I think its easy to say comments like "don't have to be einstein to see there are certain kids that should be in that aren't and vice versa" & "A couple of obvious ommissions" - and then not back it up with any basis for your arguments.
How about a hint as to some specifics that you see lacking in the team selected e.g. - "too top heavy", "not enough organisers", "lack specific players that provide a skill at a higher level that others selected cant". If your going to throw a statement out there than at least try and narrow your argument to something tangible. In this way we can might actually have something to discuss.
Also, your comment - "We are obviously watching different games or not turning up to all of the important ones" - Unless you have gone out EVERY Friday night to watch ALL of the players perform, as well as seen every player develop, respond and perform at trainings, I highly doubt this comment is correct. Unless of course you are the coach, which means you are bagging your own selections!?
Is there a specific example that you can sight that any of the selected players havent performed at a higher level in one of those "important" games AND that the players you believe should take their place have?
Its fine to argue a position for or against selection, but how about putting some "specifics" to it.