solid gold
Years ago

Who are the Northern Rattlers?

Having a quick flick through the premiership tables i noticed a new club the Northern Rattlers are dominating their division.

10G2 3-0 413%
10b2 2-0 450%
12B3 2-0 511%

I assume they are around the North and Centrals areas. So obviously there are some talented little hoopers playing here. But from my understanding because they are not a member club will not be able to move up to a higher division. Is this true. If so what is the point of the club?

Topic #1114 | Report this topic

Years ago

That's how the Torrens Valley club started years ago. I think they were called the North Eastern Basketball Club (correct me if I'm wrong) and were made up of kids with behavioural problems. They had one or two teams in lower divisions of u/14's and u/16's.
They were pretty good, and I think some of them now play Reserves and Div 3 men.

Reply #12363 | Report this post

billy connoly  
Years ago

they specialize in dominating lower divisions - based at parafield gardens recreation centre - they did have some allegences with west adelaide.

i believe the core people at parfield gardens rec centre formed northern rattlers as a break away from centrals - they looked at the lions option - but did not like the looks - so went on their own

good enough to dominate low divisions - but would be destroyed at div 1 level

Reply #12369 | Report this post

Years ago

Bit vague on this but I think they also participate in a local comp based at Parafield. Seems better than the normal social basketball going around. Billy, you mentioned they would be destroyed at Div 1 level but I am not sure they could do worse than some of the current Div 1 teams.

Reply #12375 | Report this post

billy connoly  
Years ago

what i have seen of them - div 2 tops.... no more than that.

maybe have a run against bottom div 1 sides - but only that

I nearly had them confused with some homies called Northern Rappers !!!

Reply #12376 | Report this post

Years ago

If they keep taking out titles in the divisions they are in they will move up divisions. That Modbury Jazz group from a few years ago went from div5 in under 16's to going up a division each year to grand finalists in Div 2 of Under 20's.

Reply #12385 | Report this post

Double Clutch  
Years ago

I know the Rattlers have a under 18 boys team as well. Does anyone know how many teams overall they are fielding?

Reply #12386 | Report this post

Paul Arnott  
Years ago

The initial gradings has them at 5 teams: U12B3, U14B3, U14B4, U16B4, U18B4.

Disclaimer: their nomination may have changed since then - SportingPulse lists them as having an U10B2 and an U10G2 team, as Solid Gold points out.

Reply #12394 | Report this post

Rattlers aren't new, I think they won an u12 div4 final (winter) last year.

Torrens Valley are in the same boat as the Rattlers. Both are non-member clubs and must consist of a small group of volunteers. I'm not sure if they get to select which div to play in, so If they don't I apologise.


It is NOT acceptable to put your best team in the 3rd or 4th grade
just to pump everyone.
If they(Rattlers u12) aren't good enough for division two thats fine, they can play in div three and will be tested by a small few teams.

However when they play a weaker side the coach has to recognise this and not humiliate a group of 10 and 11 year old kids.

I didn't see the game here so I'm just speculating.

To beat a team 95-0 is a discrace.

I wonder if the coach in question understands that sort of game helps no-one not his players nor his opponents and definately not the game of Basketball.

Here's a hint
-Half court defence
-LH dribbling only
-No dribbling
-Bigs guarding smalls
-All players touch ball before a shot.

There are plenty of ways to get the most out of a game when the oposition aren't up to it.

S@*tting on bad teams is not a skill and doesn't make you a good coach.
Keep in mind most clubs div 3 and 4 teams consist of players lacking confidence or experience.

Put yourself in your oponents shoes
u10 and 12 kids 8-11 y.o.
Getting up at 7-8 in the morning to go play Ball and getting totally wacked, barely touching the ball. Not having a team mate score a single basket for the whole game.

How long would you keep playing for?

I don't have a problem with the club. Like I said Its members are volunteers and should be proud of what they are achieving. I'm just not a fan of big margins in lower divisions and age groups.

Are there any Rattlers or Valley people on this site?
If so maybe u could answer some questions for me.

Reply #12402 | Report this post

Years ago

promotion and relegation would stop this across all grades. Some teams do all the things you suggest and still win by those margins ....... be critical of a structure that allows this - not the club.

Reply #12406 | Report this post

In the know  
Years ago

They won't be around for long, because North will take all their good players as their juniors 10's and 12's are not great.

Reply #12409 | Report this post

Years ago

As i have heard from Northern Rattlers people themselves, they started off as a non-member volunteer-based club as people in the northern suburbs did not want or likened to the idea of paying the amount of fees at Centrals. They started the club off in the hope of being some kind of competition against Centrals, unfortunately not being as successful as first hoped.
Thats as far as i know, if any help to anyone.

Reply #12413 | Report this post

K-Time Bars  
Years ago

The Northern Rattlers are a feeder team to the West Adelaide Bearcats. Many have players have been promoted from this team into div 1 or 2 teams. There is a 16s boy at west from this very club. Good on the club having a feeder team to find more players.

Reply #12420 | Report this post

Years ago

we have played the northern rattlers unda10's boys teams and they were awesome. the talent those little kids had was amazing. they just came out of nowhere. where have they been keeping these kids because they have got real talent but they really should be playing in a higher division.

Reply #12426 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Instead of bagging them, how about acknowledging why they exist? A group of volunteers and parents who were disgruntled about ridiculously high fees that juniors pay to subsidise ABL teams. I say good on them - sounds like a recipe for success if you ask me!

Reply #12489 | Report this post

anne donovan  
Years ago

another case for promotion / relegation !

Reply #12496 | Report this post

anne donovan  
Years ago

if they turn out to be any good - I'm with the previous poster - north, centrals, woodies or west will grab them - if they stay at rattlers they will only ever br a good div 3 player.

ps what ever happened to modbury jazz?

Reply #12497 | Report this post

Years ago

Sounds like a club to get involved in a domestic league....

Reply #12506 | Report this post

attn paul arnott  
Years ago

what does the red numbers mean on the summer nomination sheet you posted?

Reply #12512 | Report this post

Paul Arnott  
Years ago

Numbers in red are cases where the grading differed from the nomination (ie where a nomination was not accepted).

Reply #12513 | Report this post

Years ago

hey montezemas revenge, im an ex-cougar, mayb i can help with ur queries. yes i do have behavioural problems doctor!!!

Reply #49002 | Report this post

Years ago

hey dudes thanks for the article were a good team wanting to go further and higher but dnt have enough players to form more teams PS:we will kik but in DIV 1 and please tell any northern kids that want to play to come to the northern rattlers wich are situated at parafield gardens high school thnks

Reply #71736 | Report this post

Years ago

I play for the northern rattlers in Mens Div 2 and we are currently sitting in 2nd place, and ready to take first. It was mentioned that they currently played at parafield? This is correct. They started off at parafield gardens rec centre playing social on sundays and was made up of mainly asians! No offence! they were a dominating team! they soon realised the social comp was no challenge and moved on to district where they met some competion, but still managed to take out the title! Hope that helps! Peace out! A-TOWN!

Reply #134478 | Report this post

Years ago

Northern rattlers don't have a mens div 2, only a mens div 3. Unfortunately they are not many rattlers left. Only 3 teams in district. Unfortunately lost a few good people and coaches. But it was a good start for some of the kids that now play at other clubs

Reply #134486 | Report this post

Years ago

You should watch an under 14 basketball game with rattlers playing any district clubs who need new players should come and check us out.

Reply #698259 | Report this post

Years ago

A rattlers player

You should watch an under 14 basketball game with rattlers playing any district clubs who need new players should come and check us out.

Reply #698260 | Report this post

Years ago


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