Over the Hill
Years ago

Eastern attempt to illegally poach reqd players

Rumour has Eastern through connections with the state program and the academy have illegally approached a 3rd player in as many months.

After being rebuffed by Gerlach he has now attempted to land more Tiger cubs in what can only be described as a conflict of interest.

How do other clubs feel? Entrusting their top juniors to state / academy when this is going to happen. Id be very interested to hear some feedback from others.

Should these academy coaches be separate from local clubs?

These activities have been reported to BSA - cant wait to see what comes out of this.

Constructive comments pls

Topic #10657 | Report this topic

Hangin Round  
Years ago

They have applied for name change to "Eastern Outlaws"
If this is happening, BSA need to show some force and penalise

Reply #123230 | Report this post

Years ago

Looking at the tigers ill presume its a guard that is leaving and i would talk carefully with the use of the word Poach. if it is a guard i wouldnt be surprised if the player approached the coach because from what i hear Southern Coaches have been promising a lot of BS and not following through with promises. And with 5 guards down there getting promised all the same things, its no wonder a player is leaving.

Reply #123237 | Report this post

Years ago

Any player can ask anyone anytime if they would like them at their club as a player, then its up to that club to let the player's club know. if you aren't getting the opportunity regularly or enough, why hang around gathering dust and butt sores?

Reply #123238 | Report this post

The Herald  
Years ago

No promises down there mate.

New coach = New rules

Reply #123239 | Report this post

Years ago

So promising Gerlach, Clark, Goodenough, Braithwaite all starting spots plus telling Brown and Boal they will get an opportunity to start isnt BS???

Reply #123242 | Report this post

Over the Hill  
Years ago

Well Anonymous thank you for your insight. Fact is this has occurred and has been raised with the BSA. Regardless of who approaches who there are proper channels with regards to required players and I would have thought most teams would have done there recruiting last year not in March, 2 weeks before the season starts.

The point was though is there a conflict of interest?

And further to that I think you'll find most ABL squads have at least 5 guards - its up to the individuals involved to earn there own court time.

More comments pls

Reply #123244 | Report this post

Years ago

I think there are two issues here:

1. Who approached who. Chances are that if the Southern players referred to are looking for another club then Eastern (no Madgen and maybe hill?) would be the logical team given that the other closer clubs (Sturt, South) have heaps of guards and are probably pretty settled.

2. The second issue is - assuming we are talking about academy players - would those players have approached Eastern (if that is the way it went) if Richard had not coached the academy. This raises an interesting question - should Richard Hill be made to choose between academy and Eastern. Given that Brooks and Ninnis had to leave their posts maybe Hill should too (even though he was the assistant - mind you he was still extremely involved in the academy program).

My thoughts are that getting coaches to put the time in that Richard did with the academy (for very little reward) is difficult enough without having to say "only if you quit your other coaching role". I think when he was appointed he was doubtful to continue at Eastern anyway?

Anyway - is the academy going to run again anyway?

Reply #123246 | Report this post

Years ago

New Coach New Rules Same Club Same Bullshit!

Reply #123247 | Report this post

Years ago

Ask magic how they get away with it......

Reply #123249 | Report this post

Years ago

I want to here Spadge's take on this ... me thinks silence will be the order of the day

Reply #123251 | Report this post

Years ago

Is there a club in existence that doesn't try to get new players from anywhere? end of story!

Reply #123254 | Report this post

We talking juniors or seniors?

For the benefit of this discussion (not going to mention the coaches/people involved because they are good people - everyone makes poor judgement calls)

Last week I had an ABL coach (who has nothing to do with juniors) sms and speak to a 14 yr old kid (the kid's mobile and NOT his parents) at my club with discussions of college scholarships and the told the kid that ALL their coaches were state coaches (untrue, they dont have any at all). What is going on with poaching? Rules need to put in place to stop this. Eastern was not the club that engaged in this misjudgement.

This same kid has been approached by 3 clubs. With unofficial approaches (from parents) by at least 1 other club. I reckon the kid involved needs an agent now.

Reply #123255 | Report this post

Years ago

At least Eastern have a solid link between their junior and senior programs now...

Reply #123260 | Report this post

Years ago

Any names available of the so called alleged players contacted.

Reply #123261 | Report this post

Years ago

This is no different for west getting lightning players cause west coach is the lightning coach also

Reply #123262 | Report this post

Years ago

There is a big difference.

West has not broken any rules and Eastern apparently has.

Funny how Eastern were screaming blue murder when Mottram ended up at Forestville. Interesting to see what happens when the shoe is on the other foot.

This attitude towards recruiting is obviously a club philosophy. Here's hopeing that BSA finally put their foot down and stop this thing by denying the move and fining Eastern.

Reply #123263 | Report this post

Years ago


It probably is a bit different to that. Here we are talking about players that may be looking for more court time, or a club looking to give players an opportunity they may not have had at their current club.

Wrt the Lightning players i dont think court time would be an issue for the decision of which club they play at! But it again raises the question - should we require quality coaches like Gilles, Wong and Hill to only give their talents to the select few that are good enough to be in the Lightning or Academy - I think not. What if Breheny turned around and said he wanted to coach and ABL club and would have Copeland, Davidson and Horvath play there. I think the benefits of him coaching in the local league and the chance for the other younger players at that club to learn from him would far outweigh any potential "conflicts" with him being involved with the sixers.

Reply #123265 | Report this post

Years ago


But there is still a procedure that needs to be followed. At both junior and senior level Eastern have shown that htey are unwilling to follow this procedure. This must result from a club president either directing this happening, or them allowing it to happen.

Reply #123268 | Report this post

SA Great  
Years ago

Maybe clubs should be able to approach other players.
It will teach clubs to look after their players.

I am not sure what the rules are, but I think that it will be a good thing to allow clubs to poach players.

Everyone complains about clubs like Sturt poaching players.
If that is the case, then there must be some dis-satisfied players at Sturt. Maybe those whinging clubs should approach those players if they are not happy.

It would make it more interesting if there could be open trade mongst the clubs and players.

Reply #123270 | Report this post

Years ago

"It will teach clubs to look after their players.

I am not sure what the rules are, but I think that it will be a good thing to allow clubs to poach players.

Everyone complains about clubs like Sturt poaching players.
If that is the case, then there must be some dis-satisfied players at Sturt.\"

No it is not good that clubs are allowed to poach players. For instance my daughter was approached a season ago to player for Southern tigers U14Div1 team and guaranteed a place. Now, thank goodness we said no, we see that the person who instigated this, has moved to Sturt and taken another player with him ( who personally is not Div 1 potential) and is coaching a Div 2 position (apparently soon to take over U14 Div 1 next season). Where would this have left my daughter had she left her club? I am glad I made the right decision and put faith in her club.

Reply #123276 | Report this post

The Herald  
Years ago

Yeah open trading sounds great, im sure its inspirational for juniors growing up in the club environment that loyalty and commitment mean nothing.

Are these the life lessons we wish to teach juniors, if you dont get your own way after the club puts years of peoples time and effort into your development you can just pack up and leave?

The club has got these guys to the point where they can play ABA, many, sorry most, dont even come close to having that opportunity. Where is the return?

If Eastern have no future does that give them the right to poach anothers? If Southern were informed of the intent then maybe they would have a chance to speak to the players involved instead of finding out they have had someone in their ear for weeks.

Its not always easy to come to the coach and talk about where your at and where you think you should be, particularly if you have been away from the team and playing State or training with the Academy.

Something stinks here and its coming from the hills.

Reply #123278 | Report this post

Years ago


Let them coach there club teams and remove them from coaching State and Academy teams.

Reply #123280 | Report this post

Years ago

whats new its been happening since state was around it happens with the boomers play for Brian Goorjian get a gig in the boomers

we dont poach players they have been approaching us

thats my last post inrgards to magic in this thread coz i'm not getting into a magic bash

something needs to be done about state coaches maybe not poaching but persuading players to come to thier clubs it not right

Reply #123286 | Report this post

jimmy de bas  
Years ago

I think some of the younger players running around in the ABL need to get over themselves and bide their time on the bench. I'm sure all the current ABL stars had to wait in line when they were 18, 19 year olds. Work hard at training, show some patience and loyalty, and I'm sure the coaches will eventually reward you. Just look at Braithwaite for the Tigers last year... he had sat on the bench for the previous two seasons, a few injuries worked in his favour and he found himself on the starting 5 and tearing up. Just wait for the older players to break down, it's that simple folks.

Reply #123291 | Report this post

Years ago

"illegally approached a 3rd player in as many months"

Please enlightened me about the meaning of this and what are the rules?

Reply #123294 | Report this post

Years ago

who is the third player we are talking about - I'm sure there is more than 3

Reply #123300 | Report this post

Years ago

Well if you narrow it down to Southern guards who were in State or the academy (as suggested in the original post) it is between Boal, Gerlach, Braithewaite and Brown. Not too hard really.

Reply #123303 | Report this post

Richard Hill  
Years ago

In response to the claim "illegally poaching" players I feel compelled to respond with some facts rather than speculation.
As an academy and state coach I have worked very closely with many very talented players. Over a period of close to six months, I along with KB have put in as many as 20 hours per week conducting team and individual sessions for these aspiring players. (for zero remuneration)
Yes we do have the opportunity to develop close relationships with many of these players, and in some instances players have sought advice in regard to their playing environment. To suggest that I have used this privelege to secure players for my club is an insult to my integrity and that of the program. Over a number of years I have (other coaches would have also)had contact from players seeking a change of environment, in all instances I have suggested that the player talk it through with their coach, and in most instances they have remained at their club or we have not had the opportunity for them. That has always been my response and always will be. the only difference is that at this time my club does not have a deep roster and is keen to add players.
My responsibility as coach is to ensure the competitive future of our ABL team and I will continue to opperate within the guidlines set out by BSA and more importantly my personal standards to ensure we are competitve and provide a program where young men can fulfill their potential. If someone has any issues they wish to discuss feel free to call me, one of your young players will have my number and whilst getting it from them ask them if I have tried to recruit them, you'll be dissappointed with their response.

Reply #123304 | Report this post

Years ago

I think it is a bit rich of Southern to complain about poaching when they took so many ABL players and junior girls over the last 2 years. They also went to Victor Harbor and tried to recruit their best U 14 Boys. So typical of the Southern mob to do it to others and then bitch when it happens to them(if it did happen)!

Reply #123309 | Report this post

Years ago

Here! Here! Richard.

There are too many shxt stirrers in SA and too many people with NFI on what it takes to do things day in and day out for no reward, but because you want to help someone.

Maybe as usual, people get the facts from the supposed player(s) before they cast stones as I am sure many do live in glass houses.

I wonder IF this has happened????.....
i) All Clubs competing in Division 1, 2 and Lower Divisions must notify lists of up to seventeen in total (17) Male and (17) Female Players to BASA at least seven (7) days(!!!) before the normal start of the season.

ii) Players included on these lists must be notified (!!!!) by their Club of their inclusion in the List within 7 days (!!!) of notifications being given to
BASA. Failure of a Club to notify Players of their Listing within the required time shall mean that the Player/s are Unlisted (!!!!!)until the procedure is carried out correctly in accordance with this By-law.

and IF a player wants to move...

iii) If a "Listed Player" from a Division 1, or Lower Division Club approaches another Division 1, or Lower Division Club to discuss a transfer, the Club which has been approached must notify the Player's Club within 14(!!!!) days of the first approach being made.

Now go back to your knitting you old women and get the facts!

Reply #123311 | Report this post

Years ago

In Victoria you are not allowed to trial with another Club without letting your original club know. I think it is a letter of permission to train elsewhere. There are fines if this is not adhered to. I am sure it still happens, but lets face it everyone does it, but hates it done to them!

Reply #123312 | Report this post

The Herald  
Years ago

Southern have adhered to the by laws with all approaches this year and previous.

They had the respect and integrity to allow teams the chance to talk to their players before any offical contact was made.

That is not the case in this circumstance.

I fully endorse the job Richard Hill does for basketball in SA. He is knowledgable, committed and passionate about basketball.


Someone in his position would want to dot all the i's and cross all the t's when recruiting or attempting to recruit 3 people from the specialist programs he's involved in.

KB refrained from asking people in the academy to join Woodville when he coached, as did Ninnis with Sturt.

I think its amusing that letters of intent have mysteriously landed on the doorstep of the Southern Club mere hours after this thread was started...? too little too late maybe?

Reply #123324 | Report this post

Years ago

To Quote Richard Hill "Yes we do have the opportunity to develop close relationships with many of these players, and in some instances players have sought advice in regard to their playing environment."

This is exactly the time where a coach given the responsiblity of beig a State and Academy coach needs to act according to the bylaws. As a district coach, you must notify the club in writing and give 14 days before following up with the player.

Richard, you have admitted as much as failing to follow the blaws. For this you should resign either your position as an ABA coach or these positions. This is an obvious gross abuse of position.

Reply #123326 | Report this post

not the place  
Years ago

Isaac , i think in light of the last 5-6 posts this matter should be left for the appropriate people involved to deal with . Not openly on this forum ??

Reply #123328 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldnt have thought that discussing a players playing environment constituted talking to a player about joining your club or any other for that matter.

Reply #123330 | Report this post

Years ago

123328, I'm not following it in detail, but from a brief skim it seems to be fairly reasonable when compared to past, similar topics? At least in this format, those who may be involved have an opportunity to respond - the same is not true of gossip only.

Some quality posts on the possibility of open trading and the like.

Happy to hear other opinions on that though.

Reply #123339 | Report this post

Over Hill Period  
Years ago

Richard, I would be interested to hear your response to why you did not advise the club when young players have discussed there environment with you.

imo - there is a conflict of interest here

I agree players should not be permitted to train with another club and training with another clubs coach is the same thing!!!!

Reply #123353 | Report this post

gutsy call Mr Hill re your comment about recruiting "and you'll be disappointed with their response"

the player has told or telling past team mates and others that he didn't approach you direct or kept at you for a spot on your team and maybe your comment "does not have a deep roster and is keen to add players" was a little silly at the time one feels

Been at him for a while with Country commitments - the academy was a nice disguise

Must be a little desperate "to add players" as he is gone after game 7 on a holiday overseas

I wonder if he too is getting a house up in them Hills  been done before or maybe just a flagon

Reply #123356 | Report this post

Years ago

(#123286) Spadge, NOW your not getting into Magic bashing coz.....

Stop bringing Magic up every time you post!

Reply #123357 | Report this post

Years ago

wolf - please refrain from making this overly speculative.

Reply #123358 | Report this post

Years ago

Still looks like a club philosophy to recruit al the way from U14's and up.

Why should Eastern need to recruit players if there program is so good.

Maybe if they had more teams enter intot he district junior program they wouldn't need Mr Hill to get players from other clubs.

Says so much about Eastern as a club.

Reply #123393 | Report this post

Years ago

of the 40 odd posts here so far, there's been:

2 Isaac posts,
1 Hanging Around attempted joke,
1 JBB hit,
1 Hellboys hit,
1 Spadge
1 Neptuneboy
1 response by Richard Hill

and 33 Annonymous speculative hits.

There's been no facts from these anon's, only speculation. Richard's even come clean and said he's been asked by players about their future and he's directed them back to their own district coaches.

I'd be keen to see how many diff anon's are posting here, whether there's multiple shit stirrer's, or just a few.

Reply #123394 | Report this post

Years ago

or just one, continually trying to push his/her point......

Reply #123399 | Report this post

Ron Burgundy  
Years ago

It's a sorry day when you see those Mavericks people trying to stop people from reporting the news.

It's just like when people try and stop me from playing my jazz Flute.

Come onnnn, this is the news people. If Boti can write it and not have any solid proof to back it up, so can I.

Mr Richard Hill, of the Eastern Magic has admitted that players approach him. And that he currently needs players due to Easterns inability to develop them. And, that letters have not been given to the clubs. If that's not news then "Panther" is the greatest cologne of all time.

Let the news out. Don't stop the news.

I'm Ron Burgandy. You stay classy San Diego.

Reply #123403 | Report this post

Years ago

Can someone explain the required process to me?

Benchie has legitimate dealings with CoachX (e.g., Academy). Discussions regarding how they're progressing, what they want to achieve, etc are natural and happen. At that point, CoachX has not put the suggestion to the player that they could get a better run elsewhere. Benchie hasn't broached it because they're either not interested or don't know whether they'd be wanted.

What's supposed to happen given that scenario? CoachX approaches Benchie's club for permission to broach the topic even though Benchie might not be at all interested? Or Benchie tells his club that he wants to speak with CoachX even though he's not sure whether CoachX wants him there?

Reply #123406 | Report this post

Years ago

Needs to be a balance between the development of the individual and club's being rewarded for the development they put into their juniors. I would suggest that some form of points system be applied to limit the number of transfers. eg. A transfering player is 3 points in first season, 2 in second and one in third. Depending on development requirements BSA could assign a maximum number of points to each club/age group. eg a strong club may have a maximum of 5 points in any side whereas a developing club may be given 10 points.

Reply #123412 | Report this post

Years ago

rewarded for development? don't these kids pay clubs to play and learn?

Reply #123413 | Report this post

Years ago


I think the issue here is not specifically the process, but rather that the position of power and therefoer the responsibility to Basketball SA that a State Coach has.

These posititon are for Basketball SA and should not be used to help in the recruitment of players.

If you look back over the last 10 years. Almost no player from a State program has moved to the club of a State coach. The only one's that I can think of have been agreed upon by both clubs. (ie Todd Mathews from Sturt to Norwood and John Smith from North to Sturt.)

What is suppost to happen?

Well quite simply, the State Coach should tell the players that if they want to approach them they need to call the club. Otherwise they can't talk to them about it as it is a conflict in interest.

The problem is that this now puts a shadow over the coaches dealsing with the team. Did a players get more opportunity so that they would go to the State Coaches club team? Did somebody miss the team becasue the State Coach thought this person might be interested in moving?

And probably more importantly, if you want to make next years State team does it say that given the State Coach has opportunity to play in his club team. Should a player move to his club and expect to make the State team?

None of this is easy to prove. But for all the other clubs this puts Eastern and Richard in a bad light. It would be easier for the coach just to say that it is a conflict in interest and that they need to talk to somebody else.

Reply #123414 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 413 - Find me a club that is running at a profit? It is not a matter of financial rewards. It is rewards for doing all the junior development work, talent identification programs, volunteer hours in extra coaching sesions etc etc. If a club does all this and develops a number of juniors then they need some protection against other clubs taking the easy option and "poaching" all of them.

Reply #123415 | Report this post

Years ago

If it's about the position of power, are those positions giving back enough to warrant the exclusivity? Do those positions get inferior coaches as a result were that to happen?

IMO, if a coach, at the start of a State/Academy season, announced to the players "If you'd like to speak to me about coming to ClubName, please contact your club first" - wouldn't people get fired up over that as essentially advertising it as an option? Employees don't raise the prospect of them leaving before talking to other options - should things fall through, they'll be treated poorly as a result.

I just think that a player broaching the issue with a coach is a natural option. Things come up in chit-chat like that all the time.

As has been said, it has to be a compromise for what's best for the player's development and the club. If one club has a bucket of guards and a few are going to get stuck in line, it's natural for them to try their luck elsewhere.

Reply #123419 | Report this post

Years ago

No body is ever happy on this site. Everyone has been complaining about the quality of State coaches and then when you get a good one, that devotes a lot of free time and effort to State coaching, he gets slandered for so called Poaching. In my opinion Poaching is going out and trying to lure players to swap clubs by offering them incentives. A player talking to a coach about basketball and their development is not Poaching. Richard gave an honest answer to the story and I would believe that over all of the anonymous inuendo so far. It's hard enough to get volunteers without slandering them anonymuosly. If there was anything wrong done, which I very much doubt, then let BSA sort it out

Reply #123423 | Report this post

Years ago

Isn't there already some sort of limit of how many players from other clubs a club can recuit in any one season based on where you finished on the ladder?
Something like top 2: only 1
3-8: Up to 2
Bottom 2: Up to 3
Or was that just proposed and not followed thru?

Reply #123425 | Report this post

Years ago


Again, it is not about the player moving. This happens all the time due to your reasoning. It is the player moving to the club where the coach has the perception of a position of power to recruit the player.

If the same players had been approached by South. With a letter being given, then there is not a problem.

If the same players had approached West and West sent letters, again, there is no problem.

Nobody is saying that they need to broadcast to the players about moving. Rather that if and when a player approaches them, they folow the process to the letter and do the right thing. (Answer with: Sorry but that could be seen as a conflict of interst, if you are looking to move you ned to contact the club a request a letter be sent) Easy solution.

I would argue that for basketball to move forward, the best coaches for these position are those that don't abuse their posititon for personal club gain.

And I think you will find that the clubs will make this decision for BSA when they vote on approving State Coaches next year.

Reply #123429 | Report this post

Years ago

well said.......
"re: Eastern attempt to illegally poach reqd player (#123423)
No body is ever happy on this site. Everyone has been complaining about the quality of State coaches and then when you get a good one, that devotes a lot of free time and effort to State coaching, he gets slandered for so called Poaching."

What would you rather have, a player still playing this game or giving up totally? Oh, thats right, only 1 or 2 clubs are allowed to be powerful and let the competition slip, and lets just totally forget all about the person who matters most... and... that IS the player! At least RH has put his name and forthrightness to his post, unlike the rest of us. RH =1, Rest=0

Reply #123433 | Report this post

Years ago

(#123429) your last two sentences are full of crap, innuendo and imo libleious.

Reply #123434 | Report this post

Years ago

"Poaching is going out and trying to lure players to swap clubs by offering them incentives"

Ahh, so the Eastern junior program have it right at least..

Reply #123435 | Report this post

Years ago

"Oh, thats right, only 1 or 2 clubs are allowed to be powerful and let the competition slip"

Ummm, isn't this accusation coming from Southern?
Hardly a powerhouse of the mens ABA competition in recent times...

Reply #123436 | Report this post

Years ago

Hardly a powerhouse in anything in recent times!

Reply #123445 | Report this post

Years ago

Whatever the case, the first mavs vs tigers clash should be a good one to watch!

Reply #123459 | Report this post

Years ago

What I find interesting is the old arguement of how coaches 'volunteer' their time. Some do, that's true but I see a great number using kids for their own progression in the coaching ranks. They really don't give a shit about the kid but if he helps them win then he wants them. Winning is everything disguised under a thin veil of 'development'. The kids who do get stuck in this regime, if they do go on to make it won't be because of these coaches but in many cases in spite of them. Apologies for a little off topic.

Reply #123467 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't forget your soapbox Izzy...

Reply #123478 | Report this post

Years ago

Lets set the record straight.

Yes I looked at moving,
Yes I contacted Richard Hill and the Mavericks.
I did this because I felt at the time that I would have limited opportunities at southern.

At NO stage did Richard Approach or try to influence me in anyway to join his club.

Not during my time at the academy or at state, he is only focused on getting the best out of everyone he coaches.

Anyone who knows Richard knows he's a person of high integrity and would never abuse his position.

Most people know this, otherwise they would put their names to the above letters.

After talking with a number of my team mates I have decided to stay at Southern and would like to thank Richard and the Mavericks for understanding my decision.


Phil Brown

Reply #123489 | Report this post

Years ago

Love your work phil, that puts this one to bed.

Reply #123492 | Report this post

Years ago

phil brown talking never he's the quietest player on the court not!

Reply #123494 | Report this post

Rotate on this  
Years ago

Well said Phil indeed .

As someone who knows Richard i can envision a lot of kids thinking about moving clubs to play under him .
He is a man of intregrity , a fantastic communicator , and he gives a shit about his players as people off the court .
Basically he is a good bloke and if there were more like him alot more kids would be enjoying their basketball .

Reply #123500 | Report this post

Years ago

So basically Phil has made a fool out of Southern? Bitching on her about poaching, and it didn't happen.

Reply #123505 | Report this post

Years ago

Well said Phil and hope your decision works out for your goals in basketball this season!!

A few people are assessing their options.

Reply #123518 | Report this post

Years ago

Good to see that someone has finally corroborated Richards version of the story. Just goes to show what crap starts to come out of rumors from disgruntled people.

Reply #123548 | Report this post

Years ago

re: Eastern attempt to illegally poach reqd player (#123357)
(#123286) Spadge, NOW your not getting into Magic bashing coz.....

Stop bringing Magic up every time you post!

Anonymous, 09/03/07

i was relpying to post (#123251) so maybe u should read before u type
and try getting a handle or r u worried about having to be accountable for the what u type

if u r willing to post it u should be willing to post a handle loser

Reply #123583 | Report this post

Years ago

(#123357) and the great thing is you keep on biting .

Some of your posts are half intelligent, but as soon as you mention your club, you seem to have a brain fade.

He he, very entertaining though.

Reply #123617 | Report this post

Years ago

spadge a brain fade hahaha. we are all still waiting for him to explain who the jdo is at his little social club. my guess is like him no one will know.
i think other people are still waiting for an answer about coaches passes as well.

Reply #123624 | Report this post

Years ago

Have Eastern put a letter into Southern telling them that Phil had approached them?

Or did this all come out becasue Phil asked to move to Eastern and Southern didn't know about it becasue Eastern hadn't told them about the approach?

And, has this all happened becasue somebody has used their position to better their own club team?

None of this his been explained.

Reply #123637 | Report this post

Years ago

Read up you wanker. Case closed, go learn and read the rules too while you are at it!

Reply #123640 | Report this post

Years ago

I know Richard and I can agree with all that Phil has said Richard is great for SA basketball. Basketball in this state is in a much better position because of Richard and what this state needs is more people like him.

Richard puts in an awful lot of work into basketball in this state and is happy to work with players no matter who they play for. Hesin it for the good of basketball and people should show a man of such integrity and hard work much more respect.

Keep up the Good Work Richard!

Reply #123656 | Report this post

Years ago

The only coaches who don't try to 'poach' players are dead. Every club directly or indirectly tries to secure players from juniors to seniors to their respective clubs. The nuances of who speaks first aside, all do it, end of the lesson.

Reply #123660 | Report this post

Years ago

The rules are very clear. If a state player follows a state coach to a club or move to the club where the state coach, coaches that club then gets fined. I don't see what all the fuss is about. If the player went there then the club gets fined, if they didn't then the club doesn't. Everything else has been going on at senior basketball for years. BSA is trying to stop it but I say good luck to them if they can. Although having said that now all players must sign an agreement to play ABL that means all players are contracted to that club and under the BSA rules no club can talk to a contracted player. Will wait and see if this fixes the problem? Me, I don't think so!

Reply #123950 | Report this post

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