Years ago

Norwood Classic - Won't be back!

Just thought I'd share my experience at this years Norwood Classic rather than let it go unnoticed. I coach the U/16 Boys at Keilor and we had what can only be described as a disturbing experience at the tournament (or perhaps something more explicit).

After receiving our draw for the U/16 Boys Championship division I was quite impressed with the seedings of the comp. and exciting about our chances of playing finals against some very talented teams.

It appeared something was wrong during our warm up for the first game against Norwood 2 when several familar players entered the stadium late and began to warm up. We had played and beaten Norwood 1 at Eltham in January and it seemed as though some of their better players were now representing Norwood 2. As the game went on it became more evident that we had been stuped and now had our tournament on the line less than 15 mins after it began. During the first quarter our team manager addressed the issue with the tournament office and at quarter time I queried it with the referee, both times we were told to complete the game and it could be sorted out later.

It's fair to say that we were out played in this game, albeit unprepared for a team we knew and if we had known we were playing would have prepared for during the weeks leading up to the tournament.

So after understanding that the official scoresheet had been changed completly in the minutes leading up to the game and checking with several of the norwood parents that it was definitely Norwood 1 that we played we lodged a protest. I even approached Carlo after the game to ask him what had happened and he gave some BS explanation about the Norwood 2 team being called Norwood 1 in Div.2 and they didn't want to confuse.

After travelling 800kms and paying over $1000 each for the experience of travelling for some first class games I think my boys deserved a bit better from the Norwood Basketball Association. We were asked to play another game against Norwood 2 using up our only spare afternoon/evening and promised that the Norwood 1 team would be punished. I believe this is nothing short of cheating and for the host club to allow this to go unpunished sends a clear message to the Victorian Basketball Community. Let it be known that I won't be back and when I'm asked about the Norwood Classic this story will be told again and again.

And a quick one for Carlo, looks like fate caught up with you boys and I hope you enjoyed playing your consolation game on Sunday morning. You're a disgusting example for young basketballers and the main purpose of me writing this is to let the SA Basketball community know the facts of this story and question your version of events.

See you all at the classic.

Topic #11051 | Report this topic

Years ago

glad u sooks wont be back !!!means my ears wont be ringing next year from all the howling u and your kids parents did

Reply #128283 | Report this post

Seth and Munchie  
Years ago

MELHOOPS - so you were complaining about playing a BETTER team? You would rather beat a Division 2 team at Easter than have a quality game against a Div 1 team who will be at Classics? Finals at Easter are surely secondary to the bigger picture, which for you should be as many quality games in the lead-up to Classics as possible. Sounds like your priorities might be a little mixed up. For the record, I am not condoning what Carlo did. Just think your attack above is way over the top.

Reply #128284 | Report this post

Years ago

I am at a lost to see what the real issue is here - you are a div 1 team that got to play a div 1 team? If you had played them before and only months beforehand, youshould have been OK about coming up against them and kicking their bums again. YOu did get to play some first class games by the sounds of it all.
We have all had some interestin gexperiences in Melbourne too with some outright cheating by refs and teams - so if you want to go there this topic will be infinite.

Reply #128285 | Report this post

Years ago

Werent you prepared for their zone or man on man defense that may as well be a zone?

Melhoops quit whinging. The purpose of the tournament is to prepare for the classics, state champs etc. You would have been knocked out when you came up against Sturt, West, Dandenong or Melbourne anyway.

Reply #128286 | Report this post

Years ago

No Problem playing better teams. Just like to know beforehand, put yourself in my shoes. I drive 800km thinking I'm coaching against a Div.2 team first up and then play against a strong Div.1 team playing under the wrong name, that we could have prepared for.

S&M, My priority when coaching 14/15 boys is teaching them what's right and wrong on the Basketball court and what happened on Friday was wrong. I owe it to my players and their parents to go in to bat for them.

Finals are not secondary - the good teams play in the and that's when we played Sturt, a good team and a fair one at that.

Anon #285, the real issue here is that someone did the wrong thing by us and it cost us an afternoon that had been planned two weeks prior, it drained our kids mentally and physically prior to playing Melbourne and Sturt which were already hard match ups for us. And as it seems has made us look like the bad guys in seeking justice.

Reply #128287 | Report this post

Years ago

It is about transperancy and obviously Norwood did a con job. If Norwood were so innocent why did they try to make it up by offering another game? It is bad press that doesn't help the carnival for next year. AVERAGE carnival at best.

Reply #128290 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with MELHOOPS that this is very poor behaviour of the Norwood teams, and that the organisation should have penalized both teams involved. It's likely they would have done so if it had been another club doing this; that makes it even worse. Sorry you won't be back, MElHOOPS!

Reply #128291 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #128292 | Report this post

Years ago

If what you say is true, most of us are sorry for the deception and are puzzled by it. No fair minded person condones Norwood's apparent deceit any more than they should condone the interesting calls made at Nationals, classics etc by the suppossed best ref in the business. Just goes to show how cheating lowers the tone and will continue. I would hope a Norwood official straightens this out on here now that it has been raised and explains their position.

Reply #128293 | Report this post

Years ago


Just a thought.. how many of the Norwood teams that entered actually come out on top of their pool in Championship.. By the loks of things they cant even win by cheating??

Reply #128297 | Report this post

Years ago

what norwood team hosts a tordy, and cheats to beat a team? i think they where just that little shocked we shaked n baked those bizatchs in eltham?

Reply #128299 | Report this post

Years ago

stay at school pal if your english are as good as your basketball skills then u must be carrying the oranges!!!!!THUNDERS SOOKS

Reply #128300 | Report this post

Years ago

bad basketball skills.. Not to be slagging ya own team or anything because im pretty sure i dropped 18pts on you guys??? ahh yeh i sis to?

Reply #128303 | Report this post

Years ago

have a cry ur div 1. there div 1.
you should have been ready for it anyway who goes into a torney with out prep before it. ur just so stupid!

Reply #128304 | Report this post

Years ago

if you cheated you cheated. You obviously wanted to win so badly against a team thats already beaten you once u took the wimp way out of it. whata shame.

Reply #128305 | Report this post

Years ago

surely its a bit harsh to attack carlo over this. I may be wrong in this instance since its norwood who run the tourny, but in the tournys ive played in before the coach takes their team where they were told to play, im sure carlo didnt deliberatly have a meeting with the norwood 1 (div 2) team and decide to cheat, carlo is jus not that kind of guy. Other than that ive spoken to some quite frustrated norwood boys about this and trust me they feel just as cheated as you do so stop complaining and 'play the game'.

Reply #128307 | Report this post

ThUnDeR 4257  
Years ago


Reply #128308 | Report this post

Years ago

hey little sook next carnival your in bring the king size tissues you whiiny little cry baby. 18 pts against a div 2 team dang your ready for the nba chump

Reply #128309 | Report this post

Seth and Munchie  
Years ago

"cheats to beat a team"? I don't think so. It's not like Carlo had his boys rock up to the Norwood 2 game, and then back to join their own team afterwards. He simply tried to make his own team Norwood 2, and the other team Norwood 1. No cheating involved. Maybe a little misguided, but not worth the massive sook we are all having to put up with.
MELHOOPS - you stated yourself in your original post that you were looking forward to "first class games", yet the whole post is about your preference to beat Div 2 teams (with the all-important Easter finals at stake!) rather than test yourself against a quality Div 1 outfit. One big whinge if you ask me. Get over it.

Reply #128310 | Report this post

Years ago

now i know why the yarra stays so full, it's all u victorians crying about how your so hard done by when u come to s.a..... toughen up princess

Reply #128311 | Report this post

Thunder 22  
Years ago


By the looks of things, both the Norwood sides were involved in this shameful inncodent that occured over the weekend. If i am wrong there would have been the two Norwood sides rock up at the same stadium to play the same game. As for Carlo, he should be dealt with in a serious manner by the Norwood officals. Something as big as this should not go with out penalization. And Carlo obviously you have to cheat to win, well didn't help you to make finals did it. Did you have a nice early consolation game. Just remember where we were while you were coaching that game.

Reply #128312 | Report this post

Years ago

in the change rooms still wiping each others tears having a group hug

Reply #128313 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm from SA and Norwood cheated. I reviewed the scores from all groups and when I saw the Norwood woman writing up the initial scores saying Norwood 2 beat Keilor I automatically guessed what had happened. When I made a comment about this to her there was a sheepish grin.

Before the tournament there was speculation this would happen and it did. Thanks Norwood to casting SA basketball in a poor light.

Reply #128314 | Report this post

Years ago

MELHOOPS, I'm always happy to have interstate guests (especially occasionals such as yourself) on the forum, but please get your kids under control - I have already deleted inappropriate remarks.

And Booga, don't drag things further off-topic!

Reply #128316 | Report this post

Seth and Munchie  
Years ago

Now come on Isaac, you know that is what booga does best ;)

Reply #128319 | Report this post

Years ago

Keilor obviously aren't interested in preparing for a major tournament like the Classics. If you did you should have been happy to play against a div 1 team. Carlo actually switched pools so that he could face the harder competition and get his guys prepared for the State Champs and the later Classics. Obviously Keilor seemed to be more focused on making finals of a tournament which doesn't really matter.

Melhoops: "My priority when coaching 14/15 boys is teaching them what's right and wrong on the Basketball court"

What a load of shit! Your priority is to make your boys the best players they can be and to get the most out of your team. Playing better teams can help to do this!

I'm not saying that it is right to switch teams but in my eyes it really isn't that big a deal at an Easter Carnival...a carnival designed to increase team bonding and to prepare for the Classics.

I think your (Melhoops) post and the behaviour of players and parents from Keilor was nothing more than pathetic. The parents should be ashamed of themselves for being involved in such a terrible display. If you guys want to teach what is right and wrong how about you start at home and teach your children to deal with complications in an appropriate way.

I can't wait to get over to Melbourne and support Carlo and his team when they play you guys. You know what Chopper would say: "Hey Keilor harden the fuck up!"

Reply #128327 | Report this post

Years ago

I would like say that I have a player that played in the Keilor team and we were very disgusted with the explanation from the Norwood Coach ,we felt that both of the Norwood teams should of been disqualified and we should not of had to play a another game. The parents of the two teams need to take responsibility for the deception along with the coach, as they had to of realized, that they were playing each others games as they also had the same fixtures as we did.SHAME ON YOU!!! Give our teams the same respect that we showed you at Eltham.I would also like to say apart from our contact with the Norwood Coach we had a great time in S.A and we are proud that our coach and team achieved our success the right way. Go Thunder

Reply #128328 | Report this post

In the Know  
Years ago

Hope these guys get matched up at Classics!

Reply #128329 | Report this post

Years ago

Burgertron,it now appears obvious Norwood cheated both in spirit and practice. You say its not right to switch but ignore the fact Norwood did.
On many occasions in the past I have been ashamed of Victorian refs and their distant relationship with fair play in carnivals, classics and nationals always under the guise of interpretation,but its regretable that we have stooped to gutter level to win a meaningless weekend tournament.
Fair play and good ball comes before all of this crud and for you and all the others posting support for cheating , you bring further shame on all South Australians who believe kids need role models, ethics and a sense of fairness before success has any meaning.
If this is the way norwood approaches junior basketball they have lost the plot. The coach should be sacked and those responsible for the sham disciplined.

Reply #128332 | Report this post

Years ago

Changing the pools wasn't done to win, it was done for experience. Your pool had 3 top ranked melbourne teams and his initial pool had Sturt (a team that Norwood play on numerous occasions throughout the season) and 2 weaker teams. Carlo was looking for his players to be challenged. I know there was a switch but it was not for the reasons you are suggesting.

Reply #128337 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont think the issue with Keilor is so much as the "cheating" by norwood.

Its the fact that because a Norwood coach decided to change the seedings to suit himself that it put them out. This meant they had to play an extra game to ensure the draw was corrected. I can understand the frustration of coming on an interstate trip. They would have planned for a particular schedule and suddenly the schedule was turned upside down. Its easy to say "Hey Keilor harden the fuck up!" but have you really been involved in many tournaments at this level. A lot of financial expense and planning goes into them by parents and coaching staff not just for the on the court stuff but off the court as well, its a packed schedule over these things.

I'm sure Norwoods coach meant no harm but I can see where Keilor are coming from.

Reply #128338 | Report this post

Years ago

I played in tournaments like this throughout my many years as a junior. I know what is involved. I can appreciate the inconvenience and anger to a point but behaviour like that by parents and players is not acceptable. The cheat label is not correct either.

Reply #128339 | Report this post

old noddy  
Years ago

Burgertron, when you refer to bad behavior by players and parents, do you mean at the tournament or on this forum?

Reply #128342 | Report this post

Years ago


The cheat label is completely correct. You talk about switching pools to get tougher competition with three top vic teams in the pool. This is incorrect - there was only two. You also said to avoid a weaker pool. If it was so weak how come they failed to make the top eight. They knew they could win two of the games in pool c to go through to top 8 but were unlikely to do so in their "proper" pool.

Reply #128350 | Report this post

Years ago

we have been to melbourne many times and the roles have been reversed - at the end of the day

you have to be good enough away from home and able to accept adversity and still play well.

could have been what the lightning had a couple of years ago - and had a car crash and theway to the game and still had to play

norwood 1 norwood 4 - it doesnt matter

however I do support some uniform titles ie

norwood 1 is their first and best squad etc

or should the teams be called -

norwood div 1
norwood div 2

norwood 3/4 combo etc

we had a great weekend and will be back


Reply #128351 | Report this post

Years ago

we have been to melbourne many times and the roles have been reversed - at the end of the day

you have to be good enough away from home and able to accept adversity and still play well.

could have been what the lightning had a couple of years ago - and had a car crash and theway to the game and still had to play

norwood 1 norwood 4 - it doesnt matter

however I do support some uniform titles ie

norwood 1 is their first and best squad etc

or should the teams be called -

norwood div 1
norwood div 2

norwood 3/4 combo etc

we had a great weekend and will be back


Reply #128352 | Report this post

big mel  
Years ago

How undeniably pathetic of you mel to attempt to get the coach of these boys in 'trouble' . . . your explanations are weak at best.

The fact that you felt it necessary to post a large whining explanation obviously looking at the world through rose coloured glasses, sums up your level of brain power.

Thanks for your entertaining story.

Next taining session, invite your kids and their parents to training. Practice by taping their mouths shut and see how intelligent it can feel to not allow shit to leak from their mouths.

Reply #128355 | Report this post

Years ago

You all need to chill out! Stop with the abuse and understand that if Norwood as a club had penalised Carlo for his actions this post would never have been made. If Carlo was to go unpunished for this I wanted to let you all know our side of the story before we were labelled.

I'd like to clear some things up...........

The Norwood 2 team manager told me that this had been organised for two weeks, why not let Keilor know. We received a fixture with two Norwood 1's on it, one in each of Pool C & D. Could it be the tournament administrator's were in on this. Think about it the sheepish grin or the woman putting the scores up. The promptness of the vice president to organise a resolution.

In my eyes, Norwood thought the two pools were even and the objective was to play an unknowing Keilor team who had prepared to face Norwood 2. With this result they would have clashed with Sturt in the Quarter Final and avoided Melbourne. This was a well thought out premeditated attempt to cheat. Have a look at world sport at the moment and see the corruption that is taking place in world cricket, some of these Norwood kids are very talented and could one day find themselves playing nationally - Carlo needs to recognise that his role is about the development of these kids and if he behaves like this, parents won't want there kids playing for him and will be off to Sturt and he'll get the job he's always wanted, Coaching Norwood 2.

Reply #128357 | Report this post

Years ago

Melhoops here is a tissue for u because every post u have put up is cry cry cry. are u saying your boys need a full week to play a strong norwood team to get the win or is it u got out coached by carlo so now it is a issue of changing pools, sour grapes all round i think . the fact that if u hadn't posted this no one would of cared because all teams will have there focus on state champs and classics, i think u need to focus on your next game because honestly your a victorian so we( more i) couldn't care less about you

Reply #128360 | Report this post

Big Three  
Years ago

Melhoops is not the actual coach of this team. Poor form to mis represent yourself in my view.

Reply #128361 | Report this post

Years ago

Booga I am a South Australian and I think you should shut up before you do more harm to SA. Norwood cheated. End of story. As for tissues I think you could do with some. To rig a tournament to avoid certain teams is cheating, no two ways about it. Thankfully it did not work out for them.

Reply #128363 | Report this post

Years ago

Go you good thing booga, tell it how it is.

Reply #128384 | Report this post

Jenna Tellya  
Years ago

Let me get this straight. Norwood claim to have wanted to switch pools so they could play the "tougher" Keilor & Melbourne as opposed to Darebin & Sturt, right?

Let's consider the following results over the weekend:

Norwood 1 (playing as Norwood 2) defeated Keilor by ~25 points in the game that wasn't a game.

Norwood 1 lost to Darebin by 12.

Melbourne (in the "tougher" group that Norwood wanted to play in) finished 3rd/4th & lost to eventual champion Dandenong by 20 in the semi.

Sturt (in the "weaker" group Norwood didn't want to play in) finished 2nd and lost the grand final to Dandenong by 15.

**Notes - Keilor are currently 3-1 in VC, Darebin (on the other side of the pool) are 2 wins, 1 draw, 1 loss**

So how much tougher was the pool that Norwood so desperately wanted to get in? Sturt and Melbourne are probably of a similarish standard, while Darebin proved to be a tougher match for the Flames over the weekend.

To pull those kind of stunts at your own tournament is certainly not going to be winning them any friends.

Reply #128386 | Report this post

Years ago


Can you explain how a club/team looking for allegedly trying to swtich into a harder group to challenge themselves fail to make the top eight when they were, upon their cheating ways being discovered, transferred back to the "easier" group?

Why should Norwood be able to switch things to suit. Why can't the rest of us SA teams pick and choose who we want to play.

Doesn't matter how much you try to deflect the matter to Keilor, Norwood attempted to cheat but it all backfired.

Reply #128387 | Report this post

Jamal Truth  
Years ago

Polk High Football rules!!!

but seriously, Melhoops, this isn't as big a deal as you are making it out to be. Especially in regards to Norwood as a club being involved. I have a little inside information on this topic, and that is that the coach acted alone without the club's consent. Go after him all you like, but it's a little over the top to label all the parents and members of a club cheats because of one individual's actions.

I think everyone needs to take a step back and relax. No amount of arguing here is going to change anyone's mind on this subject, so why don't we all go and sit down, have a nice coffee, and watch some TV.

A popular forum retort, used all over the internet, applies very well here. With apologies to people, it goes something like this:
"Arguing with someone over the Internet is a lot like competing at the Special Olympics. You might end up winning, but you're still retarded."

And that's the truth.

Reply #128391 | Report this post

Not surprised  
Years ago

(Mod: Removed. Unnecessary and inflammatory.)

Reply #128392 | Report this post

Years ago

That Norwood group is extremely talented though.

I think all the posters should keep in mind they are 14/15 yr old kids and they are not in a position to defend themslves here, as we saw by the above "thunder" posts.

This is not the place to hold kids to account for their actions if this did happen. In this day and age I am sure any racial comments on the court by young kids would be dealt with through the right channels.

Reply #128395 | Report this post

Years ago

No one is having a go at the kids. Norwood elders made the choice to cheat.

Reply #128398 | Report this post

Big Brother  
Years ago

Are you aware that Sturt U-14 girls in the 2006 Norwood Classic changed pools as well ????
Entered 2 teams then picked their favorite pool!!

Reply #128399 | Report this post

Years ago

They were wrong as well but they were not running the tournament.

Reply #128400 | Report this post

Years ago

Big Brother,

Sturt asked Norwood if they would be able to change pools so that they could have a harder draw for their Div 1 team since that team was undefeated.

Norwood agreed.

Reply #128401 | Report this post

Years ago

No big brother, actually we chose the pool that would give the first year team a more even amount of games, and we let Norwood know before the tournament started. The Div 1 team chose the harder group. Another useless uninformed post!

Reply #128403 | Report this post

Years ago

isn't that the point!
You shouldn't get to choose anything.

Reply #128411 | Report this post

Years ago

No, I think the point is that the coach made the change without telling anybody, even his own club.

Carlo is the one in the wrong here.

Not Norwood or Sturt.

And I guess he couldn't Zone his way out of his group. Maybe if he could teach layers man to man he wouldn't need to move pools.

Reply #128425 | Report this post

Years ago

No, I think the point is that the coach made the change without telling anybody, even his own club.

Carlo is the one in the wrong here.

Not Norwood or Sturt.

And I guess he couldn't Zone his way out of his group. Maybe if he could teach layers man to man he wouldn't need to move pools.

Reply #128426 | Report this post

Years ago

There is only one issue here and that is was it cheating. Forget the 14/15 year olds they didnt make the swap and the coach is responsible for the integrity of his team and has the job of developing these youngsters. What have they learned :
Are Norwood are cheats?
Have Norwood have no integrity?
Are Rules to broken to suit coaches?
Is Winning above honesty?
When is jenny and Norwod making an official statement on this matter as its a hot talking point or are they going to knight the coach for services rendered?

Reply #128441 | Report this post

Years ago

I like that switch up there. Way to go trying to deflect attention because your not an ambi-turner

Reply #128466 | Report this post

Years ago

Seems coach carlo is a popular person ;) I think there was a post earlier this year questioning the wisdom of strong teams playing full court defense when up by huge margins and not teaching players how to play different styles. Seems to have come back as "And I guess he couldn't Zone his way out of his group. Maybe if he could teach layers man to man he wouldn't need to move pools." As for tissues for melhoops, people who wrote that get over yourselves. As for getting sturt coaches to move to lower clubs, as coaches why not approach better coaches and learn how they teach. The truely great coaches will give freely of their time, those that don't are obviously too insecure in their abilities.

All I can say is Karma is a bitch!!

Reply #128532 | Report this post

Years ago

HAHA have a fucken cry. we beat u and if we hadnt u wouldnt have said nething. Wait till classics wen we'l beat u again

Reply #128536 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #128539 | Report this post

Years ago

Carlo is a great coach, good with kids and knows what he is talking about, for you to pay him out like this on a website is fairly low

Reply #128541 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, Carlo is lovely. A very well respected coach. Seems like there was a massive misunderstanding & Melhoops feels cheated, Not the same as Carlo cheating. He would NOT do that. I guess Melhoops is also in a position where his young team will learn about life and the game as they observe his reaction to what must have been an unexpected glitch to his game plan.

Reply #128542 | Report this post

PPBA - Thomas  
Years ago

I'm a coach & referee representative from Port Pirie & coach at 4 carnivals per year in the cities of Port Augusta, Port Pirie, Whyalla & finish it off at the Country Championships in Adelaide.
This past season saw my u12 boys improve from 3rd at Port Augusta, 2nd in Port Pirie, & GF Winners in Whyalla, now in saying this we played against basically the same teams at each every carnival with the occasional exception, i.e Broken Hill played in Augusta & Whyalla.
Now as you can see the trend was improvement BUT at the Country Champs we are not in a safety zone, we are now coming up against Murray Bridge, Mount Gambier, Eastern Hills, Great Southern etc.
We have NEVER seen these guys play, we have NEVER seen these guys results during the year, therefore we can NEVER prepare??? to play against those teams..........
I've seen in the past team nominate 2 teams, 1 team as team 1 & one team as team 2 with that being a smoke screen of which team is actually the better one BUT WHO CARES? No matter what, in every single game you have to be prepared for the unexpected, you have to be prepared to change your game to combat what is coming at you!
My boys were down by 15 points at half time against Murray Bridge, a team I thought & my boys thought we could beat..... History shows we rallied, changed our defensive intensity, turned the game around into a 12 point victory over a a very fast & hard second half.

In a game of basketball you have 40 minutes, 4 major break opportunities to set your team up (start, 2nd qtr, 1/2 time, 3rd qtr), up to 5 of your own time outs & possibly 5 of the oppositions, in short PLENTY OF TIME to prepare ready to step back on the court & change the game!

What Norwood did could be seen as morally wrong & if they deliberately changed sheets just prior to the game then yes possibly cheating, but to lose the game & using the words of "We weren't Prepared" is kind of a cop out.
To be prepared for them would you have brought a different team?

Reply #128545 | Report this post

Years ago

To say he (Carlo) told no one is incorrect. His players were telling sturt kids the week before that they were the other norwood team and not in their group - now what do they say. They knew damn well what they were doing - 14/15 year old kids don't lie when it comes down to that sort of thing amongst their mates.

Once again it is the culture being taught this group. Thank god my kid does not play there.

Reply #128548 | Report this post

Years ago

Why to boost your ego PPBA!!

Reply #128551 | Report this post

Years ago


No I wouldn't have bought a different team but I probably would have watched the video I had in my bag at my hotel room from the first time we played them. Carlo had this opportunity - I did not.

On another note - You can't really believe that the preparation that goes into an U/12 SA country game could be comparable to an U/16 VC team's preparation.

Reply #128555 | Report this post

PPBA - Thomas  
Years ago

A video ahhhhh..... Did you play them the night before? The week before? The month before?

Had their game changed that much that a time out or even a double time out within the first few minutes couldn't help your team couldn't close them down?

Or were YOU so worked up about the apparent cheating that your kids lost sight of what was in front of them - a game of basketball? That no matter what preparation is taken, if played to pros & cons any game is winnable until the final siren.....

I do agree regarding the preparation comparison between u12 SA Country game to a u16 VC team's preparation, would be completely different, but what I was trying to point out is that no matter how much preparation you put into a game if your team knows it's own game plans & can adapt to different opposition, your chance of victory is as good as any others.

I'm in no way sanctioning what they did as being right, I too have been in similar situations at local levels where you feel teams have nominated in grades lower than they should be in, but that first game aside, did you team enjoy themselves both on the court & off on their trip over here. Did they have the opportunity to play basketball at a very high level?

Don't look at this bad case of unsportsmanship as a reason to stay away, see it as a opportunity to come back stronger next year prepared for anything & attempt to win it all.

Mr Anonymous (? great name?) I wasn't boosting our ego, I was just pointing out no matter how far you are down there are ways to change the game & hopefully come out on top..... We made the GF & lost to a better team, down by 15 again at half time, we ended the game 22 points behind to Great Southern.

And even if I was boasting, it would be for the kids who played, because in my eyes they are the end reason of a win.

Reply #128560 | Report this post

Years ago

Norwood may be 'Morally wrong', 'maybe cheating' but you won thru and you're the greatest. Port Pirie is lucky to have such a stalwart especially one who is not condoning Norwood's cheating.

Reply #128565 | Report this post

Years ago

May I say after reading these posts, the tone, the mood and the misguidance of many suggests emotions are running high. I think most are missing the point here. I question the transparency of the host tournament organizers in this case.

From my understanding, the Norwood 1 coach believes he has the power to put his team in whichever pool he sees fit and for whatever reason he wants. We can go around in circles e but the fact remains the tournament organizers have let everyone associated in this tournament down.

As a Norward parent, I can say that the decision to swap the 2 teams was done prior to the tournament. For whatever reason, this does not excuse the fact that the host tournament organizer should not have allowed this to happen. It would suffice to say that the host organizer would have known about the switch prior to the game. If not, that would open up another 'can of worms' in regards to the whole Norwood administration  but lets not go there.

The point here is tournaments have rules and protocols. I can understand how it may appear to Keilor that there was a 'slide of hand' in this case. Certainly the Norward kids and parents had no part in this however, I was most embarrassed for the Keilor parents and players when the coach in question reappeared that evening and assisted in the coaching of the Norward 2 boys.

In a way, Keilor's justifiable complaint could have been avoidable if the tournament administration followed protocol or were transparent with the changes made. It would have been more embarrassing for the organizers if one of the other teams in Keilor's pool lodged a complaint after the 1st day of play  then what. Albeit, thanks Keilor for the sportsmanship you have shown in agreeing to reschedule our game that evening. Understandably, it was done with great inconvenience to your players and parents  as it was for us.

I am very disappointed as a host club parent for the terms of events.

Blame the organizers  not the teams.

Reply #128607 | Report this post

Years ago

PPBA-THOMAS, you must have a sore shoulder from patting yourself on the back all day! you need to coach the 36er's for us next season!!!!
NBL Premiers here we come

Reply #128610 | Report this post

Years ago

The organisers of the tournament put a lot of effort into organising this great tournament. Can I ask what you did to help out with this? As discussed previously this was organised by the coach and not the event organisers who were pretty miffed about the whole thing. This tournament has been happening for many years and will hopefully continue for many years to come. With no other club helping out to run this tournament, the last thing Norwood needs is for fools like you to turn on it after not lifting a finger to contribute.

Reply #128613 | Report this post

Years ago

DSD4711, THANK YOU. well writen and you are right, this has got out of hand. time to finish!!

Reply #128614 | Report this post

Years ago

The fact what I have done for this organization or tournament is irrelevant in this discussion. I'm not a policeman either and I don't make the rules. I just abide by them!!

Reply #128616 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #128620 | Report this post

Years ago

well done dsd4711...i don't believe for one minute that the norward club didnt know what was going on....isn't this carlo guy a senior coach there???....are they really saying they knew nothing about it??...every one else did!!!....i think you hit the nail on the head...they honestly think they haven't done anything wrong!!....shame tho, all the good work they have done is mared by his stupid arrogance...or....does carlo run the club??? hey..maybe he does..cause he seams to be untouchable...let's see how credable the club is and post his penalty on this thread...or does the club have to run it past him 1st??...........its a joke.....VOTE 1 for Carlo!!

Reply #128622 | Report this post

Years ago

You seem to want to sit back and criticise your own club, but have done nothing to make it any better. If you think that the organisers have done a poor job then put your hand up next year to ensure that this does not happen again!

Reply #128625 | Report this post

Years ago

"let's see how credable the club is and post his penalty on this thread"

Is that a joke??

Reply #128626 | Report this post

All good points from Melhoops BUT: damn, if you don't have anything to do with it then is it really that bigger deal?

I'm sure the Norwood Carnival will go on. Its been going for since playing out of tinsheds like Athol Park and St Bernards. In the scheme of things I dont think this will really impact such a major tournament.

Carlo's a good, young coach. Im sure that if there are lessons to be learned he / the club will learn them and move on. The fact alone that he is putting his time into coaching should indicate he probably aint that "badder" guy and this says more about him than these actions (and his motives behind them) that he took.

Reply #128627 | Report this post

Years ago

Berry still at the club?

Reply #128629 | Report this post

Years ago

Berry much so.

Reply #128630 | Report this post

Dr Alfred Swan  
Years ago

DSD4711, are you really a parent from Norwood considering you spell it 'Norward'?

Reply #128649 | Report this post

Years ago

It seems that #127484 and #127688 in this topic knew what was going on before the game in question!

Reply #128715 | Report this post

Years ago

Oops! Try this topic

Reply #128718 | Report this post

Years ago

jumpin baron brown

Its sounds like your trying to take the easy way out here! Why should Carlo or the club just learn a lession and move on. There should be consequences to the person(s) behind this. why should they just learn there lession. You are living in fantacy world. If this was out in the real world with laws, the police wouldn't go oh ur've learnt your lession. NO. there would be penalties. Why is this so different??

Reply #128726 | Report this post

Years ago

Why dont you people leave carlo alone. He made a mistake why dont you all just move on. Some of you people are ridiculous!

Reply #128727 | Report this post

Years ago


Looked like he knew exactly what he was doing and obviously doesnt care about what he did. i think your going abit too easy on him here!!

Reply #128728 | Report this post

Years ago

He was just trying to get his team experience for classics. MELHOOPS probably posted this so he could cover up his loss to carlo's norwood team

Reply #128729 | Report this post

Years ago

well my team pissed all over your tean melhoops... so go back 2 vic and dont come back... unless u want 2 get your arse handed to you again. and for the record i dont play for noorwood.

Reply #128745 | Report this post

Years ago

(#128745) knucklehead, u lost to Dandy GEESH!

Reply #128748 | Report this post

Years ago

If this change was made to give Norwood team experience then why in January did they play the Eltham side when Dandy, Melb Tigers and Sturt all played the Dandy side.

Reply #128749 | Report this post

Years ago

What's apparent is the inferiority complex of some south australian sportsmen who have to take short cuts to achieve mediocrity.
Wrong was done, apologise for it, call it what it was , 'cheating' and move on.
This back and forth banter just compounds the issue and promotes more embarassment for the majority of SA players. I doubt any one from Norwood is going to put their hand up so lets kill this thread.

Reply #128751 | Report this post

Years ago

but it wasnt cheating

Reply #128753 | Report this post

Years ago

In the great words of Roy....."NOWARD CHEATED!!!"

Reply #128756 | Report this post

Years ago

who is Roy???

Reply #128758 | Report this post

Years ago

The great Roy speaks......

Reply #128768 | Report this post

Years ago

Roy is a mysterious person who attended both games.

He sees all, he hears all and he tells all!!!

Reply #128812 | Report this post

Years ago


ROY still says



Reply #128813 | Report this post

Years ago

Im I right in understanding that a Victorian team is complaining because they thought they would come over here and flog a team straight up, 1st game?

Are they actually complaining because they had a tough game straight up? What ever happened to wanting to play tougher opponents, or is that just a silly little SA thing? Do you really need the silverware that bad?

Were is "Victorian" our wise scribe from the east who loves to tell us how poor the state of hoops is in SA & loves to tell us how much we "cry" about things? Yeah, like my daughters team has NEVER gone to Victoria and suffered at the hands of some very suspect happenings in your great carnivals.

MELHOOPS, take a good hard look at your postings on this thread and go back to Victoria and plan a thrashing of one of SA's lower ranked teams to make you feel better. Your not going to come back? FANTASTIC!

Did you really think you would get any support on here? Get your hanky out!

Reply #128877 | Report this post

Years ago

#877. They get support from all fair minded people. Your post is why most of us cringe, how about acknowldging that two wrongs dont make a right and that if Vics cheat they deserve the same distain that norwood has brought on itself and unfortunately on all SA basketballers. The issue is simple , switching teams is taboo and cheating unless done thru the admin in advance of competition and all teams notified of the said change. Norwoods reputation has not been enhanced and no Norwood official to my knowledge has denied the event or apologised for them. I cant see forestville or sturt allowing a sham like this to develop
into the dogfight this has.

Reply #128880 | Report this post

Years ago

Why is it that you can't face the fact of what Norwood did is it that hard to see that a club from your own state cheated, or do you have to make your self feel better and blame it on the victorian side. Seriously take a long hard look at your self and see who is really in the wrong here. Cheating is becoming a too bigger thing in sport world wide, and to let this one slide is jus morally wrong

Reply #128881 | Report this post

Years ago

Alot of people are fishing for someone from norwood to comment on some of the ridiculous accusations. I dont think you will get a bite. Norwood people are far more mentally tougher than that!

Reply #128890 | Report this post

Years ago

"I cant see forestville or sturt allowing a sham like this to develop
into the dogfight this has."

Thats because they are unable to run their own tournament. Norwood is out there putting on one of if not the premier tournament in SA. This little episode aside, it was once again a great effort by every Norwood offical involved.

Reply #128896 | Report this post

Norwood Fan  
Years ago

Technically, Norwood did not cheat...they attempted to change pools, which did not happen in the end - no harm was done as they ended up playing in the pool which they were first assigned. So at no stage did they actually get to change pools which would have been classified as "cheating".

What Carlo did was wrong in the spirit of the game, and I'm sure he feels bad for it. But to label the Norwood Basketball Club as cheaters is unfair. Norwood puts on a terrific tournament year in and out and it takes months of preparation from many volunteers to get it up and running.

Please do not let the misguided actions of one coach tarnish the name of the entire club. If you let an incident like this cause you to not come back to the Easter Classic, then you are a very petty person and you will be missing out on a great experience for the kids - which is what the sport is all about.

Reply #128908 | Report this post

Years ago

Norwood Fan - while we're speaking "technically":

"So at no stage did they actually get to change pools which would have been classified as "cheating"."

At NO stage? Well, they actually played a game in the other pool, so technically I'd say at THAT stage they had changed pools. I guess then you believe it is cheating.

And calling potential players/coaches/parents "petty" is not exactly the way I'd advertise the tournament...

Reply #128915 | Report this post

Years ago

Norwood did change pools for the first game of the tournament. so please explain to me how that isnt changing pools. They got caught out and the clubs that played an extra game was put out by this act and was forced to put their plans aside to play an extra game becasue 'someone' wanted to bend the rules to fit their needs and not taking into consideration...other people

Reply #128920 | Report this post

Years ago

SO!!! its ok for norwwod to do that is it booga but for an u12 girls team to play someone through lack of communication u jump down our clubs throat same old same old if its in ur favour ur all for it

MELHOOPS half the people on here r half wits so ur fighting a losing battle

i would like to say the upiring was different not bad but different from what most sa teams r u used to

looking forward to classics

Reply #128953 | Report this post

Years ago

Spadgey baby, you guys play 30 year olds in the U 12 girls and still lose.

Reply #128959 | Report this post

Years ago

Spadge, you're looking forward to Classics??

You are kidding me aren't you?

Reply #128978 | Report this post

In the Know  
Years ago

Spadge, Why are you looking forward to Classics? Surely the mighty Magic will not make any of these grades?

Reply #128980 | Report this post

Years ago

spadge the half wits u mentioned are still a full wit ahead of u. are u looking forward to the classics because u are going fishing some where that weekend?????

Reply #128998 | Report this post

Years ago

melhoops, you say you would of prepared differently if you knew you were playing norwood?? i dont understand!! shouldnt you play the sport to win, know matter who your playing??
People like you are believed to be called "SORE LOSERS".
send me your address and il send you a box of tissues!!!!
go norwood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #129026 | Report this post

Years ago

Melhoops you did the right thing by bring this attempt of switching pools by Carlo to the officials attention. You are not a winger, sook, or anyother derogatory names used in this thread. I think that Carlo should be made to appologise to your Keilor Boys for what he has done to the reputation of the Norwood Classic. An admission of guilt was apparent by the fact that when you approached the officials they conceded the switch and rescheduled the another game. We should all stop whinging, both Norwood and Keilor and get on with Basketball for the kids.

P.S. Roy thinks so too!!

Reply #129041 | Report this post

Graeme LeBroy  
Years ago

Spot on #129041.
Why else would the game against the Norwood 2nds be scheduled if they didn't do anything wrong? Surely the arguement would have been that the Norwood 1sts were entered as Norwood 2 and that is final. Not to organise a totally different game to try and cover it up. Ordinary form by the Norwood club and coach to say the least.

Reply #129053 | Report this post

Years ago

I see on sportingpulse that games have been rescheduled for Under 16 Division 2 Boys - Norwood 1 and Norwood 2.

Have they now confused themselves too much that they don't know who they are playing when!!

Reply #129059 | Report this post

Years ago

MELHOOPS because you are a vic we all have this patriotic duty to bag you in a light hearted manner but I would say that some on here have gone a little over the top, they must have mistaken you for a queenslander.
I personally don't care about half the gripes in your first post but I do care (and I think that many posters do) that the spirit of the game and competition is all about fairness and transparency from those in positions of trust or responsibility. I have seen some blatant(?) cheating at Classics to ensure a Melb team won and we all have stories to tell across each border but none of that justifies it occurring or makes it acceptable.
Bottom line - it was wrong and the Norwood Club ultimately are responsible for the event that occurred and hopefully by now you have received a written apology from them to put this bed.

Reply #129062 | Report this post

Years ago


I have been reading and watching and laughing again. This shemozal would not have happened in our fair state.

With due respect to norwood (none) if forestville or sturt had been running this event this would not have happened. I seem to remember previous incidents that have occurred in the past with this particular group of norwood kids at younger age levels.

They deserved to finish where they finished. They have tarnished the spirit of the game.

We look forward to going to horsham next easter and playing our light blue and red and black cousins from your fair city. The motels are booked. The easter bunny has been instructed where to drop his eggs.

Perhaps the green and gold, red,black and yellow and the blue and gold from the east will be there to greet them.

Norwood carnival R I P

Reply #129068 | Report this post

Years ago

What the hell happened at this tournament ? Reading this I am chocking on my bananas and easter eggs.

We are talking about kids sport are we not.

Shame on you norwood, the spirit of the game and the values we try to instill in our youth have been questioned. That means you as a club (not a coach) have tarnished the reputation of our wonderful sport.

Shame - shame - shame

Reply #129069 | Report this post

Years ago

booga you are one of those half wits and u prove it time and time again your either for or against cheating its simple not for it when its good for you and against it when it happens to you norwood cheated and nothing was done but no one here is suprised that a club cheated in a carnival for thier club it just that i happen to a victorian so it seems to be ok you would be the first to cry if it was on the other shoe and yes i am looking forward to classics

Reply #129076 | Report this post

Years ago

spadge how did your club fair at the carnival as it would have bee the first time in club history u would of competed in any carnival with out cheating! in the past u have made finals by cheating even winning some so please up date us

Reply #129115 | Report this post

Years ago

I am keen to learn more about the Horsham carnival anyway

Reply #129119 | Report this post

SA observer  
Years ago

No doubt Carlo must be a reasonable coach to have the responsibility of the Norwood 1 side. Maybe some free advice Carlo "Work on gaining respect from your peers...leave the magic tricks to other clowns!!" And further advice to the Norwood organizers ... a simple apology for the mistakes of others (Carlo) would have gone a lot further by the sounds of things and may have stopped a lot of this senseless banter on this site, rather than what appears to be 'lip service'payed to the Keilor side. Melhoops, I can understand your frustrations from what I read. Your thread has had its desired effect by informing everyone the tactics some people will use to gain advantages outside the boundaries of 'fair play' and 'spirit of the game'.

Let this be a lesson for all host teams and organizers. It's difficult to penalize a team for the actions of individuals, however, it does damage the credibility of those individuals. As hosts, the organizes have a duty to apologize or they too potentially tarnish their credibility.

In closing, a great tounament. Congratulations to both Dandenong and Sturt for an entertaining final.

Reply #129120 | Report this post

Years ago

you are an absoloute fool. Do you feel tough now that you told MELHOOPS to go home with some tissues? really mate get your hand off it and wake up to reality, nobody on this forum values you idiotic opinion. from what i have read, you will obviously follow your own posting pattern and reply to my comment by telling me to buy some tissues or you will no doubt attack me in some way, but do you really think im worried. At the end of the day, eveyrbody in this fair country knows that Victoria is the strongest state when it comes to basketball and if you brought your Norwood team down to play a few VC mathces you would wet your pants and get on the first plane back to S.A .

Reply #129126 | Report this post

Years ago

60 teams at Norwood , maybe 3 good ones and thats why they'd do anything for a win.

Reply #129134 | Report this post

Years ago

we had 12 boys A grade and 14 girls A grade both missed out on a gf but played pretty good

how did ur club go which is it again woodville? norwood? or centrals? i cant remember you club slut

Reply #129185 | Report this post

Years ago

Good one Spadge well said, this Booga bloke needs a good punch in the fucken head.

Reply #129213 | Report this post

Years ago

your 14 girls missed out on gf by not winning a game!!!

Reply #129252 | Report this post

Years ago

spacejam..... most people know where to find me

Reply #129253 | Report this post

Years ago

(#129115) Well-said booga. Spadge don't throw stones at people with all the crap going on in your back yard you can't afford to. (#129213) You would not be man enough to do it. You are both showing your lack of maturity. Give each other another kiss and go back to bed.

Reply #129257 | Report this post

Years ago

Victorian, is it true? You wont be back?

I hope that goes for posting on this forum as well!

Booga, keep fighting the good fight, dont give up on the social club, keep on at em.

Spadge, the only comment you should be making about cheating is admitting that your social club has been caught with their hand in the cookie jar far to many times in the past.

Reply #129630 | Report this post

Years ago

wow, i love reading posts like this, as i have no bias or concern abotu protecting my club etc..

so, i shall give me thoughts..

Norwood CHEATED!

Norwood CHEATED!

Norwood CHEATED!

Reply #129682 | Report this post

Years ago

ok the funny thing is that this keilor clown came over expecting to kill a norwood div 2 team and then when he was beaten decided to complain what do you have to say to that MELHOOPS?

Reply #129770 | Report this post

Big Kahuna  
Years ago


Reply #129772 | Report this post

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