Years ago
An Awful Time Had By Me
I managed to get some free tickets for the sixers on Saturday night. I don't want to sound like I am looking a gift horse in the mouth by complaining - but I am gonna have to.
I was quite excited about seeing my 6ers - I usually have a good time - even though this year we have been less than flash. This year I have been to 5 games. Hawks, Crocs (twice I think), Dragons (after Heal screwed Price) and Saturday v The Bullets.
For some reason I like the Bullets - I like Sam M, Dusty and CJ's games so even if we were gonna lose I was thought I was still gonna enjoy the game.
Oh how wrong I was.
I'm not gonna really talk much about the 6ers - just that we stink - Copeland shoots everytime he gets it and if he is not shooting he is looking to shoot first, why can a pro team not beat a full court press - the only one that looked comfortable with the ball in hands was Maher (and Sutton to a point) - how many turnovers in the 1st half v the press, 10? I was just frustrated beyond belief - Maher has gone up leaps and bounds in my estimation he is a fantastic player - shame he is gonna leave.
Anyway the reason I want to write to see your collective opinion on the matter. The product that Sixers oraganistion is putting forward in just atrocious. Empty stadium not really their fault but why not close the top part and put people behind the basket.
But the thing that really, really p*sses me off is the goddamn court side announcer and the freaking music. Look, in my estimation now people go to the basketball coz they love basketball - I asked a mate and said "Do you think families come to this thing anymore" and he said "yeah, only hardened basketball families". Do the Sixers still think this is the 90's - Basketball is not popular anymore - the golden run is over - why not market the sport to basketball people. Do you know what basketball people like? Cheering for their team - do you know what you can't do at the Sixers? Cheer for your team - coz anytime we get a run on Courtside Music Guy is playing "That God I'm A F'n Country Boy" - What the hell does that have to do with basketball? What can I do when that song comes on - get everyone in my freaking row to do a line dance. I want to yell and scream and cheer - booo people liek Hill and Gibson for looking like prats, go nuts when we hit 3's - I can coz Court Side Announcer is either telling me to do 1 of 3 things "Let's go Sixers, Lets Go", "Defence, Defence" or "Make some Noise". We were down 30 and he was still saying "De-Fence" - we are down 30 maybe you should have got us to yell louder earlier to cheer our team ... but of course our team can't hear us coz they are playing "My Sharona".
Boti wrote an article about turning the music off - do you know what they did the next game - turned the msuic off. Do you know what happened - our team got down v The Dragons - we yelled and screamed and booed Heal and we got the boys over the line. But I guess playing House of Pain when we are down 30 is more important.
And the Navy Seals - whose ever idea this was, it is not a great one. I hear that they could not do the Macot thing anymore - I get that. But these boys - who have prime location on court should be trying all they can do to get the crowd going but 1. they can't coz we are either yelling Lets Go Sixers or 2. being drowned out by rubbish songs from the 80's and 3. they are probably puffed out due to their complete lack of fitness. In the 4th quarter I look over and Booga and Steamroller and the other boys are all sitting arms folded, lamenting the game. My mate who was furious stood up and yelled "they don't give you those hot sh*t seats to be fickle Navy Seals, do something". Why are there - to do inane 1/4 time stuff? Fling socks into the crowd? Surely they should be trying to rally us ... they look like party guys ... I guess they only party when the Sixers aren't stinking it up. Looks like they will be sitting on their fat cans for the rest of the year then. Either that or Booga's Hot Dog rations were cut.
Glad I got that off my chest.
Plus the Hot dogs stink!