Undersized Pf
Years ago

Locked: Disgusting behaviour at junior games

In what has to be one of the worst displays of unsportsmanship and ethics, in the U18 boys DIV 1 game at the dome between woodville and norwood. 2000 years of evoultion and human diginty where thrown out the window when a norwood player recieved an unsportsman like foul he proceeded to spit in the face of the umpire. The same player then spat at a woodville player.

After the game the woodville player went to shake the offenders hand, the offender again spat in the face of the woodville player. Seemingly this was all a result of the fact that woodville had caused the upset and defeated norwood.

I assume the necessary reportings where made by the referees and he will face the wrath of the tribunal. However what will be the in-team discplinary actions taken by the coach and club?

Topic #11271 | Report this topic

Years ago

This is absolutely disgraceful, my goodness in all my years in basketball i cant believt that his sort of behaviour is possible from a 16 yr old in an under 18 comeptition. What a disgrace whoever did this and shame on them as well, they should be banned for the rest of the season and some more for this act.

Reply #131284 | Report this post

Years ago

This act does not endorse anything which is promoted within the club, and unfortunately such an act overshadowed what was a commendable win by Woodville, despite the numerous excuses Norwood could provide.

The report was made and had formally been submitted following the game and I believe the resulting suspension shall be a sufficient penalty that would similarly constitute an in-club consequence.

Norwood wants to reiterate the fact that such an act is not taken lightly and that the rest of this team's players, and players from other teams are in no way inclined to behave similarly.

Reply #131288 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

If threatening the umpire has resulted in 52 week suspensions in the past at BASA tribunals, methinks somewhere round 104 weeks (two years) would be (SHOULD BE?) on the cards?

Judging from the previous post it appears that all appropriate action has been taken by Norwood officials, so i'd like this thread to NOT BECOME another club bashing, lets just commment on the players behaviour and related issues.

"no sniping at other clubs,
no naming/bashing players under 18.

Reply #131290 | Report this post

Years ago

Common Assault. Minimum one year ban from the game by both BSA and the Club, public written apology and some serious counselling made mandatory. Glad it's not my child!

Reply #131291 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #131292 | Report this post

Years ago

adhd, schizoid, bipolar etc etc are NO excuse.... fit enough to play, good enough to wear the consequences of a dumb, idiotic, moronic and purile act! Show the kid the door for 12 months! Funny it's this certain team in the news again.

Reply #131294 | Report this post

Years ago

"Funny it's this certain team in the news again" - huh? When were they in the news before?

Reply #131297 | Report this post

Years ago

The referees could have avoided the second incident (when the offending player spat at the woodville player after the game) by charging the offender with a disqualifying foul as soon as he did it the first time. Personally, I would regard spitting in the ref's face as a "flagrantly unsportsmanlike action" (Art. 37.1.1 Rules of Basketball). He would have had to leave the stadium and he wouldn't have had the opportunity to do it again!. In any case, terrible behaviour you never want to see anywhere, let alone on a basketball court hosting a juniors game. I hope BSA throws the book at him.

Reply #131302 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed, the umpires handled the situation very poorly. However NOTHING can excuse the actions of the player in question, and the coach, club and BSA will surely deal with it as appropriate.

Undersized pf - By the way, what do you think about the Woodville parent who abused the player, calling him a highly offensive term prior to the first spitting incident. Whilst nowhere near as serious as the spitting incident, the term he used was highly derogatory. Both he and the spitter should have been thrown out. I assume Woodville will deal with this one?

Reply #131304 | Report this post

Years ago

alright listen up, i was the kid that did that, and yes i did spit in the umpires face but didnt spit in the woddville players face, i just wouldnt shake his hand which aswell i know was wrong, ya know i lost my cool in the heat of the moment and yeh ive received a phonecall about a ban n while i dont yet know the sentence im sure it would be for a while and sure i was receiveing abuse from the sidelines but that does not excuse my actions. oh and in respons to the 1st post, im 17 not 16 silly. and the club has nothing to do with this incident , it was me so leave norwood and my coach alone for this. so there ya go, youve read what i have to say, make what you want of it.

Reply #131305 | Report this post

Undersized Pf  
Years ago

not sure about the parent abusing from the sidelines. i didnt hear that. but ill take your word for it.

Reply #131307 | Report this post

Years ago

Spitting on an umpires face isn't good enough.

Reply #131309 | Report this post

Years ago

what happend to that poor boy that dislocated his sholder in the 4th quarter is he alright does anybody know? he was having a terrific game and to spoil it with an injury like that i really feel bad for him. hope hes ok.

Reply #131316 | Report this post

Years ago

yeh there was a woodville parent making racist remarks towards the player on the norwood team

Reply #131317 | Report this post

Years ago

While I am appalled by this incident, lets not hang the kid. He will no doubt be heavily penalized by the tribunal and rightly so. His coach has some soul searching to do. I would just like to thank the Norwood mum who attended to a Woodville player during the course of this game. Her obvious expertise in dealing with the boys severely dislocated shoulder was greatly appreciated and certainly relieved the anxiety of all concerned. Well done.

Reply #131318 | Report this post

number 10  
Years ago

it was a heated match, wat the dude did was wrong but i mean lets just move on, he's gonna take the punishment and norwood will suffer as a consequence but was a good strong match

Reply #131319 | Report this post

Years ago

It is just a game...

Reply #131321 | Report this post

Years ago

What about the poor bloke who dislocated his shoulder..god damn. Must have been a heated game of HOOPS! I salute him...death to the spitter and bloke who ran through the young man which in turn dislocated his shoulder. DEATH.
Sincerely J. SNARE - CEO BASA U18's DIV 1

Reply #131323 | Report this post

number 10  
Years ago

I trust everyones said what they've had to say?
Honestly the actions this player did were regretable, and from his comment he does. He's a good strong player and norwood will miss him... Was a good strong game, but did get a bit tense towards ending the game.
When the game is played in state champs it will occur differently i hope.. But with the same outcome haha, nah we'll see
Lets end this topic! Back to proper basketball

Reply #131327 | Report this post

Years ago

number10 - very well said. I can assure you that the entire Norwood team feel for the boy who dislocated his shoulder, and wish him a speedy recovery.

Jimmy - you seem confused. You are trying to turn this into something it wasn't. The incident relating to the shoulder dislocation was a completely separate incident, and was an accident that can occur in any sporting contest. And no, it wasn't a "heated game of hoops", apart from this incident. The Woodville boys deserve to be commended for their fine effort.

WarriorMum - I am sure the tribunal will deal with it appropriately. I'm not sure what you mean thogh by your reference to the coach?

Reply #131329 | Report this post

i heard that undersized pf wasn't even at the game and this is all speculation is this true.

Reply #131332 | Report this post

number 20  
Years ago

in regards to him spitting on the player yes he did, im the player that he tried to take out and spat on. it was very unsportsman like. he got out of hand but still every 1 is inflating this 2 much. saying he should get 2 years and stuff 6 weeks atleast or something but there is no need to keep going on about it. it was a poor effort on his behalf but what happens on the court stays on the court

Reply #131333 | Report this post

Years ago

Glad that the Norwood lad has come on Hoops and admitted being wrong but wish he'd gone one step further and apologised to all concerned.
Unfortunately his coach must wear some responsibility for allowing him to stay courtside after such a weak and degrading act.
Abusing an umpire in such a way must be stamped on hard and coaching style must come under closer scrutiny after Norwood's Easter fiasco and the swapping teams incident.
This further brings Norwood under the spotlight for the wrong reasons and I hope internally changes are made.

Reply #131334 | Report this post

Years ago

Not wishing to prolong the agony of this thread any longer but--- Norwoods coach verbal abuse of the umpire both before and after the incident may have contributed to the lack of discipline on the part of his player. No excuse for either of them. Lets move on.

Reply #131337 | Report this post

Kym Clark  
Years ago

I wish to make no comment about the incidents above except to on behalf of the lad who was injured to thank the lady from Norwood for her expertise in the situation -calmness and first aid support and the other 2 guys from Norwood who assisted - Thank you very much as you know the lad was in considerable pain and to have you helping to manage the situation was greatly appreciated.

Reply #131338 | Report this post

Years ago

i played in this game for woodville and can i start by sayin what a great win it was by the boys. secondly the player who dislocated his shoulder will have his arm in a sling for 6 weeks. this was an intense game and got more and more physical as the game neared the final buzzer. in the last minute some of the norwood players went over the top with their fouls because the game was already over. and there were remarks from the to try and take out our players which is unacceptable. none of this should have led to spitting in the umpires face which is unacceptable and inexcusable. however most of the norwood players refused to shake hands. none of us woodville players played dirty or in a manner that would warrant this sort of behaviour. all i can realy say is that i hope when we meet in the state champs none of this is repeated. all of this said i respect the norwood player for coming on here and apologizing well done. atleast he has recognized what he did was wrong and has made a statement. anyway letsget back to focusing on playing better basketball and getting those W's that we all love

Reply #131339 | Report this post

i commend the woodville players and everyone else who have 'respected' the dude who spat for acknowledging what he did wrong. but spitting is the worst thing. i'd rather get punched in the face than spat on. its the ultimate 'disrespect' why should a jury respect this boy's wishes to play again this decade is what im wondering.

Reply #131342 | Report this post

Years ago

WarriorMum - fair enough, just wasn't sure what you meant.

Do you have any comment to make about the disgusting racist term that a 'WarriorDad' used to abuse the player before the spitting occurred? I guess the parent in question has some soul searching of his own to do.

Reply #131345 | Report this post

Years ago

I am unaware of the 'racist' taunt that anonymous refers to. If this did take place then you are right - it is unacceptable.

Reply #131347 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't particularly want to comment on the spitting or injury incident except to say that, this is an opportunity for players (& parents) to think about what we want to get from our sport. Do we want to challenge ourselves to be the best we can be? Or do we want to have a "win at all cost" mentality with no regard for our opponents & referees? I do also want to thank the Norwood Woman who took charge of the situation when the woodville guy's shoulder was dislocated. She was strong, assertive & obviously knew what she was doing. Thanks. For the record his shoulder was "popped back" later that night at the hospital after huge doses of morphine. For future reference .... anyone who attends the scene of a serious injury, please, please, don't make flippant comments to the injured person because it doesn't help the situation. Like ... "have a cigarette you'll be OK".

Reply #131357 | Report this post

Years ago

Number 14,
The 'taking out of players' at the end of the game were not intentional efforts to hurt the Woodville players. They were in the penalty and so were fouling in order to get posession of the ball back. It only occurred, 2 or 3 times as far as I am aware. The first two resulted in two players fouling out which was followed by the incident.

Furthermore, regarding the shaking of hands after the game, there was in no way any intentional act by the Norwood players to deny shaking hands. As far as I recall, I did not shake every player's hand but it was merely because the other players had already walked off and should in no way been perceived as unsportsmanlike behaviour.

The magnitude of this issue is being severely bloated and unfortunately people are taking other things out of context. First of all, I see in no way the parallels between the actions of this one player and the apparent actions of the club in regard to the Easter Classic. Secondly, just because one individual has completed such a taboo, this does not mean the entire team, or organization should be swept under this misinformed generalization. Thirdly, the remarks in regard to the coach having to do 'soul searching' are ridiculous in that the coach did not at any stage insinuate the players to harrass Woodville players, and nor was his behaviour towards the referee any different to any other coaches behaviour at a series of district games.

Reply #131358 | Report this post

In the Know  
Years ago

These guys match up in State Champs, must get there for a look!

Reply #131360 | Report this post

Years ago

This person should be treated harshly in my opinion. We had a blood rule brought in for a reason with stringent rules for dealing with it because of the risk of infection these days. Spitting on someone is NO different.The saliva from this person can be contaminated with HIV.
You do not know !

Reply #131361 | Report this post

Years ago

From memory BSA uses the BA guidelines for tribunals - but for the life of me I cant find those guidelines but if they follow them I doubt very much he will get 6 months. I think spitting at the umpire will be a max of 20 weeks, and spitting at a player it will be 6 weeks max.

Reply #131364 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

in my profession i have received factual medical research that states (unless the receiver has an open wound)the HIV virus can't be passed through saliva contact, unless the receiver swallows approximately 1 litre of saliva.

Lets not over-react.

Reply #131377 | Report this post

Years ago

Good on the Norwood player for admitting his mistake. Well done to the Norwood lady who helped with the dislocated shoulder. Hope the Woodville player makes a speedy recovery.

From previous experience at the tribunal as a referee, having a ball thrown AT me, the offender got off very lightly with a downgraded charge and only 3 weeks, and another player getting 2 weeks for striking another player (both seniors). The tribunal has gone soft and it is really hurting the referees.

One thing that more referees need to do is try and stamp out the deliberate fouls at the end of the game. One way to do this is to give unsportsmanlike fouls for this rubbish play. It took about 5 mins to play the last 10 seconds of a game because of the deliberate fouls one night. It was terrible.

Reply #131379 | Report this post

please do not under estimate HIV
the fact that it can be spread via saliva should not be disregarded by the antiquated idea that you have to swallow buckets of an infected persons saliva for the virus to be passed on.

Reply #131382 | Report this post

Years ago

Include Hepatitis in that too! meningococcal and others.

Reply #131384 | Report this post

Years ago

In common law when you spit on someone it is considered assault. If this kid does not get at least a year then justice will not have been served. As for the coach he has told his players not to shake hands with a player that left Woodville while he was coaching. I guess he is going on with it here. Having said that I also would like to thank the Norwood mother that helped. Norwood as a whole is seen to be doing the right thing. Let's hope the tribunal does as well.

Reply #131385 | Report this post

pickles housemate  
Years ago

Molecular Biol,

Wat exactly is the point you're trying to make?

A statement was made regarding HIV, and i wanted to clear up and prevent disinformation.

I see some general agreement beginning to appear about a suitable sentence.

As pointed out in a prev post, off the basketball court, spitting on someone is common assault.

Interesting to read other players in this game saying that the spitter should only get a few games.

Reply #131388 | Report this post

Years ago

the coach has nothing to do with this, the some players shook hands some didnt, he didnt tell them to do anything

Reply #131398 | Report this post

Years ago

He did as a Woodville coach. Just saying it is his style.

Reply #131401 | Report this post

Years ago

131401 - What a ridiculous statement, The Norwood coach has nothing to do with this. Also the COACH HIMSELF shook hands with the Woodville players after the game. There was no ill-feeling in the game apart from the incident involving ONE PLAYER ONLY. Also the coach has already done the right thing and removed the player from the squad. Stop being such a drama queen and making this into something it's not.

Reply #131414 | Report this post

Must have been something in the water at the Dome on Friday night as in the U18 girl's game between Norwood and woodville, a Woodville player after missing an open court lay up bolted from the court and didn't emerge from the change rooms for the rest of the game. Anyone in the know about this?

Reply #131425 | Report this post

Years ago

Nothing with happen to the Norwood kid. Slap on the wrist. If we go on the last few years indcidents.

During a Mens game a player spat at the ref, then went up to the score sheet and torn it in half. While the game was going on. Got to the tribunal and the player got off.

Now u ask any ABL ref these days they won't report players anymore because there is no back up from the tribunal.

If players can punch opposition coaches in ABL and get off, then why are we all shocked when younger kids start doing this during JNR games.

Not justifiying what this kid did because this team is taught to play dirty by the coach, but hey lets look at the past and what that teaches us.

Reply #131432 | Report this post

Years ago

if he gets off and walks away freely, the system is fuckin bullshit

Reply #131433 | Report this post

basil fawlty  
Years ago

if these teams match up in state champs - expect experienced panel refs and BSA kahunas around for sure.

hepatitis c / flu / glandular fever / meningitis are the main concerns - as you can be a carrier and not a sufferer.
HIV infection is possible but a low % factor.

most people who would have active conditions mentioned above could play - but would probably be too sick to get on for a game.

if the other strains of hepatitis are present - I doubt if the player would be fit enough to play

the girl run off - put that down to female hormones !!!

Reply #131434 | Report this post

Years ago

I cannot believe what I have been reading in regards to 'that game' played on Friday. Firstly the two incidents that occured during the game were completely separate. The injury to the Woodville player was accidental. In my opinion the injury was the result of hard, intense basketball which at the time was being played honestly and fairly. It was not until the end of the game that tempers flared and the regretable incident occured. There were no remarks to 'take out' any players at any stage of the game and any speculation on that matter is purely just that. Also there was little effort from the officals to control the incident let alone the entire game. Just prior to the spitting, hecklers from the sidelines where free to abuse the Norwood player as much as they wanted. Woodville players also approached the Norwood player at this time and gave their two cents worth. Perhaps if at this time the proper measures were taken by the officals the spitting would never have occured.
To Anyone from Woodville who was involved in this game, and was offended or hurt by what happened, you must know that there is no hatred or ill-feelings from our side. The next time the two teams meet, which as most people know will be at the state championships, I'm certain that contrary to what people think, the game will be played as it was played on Friday all bar 15 seconds at the end, hard and intense, but honestly and fairly.

Reply #131438 | Report this post

Years ago

(#131438 )
"Perhaps if at this time the proper measures were taken by the officals the spitting would never have occured."

What, the referees failed to read the chapter on spit prevention?
This is not a defendable action.

Reply #131443 | Report this post

Years ago

neither is letting parents freely abuse players

Reply #131446 | Report this post

Years ago

No matter what the circustances you can not make excuses for the player.
He spat in another person face. Again: He spat in another person face. Like the player said, he was wrong. Leave it at that. Not this BS that the referee was in part to blame.

Reply #131455 | Report this post

Years ago

To Doddobird,
I'm not trying to blame the ref's at all, nor am I trying to defend or justify what happened. but still I stand by what I said, I made no accusations, I only pointed out that in my opinion, the ref's didnt handle the situation as well as they should've. The situation was avoidable!

Reply #131458 | Report this post

Years ago

Your not trying to blame the Refs but you say the situation was avoidable if the referees had done a better job.
That makes sense???


Reply #131459 | Report this post

Years ago

It perplexes me as to how this situation has become so hyperbolic in nature, action and overall perception of the Norwood Basketball Club.

The understanding that this action was somehow encouraged by the coach and further commended by the coach is pure insult and a shocking depiction of naivity and prejudice of some of these people posting here. The coach did nothing in this game to be held responsible for the actions of his player. Unfortunately, this incident by a player who despite being subject to heckling from Woodville parents and players has been exasperated and manipulated into sledging of the coach and team, neither of who were involved in unsportsmanlike behaviour during the course of the match.

The fact of the matter is, for 31 minutes 58 seconds, Woodville played hustle basketball, which was too much for the Norwood team whatever their excuse be. The final two seconds of this match have unfortunately overshadowed Woodville's achievement. Two seconds which, regardless of the initial incident should not have seen a further incident in the following minutes.

Speculation, hindsight, circumspect, whatever it be, this act was not commendable, obviously. Furthermore, there is no one who should be blamed for the action of the individual as it was upon his own accord that this act was completed.

Finally, insinuation of the coach's morality and integrity is unneccessary and irrelevant. This action was a result of numerous events unbeknown to the general observer or speculator here and neccessary action will and already has been taken.

Unfortunately, people are failing or refusing to accept that this was an extreme occassion where emotion got out of hand.

Reply #131464 | Report this post

Years ago

No one is to blame for the spitting except the Norwood player himself, the ref's however, probably could've defused the situation before the spitting occured. So its not the ref's fault the spitting happened, but the question has to be raised whether the ref's could've prevented it. I dont know how else to put it for you

Reply #131465 | Report this post

Years ago

You can go all day and I will not understand your point. When a player from our club make this kind of action I don´t think you can link it with the performance of the referees. Which is what you are doing.

Reply #131466 | Report this post

Years ago

The game on Saturday at State Champs will be played fairly, honestly and in good spirit. Some of the Woodville boys have already posted on here about their intention to just 'get on with it'. The player who spat WILL NOT BE THERE, and in any case, 4 of the Norwood boys who will play on Saturday were not even there Friday night, so have nothing to do with any of this.

Phantom - "Not justifiying what this kid did because this team is taught to play dirty by the coach, but hey lets look at the past and what that teaches us." - This is naive, absolutely untrue, not to mention extremely insulting to the coach in question. Grow up.

Reply #131468 | Report this post

Years ago

Also, if the coach somehow condoned or encouraged this behaviour, then why is is that the coach himself has taken actions to have the player removed from the team? Some people just can't help having a dig, can they?

Reply #131472 | Report this post

Years ago

There was at least 10 to 15 seconds when Woodville players were free to approach the Norwood Player (before he spat), exchange words and further intensify the situation (physical contact was made to his head), where was the ref during this period?

Reply #131473 | Report this post

Years ago

The number of well documented problems surrounding this team recently would suggest there are a number of issues that need to be resolved and for that reason, the coach of the team will come under scrutiny and the more controversy that follows the team , the more the finger will point to the person in charge.

Reply #131477 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm sorry mumps, could you enlighten us to the "well documented problems surrounding this team"?

Reply #131479 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah mumps, enlighten us

Reply #131484 | Report this post

Years ago

Way to make a ridiculous accusation and not back it up at all.

This topic is turning into a ridiculous sledge of Norwood Basketball Club.

The topic regards the player his actions, and the possible consequences. Discuss the topic but don't sling mud at the club who in no way enticed this behaviour.

Reply #131485 | Report this post

Years ago

Seems one could mistake this thread being about a football match rather than a b ball match, racist taunts, spitting, dislocated shoulders...b ball it aint!

Reply #131487 | Report this post

Years ago

mumps i honestly think u should back up what u mean, as there has never been an issue with this team or the norwood coach with the woodville team. the norwood coach has never coached this woodville team so i don't see how there can be issues between both.
as i wasn't at the game i will no comment on it buti will add this a some one that has coached the woodville boys i know how hard they are at the ball so well done ladsand as someone who has been assitant coach for the norwood coach he is a fierce competitor but would not send a player to injury or mane a player. mumps if u have issues with the coach come see me wednesday night at training and i will set your issues straight

Reply #131490 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry anons, I am wrong , it was the U16 Norwood boys involved in the swap fiasco at Easter not the 18's. I apologise for that.

Reply #131492 | Report this post

Years ago

Mumps you might want to direct that apology to the coach involved. Very insulting to him indeed.

Reply #131498 | Report this post

Years ago

I certainly apologise to the coach for mixing up two distinctly different events and teams.

Reply #131502 | Report this post

Years ago

certainly am looking forward to hearing about the results from the game on the weekend. hopefully the injury wont effect woodville too greatly and that it is a clean game

Reply #131504 | Report this post

Years ago

If the coach was Peter Berry then there have been problems before. If the coach was not Peter Berry then I don't know what all the trouble is about.

Reply #131506 | Report this post

Years ago

Either way I don't know what all the trouble is about. This is not about the coach - but apparently you have a hard time understanding that.

Reply #131509 | Report this post

i have spoken directly to the young man who allegedly made 'physical contact to the head' and he told me in absolute truth that he was merely trying to defuse the situation. how was he to know that this player would then have such a loose cannon reaction.

Reply #131512 | Report this post

Years ago

anon please enlighten us all to the so called problems have been with P Berry and this woodville team

Reply #131514 | Report this post

Years ago

elg - if you have spoken directly to him then you would also know that the game was not spiteful in any way apart from this, and that the anonymous sniping at the team and their coach is not only unfair but also quite untrue.

you may also know the answer to this. norwood (specifically the coach) has already taken action against the player. have woodville taken the appropriate action against the parent who abused the norwood player with a disgustingly racist term? i might add that this is no way justifies what the player did, but i'm just curious.

Reply #131515 | Report this post

do i look like i condone the parents. i happen to know all the parents and they are quite lovely people i don't think i believe that a racist term would have been used by a parent of this club.

and the player who i was in contact with happens to be a young spiffing boy with not a bad bone in his body i can assure you this head assault as you made it seem was only to calm this player down, however the player in question obviously can't handle a reassuring pat on the head and went mental

Reply #131519 | Report this post

Years ago

elg - I agree that the woodville boy did nothing wrong, so you don't need to justify his actions. i was there and he was clearly trying to do exactly as you say.

but to deny that the racist term was used is showing your bias. trust me, there were enough people who heard it, including the player it was directed at, and it was extremely degrading and offensive.

anyway, we could argue this forever, but i'm sure we both agree that spitting on someone is disgusting, as is racially abusing someone.

Reply #131523 | Report this post

Years ago

elg - i can assure u it wasnt the pat on the head, more the comments that followed,i was on court, i herd what was said

Reply #131535 | Report this post

Years ago

so is this player any good, or just there to create trouble?

Reply #131537 | Report this post

Years ago

The pat on the head in my opinion was what kept the incident rolling, once again in no way am I supporting what happened next, but whatever the boy's intention, why provoke the situation after the ref's had dealt with the hard foul?

Reply #131538 | Report this post

Years ago

the player in question was in sasi for 3 years and played state for under 16 metro, so he no doubt has skill, and hes never come close 2 doing an action like this before. hes apologised, hes getting a ban, who knows he mite even quit if the bans long enough so everyone just leave the player alone and get over the situation

"2000 years of evoultion and human diginty where thrown out the window" get over it its happened before in sport, itl probably happen again, that comment just shows how much this whole thing has been blown out of proportion

Reply #131540 | Report this post

Years ago

It was clearly written by someone who was angry at the time, im sure they have now looked back and relised they overeacted a lil bit

Reply #131541 | Report this post

Years ago

the boy only spat on the ref after he told him to get off the court WHILE he was receiving abuse from the parent. not saying its right but put urself in the shoes of a 17 yr old whos having a terrible game and getting abused from the sidelines and the ref is telling him to get off the court instead of doing the proper thing and removing the person thats provoking him. not everyone handles situations perfectly

Reply #131543 | Report this post

Years ago

This has been well discussed, I think the problem is that some people on here are trying to almost get the guy hung, these people were obviously not there on the night because i cant believe they could get it so wrong

Reply #131546 | Report this post

Years ago

Dont forget he was also coping it from a group of girls sitting in the stands, none of this was noticed by old umpi thou, all he heard was what the Norwood boy said

Reply #131548 | Report this post

Years ago

i just cant wait till saturday, when norwood have the 4 players they were missing. that will be a game to remember for woodville

Reply #131549 | Report this post

Years ago

actually your right, i heard they were missing not only four players, but four key players who usualy all start

Reply #131550 | Report this post

Years ago

the ump let things go that he should have stopped, the player shows the ump what he thinks of him with a harmless amount of spit. i say lucky the ump didnt cop a fist from the kid cuz although under 6ft hes easily one of the strongest kids in the league, not saying that it would be right of the kid to do that either, i just think the umps lucky to come away from it all with no physical harm

Reply #131553 | Report this post

Years ago

only 2 starters were missing, but both of are over 6'5, the whole norwood team had to play out of position.

Reply #131555 | Report this post

Years ago

no come on now, what happened was wrong, its been well said now that things got outta hand and perhaps the umps could've helped abit more. But thats doesnt excuse what happened

Reply #131556 | Report this post

Years ago

yeh agreed, although short the players the most built ive seen in u/18 this year. and ive seen every team play.

Reply #131557 | Report this post

Years ago

I just hpoe theres not some huge gruge match, and that the players are mature enough to get on with the game

Reply #131558 | Report this post

Years ago

i never did say it is excusable, and the player obviously knows this aswell. just saying when u look at it, a bit of spit isnt all to harmful

Reply #131559 | Report this post

Years ago

unfortunatly for the boy who did it, he now has a crusade being led against him

Reply #131560 | Report this post

Years ago

i personally know the player, and he was havin a joke about it after the game. he was pissed off at the time but hes over it and he doesnt think nothing more of it. hes taking the ban on the chin without complaint. this incident doesnt mean hes a bad person or a "typical wog" ect as so nicely put by a certain woodvilel parent, he just lost his cool and hes alredy expressed his regret for it.

Reply #131561 | Report this post

@ #131553

so the ref deserved to be punched because he didn't call it your way? umpires have the right to feel safe out there, no matter how poorly they officiate. what an immature person you are.

Reply #131562 | Report this post

Years ago

problem is theres alot of people who stil think alot of it, i say cop the fine, learn a lesson and be dun with it

Reply #131563 | Report this post

Years ago

did there star player big red play

Reply #131564 | Report this post

Years ago

nah, he was having a well earnt rest

Reply #131566 | Report this post

Years ago

nah, he was having a well earnt rest

Reply #131567 | Report this post

Years ago


nowhere in that did i say the ref deserved to be punched, i just said hes lucky the kids emotions didnt completely show. i agree that refs deserve to feel safe but in that same respect players also deserve to feel safe on court not only from other players but from spectators. you are clearly are one sided with your arguments while at least most people open to both sides. your the one handling this immaturely

Reply #131568 | Report this post

Years ago

How many times do people need 2 say that they dont agree with what happened, i think everytime someone reads one of these they should keep that in mind, no1 supports what happened!

Reply #131570 | Report this post

Years ago

yeh some people just need it hammered into there skulls cuz its to much for them to take in all at once

Reply #131571 | Report this post

Years ago


and by calling it your way i assume you mean norwood because im a north parent that viewed the game not the player that did it

Reply #131573 | Report this post

Years ago

i just hope the teams play with the same passion these people argue with

Reply #131574 | Report this post

Years ago

The people that are saying he should not cop a huge suspension are not from this world. If someone spat on me I would report it to the police and have them up on assault. This is a despicable act and the kid should get the book thrown at him. He committed an assault on the umpire and a player. Be real there can be no excuses.

Reply #131575 | Report this post

Years ago

the kid should throw a book at you

Reply #131576 | Report this post

Years ago

#131576 either you have no morals or have just come out of a tree. To support this action makes you just as bad. Maybe worse as at least his actions were in the heat of the moment.

Reply #131577 | Report this post

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