There are a lot of myths regarding coaching in both country and metro.
Some would have you believe the same people are appointed and reappointed because there is a lack of interest in the positions and other suggest that only a few have the skills to do it. I suggest the truth is somewhere in between.
Country regions have multiple teams playing in their town or area. There are many coaches that do the business week in , week out, yet many are in the dark about career paths in basketball and rely on the regional centre manager to provide the info. For a multitude of reasons,and in some areas, this info is not always widely disseminated. Consequently, the club coaches in country areas often remain ignorant of the processes. Often the regional managers are the state coaches, managers etc. IMO it would be advantageous for country areas to widen their base of coaching talent and to actively promote career paths. Country to some extent is doing this by utilising cadet coaches but it still appears a closed shop to a large number of regional club coaches who are often left out of the communication loop.
Metro on the other hand appears to be just as elitist, We are often told that no one wants to give up their time to be a SASI coach yet I would wager,
few coaches outside the big four(who are over represented) would have any idea of the protocols associated with securing a SASI position, Do you? As far as state coaching is concerned unless you have a winning team or record, good luck. This of course becomes catch 22 as few coaches who want to try state would want or could afford to coach in average clubs.
Basketball coaching pathways, both in the country and metro are less than transparent and need to be made clearer if we value success and competition.
Advertising on the respective basketball web sites is probably not good enough.