interested parent
Years ago

ABL Court Time Question?

My son is an under 20 Div 1 player and is a training player for the ABA side. e has had an opportunity to suit up and sit on the bench for the team but has yet to play. I was wondering what is the time frame for a junior player to have to grind it out with seniors before the committment is rewarded. I dont have any unreasonable expectations as he isn't a state team player or a SASI project. I want to keep encouraging him to play on and would like a time line to work with.

Topic #11821 | Report this topic

Years ago

At Sturt or Forestville - 3 years
At Centrals or Eastern - 2 months

Reply #138163 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, I'd say anywhere between 1-4 years, depending on development and opportunity. He'll have to get used to the pine, the team manager, the best part of the night being the food after the game, and the funny supporters who keep you amused...

Reply #138168 | Report this post

Years ago

As a Team Manager, I think part of my role is to encourage these guys that are on the end of the Bench, with none or minimal game time. Basically, if he gets a chance in a blowout (make sure he sits as close as possible to the Coaches & looking ready to play), play like this is his last minute on court ever and force the Coaches to to have to think about if they should sub him out, not when.
Also, if the Bench has guys like lockstock on it, the Team Manager will also need to need a constant supply of Red Frogs as well!

Reply #138177 | Report this post

I'm an adult!  
Years ago

Thanks Mum!

Reply #138180 | Report this post

Years ago

Sturty6ers , is that because sturt and forestville promise the kids everything just to keep them but deliver squat?

Reply #138183 | Report this post

I'm an adult!  
Years ago

I'd suggest they deliver plenty and promise them nothing but to provide an oppurtunity. The Forestville's women's team this year has blooded some of their juniors, whilst expanding the role of at least one of the others, and they look very promising in their results. Their men's team has at least one new guy playing good minutes before he took time off for schooling - and not's let forget, this is a VERY strong men's group with years of strong finals performances in them.
Sturts women's team (as has been mentioned before) consists solely of Sturt juniors. And for the first time in quite a while, the men's team are blooding some of the junior boys.

Reply #138191 | Report this post

Years ago

Stay out of it!
Why do parents think they need to get involved with their kids sporting lives??? If he's good enough, he'll play!
If you get involved, what type of lessons will you be teaching you son...mummy will always be there to help you, mummy will speak to your coach/boss, mummy will...the list is endless.

Reply #138192 | Report this post

Years ago

"Sturty6ers , is that because sturt and forestville promise the kids everything just to keep them but deliver squat?"

Deliver squat? Isn't one of the Forestville juniors trialling at the moment for a crack in the NBA?

Reply #138196 | Report this post

Fox 38  
Years ago

Bozo - how much seniors time did Newley play while aged 16-20?

Hardly any at all!

Reply #138198 | Report this post

Years ago

Aunt nellies daughters could play ABA because the standard is so low.

Reply #138201 | Report this post

Years ago

I am pretty sure you'll find that Forestville is is offering the men and in particular the womens teams alot of exposure to their young guns!

Reply #138209 | Report this post

Years ago

Newley didn't play ABL as he didn't have too. On to better!! I reckon between Sturt and Forestville, their NBL output hasn't been too bad?? Can't knock the programs really??

Reply #138210 | Report this post

Years ago

Ideally, wouldn't it be about ability, not about how long they've sat on the bench?

Reply #138211 | Report this post

Years ago

Manager - thus filling me up before I even get to the best part of the night - the after match food!

You never let me down, I must say.


Reply #138220 | Report this post

Years ago

Forestvilee this year has had 4, thats right 4 players start their ABL careers. One started for a bit and now plays good minutes off the bench. One was getting to play but quit due to year 12 committments, another was looking likely to get a few minutes with Hoban out injured, but that player too went down with an injury and has been out for 6-7 weeks, whilst another has suited up all year getting to play some time in blowouts...which is more than this player would have thought he would have been doing at the start of the year. Not to mention their reserves team is full of all their other under 20 players!

Sturt too have done the same. They have probably the youngest list in the competition!

Reply #138240 | Report this post

Years ago

"Sturty6ers, is that because Sturt and Forestville promise the kids everything just to keep them but deliver squat?"
How true. From personally seeing a kid that had an opportunity to play div1 under 20s and a genuine chance to play ABA he has been relegated to lower grades. He was offered these opportunities at another club and then Sturt promised him the earth. Did they deliver? No it was just done so the other club would not get him.

Reply #138248 | Report this post

Years ago

anon #138248,

Nice try buddy, just a blatant lie. Sometimes it's hard to avoid the green eyed devil of envy.

So common, name somebody that is in that scenario. Can't think of anybody at all.

Reply #138253 | Report this post

Joe Temple  
Years ago


Half of the U/20 Div 1s are either in the team playing minutes or have suited up for the "Baby Sabres". There is also another four that have played reserves this year and another four that have been offered the opportunity but declined because of uni and work commitments. That doesnt leave anyone else!

Reply #138259 | Report this post

Years ago

Note to the kid who's parent posted this... Your parent is trying to get you leave home by embarrassing you in public.

Suggest ...

Leave home and tell your parent you have given up playing ball even if you keep playing or

Stay at home but feed the parent eroneous info about when, where and
how well and how long you play.

Reply #138266 | Report this post

Years ago

Dear Interested Parent,

If your son is an under 20 player, he would be 18 - 19 yrs old and therefore an adult.

It is hard to let go but maybe it should be him asking the question of court time etc etc to the coach as each club would have a different view on this?

Mostly his performance/attitude at training will see the opportunities happen. How strong the team is will be a part of it all. Unless the coach has absolutely no idea at all on how to coach at ABA level (sadly they do exist, infrequently though), I bet he is watching the development of bench players.

Yours etc

Mymumcares Butbackedoff.

Reply #138271 | Report this post

Years ago

(#138248) fellow anon, someone should have warned you that the Sturt front office are on here all the time acting as "BIG BROTHER"

You now have 1 strike.

Reply #138279 | Report this post

In a perfect world isaac abilty would dictate who gets to suit up. In our world talent alone can be a two edged sword.
Lets say, playing devil's advocate, that a strong club with strong seniors has several talented players in reserve. They all cant play. Weaker clubs eye them off, put out feelers and presto, the fringe players suddenly get bench time in the A league.
Sometimes basketball is about preventing other clubs from being competitive-wait a minute, I mean basketball is about stopping other clubs from being competitive.
Sometimes sisters or brothers get a big league chance not because they are talented but because the siblings coming up are.
Sometimes clubs become a little icestuous and miss the trees for the forest.
And just sometimes we put to much importance on playing ABA and absolutely NO importance on playing U21's. We discount and forget it exists and thus we create a void for countless players. Playing U18 div 1 is kewl. Playing U21 div 1 is not.
The players coming up thru the juniors will become better players than the those playing ABA today because they are better prepared and trained so bide your time.
And heaven forbid we think laterally and add teams to the ABA or cop out of this over priced nowhereville and create a cheaper , better version. No that would be to pro active.

Reply #138284 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, I hate "icestuous" clubs, I prefer the warmer ones.

Reply #138290 | Report this post

Years ago

Play the ball, not the man.

If a Sturt representative or club member is here to correct possible misinformation (as Forestville often do also), then good on them - more clubs should do the same.

To yourself and others in the thread pushing the same apparent point: put up real information and take responsibility for it, or don't snipe.

This season, Sturt are playing more of their younger players than any other recent time, surely? Forestville have Oakley in, but were running a couple of new kids when I saw them play. To be honest, the same can be said of most teams this season.

Reply #138297 | Report this post

Years ago


If the kid is good enough he/she will get time.

from what i understand by reading this forum, poaching is alive and well so, dont worry about prevention or protection from other clubs, develop and train the best players you can, if they want to move, they will..get up..get over it.
geebus..what a whine,

and by the way...if the "child" is big enough to suiting up...they are probably big enough to look after their own affairs..let them go.

Reply #138333 | Report this post

Years ago

Me, what does this topic have to do with poaching? Are you saying you are for clubs ringing naive kids and telling them whatever to get them over?

Reply #138336 | Report this post

lil monkey  
Years ago

Give the mum a break!, she was just interested in knowing some facts about the game. Maybe she just wanted to help her son out, I'm sure at that age they have a lot of other things on their minds too. Everyone needs some motivation at times, no matter how old...

Reply #138341 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac am I allowed to name the player Sturt only wanted so that he would not go to a club where he was offered Div1 under 20s and a chance for ABA. He was not playing with Sturt last season as he was interstate. I don't like someone posting "Nice try buddy, just a blatant lie." when this has happened.

Reply #138364 | Report this post

Years ago

Why do you need to ask permission? The player is obviously not an U18. We are all on the edge of our seats waiting with baited breath.

Reply #138371 | Report this post

Years ago

l think u/20s is a waste of time if your son plays aba or Div 2 it to much on there plate.

Reply #138397 | Report this post

Years ago

138364, put your name to your post and be prepared to defend your allegation. Otherwise, don't bother.

Before you consider that, maybe go and have a chat with those you're accusing to see if you're missing something.

What you're implying is entirely subjective anyway.

Reply #138402 | Report this post

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