Defence wins Games
Years ago
Smyth statement in Advertiser
"Honestly, the guys played really well (in Singapore)," Smyth said.
"There were some really positive signs in terms of passion and energy.
"We played the way we want to be playing."
I guess as a coach Smyth has to find the positive side to everything even if it difficult but with the above statements I wonder if he and I went to see the same match .
Wheeler , Nash, Cooper and Majstrovich all had no real impact on the game. Coopers 7 defensive rebounds were nothing to write back home about as most times he was not challenged.
You have got to wonder about Timmons lack of rebounds and lack of accurate 3 point shooting . Looked so slow and no agression.
Maher worked hard as usual but few gave him much support and frankly he looked like he was not enjoying the match.
Copeland showed he can still shoot very well and be a challenge , Horvath had short moments of greatness but then seem to go to the bench again, Ng took some good initiative and Sutton was ok for the short time he was given.
None of the forwards/centres were providing any kind of leadership and all should go next year .
If only Dusty had been there , then at least some honest hard work would have been done upfront and maybe Smyth could correctly have talked about team passion and energy and not just the good effort by a few .
Having watched the sixers for many years it was sad to see how the team's great positive " can do " attitude and fast entertaining playing style seems to have gone.