
Yes, posts need to be easily read
Delicatessen mixed up his A and T
He asked what I thought was a fairly simple question.
Anyone who wants to talk spelling go find a spelling forum
If you don't know anything about basketball or the topic
and any other spelling nazis
then don't post on a basketball forum.
Quit wasting everyones time.
Years ago
By replying to delicatesen's post I was not having a dig at him/her. My point was that I did not understand where the post was going. Read it again:
"Tell im if im wrong but i think each year the satndard is getting worse and worse."
I read it and had no idea what it was about. The standard of the NBL, NBA, forum, umpires, what???
That's why I replied what I did. Relax, Spelchek.
Years ago
So we've established spelling standards have dropped.
I have this problem at the start of every season - I go OMG my X team I played or coached in would have KICKED those guys arses last year who are playing in our X grade.
But I'm comparing my team which made a grand final after a year of learning and improving to bottom age kids or teams who havent played before who have just come into teh grade. I think you'll find by Winter time they'll have caught up, our results in classics etc will be the same as usual, and it will be all good!
(Mod: Wow, you were doing so well until you started talking.)
Playing standards are improving across the board.
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