Undersized Pf
Years ago
Locked: Disgusting behaviour at junior games
In what has to be one of the worst displays of unsportsmanship and ethics, in the U18 boys DIV 1 game at the dome between woodville and norwood. 2000 years of evoultion and human diginty where thrown out the window when a norwood player recieved an unsportsman like foul he proceeded to spit in the face of the umpire. The same player then spat at a woodville player.
After the game the woodville player went to shake the offenders hand, the offender again spat in the face of the woodville player. Seemingly this was all a result of the fact that woodville had caused the upset and defeated norwood.
I assume the necessary reportings where made by the referees and he will face the wrath of the tribunal. However what will be the in-team discplinary actions taken by the coach and club?