The answer is simple , it is to give the widest number of young people the opportunity to play at the highest level.
By sending two teams, instead of the 4 teams about to take part in the U16 and U18 nationals, twenty kids would lose that opportunity.
Would we send significantly better teams if they were mixed, in most cases only marginally as evidenced by the cojoined Metro/Country in U20's.
Rather than criticise the number of players going, we need to determine if the players going are the right players, coached by the right coaches and in turn if the coaches are selected using the the right process.Should the state coaches coach in the age group they take to the nationals?
Very different methodology has gone into each selection and its difficult to discern a credible process in place. In the 16 girls they either think they'll win it or that all the first years are substandard because they have gone for all second years. In the 16 country girls and 18 metro girls its a very different situation with lots of first years which says that either the second years in these respective ages are not up to scratch or they have red hot teams or simply they're building for next year. Running through the boys is just as big a headache with certain selections.
Is it time to make a policy of selecting only second years for the Nationals, clearly the answer is no in my view, but would it result in stronger, better teams which was your point?
Is it time to have a policy of always having 2 or 3 first years in a team? Again how could you do it when each year the talent pool is different?
Is the aim of teams going to the Nationals just competition because results tell us that in most cases winning it is not a possibility? How do we make our teams more competitive? How do we make district more competitive?
State coaches are on a hiding to nothing because despite who they select it will always be wrong and their only vindication is to medal.
I can't think of any guidelines that would work for selecting state teams other than ability and as that is subjective, we find ourselves back to square one.
So I'd keep sending the 40 kids each year (till the 20's) and hope the selectors get it right.