Years ago

Lack of Umpires?

Recently there has been a lot of talk about the lack of available umpires. Last night was a good example. At a Div 4 mens game there was only one umpire available. Under the circumstances he did a great job and should be commended. The problem was that the umpire in charge sat in the corner on his phone all night rather than pitching in to help. To add to this, the social court next to us had two umpires, one of whom is more than qualified to do a div 4 mens game. If BASA can't supply two umpires should the players be charged less at the door?

Topic #11819 | Report this topic

Years ago

I'm guessing you are talking about Pasadena last night, I was there and 2 games in a row (possibly more)only had one umpire. I agree. Clubs, teams and players get fined/penalised for lack of players and scorers so I think there should be some sort of penalty for not providing two umpires. It was frustrating seeing a few other umps sitting around during the games.

Reply #138159 | Report this post

Years ago

Get rid of division 4 altogether.
The reason there are not enough umpires is because there are too many divisions in the first place!!!!

Division 4 is glorified social basketball.

You are shite so dont pretend otherwise.

Also it is not BSA's responsability to provide officials for the games.

the onis is on the managers of each stadium I think

Reply #138165 | Report this post

Years ago

So if we abolish Div 4 and these players go to social, won't we have the same number of games anyway? Thanks for the input "Ref" but your genius is flawed. I think you will also find that div 4 is a competition of ex junior div 2 and 3 players that didn't make the ABA/ Reserves group, so should we also abolish the div 2 juniors down, because after all, they will just turn out "shite" as you put it. Some of these guys could easily play reserves too but don't have the time to train or play on certain nights due to work.

Reply #138169 | Report this post

The Real Phantom  
Years ago

Please not that this is not from the normal "Phantom" that most of you know....

But weighing into this debate, we had 1 ref for a reserve's game the other week so don't think its just in the lower grades.

Reply #138172 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah, good call, "Ref". NOT!

There will still be the same number of ref's needed, they will just be in a different league.

Its always a tough thing for any sport. Do you want to be a ref?? I don't, its a tough job with no thanks...

But if you pay for something you also expect to get it. I agree, if there is only one ref, you are not getting what you originally signed up for.

Reply #138174 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Ref, are you one of those big headed higher grade players who think the basketball world should bow at your feet???? Im not saying that all are like that, many act like normal human beings, but why when there is a comment made of a lower division, wankers like you have to make moronic comments. There is a place in the competition for Division 4 and 5, if nothing else, the nomination fees and registrations help to keep the costs down to the higher standard grades. We cant all be as good as you Ref, but its still nice to be a part of a competition that is a little more serious than social. We pay the same BSA fees and entrance fees, so of course we are entitled to umpires. So quit knocking the lower grades, and be thankful that they help you to pay to run the association. And Ref, whether you wish to believe it or not, your shit smells the same as everyone elses!!!!!! (I feel better now)

Reply #138187 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would anyone want to ref you wanna-be's?

Reply #138193 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon, No I am not a big headed player, but I do believe the lack of umpires in the bsa system is due to too much senior basketball which means the umpires have to do several fully timed games each night and several nights per week.

Yes there would still be the same number of games, HOWEVER the games would only be one hour in duration and also they would be played localy increasing the standard of our domestic comps.

Other advantages would be:

1. Less cost for those who are not up to the district standard (div 1 and 2)

2. Social umpires would be ok so it would not stretch the bsa refs having to do div 1,2,3,4 and juniors in one week.

So before you shoot me down maybe have a think about it first.

think how good a monday night at wayville could be with div 3 and 4 players filtered through the A grade comp.

Reply #138205 | Report this post

Big Kahuna  
Years ago

Yeah there should be Div 1 and 2 thats it. All the rest are social. Get rid of these Div's. hahaha

Reply #138242 | Report this post

another anon  
Years ago

There WERE 2 ref's rostered to those games at Pasadena however 1 did not show up nor inform anyone he wasn't putting in an appearance.
Makes it hard for everyone....

Reply #138363 | Report this post

Gravity man  
Years ago

Wednesday night games District has always been a problem getting referees,social referees just come out to do social games not District,plus the District pay is crap for timed games,u get more doing social games than u do with District,i was there last wednesday,felt sorry for the referee doing the game on his own.Its ongoing problems nowadays referees we are losing because of the weekly abuse from players!!!

Reply #138386 | Report this post

afroman jnr  
Years ago

div 3,4,5 for juniors is good, but not so much for seniors.
under 16 div 3,4,5 is good for umpires as well, it helps the junior to develop before friday nights.
i currently umpire thursday nights which is helping me develop, and i cannot currently umpire fridays coz i play, and thats also a problem umpires play to so they dont have time with games and/ or trainings

Reply #138424 | Report this post

Years ago

I think alot of you are missing half of the point. No matter what everyones thoughts on who should or should not be accepted as teams, there was a Senior/Head Umpire in the stadium who sat on his butt when he should have been helping out. He doesn't get paid to watch when he is needed.

Reply #138658 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes I agree players should not have to pay has much. But the reasonthey do is the cost for the game is the same. I was the ref doing the I could do in the situation I was in on Wednesday at Pas. The reason you pay the same amount the ref who does a solo game gets paid double the other refs pay. He is doing his job after all. The reason the UIC did not help he is only incharge of the social not district how can he be there to deal a complaint from social if he is refing district. The reason we are so short refs unlike people think is not abusive that has been said alot I refing 18 years I have not had t put with alot of abusive it is a couple people who make every one else look bad. Most are fine I enjoy refing or I would not do it. The main reason is the money in district is nit there. I also helped out and did 1 social game funny i got paid $2 less for a social game that is 20 minutes halfs clock does not stop than did for a Senior district game if I had a partner. Young refs would perfer to work at Hungry Jacks than ref money is more. In this situation my partner did not show did not ring to say he was not coming just a now show that was unfair on every one.

Reply #138662 | Report this post

Years ago

Also I am not the ref who had go had people player had the lower level. Every one should get chance to playe district I ref the game the same they pay their money like every one else. I think the other ref needs a think first how would he like it if people startinf having at the comp he was playing in. I don't think he would think that was funny.

Reply #138665 | Report this post

Star Trek  
Years ago

If only we had a usable "universal translator"

Reply #139393 | Report this post

Years ago

where does it say in the admission charge "$x.xx - for supplying referees"?? all this garbage about "we pay for them" money goes towards the cost of providing the facilities for your game.

Reply #139403 | Report this post

6th man  
Years ago

Then what money goes towards paying the refs???

I hate the stupidity on this forum sometimes!

Reply #139421 | Report this post

#193. To test the skill of Wanna be refs!
For all of you refs that do your best, thanks.

Reply #139425 | Report this post

Years ago

Afroman jnr...
are u nick cavell?

Reply #152774 | Report this post

afroman jnr  
Years ago

not nick cavell but close. im nic davel, and yer im a ref and so on.

Reply #152792 | Report this post

afroman jnr  
Years ago

and also, who r u ingles13? and how do u know me?

Reply #152793 | Report this post

jj johnson  
Years ago

im a ref too and its mega annoying when people dont rock up :(

Reply #279745 | Report this post

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