Tony Hawks
Years ago
155 days until we suck again.
I am sorry and this is more than likely the 1,000,000 thread on this topic already this off season but with only 155 days until the new NBL season tips off and every other club signing player we have only signed one good player and one bunchy.
Why wont Phil Smyth and the Adelaide 36ers come out and announce anything like a glamour signing.
Brad Davidson is a good solid NBL player but in reality we already have 2 of those in Darren Ng and Matt Sutton, we don't need any more. Adam Ballenger's 20 points, 10 rebounds and his intangible experience on the court will help but that leaves us with 2 star players (Maher and Ballenger) and a bunch of good solid bench players.
The odds are very low that either of Brad Newley or Luke Schenscher will be playing in the NBL next season so I hope the Sixer are not wasting valuable time hoping like hell they sign a contract. That just stupid and the club should know this. If Phil Smyth doesn't want to coach any ore, give up now. If he still has passion for the job and wants to put in the hard yards to succeed; he should start looking for some viable options.
I am going to mighty pissed off if Copeland start at small forward and we have not managed to recruit anyone of quality, if we start the season with the same bunch of hacks we had last year who could not put in any effort at all we sho8uld demand out money back.
155 days until the season tips off and I bet it will be under 10 before we announce who the second import is and any other significant signing.
Even if Phil is sacked and Ninnis takes over, all the good kids are gone. Use the Sixer web site to give us some information on who is a possibility