Years ago
Abby Bishop to AIS
i just wanna congratulate abby bishop on all her hardwork, which has sent her off the the AIS next year!!! good luck!!
Years ago
i just wanna congratulate abby bishop on all her hardwork, which has sent her off the the AIS next year!!! good luck!!
Years ago
oh thats good to hear, shes worked very hard and deserves it all the way. good luck mate we'll miss ya!
yeah, no joke.. shes worked her ass off to get where she is and it shows.. goodluck abs, we'll miss ya heaps! xo
dislocated hip
Years ago
well done - get some outside shooting going
Years ago
She is big and athletic. Thats why the AIS will take her. There is word that Newley may go as well. Now she has worked hard!
Years ago
No the one that has worked hard is Martin don't know why she has been overlooked. Didn't perform at state this year and not going to the Aus Camp. Well Done Abby and Scraggs too.
Years ago
Numerous posts edited/removed. Please keep it positive in this thread.
CONGRATULATIONS Abby you deserve it!! watch out AIS here comes the next Lauren Jackson!! A.B all the way
lightning strikes twice
Years ago
mia newley is WNBL in the making - she has some nice moves - big fan - deserves the rewards
Years ago
any word on anyone else going, heard a little rumor that they may have their eye on cayla! Does anyone know how many they take? been talking to a girl from the AIS and she said they haeva lready asked 6...
Years ago
i just want to say WELLDONE to all the south aussies that have been offered a scholarship at the AIS for 2005, lis, joe, abby and jordan have ALL worked hard and they all deserve it! best of luck guys n girls we'll all miss ya xxxxx
i thought cayla was 1 yr too young? no doubt she'll be off there next year tho.
abs is a champion and will kick ass over at the institute!! hope ya have fun .. and goodluck!!! xox
Years ago
This was pruned at the request of coaches. Try to not name and criticise people under 18.
(Mod: By all means congratulate our AIS attendees, but no need to bag them. Cheers.)
Years ago
didnt really think it was baggin, thought it was criticism as many others have been criticised on here for various reasons,,,,whats the difference, truth hurts!
Commendant Lassard
Years ago
No docfan,
The problem is that Abby is a minor. And as such deserves the opportunity to develop as a player without the unnecessary slagging that sometimes goes on on this site.
Right now the only people she needs to listen too, to develop as a player are her Club coaches, ITC coach and Phil Brown. If she does a good job of that and comes back to SA to play in the future as an adault then you will be able to cut her down and show that yuo suffer from small poppy syndrome then when she can hopefully better handle it, and it should have less of an effect on her development.
hmm maybe i missed sumthing.. but wasnt the criticsm towards cayla francis and not abby???
goodluck abbbby!!!!
Hey Everyone,
If you want to see a thread where under 18s have been named and bagged without Isaac or other moderators jumping in and editing/removing negative, and critical, and sometimes ridiculous messages from threads, go and check out the Women's Section, "Scaglia to the AIS" thread. There's a number of messages there that name names and say unnecessary (and untrue) things about other under 18 individuals and somehow these messages are allowed to stay on the thread without any moderator intervention.
So how come these moderator "editorial rules" are applied to some kids but not others?
What excuse do the moderators have for allowing this kind of abuse to continue for so long? Ok for a day or a week, (I realise the moderators are volunteers) but what's gone wrong with the system when names get named and false and negative comments get posted by people who claim to be in the know and these messages seem to survive longer than the compost of which they are composed?
Years ago
Have you emailed me to draw my attention to it? I don't get the chance to read every post.
Someone emailed me regarding this thread and so I addressed the problem. No one's emailed me about this other thread which you've mentioned (though I have deleted/edited a lot of posts from that thread).
If you have a problem with any posts, please email me and list the topic and post ID (e.g., #12316). The posts are for the most part very positive.
Go Abby...
this girl has come such a long way, but her attitude has been fantastic the WHOLE TIME...if anyone deserves a pat on the back its Abs...
Years ago
yeah funny anonymous "haha" way to be jealous, give these youngins some respect they work hard and deserve everythin they are offered. Welldone abby and the rest that are going. good luck and hope it all works out for all of yous
abby, a strong and committed girl. all it takes is dreams, positive attitude and ambition. any one who has these qualities in life deserves to be where they are. no body is perfect, just rember that we were born with two ears and one mouth, so listen before you speak.
congradulations Abby, may your ambitions take you all the way to the top.
with ya all the way!!
Years ago
I was lucky enough to have the honour to coach on some occasions, but mainly to watch in awe!
Please name a perfect player..... 17 years old, over 6 foot tall, pretty, talented etc. etc. Come down to Laura or Port Pirie & hear the respect Abby has, some of the people writing on here have known her for all of a year or two.....
Abby spent the 2004 season travelling to Port Pirie to honour her final year for the Agnes Basketball Club, qualified for the finals series & helped dominate the Grand Final to lift her home club over the line for a memorable a Women Grand-Final victory, for the first time in 15 years, as well as being the youngest team in history to do it.
You GO GIRL & thanks for the memories, you are on our WALL OF FAME for life, no matter what you succeed in!
Years ago
The AIS only takes tall athletic people. hell just look at josh wood
Abby, you absolute legend!Like Thomas, I've seen Abby play up in Pirie and her dedication and loyalty to Agnes was awesome. I played with Abby in the juniors some time ago and to see the improvement in her game since playing her 1st season for Laura is astounding! Abs I'm so happy for ya mate,hope you go all the way,good luck in the future!Pirie wont forget ya anytime soon! xxoo
Jess Farrell
Years ago
CONGRATULATIONS ABBY!!! You're an absolute star! Keep going and reach your dream. I know you've worked so hard to be where you are right now and i'm so happy for you! Now I get to watch you on television...hehe! Go mate, get 'em, show the world just what you're made of! I hope we will be able to catch up sometime soon!!! Godbless xoxoxox Jess
Years ago
Congratulations! Got to see Abby play here in San Diego last week. Performed well as did the team.
Paul Arnott
Years ago
Here's an article about the Gems' performance at the invitational tournament in San Diego.
Years ago
Also on BA website are scores from games between Gems & Japan All Stars played in Canberra.
Game 1 -
Abby Bishop 13 pts (5/8 FG's), 9 rebounds & 2 assists in 13:52
Game 2 -
Abby Bishop 8 pts (4/12 FG's), 9 rebounds & a steal in 18:46
3rd High Scorer & 2nd rebounder in both games off the bench. Another SA Player doing well on the National Stage.
Will she play here for the "FELLAS" when she finishes at AIS, or head O/S?
Years ago
she'll stay in aus because her choice of subects aren't college worthy..
Best of luck at worlds! be big!
Years ago
WELL DONE ABBY!! U DNT no me but i have watched u so many times on t.v playing for the AIS!! u r an absolute star n leader!! u r the hope of ya team mate!! ur a bloody gun and i as a 13 year old 6ft 1 centre i look up to u!! so keep at it n ill cya on t.v!! ur a legend!!
denis degrussa
Years ago
I had the pleasure of meetng the girl and spending time with her and her mother for a week, to truelly see what this girl is made of, you can only dream the dreams she has and WILL realise. come on you gutless anonymous critics! you should show as much courage as this young lady has and will continue to do. I guess failing yourselves, you would have to find fault in anyone who can achieve. Denis degrussa.
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