Chris Benoit entertained us for many years.. we all loved him and as soon as something happens, that dont mix with our emotions, his 22 yrs of work are all wasted. No-one but chris and wife know what happened.. How can yu all sit an specualte what happened.. I dont think he woke up and just rang and took a sickie from work, and decided to knock off his family.. He loved his wife, and he l;oved his son.. All I can say, it's obvious things led up to what happened.. I can see chris feeling like he cant leave his son with no mum, and knowing he was going to kill himself too, the kid wouuld have had no-one and a terrible life, probably filled with drug addiction thru trying to cope.. Plz dont ruin 22 years of someone we loved in 1 weekend.. Yes, he did the wrong thing, but did yu see him when he was doing it. was he crying hysterically over the bodies, but didn't know a way out. Maybe he did the wife, and ended up doing what he did, so as they were all together.. Something makes me think something bad happened for him to go to that length. Think about it ok. dont just say oh "Roid rage".. No-one will ever know the real truth, so stop speculating.. He was my hero in the ring, and I know something terrible must have went down to do what he did with the ones he loved so much.. grow up people. Was yu there???NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. . It's not something yu decide to do after breakfast alright. i just cant imagine how torn he must have felt to carry out what he did.. His child felt nothing.. He was fast asleep, and chris made sure of that. He would not have even woken up. That is the nature of the drug.. The wife,, well I dont know bout her, but he loved his boy, so only one person knows the real answer, and he wont be talkin.. just love him for what he gave yu for all those years, not what he did in one day. we all muck up.. Fiona