Years ago

BSA Shortsighted or Blind?

Lightning owner Marino wanted to get as many junior girls to Lightning games as possible and sought to have Friday games rescheduled when the Lightning played on Friday nights. Juniors in uniform get in free so it was a genuine attempt to raise the profile of womens basketball with junior girls.
BSA didn't agree, seems someone may have had to do extra work to reschedule games so the plan was shelved along with just about every other pro active and pro basketball idea that there's been in the last decade.
It's very difficult to believe much will change when so many of the old guard remain shadowy influences in the new BSA.
The 36 ers have a new owner but has much changed in and around their structure and will topping up with a transfusion fix the patient in need of more radical surgery. Much was amiss with the sale of the sixers and with the lack of transparency one wonders what yet to be revealed conditions controlled the sale.
The forum was open yet unattended. The structure of the new BSA is convoluted and unclear and on the surface seems to be creating a larger bureaucracy of controlling bodies.
What is the major role of BSA post 36 ers era and when do they tell us?
Little things like the juniors and Lightning games need to be got right if the big things are ever going to develop correctly

Topic #10146 | Report this topic

Big Kahuna  
Years ago

I thought this Basketball Adelaide was suppose to be running all basketball in the metro area? So wouldn't that be there decision not Basketball SA? Basketball Adelaide is the member clubs is it not?

Reply #116179 | Report this post

Years ago

For those that dont know the majority of this post was in an article in the advertiser today - but cant find the article on their website.

It is obviously going to take a while for everyone to understand the new structure - this doesnt explain why they cant reprogram the games so they dont clash with lightning games though

Reply #116180 | Report this post

Tony Blair  
Years ago

whilst I agree with the principle of rescheduling games to enable players to go and watch the Lightning.

If i was a parent of a child who's game got transferred from a friday night to a sunday or saturday night to give my child the opportunity, that we were not likely to take up, of going to the Lightning game. I'd be mightly pissed off to have my life rearranged to suit a game of elite basketball.

It does cut both ways.

Reply #116182 | Report this post

Years ago

I wish I lived in your black and white world where the answers are as simple as you make them out to be.
Maybe you could show BSA in words how it could be done because I am sure they have looked at every senario possible in how to accomodate Mr Marino/Dawes request & still be able to run a season within the time frame on suitable and available court space.
The lightening get a maximun of around 800 when no junior games are scheduled, so to inconveience around 3,000 people is more suiting to you and you think people will go.(I dont think so)
How about the lightening apply to the wnbl and ask for their games not to be scheduled on nights that juniors play.
SA is not the only state to not shift junior games for these organisations(wnbl/nbl), so maybe its an Australian wide issue and not something particular for BSA.

Reply #116183 | Report this post

Years ago

Its about promoting elite basketball to juniors so that they aspire to that level. Forget interstate, this is SA and BSA is the responsible body who could change it.
Every elite sport caters for its juniors, no hold that, every successful elite sport caters for it juniors and promotes its flagship team.
Tony- if we don't put our selves out once in a while for juniors then our sport has only a limited future.
It seems that girls still dont rate and that sport remains only important when men are playing, so while I can understand the reluctance to promote the Lightning to girls I feel its a yesterdays' view of how the world is run and where we are trying to go.
The women are the world champs. the lightning 2nd on the ladder and yet all we hear about are the woes of the 36ers. Seems we have a long way to go before the basketball world, especially in Adelaide, realizes top basketballers don't necessarilly have to have balls.

Reply #116186 | Report this post

Tony Blair  
Years ago


I realise that my child (who is an adult) and myself are heavily involved in elite level basketball.

I have had the years of giving up social events, family events etc to cater for elite basketball.

Personally I don't mind the idea of moving the women's games away from junior nights.

Realistically women's basketball does feature less in many people's eyes. It is hard to get the same newspaper space etc. Even on here the women's thread is very rarely used. And I'm sure it isn't because the majority of posters are male.

This season the women have been competitive and entertaining. Even with their slow starts. The men have been hit and miss, often lacking heart and direction.

Indeed since 1991 the Lightning haven't had a bad season like Sixers are experiencing. The women have continued and will continue to be a class act.

Do I think it is fair that women get paid less than the men no. Do I think it is fair that the majority of sports fans don't like watching women's sports no I don't. But unfortunately it is their loss in not attending more Lightning games.

I'm sure this weekend few will venture out to watch the Lightning take on the Rangers. A tough game and one the Lightning need to win to get the double chance. Few season ticket holders will take up the opportunity to see the entire game. Few will make it out by half time. some might even make it out by 3/4 time. Most will rock up not long before the sixers hit the court.

Me I'll be there before the Women's game starts and I won't leave to the Men's game has finished :) But then again I've chosen to devote the majority of my spare time to game I love. Where else would I be on a long weekend. (especially when I'm not working on Thursday).

Do I expect little Sally or little Annie or little Dora, Madee, Donna or whatever, from West, Sturt, Woodville, Centrals, Norwood or wherever to attend the Lightning game if their game got transferred no I don't because I don't expect their parents to have the same level of commitment to the game that I have.

It would be great to move the games but realistically it isn't going to happen for many reasons. But next season maybe a different thing. Lobbying is a good thing.

Reply #116192 | Report this post

Clark Kent  
Years ago

IMO the article in today's paper was all about Boti pushing his own agenda mostly probably due to his personal involvement in Junior basketball. There was no quote from BSA or even a chance for BSA to explain their side of the situation. I would have thought that was expected from any journalist, to tell both sides of a situation not just push the one that you personally have sided with.

In regards to this year's finals I believe there are a number of things to consider.

The WNBL have decided both Semi's will be played on Friday 2 February, most likely for broadcasting on ABC. This now is thrown onto BSA's hands to deal with. The Dome staright away becomes unavailable IF the Lightning host a home Semi which won't be known until the Monday of that week.

So Dome games need to be moved and others may as well. So you look to Saturday night and there's currently a 36ers match scheduled. Meaning the Dome is not available but as is the current arrangement then no games would be played anywhere on this night.

(And before you all complain this has nothing to do with sex but rather to do with the fact the 36ers draw crowds around 5,000 while the Lightning's biggest crowd this season was 827.)

So Saturday night is not an option.

So we move on to Sunday and wait ... there are already games scheduled for this day as games previously cancelled due to heat from late last year need to be played and they have already been moved to Sunday. So that's no good.

BSA need to relocate the Friday Dome games which I believe will involve games being played Sunday afternoon (which may mean Div 1 Junior teams will be playing 2 games on Sunday).

To move all other games would mean playing games on Sunday after a round already scheduled for Sunday morning, a huge strain on players, coaches, refereees, stadium staff and of course parents and families of players. Not to mention that BSA don't run all of the venues they use so Sunday afternoon may in fact not be available at some venues.

Plus here's another possible problem: What happens if this Sunday happens to be a 40 degree day?

So BSA staff and all junior families and players have to go through all of these time changes and further inconveniences on their personal lives so that a very small few (and of the 800 max they get to a Lightning game currently I am very sure the Juniors families represent a minority) get to go to a Lightning match? How is that in anyway what's best for grassroots basketball?

I think it is important to remember that neither Basketball Victoria or Basketball New South Wales postpone matches which conflict with NBL or WNBL matches. Those bodies are no less responsible for basketball in their states then BSA is here and to totally ignore the way they operate is very short sighted.

IMO everyone including the BSA staff can understand that this is a finals match (and due to the injury to Erin may well be the Lightning's last match of the year) but that BSA is responsible to grassroots, the majority of grassroots basketballers and its own competitions not the minority or the 36ers/Lightnings wants and demands. IMO they really are in a situation regarding this night in particular where they have no choice but to play games as scheduled.

And to Boti, a home Preliminary Final or Grand Final would be played on a Saturday Afternoon I believe so that won't be any problem at all. But don't let the facts get in the way of trying to push your opinions onto the public.

Reply #116195 | Report this post

Years ago

Well written Clark!

Reply #116199 | Report this post

Years ago

Clark....what possible point are you making about a 40 degree day as BSA rely on a joke hot weather policy and cancel games only when the mice are melting.
Thanks for the rest of your response and it explains BSA's headset but I'd add one point of disagreement in that I believe you grow the 'grassroots' by exposing juniors to as many elite games as you can.

Reply #116212 | Report this post

Tony Blair  
Years ago

you can only expose juniors or grassroots basketball to elite level if their parents will take them.

it is all well and good to say that move the games parents will take the kids to the game. history will show you that doesn't happen it does not equate to bums on seats.

expose the kids by having players out to trainings. expose the kids by coaches organsing a 'team' night out to watch a game.

moving games won't put bums on seats majority of parents will take the opportunity to do something else with their time.

Reply #116216 | Report this post

Maggie Thathcer  
Years ago

Dear Tony Blair - I am only toooo happy to bring by dauuuuuuughter to lightening games - but dont forget about the lower division girls - dont just talk about higher divisions - you know div 1 - some of the lower division will have talent too later on - make it affordable - be able to wear your Club uniform for free entry and we wll be there in the crowd waaving waaving daahling

Reply #116223 | Report this post

Maggie Thatcher  
Years ago

So sooooorrrry dahhhhling spelt my name wrong - hope you accpet my apologies

Reply #116225 | Report this post

Years ago

Full support for T B's comments posted #116216. Bums on seats best generated by an association with your supporters rather than "let em in for free" policy. Yes it seems to be more difficult for Women CF men to get numbers to a game, but the Lightning playing personnel are people and club friendly and this should be utilised fully.

Vince If 4k plus spectators turned to a lightning game, I'm guessing that BSA would not have participant availability to run juniors that night. Then you would get your wishes.

Reply #116288 | Report this post

Tony Blair  
Years ago


must be the politican in you then never give up the opportunity to be seen by your voting public.

hint however it helps to get the team name right.

Sween I reckon Saturday the better game will be the women's game unfortunately the men will get more specatators.

Reply #116303 | Report this post

Maggie Thatcher  
Years ago

Oohh daaahling I do apologise for the atrocious spelling - I had one too many port's after my meal and all my minders had run away and wouldn't help me with the typing. Never again will I spell it Lightening - I thought they were named after a Thunder storm

Reply #116317 | Report this post

Years ago

Current Brit. PM. - Agree again. The lightning have a mindset to break, namely that the punter does not want to watch womens b'ball regardless of the standard; Apparently they watch netball.

IMO they need to scratch the surface a little harder to find solutions.

Appart from Philips, I dont think Joe public knows who's in the team. Who's Chris Lucas? He wont tell you. Its about time he did some PR too. Not just kids either - Adults have the bucks.

Further to this and at ther risk of repeating myself, if there is an association with the club other than playing (eg ambassador to U14 div 3, taking a training session etc) goodwill with compound interest at the turnstile!

Lastly I dont think it should be a mens vs womens competition for bums on seats or recruiting only basketball knowledgeable people to watch a game. Sport at this level is an event and should be promoted in that manner. If we only allowed trully b'ball literates into the game, I'd predict a fair few empty seats.

Reply #116337 | Report this post

Years ago

Well, keep away from the forum for a week and it starts snowing in hell!!!

I'm with Tony Blair on this one. Aussie Rules dont cancel senior, let alone junior games if they clash with a Crows or Power game.

Soccer doesnt cancel due to clashing with the Reds.

As much as I love the Lightning, they have to accept they are a separate entity away from BSA/BAdelaide now, and dont have the same influence as when they were part of BASA.

However, I was glad to see in Boti's article that Mark Hubbard, Nince and Mal will all sit down before the start of next season to ensure that all parties are catered to for maximum benefit to everyone.

Reply #116455 | Report this post

Years ago

The AFl has queues of kids knocking on the door to play football and therefore doesn't have to market the juniors this way. Huge money awaits successful juniors who make senior ranks and they have live TV and replays to consolidate their chosen sports.
To my knowledge, basketball doesn't present these outcomes so it has to attract juniors in different ways although we can continue to non market basketball and keep attracting second string athletes(and devotees) as seems the preferred way.

Reply #116462 | Report this post

Years ago

What is BSA's plan re schools and the junior market? Are they going to get actively involved in marketting this reservoir of talent which the 36ers once were underinvolved in?

Reply #116463 | Report this post

Tony Blair  
Years ago

Sween def agree with you. If we relied on knowledge basketball people to attend games there would be a mass of empty seats. To boost numbers you need to get the Joe Public in.

Advertise in the schools give out flyers have the players attending shopping centres giving out 2 for the price of one tickets.

Initiate the unintiated don't wait for the current players or current parents to make the trip. Many parents might like a night away from their basketball commitments.

This is elite basketball it is a product to be sold.

Look at all the women who go to the AFL or SANFL and have never played a game of aussie rules in their life. You don't have to play to enjoy the game.

Reply #116485 | Report this post

Years ago


Isnt the AFI the AFL equivalent to AIS? So that option IS available to basketballing juniors.

If you spoke to someone in the eastern states, I bet they knew who Luc Longley, Andrew Gaze, or Shane Heal before they knew who Ivan Maric is (sorry Ivan!!).

Bogut and to a lesser extent Schenscher would argue that you cant make decent money out of basketball. I will concede however they had to go OS to do it. With due respect, I dont think you will see Brett Maher on any centrelink line in the near future either.

Reply #116493 | Report this post

Years ago

Yogee, I think the point is that even fringe players in the AFL make very good money, even better after the new collective bargaining agreement signed after the TV rights deal. Fringe NBL players would be better off working in a pub.

Reply #116497 | Report this post

Years ago

Also...I havent heard of SACA postponing a Redbacks match so they can go watch juniors play!

Reply #116571 | Report this post

Years ago

why cancel the juniors - taht is where the crowd would be - not at the redbacks

Reply #116628 | Report this post

Years ago

Yogee, u obviously don't go to redbacks games-come to think of it-nobody goes to redback games!

Reply #116631 | Report this post

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