Years ago

Country - Club Fees

Also listed under local - wanted to get a variety of readers & answers.

Can other associations please tell me what they charge for the local Country League club fees?

This is my club fees in Port Pirie - Agnes Basketball Club.

Team Nomination Senior: $ 7.00
Team Nomination Junior: $ 2.00
(to be apart of the comp)

Registration Senior: $ 50.00
Registration Junior 14/16: $ 40.00
Registration Junior 10/12: $ 30.00
(payments to play)

Training Senior: $ 16.00
Training Junior 14/16: $ 10.00
Training Junior 10/12: $ 5.00
(hire the stadium once a week for training for the season)

Uniform Hire: $ 5.00
(we supply top & shorts to uniform - this levy was to assist with any damage to uniforms - thinking of putting this up to $25 per player to fundraise & rotate uniforms every 4/5 seasons - no sponsors)

Fundraising Levy: $ 10.00
(no raffles/chocolates)

Umpiring Senior: $ 40.00
Umpiring Junior 14/16: $ 13.00
Umpiring Junior 10/12: $ 8.00
(cover payments to senior/junior referees - u10/12 $5.00 per game, u14 $6.00pg, u16 $7.00pg, Seniors $12.50pg or 9:30 games $15.00pg)

Scoring Senior: $ 22.00
Scoring Junior: PARENT
(cover payments to senior scorers - players don't want to do it - payment is $6.00pg)

Total Senior: $160.00
Total 14/16: $ 80.00
Total 10/12: $ 60.00
(we are thinking of putting our fees up to include training singlets, balls, team jackets etc.)

Can anyone elaborate on their charges of fees in other Country Associations?

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