simon cottrell
Years ago
Where has the panther gone?
just wanted to know where the panther has gone? I think the forum has been missing his input.
simon cottrell
Years ago
just wanted to know where the panther has gone? I think the forum has been missing his input.
Kent Brockman
Years ago
Simon i need someone to jack up about 40 shots a game get no boards and play no d. seeing this was your forte in the NBL are you up for a social game tonight????
The Brad
Years ago
Still here mate, nothing really around worth commenting on! I think we need to start a contreversial discussion topic, got anything in mind??? It's all a bit boring at the moment!
Years ago
Still here mate, nothing really around worth commenting on! I think we need to start a contraversial discussion topic, got anything in mind??? It's all a bit boring at the moment!
Years ago
Doh! Guess i'm going to have to come up with a new anonymous alias!
simon cottrell
Years ago
you thought wrong jirachi, you didn't think you were gonna get off that easy did ya? by the way nice work panther i mean the brad.
simon cottrell
Years ago
i have got a good topic for you panther, " will jirachi ever post something worth reading?"
Years ago
And your contribution so far has been nothing but outstanding, keep up the informative topics...
Years ago
Go and have a look dude, I do not know what topics you are interested in.
Hoop Addict
Years ago
"will jirachi ever post something worth reading?" <-- because that post is so very constructive?
No doubt Jirachi has contributed more to this Forum than most (if not all) others. Don't like his posts, don't read them. Go play in Kent's social team Simon.
Years ago
Can you ever get rid of the Panther! What would this forum be without me??? You guys just don't like my posts because it doesn't fall into their little scheme of things! Everyone on this forum listen up...we all need to conform to what MW, Alf and Jirachi have to say!
Years ago
You don't have to listen to me, it's all about opinions and my opinion of you is quite obvious...
Years ago
damn it paid my money (sorry isaac) i deserve and demand my right to free speech - and if they don't like it they can take a hike
Years ago
"Can you get rid of the Panther!" - we only hope!
Perhaps people don't like your posts because you do stupid and pathetic things like post the address of peoples parents.
Years ago
That was one post which was between me and one other person, what did that have to do with other people's opinions (or you, Jirachi and Michael)and the rest of my posts??? Everyone has a right to their own opinion and just because it's not the same as yours doesn't mean it's wrong. Some of my posts have been some of the biggestson the website so I can't be TOO bad!
simon cottrell
Years ago
see what my posts do jirachi (and all your lovers),create heated conversation, just what everyone really wants on this forum but they don't want to admit to it. we all look for someone to attack, be honest! i did notice however that you did not like my post yet replied to it, hmmm.
simon cottrell
Years ago
i was refering to alf the hairy alien and MW in that last post, my apologies for writng your name instead jirachi. players f@*k up!
Years ago
How can you not know where panther is with those damn shoes of his...
Years ago
Quality, not quantity. Posts demeaning referees or making accusations of bias might up the read-count, but they cost me more in traffic without really contributing all that much in the way of constructive criticism or positive information. If my target was to rake in the hits, I would already have done that.
I really don't know what you expected to achieve with the immature act of posting my parents' home address. If it was between yourself and me as you say here, you could well post other "Forman" addresses from the phonebook in emails to me (as you did anyway) rather than posting the original in a public forum. In 14,000+ posts on this forum, no one has stooped to those depths.
I'm trying to provide a place for people to discuss basketball in this state, and I'm doing it out of my own time and wallet. This is not the place for you to build some deluded sense of self-worth or start controversial topics only to sit back and rub your hands together in glee. As I've said before, if that's what you like, it's trivial to start your own forum elsewhere and post all you like.
By all means, go back to contributing positively about the development of your club, but don't antagonise people and don't try to spark controversy for personal infamy.
Years ago
Up until that point Isaac that's all I had been doing is posting constructive discussion topics in relation to my club and in particular helping umpires with funding, (even though I dislike them). When in that time did I start a controversial topic??? If it wasn't for the fact that you once again decided to cahnge my topic name to suit yourself that this became personal. I've discussed this with you via email yet you obviuosly would like to talk about via your forum. And geez MW and Hoop Addict, why don't you post something constructive yourself besides kissing Isaac's ....! And where's Alf and Jirachi, you guys don't want to put in your two cents worth on this as well??? Not bad from guys who don't even play the game besides on the X box!
Years ago
The moderators (including myself) routinely change topic titles to make them more accurate and informative (those are the goals; I don't do it to suit myself). As I've said before, this will continue to happen.
End of topic. We all know where Panther's gone now.
Years ago
There was more to my previous post Panther that got removed by the moderators which was mainly what I was trying to get across...unfortunately you did not get to see it. (Removed.) If I agree with someones post I will say so, if that is kissing arse, then so be it.
The End
Years ago
This is Isaac's site, if you don't like it leave.
You are the most immature 27 year old I have ever come across.
How can you say you don't like a group of people? Let's go back to primary school and say we hate all girls, or maybe you still do.
Re changing the title of your post - you made up something that wasn't even true to create controversy.
And yes I still play so god knows what your on about again.
Years ago
Come on, I'm trying to finish this so ALL of you can post something constructive on a different thread.
A line was crossed, but it's possible to step back over it and play in at least a remotely nice fashion.
Don't make me build in a thread-locking function!
Years ago
Thank's Jirachi, knew you were around somewhere!
MW, it's no wonder why the sixers administration is falling down when their employees are sitting on a website all day!
And Alf, you know your a favourite of mine and of course I can say I don't like a group of people, I don't like this little group of people!
I enjoy the little banter that goes back and forward, this is a public chat forum isn't it? So people are allowed an opinion, even if you disagree.
I have personally apologised to Isaac, if he chooses to not accept it so be it, no sleep loss, but seriously, he is right in saying I think we're all wasting everyone's time talking about this(including our own) if you guys have beef with me, most of you know who i am, come talk to me in person but lets get on with it.
Years ago
And which position do I hold within the sixers administration Panther?
Years ago
He thinks you're someone else. He also thought that Nick Boyce was a big contributor to this forum, despite him never having posted on here in his life (he's in London anyway).
You know what they say about assumptions...
Years ago
yeah, i assumed issac was a d@*khead who loves to pump up his own brothers basketball career, oh hang on i was right with that one. my bad.
Hey Neil,
I hope you don't play baseball as you're batting .000 at the moment...zero posts worth reading. If you are really a ref then I now understand who everyone is complaining about.
Years ago
Neil - find me one instance of Isaac doing that and I'll give you $50.
Years ago
is this the same simon c that used to play hoops in tassie?
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