bruce beck
Years ago
Best player you've seen play
The best player, that I have seen.
( I did not see Michael Jordan, live)
I saw Werner Linde.
I would say, Al Green.
bruce beck
Years ago
The best player, that I have seen.
( I did not see Michael Jordan, live)
I saw Werner Linde.
I would say, Al Green.
Years ago
Please do not mention Werner Linde, Al Green in the same sentence and Michael Jordan.
bruce beck
Years ago
I did not see Michael Jordan play LIVE.
I understand that he is the best EVER.
I am talking about players that I have SEEN
Years ago
Sorry but I don't know who else you have seen so it is hard to comment.
bruce beck
Years ago
Eddie Palubinskas ????
Ken Cole Michael Ahmatt
I am from the sixties
Mike Danzas, Les Hody
etc. era
Years ago
I've seen Jordan play, and met him after the game, so I WIN ;)
bruce beck
Years ago
Aw well I can't win.
I played a bit with Smyth, Ahmatt, Marsland, etc.
Don Shipway was pretty good tough as nails some of the Latvian players were good Algis Ignitavius and a few others
bruce beck
Years ago
When I played, ( a long time ago )
Most of the players told me that
Hakeem Olajuwon was best in the WORLD at THAT time
bruce beck
Years ago
Yes, I recall , very well.
Don Shipway, first Five with South Adelaide ( with Ahmatt.Whitford.Davie.Clarke)
And, Ignitavius there were a few of them like Nagy.
DeanWhitford was a gun too was in the 1956 olympic team i believe
Years ago
you would have to say Michael Jordan when you look at top ten dunks top ten buzzer beaters top 3 points and anything else he is in them
bruce beck
Years ago
When you think South Adelaide had
WHITFORD, Davie, Ahmatt,
Shipway, on the court at the same time!!!!!
Crazy Team really thats like 2 olympians and some of the better aba players ever on the court at the same time
bruce beck
Years ago
Yeah, South Adelaide first five ,was South Australia's first five, and, south adelaide also won the best team in Australia of course,
Needless to say I did NOT get much time on the court !!!!
bruce beck
Years ago
Who would be better then.
Lester Conner or Andrew Gaze ?!!!???
Denny Crane
Years ago
i saw denny crane at st clair last monday.....
bruce beck
Years ago
I saw Denny Crane Monday Night.
AND, coached at St Clair, Saturday morning.
i think my son WILL be the best player I ever saw.
Johnny Sack
Years ago
Lester had a cooler first name... Lester > Andrew... No brainer really... But, on the other hand Gaze trumps Conner... She's a toughie... The fact of the matter is he made it in the NBA with a name like Lester - must have been hard at times... Honorable Mention - Patrick Eddie... Also a member of the Magic Johnson All Star Barnstormers...
bruce beck
Years ago
Can you compare Patrick Eddie to Ken Cole for me
Years ago
I Saw VC, AI, Timmy duncan etc the 2000 olympic usa team.....vs france....the weis dunk was crazy
bruce beck
Years ago
WOW! That Weis dunk was/is the greatest EVER in basketball history. !!!! ??? !!!
Moses Guthrie
Years ago
Dean Whitford did not play in the Olympics.
As for best I ever saw, Magic Johnson wins (part of his Australian tour).
Best game I've ever seen someone play was John Rillie for Norwood in an ABL final at the Dome. He dominated like no-one before or since.
bruce beck
Years ago
'64 Olympics we took 12 players
(Whitford was named first emergency,or 13th best player in Aust.) Seven south australians went.
S.A. beat the Olympic team here after they decided not to include werner linde etc.
Ken Cole was best that day.
The Dunk on Weis was the greatest dunk ever easily............
Years ago
I saw Wayne McDaniel score 56 against the Sixers at Apollo - not that he's the greatest I've seen, it's just the most points I've seen in a game.
Years ago
My wife met Gary Payton (back when he was good)...... Didn't know who he was. What a waste!
Eddie Palubinskas
playing for Australia in 1976 Olympics ( Montreal )
bruce beck
Years ago
There were five Nagy brothers.
Four (4) on the court at the same time,and, one (1( on the bench
I was at the Kobe Bryant Game against Toronto where he scored 81 points
Years ago
There were a total of 7 Nagy brothers and one sister.
As far as I know, only 4 brothers played together. The older two never played District as far as I know, but tne next 4 brothers, Geza, Csaba, Huba and Sittya all played together at one tme. A sister was the next oldest.
Boti was a lot younger and I'm pretty sure he never played District Ball.
And Huba was one heck of a player. 3 Woolacott medals at the same time Werner Linde was winning his 3.
Years ago
Just wondering - what was Werner Linde`s nickname??? (If known)...
bruce beck
Years ago
Nagy ( I THOUGHT Boti played,but there were so many I could be wrong).
Linde ( I saw him play many times,and , train a bit, only ever heard him called Werner. Although ' the doctor ' a few times .. He is a Dr of course)
bruce beck
Years ago
Aw, yeah.
Saw the harlem globetrotters.
( Interesting !! ?? !! )
Years ago
Jordan was the reason i started basketball
I know no one will ever be like him... but dont you think that he is the PERFECT player in evry way
"he has no faults"
And if ya ever go 2 the bradman museum they have an exibition called a perfect ten and its the 10 best sports peoples ever.
Yep, he was in there along with
NADIA cominenchi (dont no how to spell it)
:) oh and by the way
my coach is dean whitford!!! he played for south sa...
he never has played in front of us.. but did he play at the olypics??? he is a gr8 coach 2..
:)Plz tell me!!!
thank you
Years ago
by the way ---
i emt Luke Longley on a plane !!! wooo
although Jordan is still the best..
But lauren jackson has a talent and is the best women player
One hell of a player without doubt the best of Sth Auzt and one of the best in Australis
Years ago
Best player, Magic, during his Aust tour, but Andrew's game v Russia (pre-Olympics) was the best (individual performance) I remember. 44 points and forced the game into OT, and he was the focus of the Russians' defence.
Years ago
Amen Rob! And how was the shot from Gaze to put the game into OT! That Soviet team was insanely strong. I really wish I could could find footage from that game.
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