4 years ago a majority of the presidents decided there would be no transfer fees as it was killing the clubs financially and causing untold headaches when brought to the appeal committee.
3 years ago one club lost a promising junior to another club and when the transfer fees were discussed the only club who wanted to keep transfer fees was the one that lost the junior. So the prezes decided not to have fees, Except between that particular club that lost their player. Heat increased between the two arguing clubs and the prez of the losing club came up with the idea of a salary cap. That prez also came up with the idea of a recruiting rule - top club can have one new recruit and so on to the bottom club that could have four - the idea to stop good juniors going to clubs that had money. (Both ideas copied from country football)
The proposed salary cap eventually was disected, minced, tossed and finally the cap, as passed by the senior committee, was agreed upon - 25k per club with no more than 60% going to either male or female side.
Recruiting ruled waved as there is in the bylaws that no club can loose more than two players from their required list (required list has 17 players). Also not much thought was put into that rule, and before voting, too many flaws were found and ways to get around it.
By the way, the salary cap has no penalties (that are known, presented or exist)
Welcome to the brave new world.