ANON12, whatever angry pills you're on, cut the dosage!! You're not making much sense, champ.
"Why on earth would this topic be raised now?"
Because I chose to raise it and it is basketball-related, Anon12. That's why. If you don't like it, are not interested in it, or are offended, don't post. Simple.
"This is ancient history. True or not does it really matter? The 36ers management of that era no longer exist so what is the point of this topic."
So what if it's ancient history? Don Bradman, Abraham Lincoln and the Industrial Revolution are all ancient history, relatively speaking, but does that mean we can't talk about it just because you don't want us to? And obviously 36ers management has changed over the past decade. I don't see how that matters.
"True or not does it really matter?"
Maybe not to you, so why bother posting? But I heard something through a friend and wanted to follow up on a South Australian basketball forum to discuss. So, in a way, yes, it does matter.
"Isaac - surprised you even let this start"
Why would on earth would/should Isaac block this topic? Have I defamed anyone? For all you know I could be writing a book or a historical piece. I'm just wondering what happened between Mick and the club and what the issue was. I don't believe in my initial post I took sides. Get a grip before replying with vitriol and nonsense.