Basketball Draft
Years ago

AFL Draft Vs Potential ABA Players

Well Mark as promised!!!

I hear and see that some people feel they are not getting a chance to play ABA. Some young players are disgruntled that they are not getting a chance which becomes a negative feeling around the clubs. Some are justified and some should think about what they have to offer.

This may have been done before but it's just an idea....

The fairest way for the AFL to survive and make it an even playing field was the introduction of the Draft....No one really knows who will win each week as it is fair and the stock that each team has. A good example is Hawthorn, down and out a few years back, went to draft picks and now look. My question is why can't we do this in ABA?

Each club has to submit a required player list, I think it is 16. Each ABA game has about 10 players on average each Saturday. Why can't this be stretched to 20 or 25 which includes 4 rookies.

Each Club puts all 16 - 20 players on a one or two year contract (up to the club on what they offer)which is performance based. These contracts are reviewed half yearly to see if they are achieving the key indicators set out for them and by the club coach. The club placing expectations on the player to perform. If they don't reach these expectations then the contract is removed or revoked. Money doesn't have to come into the equation just the right to play at the best level locally. Money can be decided by each individual club. By having the rookies on the list they get to experience ABA and are elevated just like the AFL.
Each year all the Juniors in under 16's and 18s all aspire to ABA and beyond and now this gives them a sense of belonging. All clubs who do not go on the required list are open to recruiting players for clubs who are less down the ladder making it an even ball game. If they wish the ABA can have a Draft day and people can apply to go into the draft. Of course the club retains the option for renewal but wouldn't this make the game more even allowing lower clubs to pick up players who are capable of playing at a higher level....seems fair to me.

I have put this up for discussion. If its good we can put up a business case....people will know exactly where they are then and not guessing. People gravitate to the higher clubs because they want success, make it even and bring the competition back into basketball.

Topic #11939 | Report this topic

Years ago

Certainly would make our competition unique.

Reply #139503 | Report this post

Who Me!  
Years ago

I don't think I'd be too happy, if for example I was a Southern Junior who couldn't make their ABL squad,m but I ended up getting drafted to Centrals or Mavericks. Sanme if I was a Rocket & Southern or South chose me.

Just from a distance point of view that is, imagine the miles you would have to do, for training etc.

Anyway, there is nothing stopping a player moving Clubs for better opportunities for Senior basketball now.

Only have to look at Breheny & Ali to Eastern this year for examples.

If a player doesn't think he/she has a chance to play ABL at their own club (or get the minutes they feel they have earnt), maybe they should start taking a closer look and see what other teams are missing from their line-ups, who has players possibly retiring, long term injuries or going Overseas (College) etc.

Its not that hard if you want to make the effort.

I know that some Clubs don't go out and actively recruit, but would rather get players who have gone out of their way to join their Club, as they seem to stick around longer.

Reply #139506 | Report this post

Basketball Draft  
Years ago

Travel is a big part of basketball...If you were a required player I am sure the club who have selected you would assist in would even the comp...more attendances seeing real games and not lop sided ones....AFL players travel around the country...

Reply #139509 | Report this post

This is crap! If a player wants to move they do it on their terms, to a team that they think best suits them, and there is nothing stopping them from doing this. You can't make a player play for someone that they don't want to play for.

Here's better solution. How about we can Centrals all together, then the good players from their team will go and play for the bad teams which will make them deeper, and even up the competition!

Or get Southern to merge with South, and Centrals to merge with North or West and we have only 8 teams! The reason that the league is so uneven is that there just arn't enough good players in SA to field 10 strong teams. So why bring the top teams down and have 10 weaker but more even teams, when we can get rid of the consistantly bad teams in South, Centrals and Southern, and have 8 stroner clubs. You see the people involved with these clubs aren't interested in working hard enough to make these clubs better, but arn't willing to let go of them either. They would prefer to hold onto their mediochre clubs, be unsuccessful and blame the system for it... its rubbish if you ask me. Why try and bring the good clubs down, we should be trying to keep the good clubs where they are, and bringing the crap clubs up tho their level...if that is not achievable, then the only alternative that i can see is getting rid iof the bad unsuccessful clubs!!!!

Reply #139512 | Report this post

Years ago

Its not the system!!!!

I am afraid it is the system, read your text and there you will find the answer....cutting the comp isn't it, a fairer system is...clubs will have to work harder to keep players and the comp will be better for it. It is to lop sided even it up.
This is a constructive thread...its not about cutting clubs out...even it up across the board and we improve....competition between clubs will flourish....AFL Players don't have a choice they go to play at the best level...why are we any different. Our sport is flagging, we need to find the solution for our kids to play on....

Reply #139518 | Report this post

Years ago

For some reason basketball DOES think it's different! And in more ways than this.

Reply #139541 | Report this post

boo hoo  
Years ago

You can't compare AFL players to ABL players. Of course they go anywhere across the country...they get paid big money to do so!!! Your talking about comparing 18 year olds who start on 50k to ones that would start on 0-50 bucks a game!

Also, I am all for evening up the competition, but not at the expense of the better clubs. "It's not the system" is spot on. If you can come up with any ideas of bringing the cad teams up to the level of the good teams then great as long as it doesn't take away from those top teams. If there is not a solution, which I doubt that there is as Centrals, South and Southern have been crap for 10 years now, then maybe less teams is the answer. I do doubt that we ahve enough players in this state to fill 10 strong teams, so there will always be a couple of weak clubs, and it seems to be the same ones every the men anyway.

This draft will change nothing except annoy youngsters that have to travel long distances to get a game. Also I don't think you realizehow much traveeling money would cost a club if done properly. Just not that easy to do!

The problem with your thoughts "Follower", is you are trying to get players a game somewhere when they probably just are not good enough. Plenty of people think that as long as you play juniors you should automatically get a gig playing ABL someday...well it just doesn't work that way. Each year there is lucky to be 1 or 2 new players in an abl team, sometimes none are warrented. Only the very best players should get to play which is why the competitionis slipping as there are two many teams filled with players that aren't up to the standard. This i believe is because there are too many teams and therefore too many spots to fill for the lack of talent that we have. Less teams means less spots, which means only the good players play, which means a better all round competition and a more even one at that!

Reply #139542 | Report this post

Years ago

Great and interesting thread this one.

1. club loyalty has to be rewarded, if you were playing juniors for the club it is fair that you stay in that club.
2. You could maybe have a rule that you can have 2 exemptions a year for those clubs who want to keep existing juniors.
3. Weaker clubs should be given a chance, they are there for a reason. They have an area, sometimes remote that caters for those wanting to play basketball at all levels. If you take away their ABA team, juniors have nothing to aspire to.
4. Make the competition itself better. High standard of refs, coaches and play. Perhaps make this 2nd tier competition more valuable, with tv rights, marketing etc. Extend it to include other leagues, waratah, NSW and QLD. I don't know how you would do this? Maybe have 2 tiers at this second level. The top 3 or 4 state teams from each state play in a top league and rest play in the State league. Each year the teams in the top tier come back and fight for the right to stay in top flight in a knockout tournament before the start of the season. The top 2 finishing teams get to stay no matter what.

Reply #139549 | Report this post

balling is life  
Years ago

i like the idea. give it a crack. wont hurt. im sure if a player was traded to a team far from their home; the team would be able to supply travel money. and also could be where sponsorship comes into play!!

Reply #139592 | Report this post

Years ago

I feel like the original idea is interesting, but as touched on before there is one major difference between AFL and the ABL clubs, and that is junior teams.

I agree with Who Me! that if you went up through the ranks with one club, it would be highly difficult to go to your rival (imagine a crows junior all the sudden being drafted by the power?) I feel the only way the draft would work locally would be if the top level ABL sides were not affiliated at all with any junior ranks, removing this issue. As clubs are already established this is obviously not an option.

What do people think about bringing in tougher zoning for players, eg if you live in Marion you must play for South, unless there are extenuating circumstances where you could apply to play for another club, subject to approval.

Reply #139680 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the AFL players don't have a problem with travelling, mainly because they don't have to personally pay for it, their club does.

ABL clubs surely wouldn't have the budget to be paying people's travel expenses every week.

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