Years ago

Increase Vertical Jump

I'm 16 and I can almost touch the ring. But I'd love to be able to dunk one day. Has anyone successfully completed any programs or done excercises that showed real results?

Does anyone know the basics behind a good vertical jump. Will strengthening my legs make me jump higher?

Thank you in advance.

ps. Sorry, I didn't know where to post this.

Topic #10692 | Report this topic

Years ago

Skipping is fantastic and hack squats are supposed to be good, goto goodle and search increased jump height, theres some info around for free.

Reply #123753 | Report this post

Years ago

Here you go mate. Skipping, Calve raises, power cleans and leg press are all good.

And continue to try and dunk, start with a golf ball, then tennis ball and then size 5 before moving to a full size.

You should be dunking between the ages of 16-18.

The Program

STEP 1: Begin every workout by warming up your muscles and then doing extensive leg stretches. Because you'll be building muscle fibers that are used for explosive activities such as jumping, stretching is of the utmost importance.
STEP 2: Jump rope for its excellent cardiovascular conditioning. This step should never be skipped, as it will be an important contributor to your results.
STEP 3: Sprint. This builds muscle, which will add to your jumping ability.
STEP 4: Run stairs on your toes. Start by running up a flight, one step at a time. Walk down and run back up, taking two steps at a time. Repeat as many times as you can manage.
STEP 5: Do sets of elevated jumps (see the next section). STEP 6: Do sets of explosive jumps (see the third section). STEP 7: Do sets of double jumps (see the third section). STEP 8: Rest your legs at least two days a week. Results will come from sustaining the exercise program, not performing it aggressively for a few weeks and then slacking off.

Elevated Jumps
STEP 1: Begin by placing a step bench or platform on the ground (many health clubs have a platform for just this purpose).
STEP 2: Stand on the platform, then jump backward onto the ground, concentrating on landing softly.
STEP 3: Jump back onto the platform immediately, with a bouncing motion.
STEP 4: Complete three sets of 10 repetitions. Be very careful when performing this exercise, as there is a potential for injury.

Explosive Leg Jumps and Double Jumps
STEP 1: Position yourself for an explosive leg jump by facing a secure platform and placing your right foot on it.
STEP 2: Jump as high as you can, concentrating on exploding off the right leg. Scissor your legs once in the air, then land with your left foot on the platform and your right foot on the floor. Gather yourself and explode upward again, this time off the left foot.
STEP 3: Do three sets of 10 repetitions, resting for about 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets.
STEP 4: Execute a double jump by jumping as high as possible with both feet from a stationary position.
STEP 5: Jump again immediately upon landing, using less effort.
STEP 6: Repeat until you've accomplished three sets of 10 jumps each.

Overall Tips & Warnings
Some of these exercises, particularly stair runs and explosive leg jumps, can cause injury if not performed properly. Your knees, in particular, are especially susceptible.

Reply #123758 | Report this post

Years ago

Try a Pogo stick.

Reply #123846 | Report this post

Years ago

Most sprinter drills help. Look up plyometrics on the web as well.

Reply #123853 | Report this post

Years ago

Lose weight if you are a fattie...

Reply #123875 | Report this post

Years ago

theres no new thing its just losts of stretching, skipping, jumping and weights for those muscles also do forget about core muscles the a really important for jumping

Reply #123878 | Report this post

Years ago

eat lots of baked beans & cabbage.

Reply #123894 | Report this post

Years ago

Spadge weights are not required for improvement in jumping. In some cases it can be detrimental. Plyometric exercises are the best. Do some reading on the subject before you offer advice.

Reply #123923 | Report this post

Years ago


I would argue that weights if done correctly are a very important part of increasing a vertical. Although by his response I too would say a little reading would not go astray. Maybe you too should look into it. A little knowledge can be dangerous mate.

Let me give you something to think about... Vertical jump height will be a function of leg power (although it is not a direct measure of it). Which group of athletes generally have the highest leg power? Think carefully now. This *may* lead to some training tips.

Reply #123929 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #123932 | Report this post

Years ago

ITA as with Spadge you should look into this subject more. Weights do little to help in jumping. The rate that muscles stretch and contract is the secret. Read about it and you will find that if you do the right exercises that stretch and contract the muscles quickly you will get better elevation. As said before read about plyometrics and you might get your eyes opened to why some people can jump high and some cant.

Reply #123952 | Report this post

Years ago

(#123952) - Laughable that you think I need to look into it more. Work out who I am from previous posts.

I do not have time to go into detail here on increasing vertical, plus I will not write a generic program as this is highly individual, and many factors come into play. I suggest finding someone who knows what they are talking about, maybe an exercise physiologist or the like to help you. You can not just write a one program fits all for best results.

Please read some material from a reputable source rather than the internet. Read some basic physiology text and biochemical books to give you a base while you are at it. Then some training recommendations from a reputable source.

To keep it basic for you, you need to increase power (predominantly leg, but arm swing accounts for up to 10 % of your jump, so should not be ignored.) to increase your vertical.

You can train for power through lifting weights. #123932 was correct 5 gold stars to you.

I am well aware of the Stretch-Shorten Cycle and its use in training (you refer to as plyometric, not to be
confused with the term "pliometric"). Yes this can be effective for increasing vertical if it is done correctly and at appropriate times.

There is a lot of research between power development and load to find the "optimal load" for increasing power and jump. I suggest you read some. Look at lifting velocity as well. If you still have time look into complex training (using postactivation potentiation) as well (This is why some sprinters do heavy squats immediately before a sprint). Look at training models as well, you cannot just continue one program forever. Good luck.

Whoever is filling your head with rubbish re weightlifting not improving jump performance needs to rephrase their wording, or get a better understanding.

This is a question I am often asked, and as stated I treat it on a case by case basis. You need a good foundation and basic athlete before you start working around the edges with more complex training methods. As any non-athlete will get large gains quickly from a basic program. Learn to walk before you run son.

Reply #123979 | Report this post

Years ago

ITA would love to oick ur brain on this subject i coach u16 boys and all are wanting jump programs

Reply #124252 | Report this post

Years ago

Mr hotshot ITA maybe you should look up how to spell plyometrics before you run down its benefits. A lot of commercial jump programs use this method and have great success. Weights can be used but not in younger children and what I meant by weights can be detrimental is that some people go to excesses. Your snide remark that I should look up a more reliable source than the internet again shows your lack of tact. I said people should look up plyometrics on the internet as not all have the books at hand. Don't come on here bagging good sound advise and push your own barrow.

Reply #124272 | Report this post

the ME gen  
Years ago

ITA; I recon it the 2nd or 3rd time you have said and I quote "Work out who I am from previous posts"

I have read most of your stuff and have not got a clue, because there aint any.
Got any more cluse for us?

Reply #124331 | Report this post

Years ago

124272 I would like to know where I made this spelling error... "pliometric" is the antonym of "miometric" and is another term used, I said it should not be confused. Clearly you have.

I never ran down benefits of the SSC, in my initial post I stated "I would argue that weights if done correctly are a very important part of increasing a vertical" as a previous statement was "weights are not required for improvement in jumping. In some cases it can be detrimental". I believe they can play a very important role for a number of reasons. Note also I stated "Yes this can be effective for increasing vertical if it is done correctly and at appropriate times" referring to plyometrics.

My remark re Internet I still stand by. I have assessed some of these programs from a physiological standpoint and their fundamental principles of training, and there are a lot out there which would be inefficient, and others that are simply unsafe. Use a reputable source, which was and still is my advice. There are some institutions on the web that are reputable, but keep in mind anyone can post anything on the web without it needing editing or review (see this site for example). I could make up my own site now that says you will jump higher if you simply don't brush your teeth, this would stay on the internet, and the sad thing is someone, somewhere would believe it.

I am not pushing any barrow, just giving advice, I never asked anyone to come to me for help, just made a passing comment on your lack of understanding. If you view that as "snide" so be it.

Why can't weights be used in younger children (ok how young are you talking? I would not put a dumbbell in a 3 yo hands, but under 16s no problem) - common misconception. If done correctly it can be done perfectly safely (I would not recommend doing 1RMs etc, but they can still perform weightlifting), but they will need to be shown properly.

124331, you obviously don't know me then, as I have had a lot of people recognize me and ask... Let it stand at that. But I would rather keep it that way, otherwise I would just post my name, I like to keep people guessing. I do work in this area, without being specific, and coach district ball and 3 other levels of basketball.

Spadge finally I can respond to something other than criticism. You coach under 16 boys, are you the magic guy? I have seen you in a lot of those threads, can't remember which way you were arguing? If so when I am at your stadium I will have a chat.

Reply #124447 | Report this post

Years ago

Ok bottom line... Increase power = jump higher.

This can be done through a number of methods. I'll leave the rest up to you, as I choose not to spend any longer typing in this thread. I have other work to do.

Reply #124448 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm 5'4 and I've been working on my vertical leap now for Six months. I have a standing vertical leap of 74cms. I've increased it from 63cms, and my two foot take off is 83cms. In all of this time my running one foot take off has not improved from 86cms. I don't know why......what exercises can I do to get the one foot take off up. Ive done heaps of work, and its really annoying.

Reply #131733 | Report this post

Melbourne man  
Years ago

Jumpman, Spadge, ITA and Kobe24

The exercise you can do to improve it is simple - place your hand on your penal gland and .........

Get a life ...boy the things I would do if I lived in SA

Reply #131744 | Report this post

Magic Man  
Years ago

i've heard good things about the Vertical Bible, which is a serious of exercises to strengthen the legs.

Reply #131752 | Report this post

Trajko Dangov  
Years ago

Here are some effective exercises.

Squat jumps - what you basically do is jump as high as you can and then after you touch the ground squat for 2-3 seconds and immediately jump again. this completes one rep. do 10 reps to complete a set and 2 sets to finish the day.

rest for a minute between sets.

(if that's too easy you can try 20 reps)

Depth jumps - find a stable box, or get on a bench and jump off of it, then as you hit the ground immediately blast off as high as you can. the reps and sets are the same as the previous exercise.

jump rope - you can't forget about the jump rope. try jumping with the left and right leg and then with both legs.

On my website I have a several pages specially for increasing the veritcal leap so feel free to check out them. it's all (Mod: Spam)

Reply #176725 | Report this post

Years ago

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