In the Know
Years ago

Davis caught driving while disqualified

I see in the paper today pg 7 Mark DAvis caught drink driving while disqualified again! Will the courts run out of patience and send him to jail? Not a great promotion for our sport again is it?

(Mod: Topic title changed.)

Topic #1027 | Report this topic

Years ago

can someone post the article?

Reply #11457 | Report this post

Years ago

he was actually caught driving unlicenced in Nov 2003 whilst suspended re a DUI so the title of the post is misleading. It has taken 11 months to get to court. Still a bad headline for someone whose role at the sixers is presumably in marketting/promotion and is a role model. Also a bad headline when you are trying to promote the sixers. A positive story out of the sport pages would be helpful.

Reply #11483 | Report this post

Sigfried and Roy  
Years ago

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Reply #11487 | Report this post

Years ago

The article didn't make The Advertiser's online selection that I can see, but I had a flick through during lunch.

Page 7 is a bit unfortunate, but I don't think that the headline mentions either the words "basketball" or "36ers" (can anyone confirm?). Probably a little larger than the Sixers would have hoped. The piece basically detailed MD's history of not paying parking tickets, driving while disqualified, etc. Said that when busted for DUI, he was 3 times over the legal limit. Not good.

Reply #11490 | Report this post

straight shooter  
Years ago

as a leader and role model he should take stock -no doubt he is paining !

Reply #11492 | Report this post

Years ago

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Reply #11493 | Report this post

Years ago

thats right as long as he wasn't driving a 36ers mitsibishi

Reply #11494 | Report this post

Years ago

True. Does he?

Reply #11495 | Report this post

Sigfried and Roy  
Years ago

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Reply #11497 | Report this post

Years ago

Does Mark go around by himself? I think you will find that if you see him travelling during business hours he is usually being driven around by someone.

Reply #11500 | Report this post

Years ago

I can guarantee that Davis does NOT drive a 36ers Mitsubishi (and if there is anyone driving a 36ers Mitsubishi, well goodluck to them - Mazda is the teams vehicle sponsor now!!)

Eevery time I have seen Mark leaving or arriving at the Dome, it has been with someone else.

As for driving required as part of his job....anyone heard of cards etc???

Reply #11553 | Report this post

Years ago

Further to that...wouldnt it also be better to get potential sponsors to the Dome to sign them up??

Take them for a tour, show them where there box will be, where they will be dining, take them into the "hallowed" areas and show them the changerooms, the gym, the "players lounge"...get them to watch some know some of the "behind the scenes" type stuff to make the potential sponsor feel really part of the team. Introduce them to the team at practise, away from all the crowds.

Reply #11554 | Report this post

Years ago

Well, when he was playing all of his drives ended up in charges anyway so he's just keeping things consistent.

I swear, I saw a game at Apollo in 91' playing for Ken "glass heels" Cole when he got fouled out on 5 charges.

Some time in jail (sharing the frontline with Dwayne Nelson) didn't do any good then - why should it now?

Reply #11586 | Report this post

Years ago

More then likely he's looking at a further suspension on his licence, plus a huge fine.

He's also entitled to 'home detention' on weekends or community service as a punishment on top of the finanical fine.

Jail time is not out of the question, but unlikely due to the calibre of legal representation that Davis could use...

Driving unlicenced usually only results in a TIN, whilst PCA (Davis has priors for PCA, not DUI. big difference) results in a appearance before a Magistrate.

Reply #11588 | Report this post

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

Whar are you on about?

Reply #11589 | Report this post

Years ago

Somebody is studying law...

Reply #11590 | Report this post

Sixers Admin  
Years ago

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Reply #11602 | Report this post

Kent Brockman  
Years ago

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Reply #11603 | Report this post

Years ago

Probably to clarify any concerns they might have or gain direct information. I agree that a statement that included accurate information could be useful in this situation to avert negative publicity.

Reply #11608 | Report this post

Years ago

You know what guys, at the end of day..... and everything like that!

Reply #11638 | Report this post

Years ago

You know what I'm saying?

Reply #11643 | Report this post

Years ago

I actually managed to get to read the article today, and I think the original thread title of this thread is inaccurate, not to mention half of the discussion within.

Davis is NOT facing more drink driving charges, he is facing charges after ALLEGEDLY being caught driving down south, whilst disqualified.

The drink driving charges have been heard, and dealth with, and I think it was pure sensationalism on the part of The Advertiser (SURPRISE!!) to even mention those charges.

Hopefully, if the charges are correct, Pud has finally learned that he needs to serve his time, and get back on the road lawfully, and serve as the community icon he is known as.

(Ed: I think he made a plea of guilty and that was stated in the article. The article also mentioned driving while 3 times over the limit and disqualified; if someone has a history of driving-related offences, surely that's relevant and not sensationalism?)

Reply #11647 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

What about a joint-promotion against the dangers of drink driving and taking the road seriously, with another luminary from Port Adelaide Power (ie Mr Pickett)?

Driving without a licence is a serious offence that you wouldn't want to repeat, regardless of how big a celebrity you are. They can both expect suspended sentences and then next time ..... good night, would someone please pass the soap?

Reply #11654 | Report this post

Nash's back  
Years ago

you would get the sack at my work.....

Reply #11668 | Report this post

Years ago

If it's only a 'drive whilst suspended or court disqualified' charge then the matter should/could be dealt with via a traffic infringment notice, but this is all depending on how many prior convictions for traffic matters Davis has.

No, not studying law, just one of your friendly boys in blue.

Reply #11713 | Report this post

Years ago

Yogee, how do you ALLEGEDLY drive a car? It's black and white. You are either driving or not, and your licence is either suspended or not.

Reply #11721 | Report this post

Years ago

Stop giving the bloke a hard time, he's hardly in the spot light these days and should hardly be subjected to this type of criticism. All you forum writers i'm sure are not perfect angels! If it were anybody else who really cares.Cut the guy some slack, he was a legend for this team, played back in the day when people played for the love of the game and was and still is one of the most loyal people to the club, enough with the tall poppy syndrome!!!
I hope that people find out all the things you guys have done wrong and post it all over a website or in the paper.

Reply #11725 | Report this post

Years ago

AMEN brother let those without sin cast the first stone. (I learnt that one from the simpsons not church)

Reply #11726 | Report this post

Years ago

Panther and Informer, I was not criticising him, just making the fact that it is very hard to be allegedly caught driving...

Don't get so defensive dudes, I love Mark Davis as much as the next 36ers fan...get of your high horse.

Tall Poppy Syndrome...please

Reply #11728 | Report this post

Sigfried and Roy  
Years ago

So by that thinking, what exactly is it that Mark can do that is unacceptable that warrants closer examination. Or is he able to commit further mistakes and get away with it without suffering from the same punishment that others who are less popular than him endure. Sports people often do get of with lighter sentencing.

It is unfortunate, but if you live your life as a sports person by promoting your club throught the media, then you are a role model and need to be held accountable through the media. Just like all other sports people in the country. Because like it or not the sponsor and paying spectator want their money to go to "perfect angels" to quote panther, even though they themselves are just like the rest of us, not even close to living our lives without similar mistakes. And it is the sponsors and paying spectators that pay the wages.

Sorry just my opinion.

Reply #11729 | Report this post

Years ago

MW, do I publicily discuss the things you've been caught doing??? If you were alledged to steal post it notes from work would you like everyone to know about it??? Have it "posted" (no pun intended) on a public website for everyone to know your a hard core thief????
I'm not on my high horse, I just don't think something like this should be made as public as it is and shouldn't be discussed on this website.
Don't like the tall poppy syndrome comment? Obviously hit a nerve then...

Reply #11731 | Report this post

No perfect angel here Panther, did the crime & paid my time. Wasn't cut the slack that Mark Davis has been but I'm no sports legend, and never expected any leniency.

Unfortunately I've had good friends killed by drink drivers and irresponsible people who weren't licensed.

With all due repect to Mark Davis and his career, you can't keep dropping your pants to the law no matter how many boards you've pulled down.

It's not tall poppy syndrome, no one likes to see their hero fall but you don't want to see them hurt other people either.

It's a serious issue Panther and should be discussed. If Pud's indiscretion helps some young forum poster think twice about driving unlicensed than the thread has been worth it, don't you think?

Reply #11733 | Report this post

Years ago

Your right, I am a role model to all other office workers out there who use and abuse the stationary at their workplaces, I should be ashamed and my actions plastered all over the media...

What are you talking about?

This is a public forum to discuss all things basketball, and arguably the best player to play for the 36ers is in trouble with the law and you think that won't get discussed?

That is very naive of you Panther.

Reply #11734 | Report this post

Years ago

So Sigfried, how is it that Mark " able to commit further mistakes and get away with it without suffering from the same punishment that others who are less popular than him endure." So Mark was never punished? How was he then driving unlicensed? He just decided one day he'd hand in his licence for 18 months???
So if you advertise your club through the media then your a role model? Is that what your saying? I wouldn't clasify John Pike owner of Heaven a role model! He was alledgely caught driving while suspended, how do you know the circumstances of why he was driving? Where you there???
If he gets caught speeding or not wearing a sealtbelt would you want to informed about that???

Reply #11735 | Report this post

Years ago

I think you just did inform us.

Reply #11736 | Report this post

Years ago

Panther you're not Pud posting under an alias are you? You must be judging by the way you are defending what he has done...

Reply #11739 | Report this post

Years ago

No he's your worst nightmare!

Reply #11740 | Report this post

Years ago

All I can say is what goes around comes around, trust me.
Bootney, i'm not saying drink driving isn't a big issue, but why isn't then every single time someone drink drives or drives unlicensed that they aren't spread across the newspapers or websites like this???

Reply #11742 | Report this post

Years ago

What goes around comes what is coming around then?

Reply #11743 | Report this post

Years ago

I guess it's up to the media to make their call on what is "news worthy". And since it's basketball related, I'm not surprised that people want to express their opinion on the issue.

I would say that a non-victimless crime should definitely be publically reported. "Victimless" crimes (possession of a soft drug, for example) will get reported if you have a history of it such that the public will want to read about it, or if you're a "name" within the community.

I can appreciate the points made by those who think it's a punishable offence (i.e., some would get fired for it) and those who want to limit the negativity as it impacts basketball.I can't see everyone coming to a clean agreement either way.

Shall we wrap this up?

Reply #11744 | Report this post

Years ago

I guess you'll have to wait and see...

Reply #11745 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone know who MW is perhaps we can dig some dirt on him/her and post it all over this website for everyone to see...

Reply #11746 | Report this post

Years ago

ha ha ha...dude I have a feeling I'll be waiting a while.

Reply #11747 | Report this post

Years ago

MW writes Yogee, how do you ALLEGEDLY drive a car? It's black and white. You are either driving or not, and your licence is either suspended or not.

Well, unless our country was picked up moved whilst I was at work today, we are a democratic country.

One of our democratic rights is the presumption of innocence until proven guilty in a court of law. This has not happened, so therefore any charges Davis is facing are alleged offences until they are proven. Basic law really.

Reply #11758 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm pretty sure that he entered a plea of guilty to the court, and it was mentioned in the article.

Reply #11759 | Report this post

Years ago

Siegfried and state that when you promote your club through the media, you have to be scrutinised by the media (well, I paraphrased)....

why...if your work involves media contact, should your private life then be open to public scrutiny in the media. I am a media writer, and made the decision NOT to promote this artice to my national audience for 2 reasons a) not really relevant to a nationla audience and b) I dont feel it should be getting lived through the public media.

If this had been any other person, there would not have been a mention of it in the papers (maybe a little 5 line column on Page 24), but because it is a high profile sporting identity, bang, there goes the sensationalism.

Personally, I have no time for repeat drink drivers, or people that drive dangerously, spending 3 years working on ambulances, and seeing what it does. However, I still think this case has been well and truly beaten to death, and Davis should be afforded some sense of privacy in this matter, unless he personally decides to make some sort of public announcement.

Reply #11760 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac wrote I'm pretty sure that he entered a plea of guilty to the court, and it was mentioned in the article.

I seem to recall the articlesaid Davis was preparing to plead guilty, but then the matter got adjourned. May have misread.

Reply #11762 | Report this post

Years ago

From the Pickett incident. Article from PAFC site:
Club Statement
12:01:01 PM Thu 14 October, 2004
Port Adelaide Football Club
The Port Adelaide Football Club is aware that Byron Pickett was involved in a car accident overnight, and accordingly has been charged with several driving offences.

The club is disappointed with this and certainly relieved that no injuries were sustained as a result of the accident.

Byron is currently on annual leave.

The matter is before the courts.

Accordingly the club has nothing to add at this time.

Reply #11764 | Report this post

Years ago

Geeez......i think thats twice in about 3 months...I recall he had a prang over in Pt Lincoln )or somewhere west) not that long ago...or was that Robbie Burns? Who ironically was in court today for his Tennyson prang (twice over the limit) a licese suspension and fine.

Reply #11766 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought you were against the publication/discussion of this sort of gear! :P

Reply #11767 | Report this post

Years ago

Just saying twice in 3months.....not good!! At least Davis was just caught for no license...didnt wreck or hury anyone/anything

Reply #11769 | Report this post

Years ago

i think if you actually know who panther is you know he's had his fair share of drink driving Mr meaners! come B own up! if you think Pud's drink driving crimes are his worst, think again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply #11770 | Report this post

Years ago


YOu are 100% correct. In build the bases of taking a matter before a Magistrate (regardless of murder, shop lifting, negligent driving etc etc), it is always ALLEGED.

It's is the Police's job to investigate the identity and the incident of the 'alleged' offender. Once that investigation become complete, and the through investigation techniques (statements, ID parade, or the simple fact of someone handing you a photographic ID and cofessing), then they are still the alleged offender. It is up to the Courts to decide if that person is guilty or not guilty of that offence.

As much as it does hurt me to say this, the presumption that people are innocent, and must be proven guilty is correct.

My personal motto....... "In God we trust, everyone else is a suspect!"

Reply #11878 | Report this post

Years ago

My point was how do you allegedly drive a car? Anyway who cares...

By the way, nothing has "come around" yet Panther, I'm waiting...

Reply #11908 | Report this post

Years ago


Define for me, 'in control of a motor vehicle'.

Do you think that sitting in a vehicle, pissed out of your head, with the keys in the ignition, engine running, and then going to sleep define as being in control of a vehicle???

Then define, 'driving a motor vehicle.'

Reply #11913 | Report this post

Years ago

My understanding is as soon as you put the keys in the ignition, that is regarded under law as being in control.

I assume driving a vehicle would then be the steps taken to put it in motion (ie putting it in gear)..regardless of whether the vehicle has moved or not.

Reply #11917 | Report this post

Years ago

Not so, I once did agree with you until I was placed in the box and told not so in Court. A precendent wa set by this ruling in one of the Eastern states.

A 'gentleman' (I use the word loosely) was blind drunk, got into his vehicle in the middle of winter, placed himself in the drivers seat, turned on the ignition, turned on the engine and then passed out. Due to the fact he was asleep (my opinion, passed out), he was deemed not to be in control of his motor vehicle. 'Not guilty' was the findings....

Reply #11964 | Report this post

Years ago

A mate of mine was caught sitting in the drivers seat of a car with the keys in the ignition, not even turned on, and was found guilty of drink driving...interesting isn't it! Admittingly is was only a light sentence...

Reply #11970 | Report this post

Years ago

Alternatively, in a WA case, a person has found to have been 'driving' by simply 'controlling' the direction of the car after being towed, despite the engine not being on. Administering the brake and steering was enough!

Reply #11986 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't you just love interpretations of current legislation between different jurisdications.....

oh well, back to more important issues of basketball than worrying about work......

Reply #11999 | Report this post

Years ago

since u came back to south panther u have been very vocal on these threads
on matters from club to now drink/driving,mark is a legend,but he has not done himself or his club
any favours,he's a big boy,ur not the only one who has opinions hence the interest,ur not doing ur club any favours by defending him,

Reply #12018 | Report this post

Years ago

How am I not doing my club any favours? Assuming you play and I did say assuming, if a legend of your club was done for a traffic infringement and it was made public and people started bagging him/her would you sit back and do nothing or defend them???
I'm not saying he's innocent or guilty and i'm definitely not agreeing with the drink driving issues from a couple of years ago but to make an issue of driving whilst under suspension or excessive parking tickets is ridiculous and if people want to print plus read that kind of stuff they really should get a hobby or something.

Reply #12067 | Report this post

Years ago

It is quite funny that you do not want people discussing this issue yet you are constantly adding to the thread and not letting it die. Whats the word I am looking for here? Starts with a "H" and ends in "ypocrite"....

Reply #12091 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry what would you like me to do? Let people like yourself sit back and bag one of the legends of the game? I would gaurantee that next time you saw Pud you would once again be kissing his arse, that my friend is a hypocrite!

Reply #12189 | Report this post

Years ago

Well actually, the only time I have met the great man was at a US clothing store in a mall in Adelaide, and I can't say I was kissing his arse then...

Reply #12196 | Report this post

Years ago

What you were only buying clothes to look like him???

Reply #12223 | Report this post

Years ago

Nah dude, just passing by and saw him at the counter...

Reply #12231 | Report this post

Years ago

It is true that all of the relatives of people who have suffered at the hands of a drink driver would be upset this man has got away with it too many times for his own good and others. get off the road if you got enough bucks to catch a taxi and enough women to call to get ya home

cant say he is a good role model.

only for story telling

Reply #12557 | Report this post

Years ago

most people on these web/forums have hobby's am sure b/ball, there's to many sports/person's of late from all code's including md who are currently b4 the court's they are roll model's 4 1.000 of youngsters they should b well and truely put out there 4 all to c,and yes my friend stay out of it and yes, it's a no win situation 4 you,for anybody
legend or not and yes again u do not do south any favours stick to trying to win back some respect win some games,good luck,

Reply #12567 | Report this post

Years ago

jays, what women you talking about...isn't a man married

Reply #14789 | Report this post

Years ago

jays, what women are you talking about...isn't a man married

Reply #14790 | Report this post

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