Years ago
Stacker to travel with Newley
I hear Ian Stacker is travelling with Brad Newley to draft camp. Why would this be? Who would be paying for his trip?
Years ago
I hear Ian Stacker is travelling with Brad Newley to draft camp. Why would this be? Who would be paying for his trip?
Mahatma Cote
Years ago
Who cares,
Are you jealous that you are not going.
I'm sure the guy has his own money.
Maybe Brad collected cans for a few months to pay for it as a present.
who cares.
Years ago
I wouldn't waste my time going with Newley - he will never make it.
Sir Charles
Years ago
Stacker is Newleys' mentor and travelled with him last time.
He has contacts in the USA and is a personal coach for Newley as he tries to make the next level.
I think its a good idea for players to do this, many Americans often have ex NBA players do this role for them in the lead up to the draft.
I believe all Stacker's expenses are payed by the Newley's
Crazy Joe Davola
Years ago
Correct Sir Charles - Newls has a very high respect for Stacks (Ian has been great for his development over the years and very supportive to his aspirations of playing in the NBA).
Its a great position that Brad is in that he can have Stacker to confide in for basketball specifics and Leon Rose for contract business guidance.
Years ago
has NEWLEY as 2nd ROUNDER in their mock-draft, he has what their looking for....
i knew it was too good to be true
Years ago
Greta to see such support and relationship between the two.
Years ago
Would Newley still be at Townsville if Stacker was coaching?
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