David Puddy
Years ago
Sam Mackinnon
Here's an exerpt from a web Chat with ESPN Chris Sheridan - he mentions Sam Mackinnon's chances with the Raptors:
Ben, fredericton, Canada: What kind of move do you see Brian Colangelo making? Wouldn't the raps be able to put together a pretty decent package for a lot of veteran players without touching their core? It seems like Calderon, a Mo Pete sign and trade, a pcik and maybe another throw in would be enough to get the job done on a lot of teams. Think there's anyway Ray Allen could be grabbed from the conics?
Chris Sheridan: I think he's operating on a muh smaller scale, \Ben. He'll probably do a sign-and-trade with Mo Peterson, and he's bringing in Austrailian League MVP Sam Mackinnon for a summer league tryout. Keep an eye on Sam. He would have made it to the NBA years ago if not for two major knee injuries.