Years ago
Locked: Western Magic
At the risk of this thread being blocked, I have some things to say.
It is time to stop the mud-slinging people. Everyone knows what has happened within the club and it has been dealt with very effectively. The committee now comprises both previous and new members who are working hard to get on with the business of running the club. What has passed before no longer has anything to do with Western Magic.
The club is growing in leaps and bounds purely from enquiries from families who do not want huge fees and have heard from their friends that Magic is a great club to play for with a friendly atmosphere. I would suggest anyone come to a training session and see the great camaradarie between the players and their coaches.
And as for poaching - which other western suburbs club coach rang a current magic player on their mobile (not even bothering to contact the parents) even before the season has finshed to entice them over for next season???? That is fact.
By the way, the player declined.
I have nothing but praise for Western Magic and everyone can blah blah blah about previous events, but the fact is the club is thriving and people can not stand that fact.
And finally to Booga, if you are who I think you are, you need to let the kids do what they want and not keep bagging magic every time you see them. It doesn't sit well with people.