All Games at Starplex Cancelled

All games at Syarplex have been cancelled refs!!!!!!
If you know any one going let them know.

Topic #11531 | Report this topic

what the???  
Years ago

It's 3.30 on Friday.

How in the hell do BASA expect every body to find out in the next hour our 2.

There will be some grumpy people again due to a major mess.

Surely BASA knew that they weren't going to have games 24 hours ago, so why the hold up?

You can rebadge it, you can re-name it. But the more you change the more you stay the same!!!

Reply #134665 | Report this post

Years ago

There is not much BSA can do if Refs pull out today for games tonight. How are they suppose to change the fact that some refs do not take responsibility for turning up each week when they are rosted on. Remember if a ref is lazy and rings today then they have to make do. Who is at fault here.

Reply #134670 | Report this post

Cat 12  
Years ago

the more you spit on them the less they want to ref your games!

Reply #134671 | Report this post

Years ago

I blame's always their fault.

Reply #134672 | Report this post

rib cracker  
Years ago

this surely cant be serious - games being called off friday at 4.00 due to no refs - get real power failure storms leaking rooves etc but please this just cant be correct -

Reply #134673 | Report this post

Years ago

but i bet the same refs will still be umpiring seniors thru the week. if u dont umpire juniors u shouldn't be getting games with seniors including abl, some of the best refs are sitting on their fannys on a friday night while we all have to put up with some of the worst refs going round, yes i mean u freak boy at mars!!!

Reply #134674 | Report this post

Years ago

LOL @ booga, funny thing is I think we all know who you're reffering to.

Reply #134676 | Report this post

Years ago

Will BSA come on here and post an official notice? How do we know this isn't just someone playing a joke?

Reply #134677 | Report this post

Years ago

"I blame's always their fault."
And you are a wanker.....

Reply #134680 | Report this post

Years ago

Teams get fined for forfeits? OK, refs get fined for forfeiting too!

Reply #134686 | Report this post

what the???  
Years ago

Why can't BSA staff go out and ref the games?

Why can't panel ref's who don't do Friday nights do the job for 1 week?

Why can't Neil Poulton ref a court?

Why can't the development officers ref a court?

Why can't Danny O'Brien ref a couple of games?

With the amount of employee's BSA are wasting money on there are plenty of people to cover for 1 night!

Until the CEO works out that the same staff who did a

Again, the more things change the more they stay the same!

Reply #134694 | Report this post

Years ago

Your all abusing refs for not working, and cant work out why they dont want to ref.

what the...are you going to be pulling on the shirt and whistle to join the BSA staff????

no??...get a case of shut the f**k up into you then!

Reply #134698 | Report this post

Years ago

Well said #134698.

But, no refs want to drive all the way out to gawler, and if the ones who are there regularly, have a week off, it's bye bye basketball.

It's hardly centrals fault.

Reply #134699 | Report this post

Years ago

What about the barossa valley? What about the starplex social comps? What about other social comps in the area? Is Neil Poulton getting out to other comps to establish feeders? Are they struggling for refs out there?

Centrals have hardly any teams, surely they can get refs for the couple of games out there on a friday.

Reply #134701 | Report this post

Years ago

ahh Booga - Great to see you saying something stupid again. No wonder noone wants to ref when you are on here abusing the guys that do turn up to do their job.
It attitudes like yours (on this and so many other issues) that have helped put basketball in SA in the trouble it is!

Reply #134704 | Report this post

Years ago

which stupid part of my comment are u on about..... go out to seniors and u will see faces that u wont see umpiring on a friday night. when was the last time u saw a phil haines or a ben mac on a friday night doing a junior game honestly. maybe all these evaluators we have around should put the greys back on desperate times call for desperate measures.
my other comment was about a certain ref who lets be honest makes humpty dumpty look not to bad(as a ref)and makes u wish paddle pop lion was still running around.

Reply #134714 | Report this post

paddle pop lion could be arranged booga just see his alter ego.....

dont know if you would have a reffing shirt big enough and it might have to be a green one because he hasnt reffed in a while. come to think of it his hands are two big for a whistle these days, he might have to use an air horn.

Reply #134722 | Report this post

Years ago

Good to see some senior ref's at hillcrest tonight doing junior games back 2 back. Nothing against centrals, but is it too far away. I say lets blame the govt!!!!!!
Build us some decent freeway's and expressway's and they will come :)

Reply #134725 | Report this post

Years ago

Yer I think you will find its happening. $500,000,000 expressway within 4 yrs. Huge population growth out there.

Reply #134727 | Report this post

Years ago


Holy crap!!!!!

Reply #134728 | Report this post

Frog 16  
Years ago

134677 - no offence to Isaac or all the wonderful contributors to this site, but Hoops has no official affiliation with BSA. It shouldn't be up to BSA to 'post' on here an official statement. There should be avenues or lines of communication in place to deal with these situations.

Reply #134729 | Report this post

Denny Crane  
Years ago

hmm... Denny thinks that there is a by-law somewhere that says if there is no referees available then each club has to supply one. Oh hang on, you have your head up your arses and you're sitting on your computers complaining. Denny Crane says go out to centrals and pick up a hooker.

To the nansy-pansy "what the???",
Neil Poulten, he may be a Fatty-Boombah, but he did do games tonight. But i dont think that he is good enough to do all the games on all the courts at once. I wouldnt let him do my kids....

Most referees that are on one of the 4 Panels do referee junior games. But you cant expect Phil or Weeksy to come out to gawler to do your under 12 girls games. However there are a few of the 'senior' panel referees who think that it is below them to do these games (to them i say grow up, the game is bigger then you)
Dont dare say that panel refs dont do games... they prob do more games in a week then you think about the result of.

Danny O'Brien ref a couple of games? BSA staff go out and ref the games? The development officers ref a court?

Yeah lets blame the CEO and office staff, cos they can find some referees. How about we just get them to bend over and we'll grab them out of their pits of gold, where we're going to find the solution for everything!

I put this up to everybody on here who is complaining about this....


Im sure the number for Fatty Boombah is in here somewhere, ring him, im sure he'll put you through the course. If you dont come out and do some games, then SHUT YOUR TRAPS YOU GIRLY GIRLY MAN!!!!!!

Angry now, need to find me a midgits mother to have fatty sex with
Denny Crane

Reply #134732 | Report this post

Denny Crane  
Years ago

Oh and the next Level 0 course is being held on 10th of June. ring 8444 6416 for more details of shut the hell up....
Denny Crane

Reply #134733 | Report this post

what the ???  
Years ago

Danny and others,

Just plain wrong. Are people who are playing, coaching and spectating meant to give up their evenings when paid employee's are allowed to have time off from the comeptition which pays their wage.

The consitiution has changed and so has the responsibilites. BSA are now fully responsible for all.

Those rules are the one's where the clubs owned the competition. Now the CEO and BSA are fully responsible for basketball in this state. Not the clubs or their members.

The clubs and the member of clubs have no voting rights. They also now have no responsibilities in regards to running State Champs or organising referee's. Because as memebers the clubs we used to be responsible for losses and rewarded for profits

BASA are the providers of a service.

Tonight they fialed to provide that service.

Tongiht people drove 3 hours for no reason because BSA can't get there sh@t sogether and accept responsibility for their actions.

If what you said was true, they would have told the clubs that they were expected to get the coaches to ref.

So Neil Poulton, Paul Arnott and the CEO are fully responsible for poeple quitting basketball tonight.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Reply #134735 | Report this post

Years ago

134677 - no offence to Isaac or all the wonderful contributors to this site, but Hoops has no official affiliation with BSA. It shouldn't be up to BSA to 'post' on here an official statement. There should be avenues or lines of communication in place to deal with these situations.
A few facts: many basketball people read this site regularly; it's free, quick and easy to post; you need not have a formal affiliation to recognise an easy opportunity to help spread the word about something like this. My two cents.

Reply #134736 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, no offense, you are correct that many basketball people read this site but how many posts are made by idiots only wanting to make a nuisance of themselves? It is difficult to tell at times what are facts and what are not, therefore you can't rely on the information posted. The reason its difficult to tell is because you don't know who is behind the alias. Even if its signed off by an official of BASA, anyone can sign off under that name. Its true many posts prove to be correct at a later time when that information is confirmed, but informing people of cancellation to games is not reliable. If I had a child playing a game at Starplex and had not been informed about a cancellation, I would still have rocked up at Starplex despite posts on this site.

Reply #134740 | Report this post

Years ago

Has anyone thought this problem is related to the healthy economy we have. These days most people can earn a fat income. However talking to a 15 yr old kid last night the pays for young refs aint that bad. Perhaps these should be published. Damn, look at McDonalds. They are full of young kids slaving away. I tell ya I would rather be reffing and copping a little bit from a few parents than slaving away dipping fries into fat and getting abused by customers in drive through!!!!

Sell reffing more:

The pays.
The conflict resolution.
The fact it helps you play by learning the game.
If you cant make it as an nbl player you may make it to the big leagues as ref.
The social interaction.
The opportunity to be assessed and progress.
COntribution to the game.


Reply #134741 | Report this post

Years ago


You forgot

- be abused for no good reason, except everyone thinks they can do a better job than you, but they wont do it

- be spat on with no back up from the tribunal

- be expected to be perfect on your first week out

Reply #134744 | Report this post

Years ago

Speak to most referees, the amount that you get paid is not worth the crap that you have to put up with. Most do it because they enjoy reffing, so it's no wonder we have no refs. How can you enjoy being screamed at and abused?

So next time you go to abuse a ref remember if you have no refs, you have no games

Reply #134745 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

At morphett Vale, U20d2 boys game (Southern v North)was umpired by a little fella who would've been 14 at the most and a more senior ref.

Other ref explained the situation and both coaches accepted that this was the case.

At one stage there was a little bit of push and shove, but some sensible coaching by both coaches calmed the players down and a tough, entertqaining game of basketball was played by both teams.

simple fact is that common sense and responsible coaching prevented a possible fight.

Junior ref was consistent in his calling, but a little out of his depth.

Reply #134752 | Report this post

Years ago

You are all missing the point, this is not a bag the ref post.
Why were the clubs told there were no refs 2 hours before leaving to play the game.
There is no excuse for this, if there is any doubt about the refs CALL IT OFF with an appropiate length of time to contact everyone.
The people responsible for the for this should have a long hard look at themselves

Reply #134772 | Report this post

Years ago

Exactly the point.

Hoe is it that the club the Paul Arnott dislikes the most is not even told by a phone call.

What happens if nobody is sitting around a computer to receive the email and all the teams go out there?

What recourse is there for the 3 families that drove all that way? Are they going to get a reimbursement for their time and fuel?

Tell the clubs on Thursday and it is no problem. If it happens on Friday, beg borrow and steal ref's to get it done.

Reply #134803 | Report this post

Denny Crane  
Years ago

how little you know... Mr Boombah rang me wanting me to fly from boston to umpire, but i wanted to keep my wallet and phone so i told him to get knotted.
If games were called off on thursday cos they were unsure about the referees then there would be no games cos people pull out thursday night/friday morning.
If its so easy to ref then stop being girly-men and referee yourselves you fat lazy pigs!!!

Reply #134810 | Report this post

Years ago

And just to add to the frustration.
ABA night at Pasadena.
How many umpires per game, not o, not 1, not 2 but 3. Yes 3.
Games get cancelled at Starplex on Friday Night, and we have 3 refs at ABA games, and who pays for the refs at ABA games, THE CLUBS.about 100.00 per game.
Were they told???????
Was this discussed?????
Were they involved in the decision?????????
I will let you guess.

Reply #134817 | Report this post

what the ???  
Years ago


BSA are now fully in charge of the ref's. If they cannot provide ref's then why are they in charge of the competition.

For the last couple of yeasr we have been hearing about all of these course being run for new ref's. Then why have we still got a ref shortage.

There has never been a situaiton where an entire stadium has been cancelled.

And we will now have people leaving the sport due to the poor methods used by the current staff and CEO.

If that is what you want for basketball Denny, then well done.

Reply #134833 | Report this post

Years ago

EC, how do I know that it's you posting? Because it's the sort of thing you'd say.

At least a message on here would encourage players and parents to check with their coaches - better than nothing.

Reply #134880 | Report this post

Years ago

There are bnot enough refs due to the poor methods of communication used by players, coaches and spectators, and moronic, endless whinging bitches like what the.

If more people thanked a ref for coming out to ref their game for $8 (or whatever it is) and giving up their Friday night, then we wouldnt have this problem now.

The coaches and players are to blame for this as well.

Reply #134888 | Report this post

Years ago

All these courses are run for referees but not all new referees are capable of being thrust into the deepend first up and not all new referees are will to put up with the abuse. As for the talk of pay, there isn't enough money in the state to cover up for the level of abuse and lack of support that referees get. If every person who abused referees was made to ref a few weeks as a punishment IMHO in the long run there would be a lot less abuse and maybe even a few more referees.

Reply #134890 | Report this post

Years ago

As an adult level 2 referee on a friday night I get paid $13 for a div 2 or below game and $15 for a div 1 game, which in the grand scheme of things is not that much.I would get paid moe than that if I worked at McDonalds flipping burgers. And I have to put up with cry baby parents, and players who think they know all. So why do I do it???? Because I enjoy it. Kids do it for pocket money. For most it is their first job. And they don't have the life skills to deal with the abuse they get. So if there are no refs for a game then the parents or coaches should get off their own fat lazy butts and follow the by-laws of BSA and referee. Just so you all know what is is:

3.22. Failure to Supply a Referee (C22)
Where Referees are not available to officiate in a game, the two teams
involved must supply someone to referee the game. However if the
teams are unable to supply someone to referee the game, the game
will be declared a double forfeit but the fines provided under By-law
3.23 (a) will not be imposed.

So stop crying about BSA not doing their jobs and PARENTS START DOING YOURS!!!!!

Reply #134899 | Report this post

Years ago

Rambo - you certainly don't make us want to respect umpires any more with a stupid post like that. Real classy.

Reply #134906 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, it doesn't matter if you know whether its me or not posting, its the message being brought across that matters. Can you imagine the nuisance value for people having to take all these calls from parents and/or players when someone has made a hoax post. Can you imagine the potential to stir up this kind of nuisance messaging just because someone has a score to settle. Before you say something like it doesn't need anyone to answer phones but simply a recorded message advising about cancellation of games, then the phone is not being attended to for other enquiries.

Reply #134908 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot about the sheer epidemic of hoaxes we've had on here when it comes to game cancellations...

And even if it did become a problem, it would not be hard for me to build it something that authenticated a BASA representative in posting an announcement.


Reply #134912 | Report this post

Years ago

Rule "3.22. Failure to Supply a Referee (C22)" sounds more like the "cop-out to avoid doing the job we're paid for" rule.

Reply #134938 | Report this post

Years ago


Those rules were under the old BASA constitution where the clubs owned the association and therefore the competition. Clubs now are not even members of BSA, and have no formal voting rights.

BSA are now the sole provider and make ALL the profit from the games. None of this goes back to the clubs woh provide the teams.

So if BSA want to make ALL the profit and allow decision makers to give NO say to the clubs, then it is up to them, NOT the clubs to provide ref's.

Reply #134941 | Report this post

Years ago

Booga and Rookie of the Seals,

'Paddle pop lion' are you referring to the old guy that still umpires amateur league footy?

The one that also doubles as Billy Connolly and Weird Al Yankovic? LMAO

Reply #134975 | Report this post

Nose Nuggets  
Years ago

When will these games be replayed?

Reply #134979 | Report this post

Denny Crane  
Years ago

Denny loves paddle pops..... And Boogas... but doesnt like rambo. he looks too much like patrick rafter

Reply #134983 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon i am refering to a ref that sounded like a caveman when he spoke but had mangie hair and looked like the paddle pop lion he did junior games mainly low divs, not sure what rookie was on about.

Denny sicne u are the messiah of refs couldn't u run a umpires course for half your family who seem to post here on hoops because that would clear up the ref shortage we are having these days. maybe u could hold it at the land of promise where u spend most your time slipping humpty dumpty dollar bills!!!!

Reply #134990 | Report this post

what the ???  
Years ago

The issue here is not that the ref's pulled out. Sometimes things happen.

But more that BSA only sent out an email at 2pm. Team would be leaving by 4.30pm.

Clubs are purely run by volunteers while BSA have heaps of staff.

How are the clubs meant to get in contact with all the people who are driving out to Starplex in 2 hours.

Multiple people drove out to Starplex for no games. And not even a appology from BSA!

Reply #134997 | Report this post

Years ago

In future until BSA sort this out why don't every person going to starplex ring BSA on the Friday and confirm that the games are on. After a while (I hope) the BSA staff will get fed up with their lines and time being taken up with this that they might work on a solution that meets the "customers'" needs.

Reply #135008 | Report this post

Reply #135268 | Report this post

Rambo no longer looks like pat rafter. He had a haircut. good to see your up to speed denny.....NOT!!! you are a tool.

Reply #135269 | Report this post

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