Years ago

Farley's Dunk

How good was it!!!! I'll have to check out the news tomorrow or NBL wrap on Thurs for a replay. It's worth seeing for those who weren't at the game. I think Melvin's still got "molten" imprinted on his forehead.

Topic #1071 | Report this topic

Years ago

Hit me with some details Rat as I'm not likely to ever see it. How you going by the way?

Reply #11856 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey I know people that know people that get a copy of tape of the game from the club. If I can get my hands on it and they happened to get the dunk, i will put some footage up somewhere on the net for all to enjoy.

I first thought he was going to just lay it in but to see him jam it down on Melvin was gold, and the reaction by the crowd and himself was golder (if that is a word).

Reply #11859 | Report this post

Years ago

Billo, Farley got on the break. Melvin Thomas contested his attempt but Willie threw it down in his face. Best moment of the season to date, and the reaction from the crowd was also the moment of the year (beating Reesy's three last week).

Reply #11860 | Report this post

Years ago

Farley caught the ball on the fast break on the right hand side of the court (viewing the game from the Apollo Restaurant end) and only had Melvin Thomas in front of him.

As Farley accelerated the crowd started to urge him on as if they knew what was about to come. And then Farley took two steps, Melvin jumped and seriously attempted to block the shot, but Farley elevated above him, cocked the ball back and crammed it one handed right in poor Melvin's face. Melvin looked stunned, the crowd was sent into a frenzy and Farley was waving his arms about feeding off the crowd. And all Guy Molloy could do was call for time while the crowd was still standing in appreciation.

It was definitely one of the best dunks I have ever seen in Adelaide because it was an absolute facial. It was comparable to Farley's dunk on Ben Thompson in 2001, except this dunk was more in Melvin's face and more vicious. I still like Catallini's dunk on Helliwell a couple of seasons back - I don't know if you saw it? - I'm not sure if it was better than Farley's but Cat's dunk was out of the blue and he then served it up to Geri after he facialised him - Farley's dunk -you could see it about to happen which made it different.

I hope that describes it ok for you. I'm going ok - about to embark on my CA next year. I had a chat to your dad at my bro's wedding - he said you'd be missing the Sixers. You coming back anytime soon?

Reply #11862 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice one, when you started to describe it I immediately thought of that dunk on Thompson all those years ago, wasn't that his first basket at the powerhouse? Ahhh, the memories.

Didn't catch Cat on Helliwell, sounds good though. One of my faves was Trimmingham on Zeghetti (spelling), that came out of nowhere, no run up, just a little half step, the big cockback then the explosion.

Good luck with the CA, it's not as bad as all that, don't believe that 15 hours a week crap they tell you, if you work smart and not hard you can do it with 5-6.

Probably not back for another year or so, depends on a few factors.

PLayed a bit of street ball last weekend, had this Icelandic guy on my team who was a gun and used to play juniors with Jon Stefansson who signed with the Spurs last year. Well anyway, he broke his Scottish defender down bigtime and took it to the rack with the nice finish so I chimed in with a cheeky "Welcome to Iceland beeyatchhhhh". Alright.

Have a good one.

Reply #11871 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm pressuming this is the DUNK? If not it looks like it was something huge as well.

The photographs taken by Yvonne Milbank at 36ERS Home Games, which appear on the Photo Gallery can be purchased from the Club

Reply #11875 | Report this post

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

That is the one DJ, a split second later and it is hello Melvin welcome to the poster.

Hope she took so more pics of it!!!

Willie said upstairs after the game he was not sure what he was going to do but noticed that Mel took off on his right foot and from there he new he was in trouble.....Willie explained how big guys normally jump off their left foot to get max hops.....must admit i have never noticed that before.

Biggest dunk i have seen at the dome bigger than Cortez Groves catch off a Lowery lob a few years back.......it was very nice.

Reply #11876 | Report this post

Years ago

Left us on the media bench just shaking our heads afterwards...one of the more amazing dunks I've seen in the NBL. And how pumped was Willie when Molloy called the timeout!!!!

Just hope the game tape captured it.

Reply #11879 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't know if I would call myself a big guy but I always take of on my left, does that mean I got some hops? :-)

Pressuming that is the best pic she has of it considering it is the one she has put up on the site.

You've probably all seen this pic before, but it is a personal favourite of mine, probably cause I have a massive poster of it in my lounge room :-)

Reply #11882 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we download a clip of his dunk by chance?

Reply #11920 | Report this post

Take Luck  
Years ago

Saw it on sports tonight, it was massive! That molten inprint will stay there for a while, thats for sure

Reply #11927 | Report this post

Years ago

heaps of people are saying its the best dunk?? anyone agree??

Reply #11931 | Report this post

Years ago

was getting f*%#in nachos ahhhhh. Was standing inline and the whole crowd just went nuts.... what ever happened to the big screen that used 2 be at the dome? Would have been great for the poor people getting nachos!

Reply #11953 | Report this post

Years ago

Ummmmm.... those had better have been some damn good nachos. Good to see Willy throwing it down with some power. Takes me back to the Trimmingham days, who by the way is still the sixers (maybe NBL's) best ever dunker.
Saw Willy at the Bay on Sunday. He was looking very happy with himself.

Reply #11959 | Report this post

Years ago

What ever happened to that Brett Rainbow dude from Melbourne Tigers? Jeez he could throw it down for a short white boy...

Reply #11962 | Report this post

Raab Himself  
Years ago

As for which foot you take off from for max hops... it comes down to your prefered side (ie, right handers jump off left and vice versa).

Also, there are many people who get maximum elevation off a 2 foot plant.

I believe Melvin is a left hander therefore, maximum elevation from his right foot.

Reply #11974 | Report this post

Years ago

Best Damn dunk (on so many levels)ive ever seen at the powerdome. Damn straight!

Being a part of the celebrations of appreciation for it was also one of the highlights of all the regular seasons games ive ever attended. One of those moment you just won't forget.

the levels on which I base my comments:

1. We had a point to prove against the 'pans.
2. We were looking hot
3. Farley was definately back to his best even BEFORE this dunk
4. Melvin wasn't 'done' for violence the other day for their previous game.
5. Farley was virtually looking at Melvin in the eyes while he dunked the leather on his face
6. The crowd reaction
7. Farleys reaction
8. The teams reaction
9. Molloys reaction (i.e time out)


Reply #11984 | Report this post

Years ago

The only time there has been a big screen at The Dome is for finals games when Fox are there. Never seen one in 7 years for a regular season game.

Reply #12009 | Report this post

Years ago

I would of thought that Clipsal would of put one in when they were sponsoring the stadium...

Reply #12031 | Report this post

Years ago

The Razorbacks had a huge screen at their last televised game, looked good and took up more room than the crowd that was there.

Seriously though how much is a projector these days $2000? they tape the game, ok it wouldnt be the best quality although so far the game tapes highlights they have shown on Fox NBL wrap have been pretty decent.

Problem is you would need someone to be editing the highlights to show, unless you just sowed a direct feed in a 15 second delay or something?

Reply #12063 | Report this post

Years ago

My thinking recently has been direct feed, 10 second delay, via projector to a screen wherever appropriate -- either beside the current foul/score board over the main entrance, or over the front of the Apollo Restaurant even?

To buy a plasma screen would be incredibly expensive, but you can have a projector and 100" screen for under $2000 (great for playing FIFA on Xbox!).

There would have to be a spot in the rafters where you could mount a projector. The Sixers already have one (mine cost $1500 and has been used in similar lighting conditions (quiz night) and was fine).

As well as the direct feed, you would run promos on it all the time. I've asked people whether they've heard about the Sixers' upcoming Pool Night (mentioned only by mic on game nights) and no one's known anything about it (nothing sent out via newsletter or posted as news on their site); actually, if Oscar hadn't mentioned it the other day, I wouldn't have listened in and heard it myself.

People would be far more receptive to visual promos than audio alone.

We have previously built a glorified Powerpoint replacement prototype for a government client using Flash, and driven by XML (easy to update each week) -- something like that would be ideal in this situation.

At the last game, there was a second camera filming courtside and shooting footage of the crowd -- hook that up!

Reply #12066 | Report this post

Snoopa Loop  
Years ago

Good idea, it will also allow us to replay certain umpires decisions and BOO them even more!!!

Reply #12073 | Report this post

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